And my orcs are not humanoid either. They are more related to the Warhammer40k type. But it was lost on you as you read what you wanted to read. There are different kinds of orcs. Some are people others are not. It all depends on the campaign setting.
Then why do we need to have the MM set a so-called default that is so often wrong?
Consider them like the bugs in starship troopers. Or even demonic being but you insist on applying your orcs to my campaign. do realize that the bugs in Starship Troopers do actually have a society and a structure, as implied by the existence of the "brain bugs," and reducing them to just the soldiers fighting their war with humanity is literally the very thing you just got upset with someone else for doing?
Good Lord the irony is thick in this thread.
In my Ebberon campaign I have orc Paladins of the Silverflame that are quite honorables and righteous. You decided to ignore the context of the campaign.
You juge me on wrong assumptions by your wrong standards but that is ok. I am old enough to take it and not caring about it. Maybe we should have a private chat so that you'll stop bringing the subject on the table and move on forward.
Again: if this alleged default is so often wrong, what purpose does it serve? It doesn't actually tell people what things are, and it doesn't reliably describe how campaign settings actually work. It isn't even a pattern. It's, as I have said repeatedly, something enforced. It's a white picket fence, nuclear family, "marriage is one man and one woman" type, TELLING people how things SHOULD be rather than SUGGESTING what MIGHT be.
It fails as a default. It fails to solve arguments. It fails to facilitate common understanding across groups. Literally the only trait anyone has shown it to have is the ability to just go "eh, lemme find something CE to throw in here. I guess an orc will do." If alignment's only reliable virtue is "I can turn off my brain when I use it," you have pretty well shown exactly why there's a call to drop it.
And, again, that YOU find it clear and simple and useful is not in any way representative of whether it is for any group of any size other than YOU. If you want to trot out the "silent majority" argument, then congratulations, we've hit the no-discussion-zone yet again because NO ONE in this thread has the faintest clue what the "silent majority" thinks or does, and if you're going to require that as a standard for others to make an argument, it should apply just as much to your own argument.