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[Adventure]: Turning the Tide (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)

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OOC: [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION] Is Merri going to get a tail attack for moving into square P-17 to flank the dragon? If not, I'm going to take my turn :)


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Still around, just waiting for IC to live again. If @dimsdale wants I can just list my moves out and he can roll it.

Move: Lion's Den Shift
Standard: Lion's Den vs. Black Dragon (1d20+6=17, 1d6+5=10) +2 flanking missed
Minor: null

Lion's Den Effects:
On hit: Free action, deal 3 damage to any enemy that enters a square adjacent to Ignus
On move: Ignus gains +1 power bonus to all defenses until the SoNT (not factored in below)
Ignus – Male Kobold Monk 2
Initiative: +5, Speed: 6 Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 21, Fort: 15, Reflex: 16, Will: 13
HP: 33/33 (5 THP), Bloodied: 16 , Surge Value: 8, Surges Left: 7/10

Action Points: 0

OA Basic Melee Attack: +6 Melee Basic Attack (Monk Unarmed Strike) 1d8+2 Damage

Powers At-Will Powers:Lion's Den, Steel Wind

Encounter Powers: Stinging Nettles, Shadow Step, Reed in the Wind, Hellfire Touch, Shifty Maneuver, Second Wind

Daily Powers: Lashing Rain
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First Post
Still around, just waiting for IC to live again. If @dimsdale wants I can just list my moves out and he can roll it.


Lion's Den Effects:
On hit: Free action, deal 3 damage to any enemy that enters a square adjacent to Ignus
On move: Ignus gains +1 power bonus to all defenses until the SoNT (not factored in below)
Ignus – Male Kobold Monk 2
Initiative: +5, Speed: 6 Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 21, Fort: 15, Reflex: 16, Will: 13
HP: 33/33 (5 THP), Bloodied: 16 , Surge Value: 8, Surges Left: 7/10

Action Points: 0

OA Basic Melee Attack: +6 Melee Basic Attack (Monk Unarmed Strike) 1d8+2 Damage

Powers At-Will Powers:Lion's Den, Steel Wind

Encounter Powers: Stinging Nettles, Shadow Step, Reed in the Wind, Hellfire Touch, Shifty Maneuver, Second Wind

Daily Powers: Lashing Rain

GM: go ahead and roll it.

GM: [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION] No tail attack


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"You're a bad, bad dragon!"

Merri tries to focus her anger on the dragon, like she had tried before with the mean and nasty priest, but just as before, she is afraid of doing too much, hurting too much. She inflicts a light wound, but the dragon feels the anger of her attack, mildly weakening it against her allies.


Movement: Shift to P-17

Standard: Delay until she is flanking with Ignus: Lingering Fury vs. Black Dragon (AC): 1d20+9+2, 2d8+5 → ([1, 9, 2], [2, 5, 5]) Nice, natural 1 (roll). A miss still inflicts half damage, so dragon takes 12/2= 6 damage and is subject to Lingering Fury (save ends): Allies adjacent to Black Dragon gain +1 to hit and +2 damage.

Summary: Black dragon takes 6 damage and is affected by Lingering Fury (save ends)


[sblock=Merri's mini-stats]Merri- Female Human Hybrid Ardent/Vampire 3


Initiative: +4, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12

AC 18 For: 15 Ref: 16 Will: 18

HP: 34/34 THP: 0 Bloodied: 17 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 2/2

Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Common, Elven
Action Point: 1
Power Points: 2

Energizing Strike, Ire Strike, Taste of Life
Surefooted Stride, Ardent Surge, Second Wind, Sympathetic Agony, Blood Drinker
Lingering Fury, Brooch of Shielding, Onyx Dog

Notable Effects:
Resist Force 10. Vulnerable Radiant 5
Allies within 5 squares get +2 to Diplomacy, Intimidate and +1 to OA damage rolls.
Gains regeneration 4 if bloodied.
Merri has DR3 vs. enemies she hits w/ ki focus. [/sblock]


First Post
Graven steps forward and swings at the dragon.
OOC: Rolling since invisiblecastle is down. Okay, how do I do dice rolls on here now...

Graven steps forward and swings at the dragon, sinking his sword into the creature.[sblock="actions"]Move: to Q17
Standard: Booming Blade vs dragon: 1d20+10=28, hit for 11 damage. If the dragon moves away from Graven on his turn he takes 6 damage. Graven gains 10 temporary HP.
Minor: Aegis of Shielding vs dragon.[/sblock]
OOC: Just read Merri's post, so updated with the +2 damage.

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