Tondrek: Approved for 4th
[B]Name:[/B] Tondrek
[B]Class:[/B] Artificer 5 [b]Starting Level[/b]: 3
[B]Race:[/B] Half-Orc
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] Breland (Sharn)
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] N
[B]Action Points:[/B] 7/7
[B]Deity:[/B] None
[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 ( 0p.) [B]Level:[/B] 5 [B]XP[/B]: 10025/15000
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 ( 4p.) [B]BAB:[/B] +3 [B]HP:[/B] 24 (5d6)
[B]Con:[/B] 11 +0 ( 3p.) [B]Grapple:[/B] +3 [B]Craft Days:[/B] 100
[B]Int:[/B] 17 +3 (16p.) [B]Speed:[/B] 20' [B]Stat Increases:[/b] Int (4th)
[B]Wis:[/B] 8 -1 ( 0p.) [B]Init:[/B] +1 [B]Spell Save:[/B] 13+lvl
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (10p.) [B]ACP:[/B] -2 [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 35%
[B] Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 10 +4 +2 +1 +0 +0 +0 17
[B]Touch:[/B] 11 [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 16
[B]Spell Res:[/B] 0
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None
[B] Total Base Mod Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +1 +1 +0 --
[B]Ref:[/B] +2 +1 +1 --
[B]Will:[/B] +3 +4 -1 --
[B]Notes:[/B] None
[b]Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range[/B]
mwk heavy mace +4 1d8 20/x2 ------
dagger +3/+4 1d4 19-20/x2 10 ft.
light crossbow +4 1d8 19-20/x3 80 ft.
[B]Notes:[/B] None
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc
Artificer knowledge
Artisan bonus
Craft reserve (100/100)
Darkvision 60'
Disable traps
Item creation
Orc blood
Craft homunculus
Retain Essence
[B]Feats: [/B]
Aberrant Dragonmark (detect secret doors)
Brew Potion
Craft Wondrous Item
Extraordinary Artisan
Legendary Artisan
Scribe Scroll
Craft Magic Arms & Armor
[B]Infusions[/B] Save DC 13 + spell level; 1st: 4, 2nd: 4, 3rd: 2
[B]Spell-Like Abilities:[/B] detect secret doors 1/d (CL 2)
[B]Skill Points:[/B] 58 [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4
[b]Skills Total Ranks Mod Misc[/B]
Craft (armorsmithing) +13 8 +3 +2 (mwk tools)
Craft (metalworking) +7 2 +3 +2 (mwk tools)
Craft (sculpting) +4 1 +3 --
Craft (trapmaking) +4 1 +3 --
Craft (weaponsmithing) +9 4 +3 +2 (mwk tools)
Disable Device +11 6 +3 +2 (mwk tools)
Knowledge (arcana) +7 4 +3 --
Knowledge (arch/engr) +11 8 +3 --
Open Lock +9 6 +1 +2 (mwk tools)
Search +7 4 +3 +2 to find secret doors
Spellcraft +7 4 +3 +2 to decipher scrolls
Use Magic Device +12 8 +2 +2 (mwk tools)
[B]Notes:[/B] +2 UMD with wands, and wondrous item; +4 with scrolls.
[B]Equipment: Cost Weight[/B]
Mwk Heavy Mace 354gp 8lbs
Dagger 6sp6cp 1lb
Light Crossbow 35gp/3 4lbs
30 bolts 3gp 3lbs
Mwk Chain Shirt 83.3gp 25lbs
Mwk Heavy Steel Shield 56.6gp 15lbs
Eternal Wand (magecraft) 820gp --
Wand of CLW (50) 750gp --
Backpack 2gp 2lbs
-Artificer Tools (UMD Tool) 50gp 5lbs
-Mwk Theives' Tools 100gp 5lbs
-Warforged repair kit 50gp 1lb
Belt Pouch 1gp 0.5lb
-Identification Papers 2gp --
Spell component pouch 5gp 2lbs
Scrollcase 1gp 0.5lbs
-Scrolls: 1254gp --
- 3 cure light wounds (CL1)
- 2 cure moderate wounds (CL1, CL2)
- 1 elemental prod (MoE96, CL2)
- 2 identify (CL1)
- 1 inflict light damage (CL2)
- 2 lesser armor enhancement (CL2)
- 1 lesser restoration (CL1)
- 2 personal weapon enhancement (CL2)
- 1 reinforce construct (MoE 100, CL2)
- 1 repair light damage (CL2)
- 1 repair moderate damage (CL2)
- 1 sleep (CL2)
- 1 feather fall (CL2)
*Mwk Artisan Tools (armorsmith) 50gp 5lbs
*Mwk Artisan Tools (metalworking) 50gp 5lbs
*Artisan Tools (sculpting) 5gp 5lbs
*Artisan Tools (trapmaking) 5gp 5lbs
*Mwk Artisan Tools (weaponsmith) 50gp 5lbs
*Iron Defender
* Stored, not carried
[B]Total Weight:[/B]72lbs (Heavy) [B]Money:[/B] 99.75gp
[B] Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B] 33 66 100 200 500
[B]Age:[/B] 17
[B]Height:[/B] 5' 11"
[B]Weight:[/B] 190lbs
[B]Name:[/B] Doggie
[B]Class:[/B] Construct 2 [b]Starting Level[/b]: 2
[B]Race:[/B] Iron Defender
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Alignment:[/B] N
[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 [B]Level:[/B] 2
[B]Dex:[/B] 15 +2 [B]BAB:[/B] +1 [B]HP:[/B] 21 (2d10+10)
[B]Con:[/B] -- +0 [B]Grapple:[/B] -1
[B]Int:[/B] 8 -1 [B]Speed:[/B] 50' [B]Stat Increases:[/b] N/A
[B]Wis:[/B] 11 +0 [B]Init:[/B] +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 7 -2
[B] Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 10 +0 +0 +2 +1 +4 +0 17
[B]Touch:[/B] 13 [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 15
[B]Spell Res:[/B] 0
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None
[B] Total Base Mod Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +0 +0 +0 --
[B]Ref:[/B] +2 +0 +2 --
[B]Will:[/B] +0 +0 +0 --
[B]Notes:[/B] Construct Traits
[b]Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range[/B]
bite +5 1d6+3 20/x2 ------
[B]Notes:[/B] None
Darkvision 60'
Telepathy w/ Tondrek (1500')
[B]Feats: [/B]
Weapon Focus (bite)
[B]Skill Points:[/B] 5 [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 5/2.5
[b]Skills Total Ranks Mod Misc[/B]
Listen +2 2 +0
Move Silently +3 1 +2
Spot +2 2 +0
Tondrek is based upon a character from Trioka's Arcanum: An idiot savant crafter of his own friends (constructs).
Tondrek appears hunched and unkempt---his black hair is greasy and unruly, his green eyes watery and distracted, and he does not look like he takes care of himself. His gear, however, is well taken care of--there is no damage or smudges anywhere. If asked, Tondrek will lovingly detail their creation. Over his armor, he wears some commoner's clothing that he's obviously slept in.
Tondrek constantly mutters to himself, hunching back and forth, and can be found playing with some odd mechanical bit of something in his hands. If talked to directly, he will not look directly at the talker, but answer indirectly. Of most subjects, he is not too very helpful. But when it is something he knows about (buildings, magic, etc.), we will drone on without stop. He is generally oblivious to the outside world when not talked to directly, unless something catches his fancy. Obviously magical, mechanical, or alchemical things
always catch his fancy.
Tondrek does not comprehend his background. He does not fully understand that his mother, Hordreth d'Tharask, a House Tharashk heir, somehow conceived him by a willful and brash House Cannith heir named Tannith Vown d'Cannith. All he knows is that the humans named Canith and the orcs named Tharashk are after him, and will probably hurt him.
[Sblock=Longer, Secret Background]Tondrek grew up in the slums of High Walls in an orphanage for refugees from the Last War. He did not fit there, however. First, he wasn't human, he was half-orc. Second, he was obviously "damaged"---he muttered to himself and had a severe time interacting with others. He did have a natural knack for mechanisms; he broke into the headmaster's office several time in his youth, and could be found rocking on the master's desk, muttering to himself.
One day, when Tondrek was in his teens, he was given to a stranger, a Marsher half-orc. The Marsher did not talk to Tondrek, not that Tondrek tried; he only interacted with him once---he searched for and found the strange, sickly green-blue mark that twisted beneath Tondrek's skin. Tondrek knew that he could do things with that mark; but not why.
For some time, Tondrek lived with the Marsher. The Marsher never spoke to him, though he had several arguments with visitors he never showed Tondrek. One regualr visitor, a greybeard human named Maraan, did spend time with Tondrek. He seemed to see the knack the half-orc possesed, and while the Marsher spent months searching for something in the upper reaches of Sharn, the greybeard taught Tondrek the basics of artificing. Tondrek loved the lessons, especially the times he was able to play with the greybeard's homunculus.
Then, only a few weeks ago, the Marsher took Tondrek on a journey to the highest towers of Sharn. He did not say why; all he did was dress the boy well. He was lead to some gathering---fancy dressed folks flittered about the warforged gaurded palace. It was a party for a returned Cannith heir, long gone on an exploration of Xen'drik. It was supposed to be a celebration, until the Marsher thrust Tondrek at the man and accosted him.
"Tannith Vown d'Cannith! Here is the mistake you tried to forget! Here is what your wrought when you thought none would know! My sister Hordreth d'Tharashk died from your seed, and now all shall know your shame!" With that, the Marsher ripped off Tondrek's fancy shirt, exposing the aberrant dragonmark for all to see!
Needless to say, things went chaotic after that. Tondrek does not fully understand, but he knows that the humans with the name Cannith and the half-orcs with the name Tharashk now chase him. He has fallen in with low-life after low-life who has used his skills and then run when Cannith or Tharask agents show up; but so far he has eluded the seekers.[/SBLOCK]
XP log:
1175 from
The Eidolon
450 from
The Eidolon
2900 from
The Eidolon
1100 from
The Eidolon
1400 from 7 DM points
Wealth and Craft log:
2700gp starting gold
[sblock=Level 1 Crafting]UMD: +10 for scrolls
Scroll of Cure Mod Wounds (CL 1): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost; 13, 18, AP=2, Fail on Day 1
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1): 12 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
4 (AP)=24, Succeed on Day 2
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1): 12 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
27, Succeed on Day 3
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds: 12 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
21, Succeed on Day 4
Scroll of Identify: 112 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
20 + 1 (AP) = 21, Succeed on Day 5
Scroll of Identify: 112 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
19 +
2 (AP) = 21, Succeed on Day 6
Scroll of Cure Mod Wounds (CL 1): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost;
30, Succeed on Day 7
Scroll of Sleep (CL 1): 12 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
19 +
5 (AP) = 24, Succeed on Day 8
Scroll of Sleep (CL 1): 12 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
22, Succeed on Day 9
Scroll of Lesser Restoration (CL 1): 12 gp 5 sp + 1 CR Material Cost;
25, Succeed on Day 10
Total Cost: 434gp 5sp, 10 Craft Days, 20 Craft Reserve[/sblock][sblock=Level 2 Crafting]UMD: +11 for scrolls/potions
Scroll of Lesser Armor Enhancement (CL 2): 35 gp + 2 CR Material Cost;
23, Succeed Day 1
Scroll of Lesser Armor Enhancement (CL 2): 35 gp + 2 CR Material Cost;
22, Succeed Day 2
Scroll of Personal Weapon Enhancement (CL 2): 25 gp + 2 CR Material Cost;
27, Succeed Day 3
Scroll of Personal Weapon Enhancement (CL 2): 25 gp + 2 CR Material Cost;
19 +
6 (AP) = 25, Succeed Day 4
Scroll of Repair Light Damage (CL 2): 25 gp + 2 CR Material Cost;
24, Succeed Day 5
Scroll of Repair Mod Damage (CL 2): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost; 16, 16 + 1 (AP) = 17, Fail on Day 6
Scroll of Repair Mod Damage (CL 2): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost;
30, Succeed on Day 7
Scroll of Cure Mod Wounds (CL 2): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost;
29, Succeed on Day 8
Scroll of Reinforce Construct (MoE 100, CL 2): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost;
22, Succeed on Day 9
Scroll of Inflict Moderate Damage (CL 2): 75 gp + 6 CR Material Cost;
30, Succeed on Day 10
Total Cost: 520gp, 10 Craft Days, 40 Craft Reserve[/sblock][sblock=Level 3 Grafting]Craft (armorsmithing): +11
Craft (weaponsmithing): +6
UMD: +12 for scrolls/potions/wondrous
Chain Shirt: 33gp, 3sp, 3cp Material Cost; Take 10 = 21 vs DC 14, 11gp for 11/100gp Day 1; Completed Day 10; excess 10gp turned over
Mwk Chain Shirt: 50gp Material Cost; Take 10 = 21 vs DC 21, 1 gp for Day 10 for 1/150gp; Completed Day 24 with 5gp excess
Heavy Steel Shield: 6gp, 6sp, 6cp Material Cost; 10gp for 5/20gp on Day 24; Completed Day 26 w/ 7gp excess
Mwk Heavy Steel Shield: 50gp Material Cost; Take 10 = 21 vs DC 21, 7 gp for Day 26 for 7/150gp; Complete Day 39
Total Cost 139gp, 9sp, 9cp, 39 Craft Days
Heavy Mace: 4gp Material Cost; Take 10 = 16 vs DC 12, 6gp for 6gp/12gp Day 1; Take 10 = 16 vs DC 12, 6gp for 12/12gp Day 2
Mwk for Heavy Mace: 100 Material Cost;
14 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 19 vs DC 20; No Progress Day 3
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
27 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 32 vs DC 20, 22gp for 22/300 Day 4
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
25 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 30 vs DC 20, 20gp for 42/300 Day 5
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
9 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) + 4 (
AP) = 18 vs DC 20; No Progress Day 6
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
24 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 29 vs DC 20, 19gp for 61/300 Day 7
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
9 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) + 4 (
AP) = 14 vs DC 20; Must repay half-material cost Day 8
Mwk for Heavy Mace: 50 Material Cost;
9 = 9 vs DC 20; Must repay half-material cost Day 9
Mwk for Heavy Mace: 50 Material Cost;
24 + 0 (
Fail to activate wand,
Fail to activate waand (magecraft)) = 24 vs DC 20, 14gp for 75/300 Day 10
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
19 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 24 vs DC 20, 14gp for 89/300 Day 11
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
21 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 26 vs DC 20, 16gp for 105/300 Day 12
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
20 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 25 vs DC 20, 15gp for 120/300 Day 13
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
11 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 16 vs DC 20, Fail to make Progress Day 14
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
10 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 15 vs DC 20, Fail to make Progress Day 15
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
22 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 27 vs DC 20, 17gp for 137/300 Day 16
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
22 + 0 (
Botch UMD roll) = 22 vs DC 20, 12gp for 149/300 Day 17
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
7 vs DC 20; Must Repay half-material cost Day 18
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
25 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 30 vs DC 20, 20gp for 169/300 Day 19
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
23 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 28 vs DC 20, 18gp for 187/300 Day 20
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
15 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 20 vs DC 20, 10gp for 197/300 Day 21
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
18 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 23 vs DC 20, 13gp for 210/300 Day 22
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
21 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 26 vs DC 20, 16gp for 226/300 Day 23
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
15 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Fail to activate wand) = 15 vs DC 20, No Progress for Day 24
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
22 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 27 vs DC 20, 17gp for 243/300 Day 25
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
12 + 0 (
Fail to activate wand,
Fail to activate wand) = 12 vs DC 20; Must Repay half-material Cost Day 26
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
14 + 0 (
Fail to activate wand,
Fail to activate wand) = 14 vs DC 20; Must Repay half-material Cost Day 27
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
21 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 26 vs DC 20, 16gp for 259/300 Day 28
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
8 = 8 vs DC 20; Must Repay half-material Cost Day 29
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
13 + 5 (
Fail to activate wand,
Fail to activate wand) = 26 vs DC 20 = 13 vs DC 20; Must Repay half-material Cost Day 30
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
20 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 25 vs DC 20; 15gp for 274/300 Day 31
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
12 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) + 3 (
AP) = 20 vs DC 20; 10gp for 284/300 Day 32
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
23 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 25 vs DC 20; 15gp for 299/300 Day 33
Mwk for Heavy Mace:
18 + 5 (
Activate Eternal Wand (magecraft)) = 23 vs DC 20; 13gp for 312/300 Day 34
Total Cost: 354gp, 34 Craft Days, 2AP
Dagger: 6sp, 6cp Material Cost; Take 10 = 16 vs DC 12, 6gp for 6gp/2gp on Day 1; excess 6gp turned over
Light Crossbow: 11gp, 6sp, 6cp Material Cost; 4gp for 4gp/35gp on Day 1; Take 10 = 16 vs DC 12, 6gp for 10gp/35gp on Day 2; Complete on Day 7
Total Cost: 12gp, 2sp, 6cp, 7 Craft Days[/sblock][sblock=During The Eidolon]Scroll of Sleep: 112 gp 5 sp + 1 cp Material Cost;
15 +
17; Failed
Scroll of Sleep: 112 gp 5 sp + 1 cp Material Cost;
25; Succeed
Scroll of Feather Fall: 112 gp 5 sp + 1 cp Material Cost;
17 +
25; Succeed
Scroll of Feather Fall: 112 gp 5 sp + 1 cp Material Cost;
14 +
16; Failed
2 Days of Homunculus Crafting: 18gp 7sp 5cp Material Cost; 3gp for 3/56.25 on day 1 w/o wand; 0 gp for 3/56.25 on Day 2 w/o wand. (
Link)[/sblock]+500 from
The Eidolon
-475 in
the Eidolon
-18.75 crafting homunculus during the Eidolon
+2.5 sell artisan tools (metalworking)
-50 buy mwk artisan tools (metalworking)[sblock=Post Eidolon Crafting]Day 3 on Homunculus: 18+2 tool+5 from wand w/ 1 AP = 25 vs 14 for 18/56.25 (
Day 4 on Homunculus: 15 (w/ AP) +2 Tool + 5 from wand w/ AP = 22 vs 14 for 30/56.25 (
Day 5 on Homunculus: 26 (w/ AP) + 2 Tool +5 from wand w/ AP = 33 vs 14 for 53/56.25 (
Day 6 on Homunculus: Take 10 for 17 = 17 vs 14 for 60/56.25 and body done.[/sblock]+1400 from 7 DM points
-500 for homunculus lab
-881.25 for enchanting homunculus
Craft Reserve Log:
20 from Level 1
-20 used Level 1
40 from Level 2
-40 used Level 2
60 from Level 3
-4 during The Eidolon
80 from Level 4
-94*.75=70 for homunculus
100 from Level 5
Craft Days Log:
100 starting craft days
-10 days Level 1
-10 days Level 2
-80 days Level 3
4 craft days: In Tavern
- 4 days finishing homunculus' body
61 craft days: In Tavern
- 1 days enchanting homunculus (1175*.75=881.25gp for 1 CD)[/sblock]
L1 -> Artificer 1 HP: +6 (1d6) SP: +28 (4x4+3x4)
Craft (armor) +4, Disable Device +4, Know (arch/engr) +4, Open Lock +4, Search +4, Spellcraft +4, Use Magic Device +4
Str 10 (0pts+2 race), Dex 12 (4pgs), Con 11 (3pts), Int 16 (16pts - 2 race), Wis 8 (0pts), Cha 14 (10ps - 2 race)
Feat: Aberrant Dragonmark (detect doors), Scribe Scroll (class bonus)
Other: Artificer abilities
L2 -> Artificer 2 HP: +4 (1d6) SP: +7 (4+3)
Craft (armor) +1, Craft (weapon) +3, Know (arcana) +1, Know (arch/engr) +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feat: Brew Potion (class bonus)
L3 -> Artificer 3 HP: +5 (1d6) SP: +7 (4+3)
Craft (armor) +1, Craft (metal) +1, Craft (sculpt) +1, Craft (trap) +1, Know (arcana) +1, Know (arch/engr) +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feat: Brew Potion (class bonus), Extraordinary Artisan
L4 -> Artificer 4 HP: +4 (1d6) SP: +7 (4+3)
Craft (armor) +1, Craft (metal) +1, Disable Device +1, Know (arcana) +1, Know (arch/engr) +1, Open Locks +1, Use Magic Device +1
Ability: Int +1
Feat: Legendary Artisan (class bonus)
Other: Craft homunculus
L5 -> Artificer 5 HP: +5 (1d6) SP: +7 (4+3)
Craft (armor) +1, Craft (weapon) +1, Disable Device +1, Know (arcana) +1, Know (arch/engr) +1, Open Locks +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feat: Craft Magic Arms & Armor (class bonus)
Other: Retain Essence[/sblock]