Sorry for the delay folks, here's a real doozy for ya.
Pyrak is and advanced Vrock with the paragon template from the Epic Level handbook. He is easily as powerful as many of the demon lords of the abyss thanks mostly to his incredibly powerful sword, an artifact of legendary strength. Enjoy.
Advanced Paragon Vrock
Huge Outsider
Hit Dice: 24d8+312 plus 288 (936 hp)
Initiative: +9 (Dex)
Speed: 90 ft., Fly 150 ft. (good)
AC: 54 (-2 size, +9 Dex, +23 natural, +12 insight, +12 luck)
Attacks: 2 claws +58 melee, bite +54 melee, 2 rakes +54 melee or Fiendbleeder +66/+61/+56/+51 melee and bite +54 melee
Damage: Fiendbleeder 4d6+55 plus 3d6 sonic, claws 2d6+36, bite 1d8+28, rake 1d6+28
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft. /15 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spores, screech, dance of ruin, summon tanar’ri
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+6, SR 39, tanar’ri qualities, fast healing 20
Saves: Fortitude +37, Reflex +33, Will +33
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 28, Con 36, Int 29, Wis 29, Cha 27
Skills: Bluff +28, Climb +36, Concentration +50, Diplomacy +28, Hide +46, Intimidate +28, Jump +36, Knowledge (the planes) +29, Knowledge (arcana) +46, Listen +54, Move Silently +46, Search +46, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +46, Spot +54, Tumble +29, Wilderness Lore +29
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (great sword), Expertise, Improved Disarm, Sunder, Multiattack, Great Cleave, Improved Flight, Fly by Attack, Greater Fly by Attack
Climate/Terrain: The Abyss
Organization: Special
Challenge Rating: 29
Treasure: Quadruple standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Possessions: Fiendbleeder, +7 intelligent chaotic gargantuan evil outsider dread sonic blast greatsword
Spell-Like Abilities: At will: darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, mass charm, mirror image, telekinesis, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only). 3/day – greater dispelling, haste, see invisibility. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 27th-level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).
Spores (Ex): Pyrak can release masses of spores from its body once every 3 rounds. The spores automatically deal 1d8+13 points of damage to all creatures within 5 feet of Pyrak. They then penetrate the skin and grow, dealing additional 1d2+13 points of damage each round for 10 rounds. At the end of this time, the victim is covered with a tangle of vine like growths. A delay poison spell stops the spores’ growth for its duration. Bless, neutralize poison, or remove disease kills the spores, as does sprinkling the victim with a vial of holy water.
Stunning Screech (Su): Once per hour Pyrak can emit a piercing screech. Every creature within a 30-foot radius must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 30) or be stunned for 1 round.
Dance of Ruin (Su): To use this ability, Pyrak and at least 4 other vrocks can link in a circle, dancing wildly and chanting. If they dance for 3 rounds, a wave of crackling energy flashes outward in a 100-foot radius. All non-demon creatures within the radius take 2d100 points of damage (Reflex half DC 28). Forcing Pyrak and the vrocks to break the circle stops the dance.
Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day Pyrak can automatically summon 1d10 vrocks or a 1d3 balors.
Telepathy (Su): Pyrak can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.
Eons ago, amid the endless chaos of the Abyss a new demon, the first of its kind, clawed its way from the spawning pits to begin a reckless ascent to power. A birdlike creature, with huge feathered wings, this new demon was a potent addition to the armies of the abyss with tearing claws and a slashing beak in addition to a plethora of magical abilities. A balor named Hedranatherax was on hand to witness the birthing of the new demon and being the ranking tanar’ri seized the honor of naming the beast. “Vrock,” the balor spat into the fetid abyssal air, a single guttural syllable in the foul tongue of demons. The name was a combination of two abyssal words, “v’rog” meaning wing and “uckk” meaning death. The new demon was aptly named, “winged death”.
Hedranatherax seeing an opportunity to increase his station took command of the new demon immediately and brought the beast before Pazuzu, demon prince of the air. Pazuzu was pleased with the new demon’s form as it resembled his own and took the first vrock into his domain to study the new beast’s capabilities. Hedranatherax was rewarded and sent on his way, having no idea that he had just witnessed the humble beginnings of one of the most powerful demons in the abyss.
The vrock thrived under the careful scrutiny of Pazuzu, learning its abilities and proving to be a fine addition to the abyssal armies. Pazuzu, satisfied with his new charge sought a way to breed more of the beasts and increase his own power. The demon prince sent the vrock back to the spawning pits and there after a number of blasphemous rituals and unthinkable ceremonies the spawning pits began to produce more of the new demon. Soon Pazuzu had a legion of vrocks and looked to the territory of his neighboring demon princes with a calculating eye to test his new troops. The first attack was on a minor demon prince named Uzelnak who held a vast stretch of barren abyssal plane, and commanded a ragtag army of minor demons. Pazuzu’s vrocks descended on Uzelnak’s territory en masse and quickly annihilated his forces. The vrocks performed perfectly attacking from the sky and tearing into the hordes of dretches and rutterkin that made up most of Uzelnak’s army. The vrocks even managed to kill his marilith general, tearing the demoness to pieces in a flurry of ripping claws and slashing beaks. Uzelnak himself fled his domain in utter defeat.
Pazuzu was pleased with his victory but had no interest in the abandoned domain of Uzelnak, and granted the arid stretch of the abyss to his new servants, the vrocks. The new demons were remarkably obedient to their master, having no ranking in the obscure and chaotic hierarchy of the abyss. Their only chance for survival was to attach themselves to a powerful demon lord like Pazuzu, but one vrock was not content with his roll as a servant. The original vrock demon, now called Pyrak, had secretly been growing in power and had quietly convinced the rest of his brethren to swear allegiance to him. Pyrak was a unique creature and his abilities were similar to a standard vrock only much more powerful. Pazuzu was not aware of Pyrak’s enhanced abilities, as the wily vrock had been careful to keep his powers hidden. Pyrak, like all demons hungered for power, and having seen the influence and dominance exerted by Pazuzu, craved the same status for himself.
Pyrak had another secret that his master had no knowledge of. The vrock had claimed the sword of the deposed demon lord Uzelnak after his defeat at the hands of Pyrak and his brethren. Uzelnak, who was unaware of its true power, had long used the sword only as a decorative piece. When the blade fell into the hands of Pyrak the sword sensed a kindred soul and revealed all of its staggering power to the demon. Fiendbleeder was the sword’s name and it had been forged for a single purpose, to aid its demonic masters in the never-ending war with the devils of the nine hells. Fiendbleeder added considerably to Pyrak’s growing strength and served as an indomitable symbol of authority among the other vrocks.
For centuries Pyrak served Pazuzu as a general of an ever-growing army of vrocks, striking fear into the hearts of other demon lords as he stacked up victory after victory. But Pazuzu’s bullying could not be tolerated forever and two great demon lords agreed to put aside their differences to deal with the menace of the demon prince and his vrocks. Orcus and Grazzt had long been enemies but now that their own domains were in jeopardy the desperate demon lords had no choice but to pool their resources. As fate would have it they would need to do very little to stem the tide of invasion. Pyrak, knowing that he and his vrocks would soon be sent against Pazuzu’s most powerful rivals, cuckolded his master and secretly struck a bargain with both Orcus and Grazzt. In exchange for leaving their domains in peace the two demon lords would provide Pyrak with additional support in the form of a demonic army pooled from both of their forces. This army, assisted by Pyrak and his vrocks would storm the Citadel of Wings, the fortified keep of Pazuzu.
Pazuzu, who was rarely uninformed about anything, was stunned when Pyrak led his army to the demon prince’s doorstep. Enraged that he had been duped, Pazuzu attempted to salvage some of his lost honor and brazenly challenged Pyrak to single combat. With his dominance still untested Pyrak had no choice but to accept Pazuzu’s duel in an all or nothing gamble for power. With a deafening screech both combatants launched themselves into the air to collide in a spectacular mid-air battle. The amassed army of demons watched with great interest as the two mighty fiends ripped and slashed at each other, both combatants very aware that the loser of the conflict would be banished at best and destroyed at worst. It was Fiendbleeder that finally decided the outcome of the battle, for despite all of his considerable prowess and magical ability Pazuzu could not stand against the mighty blade. The combat ended abruptly as, Pazuzu, severely wounded, ripped open a gate to the prime material plane and fled his domain and the abyss in total defeat.
Pyrak was victorious and claimed the Citadel of Wings for himself and his followers. A new power had emerged in the abyss and both Orcus and Grazzt, perhaps foolishly, honored their agreement with the mighty vrock and left him to rule in Pazuzu’s stead. In the millennia that followed his victory, Pyrak has continued to grow and power and is now one of the most powerful demons in the abyss. The vrock controls an entire abyssal layer that is little more than a flat featureless plain swarming with flying demons and other evil winged creatures. Pazuzu, of course, eventually returned to the abyss and is without doubt Pyrak’s most determined and hated rival.
Pyrak has shown little interest in the prime material plane and instead focuses his attention on the blood war with the devils of the nine hells. The powerful demon has led many successful raids into Avernus, the first level of the hells, and laid waste to entire armies of baatezu aided by his army of vrocks and his vicious greatsword. Pyrak’s relations with other mighty demons and demon lords are remarkably passive, with the exception of Pazuzu he is quite content to be left to his own devices and accord the same courtesy to his neighbors. The goals and motivations of Pyrak are unclear as only the most learned sages of planar lore have ever even heard of him, but it is rumored that he is seeking the secrets of godhood and has lately devoted much of his energy and resources to that endeavor.
Description & Tactics
Pyrak appears as a massive vrock of singular malevolence and power with slate gray feathers and a long hooked beak that appears to be made of solid iron. The demon lord is never seen without his signature weapon, an enchanted gargantuan greatsword forged of cold iron called Fiendbleeder. A force of now less than twenty advanced vrocks accompanies Pyrak at all times acting as an elite guard for the demon. Pyrak makes his home on the 575th level of the abyss in a huge floating fortress known as the Citadel of Wings. From his citadel Pyrak commands legions of vrocks and other flying demons that scour the flat featureless plain of their home for land bound intruders.
It is unlikely that adventurers would ever have the misfortune of meeting Pyrak face to face unless they are capable of visiting his abyssal home. If such an encounter were to occur the mortals would be in for a fight of epic magnitude. Pyrak has god-like intelligence and thousands upon thousands of years of harsh experience to temper his prowess. Confronted with powerful adventurers the demon lord would simply overwhelm them with minions providing magical support as necessary. If this tactic proved unsuccessful Pyrak would enter melee with Fiendbleeder, targeting spellcasters first and letting his powerful weapon wreak as much havoc as possible. The resources that Pyrak has to draw upon make him nearly invulnerable within his domain and he would likely only succumb to the ministration of mortals if some how isolated from his home and his followers.