One Page RPGs


I have decided to get involved in One Page RPG Jam 2022 and am hoping for some recommendations of great one page RPGs. I am a long time RPG freelancer, but my experiences are more traditional (and word ratey, so, you know, NOT concise) and I want to examine the form.

So link me your favorite one page RPGs, and tell me what YOU think makes a great one page RPG.

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B/X Known World
My favorite...that's hard. There are so many great ones.

One of my favorites is Perfected.


Lasers & Feelings is eminently hackable.

FKR-style games are my favorite, but some of them are more than one page.

Over the Edge 3rd Edition would fit on a single page if you hacked it ever so slightly.
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Custom title
Man, a 1-page RPG is one of the most difficult tasks in the industry! Unless you decide to write a full RPG on one A3 page with font size 0,5...

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