Continued from the original adventure by Paranoia833.
Quick Housekeeping Bits
Please use invisible castle to make all the dice rolls you would make in a normal game. It completely bogs me down if I have to do the rolling for the PCs as well as the NPCs, and if I get bogged down I don't update as often and things spiral out of control and... well, you get the point. Please?
(I'll do the dice rolling if you simply cannot, for whatever reason. If such is the case, make sure to post the modifiers.)
I will mostly use Invisible Castle as well, and generally I post the links for each roll. If I miss one or two, you are welcome to do a search there under "DM Patlin" to see what I've been up to. Being more-or-less human, I will occasionally screw something up. If I do and you tell me about it quickly, I'll fix it. If we figure out a mistake several rounds later, though, I may simply decide you're stuck with it. Example: If I'm applying sneak attack damage to your character and I forgot you've got a blur spell up, tell me right away!
Also, please be cautious when using sblocks and the title box. Depending on how I'm acessing the board, I sometimes can't see stuff in those two places. For example, I use "topic review" a lot when resolving combats, and that mode doesn't show any titles.
Finally, I don't generally used colored text, as it often seems it causes someone to have trouble reading it. If you want to use colored text, I use the default black background, and bright colors are apreciated!
XP Award #1
Quick Housekeeping Bits
Please use invisible castle to make all the dice rolls you would make in a normal game. It completely bogs me down if I have to do the rolling for the PCs as well as the NPCs, and if I get bogged down I don't update as often and things spiral out of control and... well, you get the point. Please?
(I'll do the dice rolling if you simply cannot, for whatever reason. If such is the case, make sure to post the modifiers.)
I will mostly use Invisible Castle as well, and generally I post the links for each roll. If I miss one or two, you are welcome to do a search there under "DM Patlin" to see what I've been up to. Being more-or-less human, I will occasionally screw something up. If I do and you tell me about it quickly, I'll fix it. If we figure out a mistake several rounds later, though, I may simply decide you're stuck with it. Example: If I'm applying sneak attack damage to your character and I forgot you've got a blur spell up, tell me right away!
Also, please be cautious when using sblocks and the title box. Depending on how I'm acessing the board, I sometimes can't see stuff in those two places. For example, I use "topic review" a lot when resolving combats, and that mode doesn't show any titles.
Finally, I don't generally used colored text, as it often seems it causes someone to have trouble reading it. If you want to use colored text, I use the default black background, and bright colors are apreciated!
XP Award #1
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