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  1. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Thoughts on Stealth and D&D2024

    This discussion is making my head spin. It seems so crystal clear to me, and I’m quite an idiot. Common sense, contextual application of rulings. Each situation being different. “Invisible” condition from mundane, non-magical hiding is not the same as magical invisibility to me, the DM. I...
  2. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Wrapping up first 2-20 2024 campaign this week, some of my thoughts

    For the record, my objection is not about control. It’s based on negative experiences in the past with players who were min-maxing as a sort of way to “beat” the DM. I’m not an antagonist, and that is not my style. So I nip that sort of optimization in the bud and instead urge the player to use...
  3. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Thoughts on Stealth and D&D2024

    I understand it as thus: you are no longer hidden / invisible if: you take an action that makes a sound or make an attack if the enemy beats your stealth check with a Perception check (active or passive) if the situation changes and logic prevails (eg, you are hiding behind a column, and an...
  4. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Thoughts on Stealth and D&D2024

    A common bit of advice I've read on RPG blogs and fora over the past decade has been: "rolling to fail; don't ask for too many unecessary rolls; let it Ride". As in, the more times you call for rolls for the same action (eg, make multiple stealth checks in a single location against a single...
  5. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Thoughts on Stealth and D&D2024

    But… why is the character rolling stealth when there are no creatures around? Who are they hiding from? If they’re hiding in anticipation of enemies approaching (eg to set up an ambush) how is that not interesting, nor have consequences of failure? I don’t understand.
  6. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Thoughts on Stealth and D&D2024

    Okay so you cannot hide if someone is staring right at you. Got it. But, to hide in the first place, you need something to hide behind. You need a pillar, half wall, piece of furniture, SOMETHING to hide behind in the first place? How is this confusing or a "massive hole"?
  7. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Thoughts on Stealth and D&D2024

    Yeah I'm getting déja vu here. Like back in the Fall when every sub-Reddit and forum had endless arguments about the new Stealth rules. Just when I think I've totally nailed it, a new thread pops up and makes me second guess myself, doubt myself. Gotta note this down once again. PHB, Pg. 19...
  8. Bae'zel

    Evil Drow Statblocks to Return in Forgotten Realms Rulebooks Later This Year

    This may sound like heresy, but I took a Humanoid stat block, gave them hand crossbows and Drow racial traits from the PHB, then gave them Lolth Poison from the DMG and… they worked fine.
  9. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Wrapping up first 2-20 2024 campaign this week, some of my thoughts

    Fair enough, I don't frequently play with more experienced players. I know that this is a game, and that for some, multiclassing makes character building more fun. To me, personally, something bothers me about multiclassing, especially "dips". Maybe because I tie Class into character concept...
  10. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Wrapping up first 2-20 2024 campaign this week, some of my thoughts

    Yep. Characters with 2 classes max? I could work with that. A Warlock 7, Sorceror 1, Cleric 2, Fighter 4 = we're playing a different game LOL
  11. Bae'zel

    Evil Drow Statblocks to Return in Forgotten Realms Rulebooks Later This Year

    I just hope that they do more for describing the biggest cities and adventure locations than the Sword Coast Adventurer's guide, which was a huge let down to me. The few paragraphs that we have describing the city of Neverwinter made the place seem pretty dull and political, rather than full of...
  12. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Wrapping up first 2-20 2024 campaign this week, some of my thoughts

    Precisely! It comes down to communication with the player. Find out what they're looking for, what "theme" that they want. Nearly all of the classes (if not all) have a sub-class with an emphasis on magic (for those who want to have some spells) or "psionics", and as you mentioned, there are...
  13. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Wrapping up first 2-20 2024 campaign this week, some of my thoughts

    Noted. If this is a thing with 2024 PCs, I'll max out boss HP, I guess. Or do that thing where bosses have different "forms", like in video games. edit: the trope of anti-climactically killing off a villain right away is fun once in a while, but I can't imagine that players find it awesome to...
  14. Bae'zel

    D&D (2024) Wrapping up first 2-20 2024 campaign this week, some of my thoughts

    Wow. If this has taught me anything as a DM, it is to show restraint with magic items (and follow the attunement rules to the letter), but also ban “dip” style multi-classing. No wonder the PCs in that campaign steamrolled everything. Yeesh. Curious that bosses were defeated in one turn...
  15. Bae'zel

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    d100 games like Mythras / RuneQuest especially became a lot more loose as the night went on. Percentile Penalties? P'ah.
  16. Bae'zel

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    AI is just a tool like any other. If individual, indie creators use AI for their personal projects, I don't care. If done right, it can look pretty good even. But I'm personally not a fan, just like back in the late 2000s and early 2010s when artists clearly just traced over renders from Poser...
  17. Bae'zel

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    At least the "garbage" that WotC is putting out was made by real people who got paid to do it, rather than going cheap and effortlessly making stuff with prompts. Prompt writers are not artists and never will be. But yeah, these arguments are only cementing my perceptions of a lack of empathy...
  18. Bae'zel

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    Wait… they brought it back in 3e?! Yikes
  19. Bae'zel

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    So this sexist rule was introduced earlier than OA, but was it handled differently in OA? Was it worded differently in that Asian fetishization way? Because if so (ie, comeliness being handled differently in OA than its predecessors) then it certainly was worth bringing into focus.
  20. Bae'zel

    D&D General Drow & Orcs Removed from the Monster Manual

    Yeah that's a very important detail, and background to this. I personally would have never known (and, frankly, I never noticed this in my original copy of OA). The more you learn.