Best Gestalt Combos?

Here are a few of my favourites:

Monk//Rogue: Scary when you combine Stunning Fist + Sneak attack.

Fighter//Rogue: The guy is the ultimate "action hero", especially if you add in Use Magic Device.

Monk//Psion: One player made a Dwarf Monk/Psion (the kind that specializes in energy and doing damage) and he rocked... he was like the Matrix meets Street Fighter. *LOL*

Any two of Favored Soul, Sorcerer, and Bard. Lots of flavorful goodness in there, with CHA doing the heavy lifting for everyone.

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Monk\Druid is a classic scary gestalt.

Monk\Fighter is nice. A Monk with Fighter HD, BAB, and Bonus Feats (on top of the Monk Bonus Feats)? Yup. Monk\Ranger isn't too bad, either.


Ninja seems to combine with other classes really well in gestalt.

Someone already mentioned the Druid/Ninja. "Now you see the Dire Bear, now you don't...."

I've also heard that Rogue/Ninja is insane. You would get the best of both worlds, plus crazy SA damage.

Monk/Ninja would also be fun. Invisible fists of fury! Sudden Strike damage would be crazy...

I'll also say Scout/Ranger. Bowalicious.

Scout has a nice synergy with Warlock, both are light armor fast-movers, eldritch blast can't be used in a full attack, only as a standard action. Scout skirmish damage only works on standard actions since you also have to use a move action to get the bonus.

The downside is only a 3/4 BAB and relatively slim HP so it's not as good as some of the others here but it has it's moments. Makes a surprisingly good Wuxia-type ninja on the flavor side..

MongooseFamiliar said:
Ninja seems to combine with other classes really well in gestalt.

Someone already mentioned the Druid/Ninja. "Now you see the Dire Bear, now you don't...."

I've also heard that Rogue/Ninja is insane. You would get the best of both worlds, plus crazy SA damage.

Monk/Ninja would also be fun. Invisible fists of fury! Sudden Strike damage would be crazy...

I'll also say Scout/Ranger. Bowalicious.

You can get Scout/Ranger now without Gestalt, its in Complete Scoundrel, Take Swift Hunter, and Scout 3/Ranger 17. Voila.

Hypersmurf said:
Would a gestalt Lurk/Rogue have more sneak attack dice than a single-classed Rogue?

Wouldn't it fall under the 'Class features two classes share' rule?

Lurks have "Psionic SA" and it's gained at different levels than a normal rogue (and peters out at 4d6), so it appears it would indeed stack :D


Nyaricus said:
Lurks have "Psionic SA" and it's gained at different levels than a normal rogue (and peters out at 4d6), so it appears it would indeed stack :D

Different levels is covered:
Class features that two classes share (such as uncanny dodge) accrue at the rate of the faster class.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc is faster than 2, 7, 12, 17, so if the two class features are the same, Rogue is 'the faster class', and the sneak attack dice will accrue at the rogue rate.

To me, "a lurk can deliver a sneak attack just like a rogue can" argues that it's a shared feature, with the lurk having an extra limitation that he can only use it while focused.


If you have access to TOB & PHB II I would humbly submit the:


Knight abilities will ensure that you pull the agro...and the Crusader Abilities will ensure you Heal and turn whatever damage you take into damage you deal.

D12 HD, Mettle, Good Fort and Will Saves and a truly scary combo when you use White Raven Maneuvers to do colossal damage with Spirited Charge. With the right Devoted Spirit Strikes and Stances you can easily heal yourself and practically never die.

Druid/Totemist from Magic of Incarnum I think would work well. Wildshape plus Soulbinds would be some pretty fun stuff.
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I'm suprised no one thought of the knight/paladin combo. Good will and fort saves, d12 hit dice, charisma bonus to saves and some spell casting. Maybe not a damage-dealer, but definately a good meat shield.

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