D&D 5E Finally

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On the wizard schools, is there a transmutation school, and if so what are the abilities, and likewise how about abjuration? I am hoping one of the spell schools will let me be a "melee" wizard without needing to be an eldritch knight.

nothing seems to look like that from what i see here

Is Cyric in? If so, which domains does he offer?

Cyric - god of lies - trickers is his suggested domain.

What does the Defensive Duelist feat do, and is there any benefit to using it without a shield?

does not use shield at all. lets you add your proficiency bonus to your AC to interrupt an attack.

For Eldritch blast Palladion said it was 1d10 and that you got multiple rays as you leveled, can you tell me at what levels you get the multiple rays?

its a cantrip you dont have to choose from what I see here. 2 at 5th 3 at 11th 4 at 17th can all be at same target or different ones. each needs separate attack rolls

What does the Monk's Martial Arts ability do?
Also what does the Observant feat give?
Thank you in advance and thank you for the answers.

ok this is a cool one. works with unarmored strikes and all monk weapons. use dex instead of strength if you want. unarmed starts at d4 and goes up. if you attack you get a bonus action to unarmed strike. so if you smack someone with a quarterstaff you can punch him too.

observant is nice. you get to raise wisdom or intelligence by 1 and read lips and +5 to passive perception and investigation.

and one of my personal favourites

Feat - Mounted Combatant - you have melee advantage against unmounted enemies who are smaller than your mount. you can force an attack on your mount to target you instead. if you mount gets a dex save for half it takes half anyhow and none on a save.

Mounted rouge backstabbing the crud out of everyone?


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