WotBS Errata for WotBS #2


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I didn't see an errata thread for #2, the Fire Forest, so I'll start one. So far (still reading Act 1), this book is very clear and well written. Still waiting for my group to finish another campaign before I get to start actually running this one, but I can't wait!

Here's the first mistake I've noticed in book #2, during the "Save the Children" skill challenge (p. 57). The sentence seems to end prematurely:

Page 57 said:
Each word the heroes utter further horrifies the frightened children and negates a.

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If you want to make Intimidate particularly punishing, that should be "and negates a success," of course, and the sentence is thus tied to using Intimidate in the first place. If you'd rather go easy on the heroes, delete "and negates a" and treat the sentence as flavor text explaining the -2 modifier to further checks.

Noticed a couple of things.

In Appendix D, the Dream Elemental has the encounter power "Warp Reality". However, in tactics, the Dream Elemental uses Warp Reality liberally. Should it then be an at-will power? A 5/6 recharge power? Or keep it an encounter power, but it uses it "as soon as possible" instead of "liberally"?

I noticed that most of the Indomitable creatures have the keywords "fire" and "undead", while others (like the Indomitable Goblin Warrior & Grunt in encounters 2-5 & 2-6) have only "fire". The Indomitable Goblin Shaman has neither fire nor undead. Should they all be undead fire creatures?

In Encounters 1-5 and 2-5, it says the pool has marked squares that are deep, but I don't see any marked squares. Am I blind, or was this an oversight? Also, it says there is a ladder, but I don't see this on the map either....

Ah, it shows on p. 36 that all indomitable creatures are undead, but doesn't say that they have the "fire" keyword. I guess this is implied by the fact that they are burning and immune to fire (and that most of them are "fire" in their stat boxes), but it could be cleared up for future revision. :)

Agreed strongly about that last one. I thought that making indomitable creatures undead was a clever idea, especially since that's certainly what they appear to be. I've been playing it as if they are all undead. One of my players actually cast a powerful radiant spell on Durval, so I had that actually kill the poor guy. The PCs were pretty bewildered by that episode as a result. :p

Yes, and some of the Indomitable creatures do not have Rekindle listed as a power in their stat boxes. The story seems to indicate that all Indomitable creatures have Rekindle.

Couple more things.

In encounter 2-3, the setup shows 3 elven warrior skeletons (S), but on the map they are labeled "W" (not "S").

Really minor, but encounter 2-4 the pink highlighting in the Eladrin Protector's stat box is bigger than it should be (above Voice of Authority).

In encounter 2-7 the setup indicates 2 fire curtains, 1 cinder cloud, 1 flaming brush, none of which are shown on the map.

And, with kudos to your proofreader, since these are the first spelling errors I've noticed ...

encounter 2-8 in the red text, 'chiunks' sp 'chunks'. :0
p. 18 'maintaind' sp 'maintains'
p. 21 'attenpt' sp 'attempt'

Obviously doesn't affect game play, but it's an easy fix and, hey, why not?
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And ... another question:

The seela in 2-9 have the Rekindle power, but they are not listed as Indomitable nor undead nor fire. The pictures of them are depicted as not on fire, but there's a blurb about them falling in the water and dying as the indomitable fire is doused.

So, the question(s): Are the seela indomitable? Do they have the Undead and Fire keywords? Do they appear as on fire, like the other creatures in the forest?


And ... another question:

So, the question(s): Are the seela indomitable? Do they have the Undead and Fire keywords? Do they appear as on fire, like the other creatures in the forest?


The seela are all indomitable and have rekindle.

About Rekindle: Not all indomitable creatures have rekindle. Indomitability only provides it for those creatures that might help it in its quest or act as really good guardians.
In general, the intelligent creatures rekindle and the animals don't. There are some exceptions --- Indomitable Dire wolves for example (but notice the wolflings are not!).
Glancing through - Begnira should be Indomitable.

The Fire Aura is also based on Indomitability's whim as well. Some creatures have it and others don't.
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In encounter 2-7 the setup indicates 2 fire curtains, 1 cinder cloud, 1 flaming brush, none of which are shown on the map.

The two walls of fire across the road are the fire curtains. The burning brush is in all the terrain with flames.

The cinder cloud is a rover and comes in from offscreen initially.

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