5E: Fifth Edition Monster Variants Inspired by Fourth Edition Sources

Casimir Liber

I like the mechanics too, and would like to see it used. How about making a Derro chaos shaman instead with this? (need some muscle for a derro encounter :))

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I like the mechanics too, and would like to see it used. How about making a Derro chaos shaman instead with this? (need some muscle for a derro encounter :))

Fine by me, except for the name. Derro spellcasters are usually called Savants not Sages.

The Derro Savant in the 4E Monster Manual 3 seems a suitable model, although there's already 5E versions of the Derro Savant in Mordenkainen's Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse as well as Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and Out of the Abyss.

What Challenge Rating would you be aiming at?

All the official Fifth Edition Derro Savants are CR 3, but the Fourth Edition Derro Savant is a Level 16 Controller, which is a bit stronger.

Casimir Liber

Thinking of something meaty.....with the bolt of chaos (laughs fiendishly). So modelled a little on abjurer statblock and savant. CR 9 maybe (?) idea is warping/supporting spells as well. Would have done more now but going to sleep now...more later
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Casimir Liber

Just read the 4e savant - cool abilities - Mind Scourge/Window to Madness/Strength of Madness all good - last would be good as bonus action to add STR for a turn to an ally


Just read the 4e savant - cool abilities - Mind Scourge/Window to Madness/Strength of Madness all good - last would be good as bonus action to add STR for a turn to an ally

For a 5E "Chaos Savant" based on the 4E Derro Savant I was thinking we'd give it Bolt of Chaos INSTEAD of Mind Scourge not both abilities.

Don't care for the first draft having Multiattack with Bolt of Chaos. Would rather it be one target like Mind Scourge.

If you want it to have a multitarget option, how about a Recharge After Short Rest or Recharge 6 ability called, say, Storm of Chaos that makes three Bolt of Chaos attacks against different targets or perhaps creates an AoE that has a Bolt of Chaos type effect on every target within it?

Such a chaos storm ability could be instead of the original Savant's Window of Madness or in addition to it.


Derro Chaos Savant
Small humanoid (derro), chaotic evil
Armor Class ## (type)
Hit Points ## (#d6 + ##)
Speed ## ft.

## (+–#)​
## (+–#)​
## (+–#)​
## (+–#)​
## (+–#)​
## (+–#)​

Saving Throws Stat +#
Skills Stealth +#, Skill +#
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception ##
Languages Dwarvish, Undercommon
Challenge # (### XP) Proficiency Bonus +#

Magic Resistance. The derro has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the derro has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Special Trait. ???.


Multiattack. The ??? makes ??? attacks: ??? with its ??? and ??? with its ???.

Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: +# to hit, reach # ft., one target. Hit: # (#d# + #) ??? damage.

Attack. Ranged Weapon Attack: +# to hit, range ##/## ft., one target. Hit: # (#d# + #) ??? damage.

Bolt of Chaos. Ranged Spell Attack: +# to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) [?] damage of a random type (roll d4: 1=necrotic, 2=poison, 3=cold, 4=lightning) and the target must make a DC ## Constitution saving throw. If they fail, the target suffers a special effect that depends on the bolt's damage type:
  • Necrotic Damage: Target can't regain hit points until the start of the gnoll beast shaman's next turn.
  • Poison Damage: Target is poisoned until the start of the shaman's next turn.
  • Cold Damage: Target's speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of the shaman's next turn.
  • Lightning Damage: Target can't take reactions until the start of the target's next turn.

Action (#/day). ???.

Action (Recharge 5-6 | Recharges After a Short/Long Rest). ???.

Bonus Actions

Bonus. ???.


Reaction. ???.

Legendary Actions

The [NAME] can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The [NAME] regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Action (Costs # Actions). ???.


Subsection. ???.

Subsection. ???.

(Inspired by the Derro Savant in 4th Edition's Monster Manual 3 (2010).)

Casimir Liber

ok gnoll beast shaman is here

agree ...derro savant looks a bit "busy" with both chaos and mind thingies...will align with yrs...but then not really based on 4e one though...?

Do you wanna do Fomorian Ghost shaman description or shall I (going to sleep soon)


ok gnoll beast shaman is here

Okay, Howl From the Grave is missing the save DCs and the summoned hyenas plus the formatting is a bit different from the Gnoll Beast Shaman version.

Secondly, the Jaws of Ruination doesn't match the Enworld version. In that, the hyena must start within 30 feet of the shaman, while in the D&D Beyond version it can originate from anywhere.

Thirdly, Summon Spectral Pack produces six spectral hyenas not four.

Finally Hunting Cry is missing the 3rd to 7th paragraphs (from "If a pack member loses consciousness" to Predatory Senses).

agree ...derro savant looks a bit "busy" with both chaos and mind thingies...will align with yrs...but then not really based on 4e one though...?

I thought the idea was it was going to be a new type of Savant rather than a conversion of the 4E version?

Do you wanna do Fomorian Ghost shaman description or shall I (going to sleep soon)

I'm not feeling terribly inspired at the moment. Maybe later.

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