We've quickly whipped up a pair of PDF previews to make 'em look a bit prettier (especially if you plan on showing them to players and the like). These were done by me, not our layout artist, so they're not quite as awesome as the previous previews, but I think they look pretty good.
Note that these are taken from the close-to-final mansucript, not the finished product, so don't be surprised by any minor differences between these and the actual product.
These are the D&D 4E versions of these themes. There are, of course, Pathfinder equivalents.
[Don't forget the previously released Skyseer character theme preview, in both 4E and Pathfinder versions.]
Note that these are taken from the close-to-final mansucript, not the finished product, so don't be surprised by any minor differences between these and the actual product.
These are the D&D 4E versions of these themes. There are, of course, Pathfinder equivalents.
[Don't forget the previously released Skyseer character theme preview, in both 4E and Pathfinder versions.]
spirit_medium_zeitgeist.pdf784.8 KB · Views: 206
yerasol_veteran_zeitgeist.pdf795.4 KB · Views: 289
gunsmith_zeitgeist.pdf787.5 KB · Views: 320
vekeshi_mystic_zeitgeist.pdf827.8 KB · Views: 529
docker_zeitgeist.pdf777.5 KB · Views: 181
technologist_zeitgeist.pdf810.6 KB · Views: 264
eschatologist_zeitgeist.pdf827.7 KB · Views: 264
martial_scholar_zeitgeist.pdf802.8 KB · Views: 203
skyseeer_zeitgeist.pdf604.5 KB · Views: 175
spirit_medium.jpg53.5 KB · Views: 246
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