What edition?
AD&D PHB has a lot of polearms, and Unearthed Arcana has a whole section in the back with more information.
I tend to see Spear as a Pike, with Short Spear being the one that can be hurled.
I know that one of the books had Lucern Hammer. I think it might be in Libris Mortis, but I could be wrong.
Over all I'd call the PoleAxe a Haleberd and leave it at that.
one of the crueler things you could do as a DM back in 1E/2E days was to give an NPC a +4 version of some weird polearm like a voulge or glaive/guisarme. Sure, you just gave the party a +4 weapon, but how many players are going to give their characters proficiency with a glaive-guisarme?