Orphans of TIme

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Okay! Still a couple of blanks to fill in based on what might be different between d20, 3.5, Pathfinder, Saga Edition, and so forth, but I think we have the basics here.

Name/Alias: 'HaxX'
Class/Level: Smart Hero 1
Starting Occupation: Investigative
Allegiance: Department 7
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Ash blonde with teal and purple streaks
Eyes: Gray
Birthplace: Yokohama, Japan
Date of Birth: December 31, 1991
Nationality: Swedish
Residence: Los Angeles, USA

Strength 12/+1 [4 points]
Constitution 12/+1 [4 points]
Dexterity 14/+2 [6 points]
Intelligence 16/+3 [10 points]
Wisdom 12/+1 [4 points]
Charisma 12/+1 [4 points]

Hit Points: 6 [6 Smart Hero]
Action Points: 5

Initiative: +2
Defense: [10 + 2 Dex mod + ]
Saving Throws: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus: +0

Reputation: +1
Wealth Bonus: 2d4+3 [2d4 starting character + 2 Occupation + 1 Profession skill]

Class Skills:
+7 Computer Use (Int) [4 ranks +3 Int mod]
+4 Craft (electronic) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+4 Craft (mechanical) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+4 Decipher Script (Int) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+4 Demolitions (Int) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+7 Disable Device (Int) [4 ranks +3 Int mod]
+3 Forgery (Int)
+7 Investigate (Int) [4 ranks +3 Int mod]
+4 Knowledge (art) (Int) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+4 Knowledge (behavioral sciences) (Int) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+7 Knowledge (streetwise) (Int) [4 ranks +3 Int mod]
+4 Knowledge (tactics) (Int) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+7 Knowledge (technology) (Int) [4 ranks +3 Int mod]
+5 Profession (Wis) [4 ranks +1 Wis mod]
Read/Write Language (none)
English [1 rank]
Swedish [1 rank]
Japanese [1 rank]
+4 Repair (Int) [1 rank +3 Int mod]
+3 Research (Int)
+3 Search (Int)
Speak Language (none)
English [1 rank]
Swedish [1 rank]
Japanese [1 rank]

Occupation Skills:
+5 Gather Information (Cha) [4 ranks +1 Cha mod]
+5 Sense Motive (Wis) [4 ranks +1 Wis mod]

Non-Class Skills:
+3 Escape Artist (Dex) [2 half ranks +2 Dex Mod]

Smart 1: Simple Weapons Proficiency
Occupation: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Level 1: Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Level 1: Brawl

Research tree: Linguist


Max Load: (Light /Medium / Heavy)

Last edited:


I'm going to officially cancel this one for the time being. Interest is not where I'd like it to be and my own creative energies are refocusing on D&D at the moment.


First Post
Aw. Well, that's a shame, but I get where you're coming from. One player does not a party make. I'd still be interested if anything changes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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