We are now in the Brown Times, the age of our kind, when the
world is dry. The kreen are matchless in the dry times.
Long ago, were the Blue Times, when the world was new, and
there was water everywhere, so much water that it appeared blue.
The kreen of the Blue Time lived on pieces of land that floated
in the water. It is said that early kreen had great, gossamer wings,
which they used to fly between the pieces of land. They knew
nothing of tools and building, but even then they hunted. In
that age were only kreen and animals, and a few plants, on the
pieces of land.
Then, so slowly that no one could notice until it had already
happened, the water went away. The pieces of land grew roots,
and the roots grew together, until land covered most of the
world, and water stood in only a few places. Plants grew in profu-
sion over the new land. This was the Green Time.
During the Green Time, more animals were born, and hunt-
ing was good. The kreen, able to travel to more of the world, dis-
covered wondrous animals, kinds they could not have imagined.
During the Green Time, the kreen, much to their surprise, met
mammals who could talk. Not quite kreen, they became known
as dra-trin, the sleepers-like-people. Now we call them dra, and
we reserve the term term for those who are more similar to kreen.
The dra were small, but they, over time, gave rise to larger dra,
and the many kinds of dra filled their part of the world.
To resist the many races of dra, the kreen had to learn new
skills. It was during the Green Time that kreen learned the way
of fighting with the mind, and with weapons. The kreen fought,
and they built, and they learned to change themselves to
become better warriors and hunters. They survived.
Then came the beginning of the Brown Time, when dra
turned on dra, and they used terrible forces on one another.
These killed many plants and animals, and the world withered
and turned brown. Hunting became poor, but the kreen were
wise and skilled, and they could find prey where no others
could. And th e kreen became more numerous and more power-
ful, and formed great nations. The kreen of these before-times
built cities, and they made beings of power as well. Many kreen
were found in the world. Some stayed in the north, while others
went south, to live among the dra who were left, to work with
them and share knowledge with them.
In the now-times, still part of the Brown Time, there are still
many kreen in the world. In the south, the dra turned against the
kreen offer of peace, and the nations of the kreen fell. The kreen
of the south, where you live, run free, caring for little but the
hunt, living near the dra. And to the north? Well, you would be
surprised at the kreen of the north . . .
the history of the kreen,
as told by Klik-Chekada
zik-trinta, tohr-kreen scout
Though his perspective is skewed toward the kreen point of view,
Kliks telling of history is essentially a true one. Long ago, the
planet of Athas was covered with water, the non-kreen races call
this time the Blue Age, and during that time the halflings had a
great and powerful civilization. However, most people do not
realize that kreenthe mantis people, usually called by their
more specific names, thri-kreen and tohr-kreen lived during
that age as well.
During the Blue Age, the kreen were primitive, their develop-
ment stunted by their environment. The Blue Age ended and
the waters retreated, largely due to the actions of the ancient
halflings. Plants grew, and all manner of life spread across the
surface of Athas. The kreen met the halflings, as well as many of
the races that sprang from the halflings, among them dwarves,
elves, humans, and giants. The kreen evolved, they developed
weapons and a civilization. They honed their mental powers,
and many became masters of the Way.
Then came the Time of Magic, the age of Rajaat and of the
Cleansing Wars he launched to eliminate the offshoots of the
halfling race. The kreen did not study magic, nor were they a
part of the Cleansing Wars. Because they were not descended
from halflings, Rajaat saw the kreen as little more than ani-
At the end of the Cleansing Wars, Rajaat was imprisoned by
his champions, who then became the Sorcerer Kings of those
lands later called the Tyr Region. For a time, during the Cleans-
ing Wars, the kreen lived in peace with some of the non-kreen
peoples, but the ascension of the Sorcerer Kings ended that
peace. The kreen of the Tyr Region became the nomadic
hunters known as thri-kreen, the mantis warriors.