Blackdirge's Suped Up Monster Thread: Monster Column Updated 06/26/06!


Howdy all,

This thread is a collection of monsters, some classic, some not so classic, that have been augmented, modified, and in general, profoundly tinkered with.

Most have templates from the various WoTC books, and some have a class level or two for spice. I have tried to create monsters in a wide variety of challenge ratings, but my tastes tend to run to the powerful. (See the God Eater :D )

This thread has been around for quite a while now, and I since I have strayed from my original purpose (classic monsters only) I thought an updated first post was needed.

I hope you all continue to enjoy my creations and use them to confound, confuse and generally terrorize you PCs. :D


For those of you who are new to the thread, I occasionally take requests, so if you have an idea you would like to see done up "Blackdirge" style, let me know.

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Advanced Manticore, Monster of Legend
Gargantuan Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 18d10+198 (284 hp)
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft., Fly 50 ft. (poor)
AC: 26 (-4 size, +5 Dex, +15 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +28 melee, bite +28; or 6 spikes +23 ranged
Damage: claw 2d6+14, bite 2d8+7; or spike 2d6+7
Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Spikes, poison
Special Qualities: Scent, haste
Saves: Fort +25, Ref +19, Will +11
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 21, Con 33, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Skills: Listen +16, Move Silently +11, Search +7, Spot +15, Wilderness Lore +8
Feats: Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Improved Flight, Improved Multiattack, Combat Reflexes, Cleave, Great Cleave, Sunder
Climate/Terrain: Warm and temperate land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 15
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Spikes (Ex): With a snap of his tile Vilespike can loose a volley of six spikes as a standard action. The attack has a range of 180 feet with no range increment. A spike threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 19 or 20. Vile spike can launch only twenty-four spikes in any one day.

Poison (Ex): Vilespike’s teeth drip a powerful venom that can be delivered with a successful bite attack. The poison inflicts 1d6 points of initial and secondary temporary strength damage unless a successful fortitude save is made at DC 30.

Haste (Su): Vilespike acts with supernatural quickness. He can take an extra partial action each round as if affected by a haste spell.

The history of the unique manticore known as Vilespike is a bizarre and storied tale stretching back over millennia. Created by the evil bugbear god Hruggek to guard a hoard of treasure deposited deep beneath the ground on the prime material plane, the deity imbued Vilespike with supernatural power and strength. For thousands of years Vilespike slept on a mountain of gold jewels and magic guarding it from all intruders. The cavern in which the treasure hoard lay was in the center of a vast network of tunnels that attracted adventurers of all kinds. The unfortunate few that found Vilespike’s charge were slain, usually after days upon days of torture at the hands of the fiendish manticore. As the centuries rolled by Vilespike, imbued with immortality by Hruggek, began to lose interest in his duty and sought a way to escape his underground prison. Too large to navigate the tunnels that led to the surface there was little Vilespike could do but sit and grow ever more bitter and resentful of his creator and his predicament.

The brooding manticore was finally given his chance at freedom two and half millennia after his creation and interment. Another band of foolish adventurers following the rumors of vast treasure blundered their way into Vilespike’s cavern. The massive manticore made short work of them, filling the fighter in the party with nearly a dozen of his foot and half long tail spikes, and biting the rogue in the party nearly in half with one mammoth clash of his jaws. The cleric that accompanied the adventurers managed to loose a spell at Vilespike, burning his flesh with a bolt of searing light. The cleric did not get a chance to loose another as the enraged manticore removed his head from his shoulders with a single swipe of his razor taloned paw. The final member of the adventuring party, an elven mage, saw that he had little chance of defeating the rampaging beast that had slain his companions and fell to his knees begging for mercy. Vilespike, recognizing the arcane nature his final victim, offered the elf mage a bargain he had little choice but to accept.

The elven mage would lead Vilespike from the tunnels, widening them as needed with spells, and once they reached the surface the elf would be allowed to go free. Vilespike and his guide left the cavern after gathering up the choicest items from Hruggek’s hoard and began the long journey to the surface. The trek was arduous in the extreme, requiring almost constant stops as the elven mage used his spells to remove tons of rock and earth from the tunnel walls to allow the huge body of Vilespike to pass through, but after weeks of darkness and hunger the pair reached the sunlit world above.

Vilespike was almost struck dumb by the spectacle of the vast open sky before him as he and his guide emerged onto the side of the mountain that the manticore had spent his entire existence living beneath. For the first time in his long life Vilespike stretched his wings to their fullest extent and felt the wind ruffle his fur, the world of men lay before him unspoiled and the manitcore's heart and mind were filled with the glorious possibilities. The manticore had had very little to eat in his journey to the surface and so his first meal in this brave new world was the very person that had granted his freedom. The screams of the elven mage echoed off the mountainside for what seemed like hours as the manticore took his time devouring the hapless adventurer. Once finished with his grisly feast Vilespike spread his wings and took to the air, reveling in the rapturous feeling of the wind speeding against his body. Below him lie the cities of men and elves ripe for plunder and destruction. A new terror had been birthed whole and malignant into the world at large and soon the name of Vilespike would be synonymous with pain and misery upon the lips of men.

Description & Tactics:

Vilespike is the perfection of the manticore form. His massive body is lean and powerful covered in short glossy black fur and his huge bat wings stretch a staggering sixty feet from wing tip to wing tip. The visage of the monstrous Vilespike is noble but cruel and the dagger like fangs that fill his mouth are coated with a virulent poison. The lashing tail of the beast is studded with barbed spikes, easily eighteen inches long, which he can launch at potential foes with unerring accuracy. Much smarter than the average specimen of his kind, Vilespike is a careful and thoughtful combatant, softening his opponents up with ranged attack before closing in with his powerful claws and teeth. Vilespike is quite aware of his extended reach and when face with powerful foes will make his opponents close with him. He will also use his poisonous bite to great effect in combat, biting strong melee fighters and then retreating while the poison takes affect.

Always hungry, Vilespike is constantly on the hunt; he prefers intelligent creatures to dine on, with bugbears first on his list of favorites. Vilespike harbors a burning hatred for Hruggek who left him to rot for all eternity locked away in an earthy tomb. Unable to strike at the god himself, who has long forgotten Vilespike and the treasure he guarded, the vicious manticore inflicts his ire and resentment on the god’s chosen people. In his short time on the surface Vilespike has tracked and slain every bugbear tribe in his immediate area, unwittingly removing a scourge that had been threatening the humans and elves in the area for years. As of yet Vilespike has left the humans and elven settlement in his area untouched but that will likely change in the very near future.

Ok, I said it would be a weekly thread but what can I say, I was feeling creative.

Anyway I presnt to you Ughrot, an advanced otyugh with both the fiendish template from the MM and the corrupted template from the BoVD.





Advanced Fiendish Corrupted Otyugh
Huge Aberration
Hit Dice: 15d8+75 (146 hp)
Initiative: -2 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 22 (-2 size, -2 Dex, +16 natural)
Attacks: 2 tentacle rakes +15 melee, bite +13 melee
Damage: Tentacle rake 2d6+6 plus 7 vile, bite 1d8+3 plus 7 vile
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks: Improved grab, constrict 2d6+9, disease, smite good
Special Qualities: Scent, damage reduction 10/+3, fast healing 7, disruptive attack, acid immunity, cold and fire resistance 20, enhanced power, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +9
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 06, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 04
Skills: Hide –2 (+6), Listen +9, Spot +9, Knowledge (religion) +1
Feats: Thrall to Demon (Juiblex), Multi-attack, Multi-grab, Fling Enemy, Power Attack, Crush
Climate/Terrain: Any underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Ughrot must hit a Large-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.
Constrict (Ex): Ughrot deals automatic tentacle damage to a Large-size or smaller opponent with a successful grapple check.
Disease (Ex): Filth fever [bite, Fortitude save (DC 26), incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 temporary Dexterity and 1d3 temporary Constitution.]
Disruptive Attack (Su): Ughrot deals an additional 7 points of vile damage when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal, non-outsiders.
Smite Good (Su): Once per day Ughrot can make a normal attack to deal an additional 15 points of damage to a good a foe.

There are few creatures in all the world as disgusting as the noisome bloated vileness that is the fiend touched otyugh, Ughrot. The massive aberration makes its home in the depths of a colossal refuse pit in the center of a thriving metropolis. The pit has existed as long as the city and the collected garbage of centuries have created a sunken crater literally overflowing with trash, offal and all manner of foulness. Ughrot has carved a vast network of tunnels in the compacted, nearly solid layers of garbage and it is here that the abominable creature holds court. Served by a number of oozes and lesser otyughs, Ughrot has created an empire of garbage for itself all for the glory of its patron, the hideous demon lord Juiblex.

Few in the city venture very far into the refuse pit, merely dumping their waste along the border of the huge morass of filth. This has allowed Ughrot and his minions to remain virtually undetected. There is an ample bounty of edibles to dine on within easy reach, for Ughrot is surrounded by a virtual feast of dung, rotting vegetation and numerous corpses of all manner of creatures including humans. But the otyugh often hungers for uncorrupted flesh and its patron Juiblex demands sacrifices forcing Ughrot to take a more active roll in its meals. Typical victims include beggars and the vast array of human scavengers that prowl the refuse pit in search of useful castoffs to sell. These unfortunates are often dragged beneath the surface of the sea of garbage to be devoured at leisure by Ughrot and his followers.

Ughrot’s lair lies at the center of the refuse pit and consists of a huge hollowed cavern within the accumulated waste. Here Ughrot keeps a crude shrine to Juiblex as well as the impressive collection of treasure he has gathered over the years. Ughrot’s lair is only accessible by those willing to wade through a literal ocean of filth and decay, a daunting task that as of yet no one has undertaken.

Description & Tactics

Ughrot is a massive creature with an rough ovoid body nearly fifteen feet wide supported by three stumpy elephantine legs. Two tentacles almost twenty feet in length ending in leaf shaped appendages studded with horny hooks and barbs wave constantly around Ughrot’s body. A wide slash of a mouth dominates the center of the beast’s body filled with long filth caked fangs and exuding a carrion stench that is beyond description. Ughrot sees through a third tentacle mounted on top of its spheroid body, the tentacle contained three large rheumy red eyes and can be extended nearly ten feet to allow Ughrot to see around corners and other obstacles. Ughrot's body is covered in thick rocky hide that is coated in layer upon layer of grime and its own viscous secretions creating a dripping sheath of foul smelling slime.

Ughrot has truly been blessed by Juiblex and is imbued with many strange and terrible powers. The mere touch of its unholy flesh can corrupt the bodies of others, dealing a terrible lasting damage that can only be healed upon hallowed ground. In addition Ughrot has been filled with the power of evil and can inflict this unholy aura in the form of a smiting blow upon good aligned foes. Immune to nearly all forms of energy attacks and blessed with supernatural healing; Ughrot is truly a fearsome foe.

Ughrot is by no means a great thinker but it is smarter than most of his kind and is a canny combatant using all of its special abilities to the best effect. Ughrot will normally start combat by attempting to grapple and constrict any obvious spell casters. Its multi-grab attack makes it much more adept at grappling and it will use its fling enemy ability if pressed by a victim’s companions. Ughrot’s long reach grants it a great advantage against man-sized foes that must cover nearly twenty feet to close with the terrible creature. Ughrot will not hesitate to smite any obvious clerics of good deities or paladins and will attack these foes above all others. With its plethora of resistances and its fast healing ability Ughrot is nearly fearless but will flee a combat that it is obviously losing, using its minions to cover his retreat.
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Ok here's another. Crackjaw is a fully advanced worg with the fiendish template. Despite his relatively low CR he and his pack could give even high level PC's a run for their money.



Advanced Fiendish Worg
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 12d10+48 (126 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural)
Attacks: Bite +18 melee
Damage: Bite 1d8+10 (crit 19-20)
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft. /5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip, smite good
Special Qualities: Scent, darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/+3, cold and fire resistance 20, SR 24
Saves: Fortitude +12, Reflex +9, Will +6
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +4, Listen +10, Move Silently +7, Spot +10, Wilderness Lore +8
Feats: Power Attack, Expertise, Improved Trip, Cleave, Improved Critical (bite)
Climate/Terrain: Any forest, hills, plains and mountains
Organization: Solitary (with pack)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Nuetral Evil

Trip (Ex): If Crackjaw hits with a bite attack he can attempt to trip his foe as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails the opponent cannot react to trip Crackjaw.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day Crackjaw can smite an opponent with a normal attack inflicting an additional 12 points of unholy damage to a good aligned foe.

It was evident immediately to the goblins of the Redskull tribe that their newest worg pup was quite different than the other worgs they had bred and raised before. He was very large and his glossy black fur was streaked with red stripes reminiscent of dripping blood. The pup’s eyes shone with a feral red luminance that was unsettling even to the tribal shaman leading him to believe that the newborn worg had been touched by the goblin’s savage god Maglubiyet. Ferocious even in his first moments outside the womb, the fiendish worg pup set upon and devoured his litter mates, attacking even his mother when she came to the aid of her remaining offspring. The tribal chieftain, who watched with obvious amusement as the pup cracked the bones of his siblings in its oversized jaws, dubbed the infant worg “Crackjaw”.

As Crackjaw grew to maturity his size and strength surpassed the wildest expectations of the Redskull tribe. As large as a draft horse and with a disposition to match his fiendish nature the Redskull goblins looked on Crackjaw as a gift from their god. The huge worg refused to be ridden, mauling and even killing goblins who made the attempt, instead surging into battle alone an equal member of the tribe. With the aid of Crackjaw the Redskulls managed to annihilate a number of neighboring goblin tribes and their power was growing in the small forest in which they lived. Crackjaw was considered and equal member of the tribe but he was not happy with his station and at the goblin subjugation of his brethren. The Redskull goblins maintained over thirty worgs, which they rode into battle treating their mounts as little more than beasts to be yoked for whatever purpose was needed. Unable to resist the cunning strength of their goblin masters the worgs led a life of demeaning servitude.

A rage gad been growing in Crackjaw over the treatment of his brethren but none expected the whirlwind of destruction that would follow. The Redskull tribe was obliterated in a single night crushed beneath the ravening jaws of Crackjaw and the words he led to freedom. Crackjaw’s new “pack” feasted well on goblin corpses for many days until the huge worg that had granted them their freedom loosed a booming howl and led them from the goblin’s dank cave and out into the forest that would become their undisputed demesne.

In the months and weeks that followed the destruction of the Redskulls, Crackjaw led his pack to war. The worgs sniffed out every goblin lair in their forest and crushed it completely, allowing the surviving worgs the chance to join the pack or die. Crackjaw now leads a pack of nearly one hundred worgs all fiercely devoted to their fiendish alpha. The pack prowls their territory, a small forest in the north, almost constantly chasing down and devouring any intruders. Recently the food supplies in the area have become depleted as the huge pack had decimated the local wildlife; this has turned Crackjaw’s attention to the human villages that border the forest. An ample supply of food lies just within reach and it will not be long before the humans in the area are drowned beneath a sea of howls and snapping teeth.

Description & Tactics

Crackjaw is a massive worg, easily twelve feet long and four feet high at the shoulder. His fur is a deep midnight black streaked with blood red striations, which the goblins in his former tribe saw as a mark of their god Maglubiyet. Crackjaw’s fearsome jaws are oversized and filled with powerful bone-crushing fangs and the huge worg, true to his name, delights in cracking the bones of his enemies between them. Crackjaw’s fiendish nature is not readily apparent at first glance but the eerie glow if his red tinged eyes and the charnel stench that hangs about him are quick indications of his otherworldly origins.

Crackjaw is not a subtle combatant and rushes headlong into combat with a wild and feral abandon. The huge worg will make a beeline for the strongest looking combatant using his massive size to trip his opponent and then maul them on the ground. With his damage reduction and elemental resistances Crackjaw has learned that there is very little that can hurt him besides powerful magic and so he typically commands his pack to swarm spellcasters keeping their spells from deciding the combat. Crackjaw will only use his smite ability if he has managed to trip a good aligned opponent and can deliver a good bite attack to the fallen enemy.

Ok here's another nasty for you. Madastracht is an advanced androsphinx with the vampire template. Yeah, i know I am technically breaking the rules by applying the vampire template to a magical beast, but what's the point of rules if they can't be bent every once and a while.:D

By WoTC reckoning Madastracht has a CR of 15, but with all his special powers and physical bonuses I think that may be a bit low but your milage may vary.



Advanced Vampiric Androphinx
Huge Undead
Hit Dice: 30d12 (270 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 50 ft., Fly 80 ft. (average)
AC: 32 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +23 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +42 melee or slam +42 melee
Damage: Claws 2d6+14 (crit 19-20), slam 2d6+14 plus energy drain
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft. /10 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, rake 2d6+14, roar, spells, charm, energy drain, children of the night, create spawn
Special Qualities: Undead, damage reduction 15/+1, cold and electricity resistance 20, gaseous form, spider climb, alternate form, fast healing 5, vampiric weaknesses
Saves: Fortitude +17, Reflex +20, Will +15
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 12, Con --, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 21
Skills: Bluff +16, Hide +3, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen +22, Move Silently +11, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, Spot +22, Wilderness Lore +12
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Flight, Fly by Attack, Improved Fly by Attack, Greater Fly by Attack, Power Dive, Improved Critical (claw), Wing Storm, Dust Cloud
Climate/Terrain: Any warm land
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 15
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Cleric Spells (5/4+1/4+1/3+1): Domains evil, destruction; DC = 14 + spell level.

Pounce (Ex): If Madastracht leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, he can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): If Madastracht pounces onto a creature he make two rake attacks with its hind legs. Attack bonus +42 melee, damage 2d6+7.

Roar (Su): Three times per day Madastracht can loose a mighty roar. The first time he does this, all creatures within 500 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 30) or be affected as though by a fear spell for 12 rounds. If Madastracht roars a second time during the same encounter, all creatures within 250 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 30) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, and all those within 90 feet are deafened for 2d6 rounds (no save). If Madastracht roars a third time during the same encounter, all those within 250 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 30) or take 2d4 points of temporary Strength damage for 2d4 rounds. In addition, any Medium-size or smaller creature within 90 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 30) or be thrown to the ground and take 2d8 points of damage. The force of this roar is so great that it deals 50 points of damage to any stone or crystalline object within 90 feet. Magic items and held or carried items can avoid damage with a successful Reflex save (DC 19). Other androsphinxes are immune to these effects.

Domination (Su): Madastracht can crush an opponent’s will simply by looking into his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack but requires Madastracht to take a standard action; those merely looking at Madastracht are not affected. Anyone targeted by Madastracht must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 30) or fall instantly under his influence as though by a dominate person spell cast at 12th level. This ability has a range of 30 ft.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit my Madastracht’s slam attack suffer 2 negative levels.

Blood Drain (Su): Madastracht can suck the blood from a living victim with his fangs by making a successful grapple check. If he pins his foe, he drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent constitution damage each round the pin is maintained.

Alternate Form (Su): Madastracht can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, lion, or dire lion as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph self spell cast by a 12th level sorcerer, except that Madastracht can assume only one of the forms listed above. Madastracht can remain in this from until he assumes another or until the next sunrise.

Children of the Night (Su): Madastracht can summon a pack of 4d8 dire rats, 10d10 bats, or 3d6 lions as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve Madastracht for 1 hour.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by Madastracht’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial.

Damage Reduction (Ex): Madastracht’s tough undead body grants him damage reduction 15/+1

Fast Healing (Ex): Madastracht heals 5 points of damage per round so long as he has at least 1 hit point.

Gaseous form (Su): Madastracht can assume gaseous form at will, as the spell cast by a 5th level sorcerer.

Resistance (Ex): Madastracht has cold and electricity resistance 20.

Spider Climb (Ex): Madastracht can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Turn Resistance (Ex): Madastracht has +4 turn resistance.

There are few terrors in the south that rival the sheer malignancy and evil of Madastacht, a vampiric abomination of legendary strength and power. Suffused with evil the huge undead androsphinx silently haunts the midnight skies a slave to his own blasphemous hunger. Madastracht was not always the creature of evil his is now, once like most of his kind he was a being of light heart and cheerful demeanor. As a living androsphinx Madastracht was known as Belkorian and his territory covered a vast swath of the southern plains. Belkorian patrolled his territory constantly and was a familiar sight to travelers making their way south. The androsphinx would often follow merchant caravans traveling through his domain, sometimes striding beside them to trade gossip or news from the lands to the north.

Belkorian’s lands were considered a safe place to rest when traveling for the mighty androsphinx had all but exterminated the goblinoid population in the area and human bandits avoided the area for fear of provoking the sphinx’s ire. For fifty years Belkorian patrolled his lands vigilant for any incursions of evil but unbeknownst to the sphinx evil had long lain within his lands dormant and waiting to be discovered.

The vampire lord Nedreshek had ruled a vast empire in the south millennia ago until the paladins of the order of the smiting fist drove him from his seat of power and entombed him high upon a lonely mountain peak. For untold centuries the vampire lay in confined slumber his body slowly withering as the years trickled by. All traces of the tomb were eventually obliterated beneath various landslides and natural disasters as well as the slow erosion of time. The tomb lay undiscovered until Belkorian who was expanding his lair, a large cavern situated on a high mountain peak, unwittingly freed the vampire with his errant digging. Freed from his tomb the ravenous Nedreshek attacked the first living thing he laid eyes upon, in this case Belkorian. Undaunted by the sphinx’s size and obvious power the vampire flew into a hunger mad frenzy tearing into the surprised Belkorian with the flurry of teeth and claws. The ensuing battle was fierce and Belkorian took grievous wounds from Nedreshek but not before he dragged the powerful undead out of the cavern and into the burning light of the sun. Faced with its nemesis the vampire tried to flee back to the safety of the cave but using the last vestiges of his strength Belkorian held Nedreshek to the ground as the sunlight burned him to ash.

Horribly wounded, Belkorian crawled back into his lair and collapsed quickly falling under the shroud of unconsciousness. Fate was cruel to Belkorian, for although he had removed a terrible evil from the land, that very same evil had infected the mighty sphinx with its taint. Belkorian’s unconsciousness gradually gave way to the bleak eternity of death, but the androsphinx was not allowed to pass on to his next phase of existence. The vampire Nedreshek had drained much of Belkorian's vital life energy and replaced it with the shadowy power of undeath. Three days later Belkorian awoke, a strange and unwholesome hunger burning in his mind and a terrible strength coursing through his entire body. The mighty androsphinx had been reborn in darkness.

Unable to cope with his undead state and his hunger for the living the androsphinx went quite mad. Giving into his dark urges Belkorian began to terrorize the land he once protected. Falling from the night skies upon the merchant caravans that had always traveled his lands Belkorian left a legacy of shattered bodies and unholy mayhem. The noble androsphinx Belkorian was no more, a ravenous beast had taken his form and corrupted his mind. The creature that wears Belkorian’s face is called Madastracht and its cruelty and malice truly knows no limits. The vast plains to the south once patrolled by Belkorian are now avoided if possible, tales of a terrible winged beast that comes in the night to slay and devour have all but stopped trade to the lands beyond the plains. The merchants in the north and those in the south have begun to hire bands of adventurers to eliminate the menace but as of yet all have failed.

Description & Tactics

Like all androsphinxes Madastracht combines elements of human, lion and eagle into one powerful form. Madastracht’s body is that of a long graceful hunting cat topped with a human like head with two great feathered wings sprouting from his back. When Madastracht was alive his fur was deep golden brown, glowing with health and life, in his transition to undeath his fur has faded to a dull lusterless gray that hangs from his withered body in clumps and patches. The once proud and noble features of Belkorian have been twisted into a feral brutishness complete with the glowing red eyes and jutting fangs that are the hallmark of the vampire. Although his body has atrophied Madastracht is horrendously strong and quick, in addition his senses have sharpened to supernatural levels and his already keen intellect has reached near genius levels.

Madastracht is a nightmarish opponent with a staggering array of special powers and abilities at his disposal. He will typically attack from the air using he fly by attack feats attempting to disorient and confuse his opponents. On the ground he will start combat with a roar hoping to stun as many opponents as possible. Those that remain standing after his roar attack will be subject to his domination ability. Madastracht typically shrouds himself in protective magics before entering battle, using spells like protection from good and shield of faith to increase his already formidable defenses. Wary of powerful adventuring bands he will only enter melee if he is sure he will triumph, focusing on spellcaster first. Stunned or dominated opponents will be carried of to Madastracht’s lair to be tortured and slowly drained or to serve as slaves until the volatile and unpredictable vampire tires of them.

Ok, another lower level critter. Blisterspit is an advanced ankheg with the half dragon template. Like Crackjaw his relatively low CR is balanced by the group of regular ankhegs he controls.



Advanced Half Dragon Ankheg
Huge Dragon
Hit Dice: 9d12+54 (122 hp)
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., Burrow 20 ft.
AC: 24 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +17 natural)
Attacks: Bite +20 melee, 2 claws +15 melee
Damage: Bite 2d8+19 plus 1d6 acid, claw 2d4+6
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft. /10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, acid, breath weapon
Special Qualities: Tremorsense, acid immunity, dragon qualities
Saves: Fortitude +12, Reflex +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 36, Dex 08, Con 23, Int 07, Wis 13, Cha 08
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +5, Animal Handling +7
Feats: Improved Critical (bite), Power Attack, Sunder, Extra Breath Weapon
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm plains, forest, and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Blisterspit must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it deals automatic bite damage each round the hold is maintained.

Acid (Ex): Acidic enzymes drip from Blisterspit’s mouth each round it maintains a hold. It automatically deals 1d6 points of acid damage each round in addition to bite damage.

Breath Weapon (Ex): Twice per day Blisterspit can spit a line of caustic vitriol out to a range of 60 ft. All those caught within the line suffer 6d6 points of damage, a successful reflex saving throw (DC 20) halves the damage.

Dragon Qualities: Blisterspit has low-light vision and darkvision to a range of 60 ft. In addition it is immune sleep and paralysis effects. Blisterspit’s black dragon heritage has granted it complete immunity to acid.

Bizarre to say the least, the half dragon ankheg Blisterspit is truly a one of a kind anomaly. What possessed Blisterspit’s dragon father to seek out and mate with a mindless beast like an ankheg is beyond anyone’s reckoning, but the strange fecundity of dragonkind bred true and Blisterspit was the result. Inhabiting the northern region of the Blackspire forest, the monstrous ankheg as created a vast subterranean lair beneath the sheltering trees of the forest. Cohabiting with a large cluster of normal ankhegs, Blisterspit has managed to drive his lesser brethren to attack the nearby human settlement of Threndonvale.

The ankhegs have been raiding regularly, and the simple community of Threndonvale has been unable to repulse the vicious creatures. Blisterspit has trained his ankheg kin to not only bring back food, in the form of unfortunate humans, but has also instructed them to collect bright shiny bits of metal. Blisterspit’s has inherited his dragon father’s avarice and through his ankheg cohorts has amassed a considerable trove of gold, weapons and other trinkets. In addition to raiding the town itself Blisterspit has begun to actually attack the merchant caravans coming from the north slaying all that do not flee and then looting the wagons.

The nature of the ankheg attacks has made them very hard to combat. Bursting from the ground either in the very center of town or along the merchant roads, the insectoid creatures gain almost complete surprise on their victims. The ankheg’s ability to burrow beneath the earth has allowed them to strike anywhere they please and the unpredictable nature of these attacks had made them exceedingly difficult to prepare for. No one has been foolhardy enough to follow the tunnels left after an attack so the whereabouts of Blisterspit and his ankheg’s lair is unknown. The death total is mounting in Threndonvale and merchant caravans have ceased coming from the north placing the small town on the verge of extinction. The mayor of the town has decided on one final ploy, scraping together all of the gold he and the community can muster they have sent word of their plight to the cities in the north with the hopes of hiring a brave band of adventurers to eradicate the menace.

Description & Tactics

A bizarre mingling of reptile and insect, Blisterspit is truly a sight to behold. The long segmented body of an ankheg remains but the normal chitinous outer covering has been replaced with the thick black scales of a dragon. The six legs of the ankheg have been heavily modified with the rear four thickening to support the increased weight of the beast while the front two have developed into shorter, but stronger arm like appendages ending in vicious three taloned claws. The upper segments of Blisterspit’s body have assumed a more upright position to allow the use of the front legs to manipulate objects or make claw attacks; this posture lends Blisterspit an odd centaur-like appearance. The crowning nightmare to this unnatural union of dragon and ankheg is Blisterspit's misshapen head, which blends insect and dragon in equal parts. The long snout of the dragon is present as well as the needle sharp fangs that line the beast’s maw but oddly enough the large mandibles of the ankheg are also evident jutting from either side of Blisterspit’s mouth. Blisterspit's eyes are the multifaceted eyes of the ankheg mounted forward in his skull to provide stereoscopic vision. Two long waving antennae crown Blisterspit’s head adding the final touch to his weird and frightening form.

Although far smarter than his lesser kin Blisterspit still relies heavily on the simple tactics used by all ankhegs. Burrowing beneath a target area Blisterspit and his kin will burst from the ground attacking every living thing in the vicinity. Blisterspit will start combat off by using his breath weapon on the most obvious spellcasters and then close in for melee. Blisterspit’s improved grab ability will only be used to drag potential prey back to the lair for consumption. Confident but not suicidal Blisterspit will abandon a combat that has gotten out of hand by burrowing into the ground to escape his foes.

And another beastie to torture your PCs with. :D

Gred'Zex is an advanced wyvern with the multiheaded template from Savage Species. He also has the "Pyro" option from the same template. Good critter for parties in the 10-13 range as he doesnt have much in the way of spell resistance but has some very powerful physical attacks.


Advanced Two-Headed Pyro-Wyvern
Gargantuan Dragon (fire)
Hit Dice: 23d12+115 (293 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. (average)
AC: 20 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural)
Attacks: 2 bites +27 melee, sting +27, 2 wings +27 melee, or 2 claws +27 melee
Damage: Bite 4d6+8, sting 1d8+4 plus poison, wing 2d6+4, claw 1d8+4
Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, poison, snatch, improved grab, rend
Special Qualities: Scent, dragon qualities, fire subtype
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +14
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9
Skills: Listen +20, Move Silently +18, Search +11, Spot +19, Wilderness Lore +12,
Feats: Multiattack, Improved Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Crush, Fling Enemy, Virulent Poison, Deadly Poison, Fly by Attack, Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm forest, hill and mountains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 15
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Breath Weapon (Su): Each of Gred’Zex’s two head can breathe a jet of flame 10 ft. high, 10 ft. wide and 20 ft. long. Gred’Zex can breathe once every 1d4 rounds with and each jet deals 3d6 points of fire damage per head. A successful reflex saving throw DC 16 halves the damage.

Poison (Ex): Gred’Zex’s sting carries a poison of staggering lethality. Those struck by the wyvern’s sting must make a successful fortitude saving throw DC 28 or suffer an initial 2d6 points of temporary constitution damage. One minute later the victim must make a second fortitude saving throw or suffer another 4d6 points of temporary constitution damage.

Improved Grab (Ex): Gred’Zex can use this ability with either of his two heads or with both claws. If he gets a hold with his claws he will hang on and sting or fling his opponent if he manages to grab them with one of his heads.

Fling: If Gred’Zex has managed to grab an opponent with one of his heads he can in lieu of rending, fling his opponent away from him. If Gred’Zex chooses to fling his opponent vertically they will take normal falling damage. He can instead choose to fling an opponent horizontally inflicting half falling damage or he can fling his victim at another target in which case both victim and target take half falling damage. Gred’Zex can fling a creature up to 230 ft straight up or horizontally.

Rend (Ex): If Gred’Zex manages to hit a target with both bite attacks he hangs on and attempts to pull the creature apart inflicting an automatic 8d6+16 points of damage.

Snatch (Ex): If a Gred’Zex gets a hold on a creature four or more sizes smaller, he automatically deals damage with both claws and his sting attacks each round the hold is maintained. Gred’Zex can drop a creature he has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside.

As odd as Gred’Zex’s appearance is, his origin is a matter of no great mystery. The wyvern’s mother, a huge and terrible beast that ravaged the northern lands until she was brought down by a red dragon, purposely engineered Gred’Zex’s bizarre physiology. Far more intelligent than most of her kind, Gred’Zex’s mother had an intrinsic knowledge of the odd fecundity of dragon kind which granted the magical beasts the ability to mate with nearly any other creature. Armed with this knowledge Gred’Zex’s mother set out to find a mate that would make her offspring truly terrifying. After years of searching the huge she-wyvern found what she was looking for, a massive pyrohydra.

How Gred’Zex’s mother coerced the pyrohydra into mating with her is a matter best left to the imagination, but months later the she wyvern laid a clutch of red tinged eggs and awaited the fruits of her experimentation. Of the six eggs only three hatched and two of the wyvern chicks were so horribly mutated that they died minutes after their emergence from the egg. Only one of the chicks, a lively two-headed beast, managed to survive. The she wyvern named here soul offspring Gred’Zex which means “two heads” in draconic. Pleased that her experiment was a success Gred’Zex’s mother set about teaching her new offspring the ways of wyvern kind. When Gred’Zex grew to maturity he was well versed in the methods of stalking prey from the air and using his massive size and two heads to their best advantage. Gred’Zex’s two heads shared only one mind allowing the wyvern to coordinate attacks without the difficulty other two-headed creatures, like ettins, have with two personalities in one body.

Gred’Zex and his mother terrorized the countryside until the red dragon Pyramanderoth settled in the wyverns’ territory. The huge dragon was not about to allow any competition in “his territory” and in a spectacular aerial battle with Gred’Zex and his mother sent the she wyvern spiraling from the air reduced to little more than ash and cinders and wounded Gred’Zex severely. Gred'Zex managed to escape the dragon and fled to the south where he has settled and now terrorizes the small settlements of gnomes and halflings that inhabit the area. Gred’Zex has completely destroyed the three adventuring bands sent against him by the inhabitants of the area including the famous Beastslayers a group who had gained much renown from slaying massive and powerful monsters like dragons. It is likely that Gred’Zex will eventually be brought down by either a dragon or a powerful adventuring group but for the time being he reigns supreme as the top monster in his area.

Description & Tactics

Bizarre and terrifying Gred’Zex is a mighty opponent capable of decimating even a well-armed group of adventurers. Gred’Zex’s body is that of a wyvern grown to colossal proportions. His thick red scales are iron hard and resistant to all but the most powerful blows, while his terrible claws and sting can slay even the stoutest of warriors with a single blow. Gred’Zex’s twin heads combine features of his hydra father as well as his wyvern mother. Both heads bare the slightly shorter snout of the hydra as well as the raised crest of the multiheaded beast. The eyes and fangs of each head are all wyvern, the former containing the feral cunning of wyvern-kind while the latter are one-foot daggers capable of rending steel. Gred’Zex glides through the sky on two mammoth wings spanning over eighty feet that literally blot out the sun as the massive beast descends on his victims. Unlike most wyverns, Gred’Zex is a skilled flyer and uses his increased mobility in the air to great advantage in combat.

Gred’Zex will almost always start combat from the air, attempting to snatch medium size opponents in his multiple jaws and then carry them aloft to be torn apart or dropped from a great height. Against multiple weak foes Gred’Zex will simply plummet from the air using his own gigantic body as a weapon, crushing his enemies beneath his tremendous bulk. If forced to fight upon the ground Gred’Zex will target any spellcaster with his sting or breath weapons as he has learned that powerful magic can harm him. The virulent poison in Gred’Zex’s sting is usually enough to kill a mage or sorcerer outright leveling the playing field for the wyvern. Powerful fighters will be subject to Gred’Zex battery of melee attacks including his deadly rend ability if possible. Most fighters, even powerful veterans, will likely succumb to such a powerful barrage. Gred’Zex’s mobility often gives him the upper hand against most of his foes as he can escape a fight that is going against him by taking to the air.

If followed into the sky by foes with flight ability, Gred’Zex will us his snatch and fling abilities to great effect as one notable mage learned when his adventuring group managed to drive off the powerful wyvern and the overconfident spellcaster followed the beast hoping to finish him off. The arrogant spellcaster managed to unleash a single spell before he found himself firmly locked into the jaws of Gred’Zex’s left head. His companions found the mage’s pulped and battered body much later when it had plummeted to the earth after the unfortunate spellcaster was flung into the side of a mountain.
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Warning! Vile stuff ahead! If you are in any way offended by the Book of Vile Darkness, please do not read the following post.

For those of you who are down with the vileness please refer to your BoVD's for more info on the following critter's abilities.

Dreadwing is an advanced gargoyle with the half-fiend template. He utilizes several feats from the BoVD as well as the sacrificial rules presented there in. He is a good challenge for a group of 7th to 8th level characers as he typically operates alone but has access to a number of powerful spell-like abilities. Enjoy.:D



Advanced Half-Fiend Gargoyle
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 12d10+84 (153 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 45 ft., Fly 75 ft. (average)
AC: 24 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural, +3 large steel shield)
Attacks: 2 claws +19 melee, bite +17 melee; or +1 vile greatsword +20/+15/+10 melee, bite +15 melee
Damage: Claw 1d6+8, bite 1d8+4, +1 vile greatsword 2d6+9 plus 1 vile
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. /10 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/+1, freeze, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to poison, acid, cold, fire and electricity resistance 20.
Saves: Fortitude +15, Reflex +11, Will +6
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Skills: Hide +14, Listen +17, Knowledge (religion) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Move Silently +11, Search +9, Spot +17
Feats: Multiattack, Fly by Attack, Thrall to Demon (Pazuzu), Sacrificial Master, Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Any land, aquatic or underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Freeze (Ex): Dreadwing can hold himself so still he appears to be a statue. An observer must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to notice that Dreadwing is really alive

Spell-like Abilities: 3/day – darkness, poison 1/day -- blasphemy, contagion, desecrate, unholy blight. As the spells of the same name cast as a 12th level sorcerer, DC = 12 + spell level.

The Grave of Heroes has long been shunned by the people of Ildengard due to its reputation as a place of great evil. The huge cemetery once housed the honored dead of the small town including the remains of the noble paladin Eberc Amblecrown but now has fallen into disrepair and decrepitude. Screams and other horrible sounds emanate from beyond the crumbling cemetery walls in the dark hours of the night and those few courageous souls that have braved the maze of tombs and headstones were never seen again. The ruling elders of Ildengard long content to simply ignore the sprawling necropolis at northern end of their town have recently found reason for alarm and even outright fear. Children have been disappearing all over town many of them stolen from their homes in the dead of night. The grief stricken parents of these missing children saw nothing but a few of them reported hearing the flapping of great wings just before their children were taken as well as a lingering stench of brimstone. None of the missing children have turned up and the citizens of the town have turned fear filled eyes to the Grave of Heroes dreading the possibility that their sons and daughters have been spirited away to the awful place. Panic and fear holds the town of Ildengard in an iron grip and the town elders desperately seek a solution to their dire situation hoping a brave band of adventurers can be convinced to aid the town’s people in their plight.

Unbeknownst to the people of Ildengard a being of great and terrible evil has taken residence in their abandoned cemetery. A half-fiend gargoyle named Dreadwing has found the maze of crumbling statues and mausoleums to his liking and has set up shop amid the sheltering darkness of the ancient tombs and statues. A worshiper of the Demon Lord Pazuzu, Dreadwing is a devoted follower of the vile archfiend and is skilled at making offers of flesh to his demonic patron. In return for his devotion and sacrifices Pazuzu grants Dreadwing all manner of additional powers and abilities that he uses to further the aims of the demon prince. Dreadwing has found that the sacrifice of innocents brings the most favor from his patron and has been kidnapping the children of Ildengard for that nefarious purpose. Over twenty sons and daughters have gone under the sacrificial knife of the hellish gargoyle to please his demon master and Dreadwing has no intentions of stopping.

Dreadwing’s origins lie in the fetid stinking depths of the Abyss where his father, a Vrock in the service of the demon prince Pazuzu, was involved in the bizarre and terrible experimentations of his master. Pazuzu in nominally the lord of all evil flying creatures but not all of them pay fealty to the demon lord. Pazuzu wished to increase the loyalty of these less than faithful harpies, gargoyles, perytons and the like by breeding them with loyal demon stock to produce a whole new race of half-fiends. Dreadwing was the result of one of these experimentations. His mother, a gargoyle from the prime material plane, was captured and forced to breed with the Vrock that was Dreadwing’s father. Dreadwing’s birth was fatal to his mother for, unlike most gargoyle chicks that hatch from eggs, Dreadwing grew to maturity within his mothers abdominal cavity and from there clawed his way forth killing his mother before she even laid eyes on her fiendish infant.

Dreadwing grew to maturity in the unrelenting chaos and evil in the abyss, along side the other half-fiend abominations created by Pazuzu and his followers. The demon prince’s experiments were of course shortsighted and doomed to failure. All of the crossbreeds were just as chaotic and recalcitrant as any other demon and no more loyal than their prime material parents ever were, save one. Dreadwing was truly devoted to his Demon Prince and when all of the other “failed experiments” drifted off on pursuits of their own or were devoured by more powerful demons, Dreadwing found a place for himself in the court of Pazuzu. The fiendish gargoyle served his master well and was well rewarded. Of all Pazuzu’s servants it was Dreadwing who was chosen to enter the prime material plane and spread the influence of his master, a task he readily accepted.

After leaving the Abyss, Dreadwing searched for a place on the prime material world of Oerth for a suitable base of operations. The corrupted Grave of Heroes in the small town of Ildengard suited his purposes perfectly; it was avoided and situated in an area that could not offer much resistance to the powerful fiend. The cemetery was already unhallowed, the result of blackguard who had successfully masqueraded as a paladin buried within. The corrupt energies of the blackguard had over time tainted the Grave of Heroes with evil and had even animated a few skeletons and zombies that wandered the cemetery at random. Dreadwing took up residence with the largest tomb in the cemetery, and from there began his campaign of terror against the town of Ildengard.

The town was ill defended featuring a barely competent militia numbering only twenty men. These poorly trained and under equipped citizens were no match for Dreadwing and he began raiding for sacrificial victims with no fear of reprisal. At first the gargoyle took those he found on the streets at night, carrying them off to his lair to be sacrificed and devoured, but as he realized that the town could mount no serious threat to him, he grew bolder. Demons hunger for the blood of innocents above all else and Dreadwing was eager to glut his fiendish desires as well as those of his master. It was far too simple for the gargoyle to sneak unseen and unheard into the homes of the people of Ildengard and spirit away their children. It is unlikely that Dreadwing will cease his predation upon the people of Ildengard until he is either driven out or put down by a powerful group of adventurers. The town elders are desperate for aid but they have no clue as to what manner of beast is preying on them. All that is known is that the Grave of Heroes is at the heart of disappearances but no one as of yet has been brave enough to venture into the shunned cemetery.

Description & Tactics

Dreadwing’s fiendish origins are readily apparent to those unfortunate enough to encounter him face to face. The fiend’s sleek rock like skin is covered in a plumage of short black feathers, which culminate in a pair of massive wings that stretch nearly fifteen feet from wing tip to wing tip. Standing nearly twelve feet tall Dreadwing is a creature of incredible might and power, a hulking menace nearly unstoppable in close combat. Long ape like arms end in fearsome four taloned claws capable of ripping through plate mail like tissue paper. Dreadwing’s visage combines aspects of his vrock father with his gargoyle heritage replacing the normal fanged maw of the gargoyle with a long powerful hooked beak made all the more terrifying by the blood red feathers that cover Dreadwing’s head and upper shoulders. Dreadwing lacks the long goring horns of the gargoyle but more than makes up for this with his claws and powerful beak. A strong stench of brimstone surrounds Dreadwing at all times and often lingers in the homes of his victims for hours.

Dreadwing likes nothing more than tearing his opponents limb from limb with his claws and beak. The fiendish gargoyle will however use his magical shield and greatsword, both gifts from his demonic patron, if his foes prove to be powerful melee combatants. Dreadwing favors poison and unholy blight out of his spell like abilities to open combat with, targeting spellcasters with the former and good clerics or paladins with latter. If pressed he will use his blasphemy ability and focus his attacks on those that are stunned or paralyzed by the powerful magic. Due to his near constant sacrificial activities Dreadwing is often under the influence of various spells granted by his patron, these include but are not limited to the following: aid, cat’s grace, bull’s strength, divine favor and divine power.
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Ok, I said I wouldn't do it but what the hell. This thread is supposed to be for classic monsters but a request was made the piqued my interest. Now its not a classic monster but it is without a doubt the nastiest critter I have ever made. So with out further ado.

Schmoe, here is your Advanced Corrupted Tauric Girallon of Legend.:)

I had to fudge a bit because technically the tauric template could not be applied to this monster, but I think it came out pretty good anyway. Here is hwo the moster breaks down: Girallon from the MM, giant constrictor snake from the MM, monster of legend template from MM2, corrupted template from the BoVD, and finally the tauric template from the MM2.


The Nameless

Advanced Corrupted Tauric (gargantuan constrictor) Girallon of Legend
Gargantuan Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 38d8+380 (532 hp)
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft. climb 20 ft.
AC: 33 (-4 size, +5 Dex, +22 natural)
Attacks: 4 claws +52 melee, bite +50 melee
Damage: Claw 2d6+18 plus 20 vile (crit 19-20), bite 2d8+9 plus 20 vile
Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 20 ft. /15 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend 4d6+27, constrict 2d6+27, frightful presence, improved grab, disruptive attack
Special Qualities: Scent, fast healing 10, SR 29, damage reduction 10/+3, darkvision 60 ft., acid immunity, enhanced power
Saves: Fortitude +36, Reflex +29, Will +19
Abilities: Str 47, Dex 21, Con 31, Int 05, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Balance +21, Climb +31, Hide +1, Listen +15, Move Silently +14, Spot +15
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Multi-Grab, Iron Will, Multi-Attack, Multi-Grab, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Sunder
Climate/Terrain: Warm forest, mountains and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 28
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Rend (Ex): If the Nameless hits with two or more claw attacks it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 4d6+27 points of damage.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability the Nameless must hit with at least two claws. If it gets a hold it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): The Nameless deals 2d6+24 points of damage with a successful grapple check against huge or smaller creatures.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The mere sight of the Nameless is enough to inspire terror in lesser creatures. All creatures with fewer than 38 hit dice within 20 ft. must make a Will save DC 33 on first sight of the Nameless or become shaken. The shaken affect lasts until the affected creature moves out of range. A successful save against the Nameless’s frightful presence leaves that opponent immune for 24 hours.

Fast Healing (Ex): The Nameless heals 10 points of damage each round, provided it still has at least 1 hit point. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst or suffocation.

Disruptive Attack (Ex): The nameless deals an additional 20 points of vile damage with each natural attack. Vile damage can only be healed on consecrated or hallowed ground.

Deep within the steaming jungles of the Chultan peninsula, sheltered from the light of reason and sanity an abomination has been born. The mingled power of ancient evil and the savage nature of the land itself have heaved forth an unrivaled blasphemy onto the face of Faerun. The few men that make their homes within the trackless green expanse whisper a name synonymous with ancient sleeping evil, mumbling prayers to the gods of light and sanity that death may linger within the deep jungle and leaves the humble homes of men in peace.

What is this nameless fear that stalks beneath the forest canopy? What manner of beast could have even the fearless wild dwarves of Thard Harr beseeching their savage deity for protection? These questions are better answered by the vile serpent-folk who haunt the old places within the jungles. The villainous yuan-ti have long been a blight upon the jungles of Chult, engaging in all manner of blasphemous rituals that often include the sacrifice of sentient beings. The twisted deity of the yuan-ti, a declining and decadent god known as Merrshaulk spends the unfolding eons in a drug induced stupor caring little for the plight of his slowly devolving people. But his people, vile and degenerate still draw upon his dwindling divinity, using these god energies to weave dark sorceries and further pollute their own malformed flesh. The yuan-ti are wise and their keen intellects, although twisted, are formidable. But even the sagest of the serpent folk are not immune to folly and perhaps the greatest evil in recent history can be directly attributed to the malignant disregard for all life exhibited by the yuan-ti.

Above all else the yuan-ti desire power and domination over the “lesser” races of Faerun and from their hidden temples and shrines they work tirelessly towards this goal. The divine energy of their god Merrshaulk is often used in all manner of bizarre experiments involving the cross breeding of various animals and monsters. Most of these hideous creatures die seconds after their birth, but some live on to serve their fiendish masters or haunt the jungles in deformed agony inflicting their rage and pain upon all they encounter. One such experiment, an ill conceived venture pioneered by an ambitious yuan-ti abomination named Skessex, led to the total annihilation of his people and his own death.

Skessex was a powerful cleric and had long admired the savage strength and ferocity of one of Chult’s most feared native creatures, the girallon. The huge beast was shaped much like a massive ape but featured four powerful arms ending in wicked flesh tearing talons and a maw filled with jagged dagger-like teeth. The girallon was unmatched in sheer savagery, attacking even dragons with little regard to its own safety, tearing into an opponent with the force of a raging storm. Of course for all Skessex’s admiration he felt that the girallon could only be improved by adding the strength and beauty of the serpent to its already fearsome form. His interest piqued and the foul inner workings of his demented genius bubbling way with furious activity, the yuan-ti priest ordered his servants to go into the jungle and bring back two specimens form experimentations. Skessex wanted a girallon of largest size as well as the one of the giant constrictor snakes that hunts the deepest places of the jungle. Armed with considerable magic Skessex’s servants set forth on their errand, returning one week later dragging the drugged, netted bodies of a massive girallon and a serpent of the likes Skessex had only dreamed of.
With his two specimens in hand Skessex set to work on divining a way to combine the strengths of the two beasts into one powerful form. For weeks the yuan-ti cleric poured over ancient scrolls and dark forbidden tombs searching for the answer to his blasphemous questions, but to no avail. The answer sprang upon the serpent man in a dream, as the vast and terrible form of Merrshaulk appearing in all its unholy glory holding forth a stone tablet covered in strange arcane glyphs and sigils. As Skessex shrank away from his terrible god, retreating back into wakeful consciousness a last burning impression scorched an indelible image upon the serpent man’s brain. Skessex awoke with the location of a long buried temple pounding in his mind, he knew with out doubt that the answers he sought could be found therein.

Skessex set out the next morning with a retinue of yuan-ti warriors delving deep into the dense jungle. Skessex led his band to a vast and crumbling temple whose god had long since been erased but the passing of time. The yuan-ti cleric plunged into the ruined temple with the fervor of creature possessed, making his way through the empty vine choked halls until he reached the place that he had been shown in his dream. A wide circular room held an altar of green marble, pitted and decayed but hiding a secret that Skessex burned to possess. The altar gave up its secrets after very little investigation, its huge cumbersome top sliding away to reveal a hollow space within the stone. Two stone tablets stared up at Skessex, identical to those his god had revealed to him in the depths of slumber. The serpent-man wasted no time and snatched up the tablets, placing them in a magically sealed pouch to safeguard them on the journey home.

On returning to his temple Skessex went immediately to his laboratory to wrestle with the secrets of the stone tablets. It was almost comically simple to unlock the information held within, require nothing more than an elementary divination spell. The tablets detailed a complex ritual that would combine the essence of two separate creatures into one being. The ritual was long and very dangerous requiring the blood sacrifice of fifty sentient humanoids and an infusion of the caster’s will to spark the magical process. Skessex would call upon the might of his deity to aid him during the ceremony and was confident that he would be able to achieve the results he desired.

To prepare for the ritual of joining, Skessex had a massive circular pit dug, measuring thirty feet across and some twenty feet deep. He then ordered his warriors to raid the villages of the local humans and dwarves for suitable sacrifices to fuel the blasphemous rite. When all was prepared Skessex had his specimens, the huge girallon and the giant serpent, cast into the pit still drugged and netted. The foul serpent-man then personally open up the throats of each sacrificial victim letting their life’s blood flow in to the pit to mingle with the divine energies that would coalesce there. When all the sacrifices had been made Skessex cast the bodies of his victims into the pit, hoping their flesh would aid in the transformation process. All that was left was the ritual itself, which required Skessex and ten under priests to chant uninterrupted for twelve hours. Long into the night the ancient guttural language contained on the stone tablets echoed through the jungle and then finally near the early hours of dawn Skessex intoned the final incantation to set the joining process in motion.

When the final words of the rite were spoken the pit suddenly filled with a pungent greenish vapor and the agonized howls of the girallon echoed up from the interior of the hole. Accompanying this cacophony were horrible wet ripping sounds and the acrid stench of blood and something far fouler. The sounds continued for sometime and then suddenly ceased, leaving the jungle in a state of horrified silence. Skessex stood at the edge of the pit bubbling with excitement having no doubt that Merrshaulk had blessed him with success. Success he had but Merrshaulk had nothing to do with it.

The evil goddess Shar in her guise as Eshowdow had much interest in the Chultan peninsula. Her worship among the primitive peoples of the jungle had grown and Shar had no use for rivals. The yuan-ti and their veneration of the vile snake god Merrshaulk presented a thorn in the side of the dark goddess and she set out to destroy the serpent-folk that resided in her area of control. The mind of Skessex was a perfect tool for Shar and his eager and reckless nature made it very simple for her to appear to the serpent-man in the guise of Merrshaulk and plant whatever information she desired. The stone tablets and the forgotten temple they resided in were once under the control of a long dead god named Remnos. A bizarre frog deity, Remnos had been destroyed by none other than Merrshaulk in the days when the serpent lord as more active in the realms. Shar found it quite amusing that a former rival of Merrshaulk would help bring low the god’s people.

The ritual had gone as Skessex planned but Shar had secretly mingled some of her dark sorcery into the mixture of magical and profane incantations, ensuring the Skessex got much more than he had bargained for. Shar instilled much power into the new beast that resulted from the ritual of joining as well as a deep and abiding hatred for its creators.
As Skessex peered through the fading green vapor anxious for that first glimpse of his ultimate creation somewhere amid the darkness of the unfathomable plane of shadow, Shar smiled.

With a tremendous roar a huge and towering bulk shot up from the pit its form still partially hidden by the vapor. Two massive claws snatched up Skessex and pulled him screaming into the noisome mist but his cries were short lived and they ended abruptly with the sounds of rending flesh. The yuan-ti warriors and lay priests stumbled back from the pit as Skessex was thrown back into their number, his body in two separate pieces. What followed Skessex’s ravaged corpse was a thing of indescribable horror, and as it pulled its misshapen bulk from the pit of death and pain that had birthed it, two eyes glaring with rage and hatred fell on the assembled yuan-ti warriors and priests. The serpent-folk didn’t stand a chance; Shar and the unwitting Skessex had created an unstoppable abomination that fell among the yuan-ti in a maelstrom of teeth and claws. The slaughter was total, the beast proving resistant to all the magic and force of arms the yuan-ti could bring to bear, and when the last of the serpent folk met his end at the ripping claws of the beast, Shar’s victory was complete.

The beast retreated into the deep jungle and there it remains haunting the dark places within the trackless green eternity. Hunters often see its trail made obvious by the crushed trees and butchered animals that mark its passage. Reports of whole villages of goblins and dwarves slaughtered down to the very last man have come in from the deep jungle and the few civilized areas held by humans hope in earnest that evil stays in the jungle and hungers not for the blood of men.

Description & Tactics

The unfortunate few who have laid eyes on the Nameless are barely capable of describing the beast, as its form is too horrendous to conceive. It has retained much of the aspects of the two beasts that were twined together to create it. The large muscular torso of the girallon, as well as its four arms is still in evidence but the long thick body of a colossal serpent has replaced its legs. The corrupt energies that went into the Nameless’s creation have worked much havoc on the beast and its form is twisted and bizarre. Most of the coarse fur that normally covers a girallon has been burned away and replaced with a thick coat of armor like scales. The creature’s face has combined features of serpent and girallon but not in any rational or coherent way. The random patchwork of the Nameless’s head is truly horrible and the only things that are easily identifiable are the two large eyes, featuring slitted pupils and glowing with a hellish green malevolence. Shar’s magic has also hardened and lengthened the creature’s claws and teeth and these fearsome weapons are capable of rending stone or even steel.

The Nameless uses tactics that are unsubtle and direct. It is not bright but possesses a feral cunning that allows it utilize simple ambushes and make the most of its various combat feats. The Nameless knows no fear and will fall upon its enemies with tooth and claw with little regard to its own safety. It will typically focus all its attacks on a single opponent, routinely using Power Attack to add at least twenty points of damage, and then move on to another foe once the first has fallen. The dark energies used in the Nameless’s creation have gifted it with many special powers including the ability to inflict vile damage with its natural attacks. These hideous festering wounds are resistant to normal healing and may only be cured upon holy ground. In addition a powerful aura of absolute fear surrounds the beast at all times causing all but the stoutest of hearts to quail in terror. The Nameless is immune to nearly all forms of attack requiring powerful enchanted weapons or mighty spells to damage its near invulnerable body. It is easily the most powerful creature on the Chultan peninsula, more dangerous than the few dragons that live in the jungle depths.

It is likely that the Nameless will only grow in power serving Shar’s purposes unwittingly and continue its rapid assent to the status of one of Faerun’s most powerful evils.
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Sorry for the delay folks, here's a real doozy for ya.

Pyrak is and advanced Vrock with the paragon template from the Epic Level handbook. He is easily as powerful as many of the demon lords of the abyss thanks mostly to his incredibly powerful sword, an artifact of legendary strength. Enjoy.



Advanced Paragon Vrock
Huge Outsider
Hit Dice: 24d8+312 plus 288 (936 hp)
Initiative: +9 (Dex)
Speed: 90 ft., Fly 150 ft. (good)
AC: 54 (-2 size, +9 Dex, +23 natural, +12 insight, +12 luck)
Attacks: 2 claws +58 melee, bite +54 melee, 2 rakes +54 melee or Fiendbleeder +66/+61/+56/+51 melee and bite +54 melee
Damage: Fiendbleeder 4d6+55 plus 3d6 sonic, claws 2d6+36, bite 1d8+28, rake 1d6+28
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft. /15 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spores, screech, dance of ruin, summon tanar’ri
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+6, SR 39, tanar’ri qualities, fast healing 20
Saves: Fortitude +37, Reflex +33, Will +33
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 28, Con 36, Int 29, Wis 29, Cha 27
Skills: Bluff +28, Climb +36, Concentration +50, Diplomacy +28, Hide +46, Intimidate +28, Jump +36, Knowledge (the planes) +29, Knowledge (arcana) +46, Listen +54, Move Silently +46, Search +46, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +46, Spot +54, Tumble +29, Wilderness Lore +29
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (great sword), Expertise, Improved Disarm, Sunder, Multiattack, Great Cleave, Improved Flight, Fly by Attack, Greater Fly by Attack
Climate/Terrain: The Abyss
Organization: Special
Challenge Rating: 29
Treasure: Quadruple standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Possessions: Fiendbleeder, +7 intelligent chaotic gargantuan evil outsider dread sonic blast greatsword :D

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, mass charm, mirror image, telekinesis, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only). 3/day – greater dispelling, haste, see invisibility. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 27th-level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).

Spores (Ex): Pyrak can release masses of spores from its body once every 3 rounds. The spores automatically deal 1d8+13 points of damage to all creatures within 5 feet of Pyrak. They then penetrate the skin and grow, dealing additional 1d2+13 points of damage each round for 10 rounds. At the end of this time, the victim is covered with a tangle of vine like growths. A delay poison spell stops the spores’ growth for its duration. Bless, neutralize poison, or remove disease kills the spores, as does sprinkling the victim with a vial of holy water.

Stunning Screech (Su): Once per hour Pyrak can emit a piercing screech. Every creature within a 30-foot radius must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 30) or be stunned for 1 round.

Dance of Ruin (Su): To use this ability, Pyrak and at least 4 other vrocks can link in a circle, dancing wildly and chanting. If they dance for 3 rounds, a wave of crackling energy flashes outward in a 100-foot radius. All non-demon creatures within the radius take 2d100 points of damage (Reflex half DC 28). Forcing Pyrak and the vrocks to break the circle stops the dance.

Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day Pyrak can automatically summon 1d10 vrocks or a 1d3 balors.

Telepathy (Su): Pyrak can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Eons ago, amid the endless chaos of the Abyss a new demon, the first of its kind, clawed its way from the spawning pits to begin a reckless ascent to power. A birdlike creature, with huge feathered wings, this new demon was a potent addition to the armies of the abyss with tearing claws and a slashing beak in addition to a plethora of magical abilities. A balor named Hedranatherax was on hand to witness the birthing of the new demon and being the ranking tanar’ri seized the honor of naming the beast. “Vrock,” the balor spat into the fetid abyssal air, a single guttural syllable in the foul tongue of demons. The name was a combination of two abyssal words, “v’rog” meaning wing and “uckk” meaning death. The new demon was aptly named, “winged death”.

Hedranatherax seeing an opportunity to increase his station took command of the new demon immediately and brought the beast before Pazuzu, demon prince of the air. Pazuzu was pleased with the new demon’s form as it resembled his own and took the first vrock into his domain to study the new beast’s capabilities. Hedranatherax was rewarded and sent on his way, having no idea that he had just witnessed the humble beginnings of one of the most powerful demons in the abyss.

The vrock thrived under the careful scrutiny of Pazuzu, learning its abilities and proving to be a fine addition to the abyssal armies. Pazuzu, satisfied with his new charge sought a way to breed more of the beasts and increase his own power. The demon prince sent the vrock back to the spawning pits and there after a number of blasphemous rituals and unthinkable ceremonies the spawning pits began to produce more of the new demon. Soon Pazuzu had a legion of vrocks and looked to the territory of his neighboring demon princes with a calculating eye to test his new troops. The first attack was on a minor demon prince named Uzelnak who held a vast stretch of barren abyssal plane, and commanded a ragtag army of minor demons. Pazuzu’s vrocks descended on Uzelnak’s territory en masse and quickly annihilated his forces. The vrocks performed perfectly attacking from the sky and tearing into the hordes of dretches and rutterkin that made up most of Uzelnak’s army. The vrocks even managed to kill his marilith general, tearing the demoness to pieces in a flurry of ripping claws and slashing beaks. Uzelnak himself fled his domain in utter defeat.

Pazuzu was pleased with his victory but had no interest in the abandoned domain of Uzelnak, and granted the arid stretch of the abyss to his new servants, the vrocks. The new demons were remarkably obedient to their master, having no ranking in the obscure and chaotic hierarchy of the abyss. Their only chance for survival was to attach themselves to a powerful demon lord like Pazuzu, but one vrock was not content with his roll as a servant. The original vrock demon, now called Pyrak, had secretly been growing in power and had quietly convinced the rest of his brethren to swear allegiance to him. Pyrak was a unique creature and his abilities were similar to a standard vrock only much more powerful. Pazuzu was not aware of Pyrak’s enhanced abilities, as the wily vrock had been careful to keep his powers hidden. Pyrak, like all demons hungered for power, and having seen the influence and dominance exerted by Pazuzu, craved the same status for himself.

Pyrak had another secret that his master had no knowledge of. The vrock had claimed the sword of the deposed demon lord Uzelnak after his defeat at the hands of Pyrak and his brethren. Uzelnak, who was unaware of its true power, had long used the sword only as a decorative piece. When the blade fell into the hands of Pyrak the sword sensed a kindred soul and revealed all of its staggering power to the demon. Fiendbleeder was the sword’s name and it had been forged for a single purpose, to aid its demonic masters in the never-ending war with the devils of the nine hells. Fiendbleeder added considerably to Pyrak’s growing strength and served as an indomitable symbol of authority among the other vrocks.

For centuries Pyrak served Pazuzu as a general of an ever-growing army of vrocks, striking fear into the hearts of other demon lords as he stacked up victory after victory. But Pazuzu’s bullying could not be tolerated forever and two great demon lords agreed to put aside their differences to deal with the menace of the demon prince and his vrocks. Orcus and Grazzt had long been enemies but now that their own domains were in jeopardy the desperate demon lords had no choice but to pool their resources. As fate would have it they would need to do very little to stem the tide of invasion. Pyrak, knowing that he and his vrocks would soon be sent against Pazuzu’s most powerful rivals, cuckolded his master and secretly struck a bargain with both Orcus and Grazzt. In exchange for leaving their domains in peace the two demon lords would provide Pyrak with additional support in the form of a demonic army pooled from both of their forces. This army, assisted by Pyrak and his vrocks would storm the Citadel of Wings, the fortified keep of Pazuzu.

Pazuzu, who was rarely uninformed about anything, was stunned when Pyrak led his army to the demon prince’s doorstep. Enraged that he had been duped, Pazuzu attempted to salvage some of his lost honor and brazenly challenged Pyrak to single combat. With his dominance still untested Pyrak had no choice but to accept Pazuzu’s duel in an all or nothing gamble for power. With a deafening screech both combatants launched themselves into the air to collide in a spectacular mid-air battle. The amassed army of demons watched with great interest as the two mighty fiends ripped and slashed at each other, both combatants very aware that the loser of the conflict would be banished at best and destroyed at worst. It was Fiendbleeder that finally decided the outcome of the battle, for despite all of his considerable prowess and magical ability Pazuzu could not stand against the mighty blade. The combat ended abruptly as, Pazuzu, severely wounded, ripped open a gate to the prime material plane and fled his domain and the abyss in total defeat.

Pyrak was victorious and claimed the Citadel of Wings for himself and his followers. A new power had emerged in the abyss and both Orcus and Grazzt, perhaps foolishly, honored their agreement with the mighty vrock and left him to rule in Pazuzu’s stead. In the millennia that followed his victory, Pyrak has continued to grow and power and is now one of the most powerful demons in the abyss. The vrock controls an entire abyssal layer that is little more than a flat featureless plain swarming with flying demons and other evil winged creatures. Pazuzu, of course, eventually returned to the abyss and is without doubt Pyrak’s most determined and hated rival.

Pyrak has shown little interest in the prime material plane and instead focuses his attention on the blood war with the devils of the nine hells. The powerful demon has led many successful raids into Avernus, the first level of the hells, and laid waste to entire armies of baatezu aided by his army of vrocks and his vicious greatsword. Pyrak’s relations with other mighty demons and demon lords are remarkably passive, with the exception of Pazuzu he is quite content to be left to his own devices and accord the same courtesy to his neighbors. The goals and motivations of Pyrak are unclear as only the most learned sages of planar lore have ever even heard of him, but it is rumored that he is seeking the secrets of godhood and has lately devoted much of his energy and resources to that endeavor.

Description & Tactics

Pyrak appears as a massive vrock of singular malevolence and power with slate gray feathers and a long hooked beak that appears to be made of solid iron. The demon lord is never seen without his signature weapon, an enchanted gargantuan greatsword forged of cold iron called Fiendbleeder. A force of now less than twenty advanced vrocks accompanies Pyrak at all times acting as an elite guard for the demon. Pyrak makes his home on the 575th level of the abyss in a huge floating fortress known as the Citadel of Wings. From his citadel Pyrak commands legions of vrocks and other flying demons that scour the flat featureless plain of their home for land bound intruders.

It is unlikely that adventurers would ever have the misfortune of meeting Pyrak face to face unless they are capable of visiting his abyssal home. If such an encounter were to occur the mortals would be in for a fight of epic magnitude. Pyrak has god-like intelligence and thousands upon thousands of years of harsh experience to temper his prowess. Confronted with powerful adventurers the demon lord would simply overwhelm them with minions providing magical support as necessary. If this tactic proved unsuccessful Pyrak would enter melee with Fiendbleeder, targeting spellcasters first and letting his powerful weapon wreak as much havoc as possible. The resources that Pyrak has to draw upon make him nearly invulnerable within his domain and he would likely only succumb to the ministration of mortals if some how isolated from his home and his followers.
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