Level Up (A5E) Silly powerbuilds


Machine gun archer

Fighter lvl 12 Sharpshooter, - 3*ASI, Extra attack 2, Archery Fighting style, Shoot in melee
Rogue lvl 2, Combat tactic sniper: + prof to damage
Feat - Crossbow expertise, no loading property on crossbows
Feat - DeadEye 2x prof to damage,

Dual fight with hand crossbow doing 3 attacks with action: 1d6 + dex + 3*prof damage and 2 attacks with bonus action: 1d6 + 3 * prof damage

Alternatively with bow if your group is silly enough to allow "Press the attack" with ranged weapon targetting a foe next to your ally that does not want to do "Fall back" risking an opportunity attack:
Bonus action "Press the attack" granting advantage on your attacks doing 3 attacks with action: 1d8 + dex + 3*prof damage

Takes a long while to come online and most campaigns never reach tier 3 so not that useful.

Any more tricks to boost archery?
D&D still required a free hand for loading even with Crossbow Expert letting characters ignore the property, so two crossbows and multiple attacks with each would not work in D&D, but a character with Crossbow Expert could make multiple attacks with Extra Attacks with a single crossbow, or that and a additional Bonus Action attack with a Hand Crossbow, assuming they were not using a shield or a second weapon. This was not clearly spelled out in D&D 5e, I think it was clarified in one of the columns from the designers. Level Up is a different system, so it might have a different take on what "ignore the loading property" means, however.

Even with only one Bonus Action attack for a Hand Crossbow instead of two from the Level UpTwo Weapon Fighting rules, Level Up ranged builds do have easy ways to out-damage those in D&D. The Rogue option to add proficiency to ranged damage alone is huge.

Elsewhere I was told Press The Attack was not meant to apply to ranged attacks, but the initial PDFs did not reflect this. It may get changed later to note it is melee only and the defender using Fall Back does not provoke opportunity attacks, but it is unclear if that is only "from that attacker" or from "any attacker" who might have threatened them when they used Fall Back.

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One level of Cleric - Warpriest gets you spell progression and heavy armor proficiency
And? Take a level if fighter before wizard and you get heavy armor proficiency too. There are a bunch of ways to get it. More importantly the route you are taking is hardly optimized in any clear way
The point being made was that you're presenting it as though having full plate as a wizard is min/maxing, when it's more or less... just something you can do.
It's much worse than that. It's not even a particularly optimal route to the goal.
  • If the goal is an arcane caster with divine spells & heavy armor. cleric/sorcerer that moves on to make use of mystic arcanist along with possibly pure arcanist/ & arcanum master is going to be far more effective
  • If the goal is to have a wizard specifically that makes use of heavy armor's higher ACs, blade chanter's +int mod to ac in light/medium armor is far more ac than heavy armor & has all of the other benefits that synergy feat carries while still allowing whirling incantor/eldritch whirlwind master progression through that synergy feat tree.

King Brad

The Jumper


Ancestry: Human: Spirited Traveler- no OAs on Dashing
Culture: Forsaken/Wood Elf: +5 movement speed
Background: Guard: +1 Str (16 Str w/ point buy)
Class: Fighter
-Battle Ready for 2 Stances at once
-Soldiering Knack: Extreme Leap: x2 jump distance w/ a Dash or x3 with 1 exertion that can exceed your movement
-Tooth and Claw: Springing stance: +2 feet horizontal jump, +1 Vertical Jump
-Rapid Current: Swift Stance: +5 movement speed

Horizontal Jump Distance equals 16+2=18 x2 when Dashing for 36 ft. or 54 ft with an exertion point which can exceed the movement speed.
In one round you can run 10 ft at the start of both your movement and Dash action to clear 54ft for each jump giving you a total distance covered of 128 ft in a single round at LEVEL 1.

I'm sure I missed something but this may be my first character so I can hop around like an anime protag.

(Edited for for more accurate jumpage)
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I'm sure I missed something but this may be my first character so I can hop around like an anime protag.
Only thing you missed was how much more we can eek out of this!

Normally the rule when jumping distance > speed is that you can do the full jump but only if that is the only movement you do on that turn. However, the fighter's knack seems to overwrite this.

Therefore with our 40 speed, there is no reason we can't move 75 feet and then begin the super jump.... totaling 129 feet of movement, round down to 125 feet if we want to keep it to squares.

That is probably not intentional, and I'll actually put an exploit in the book to see if the designer's want to do anything about that.

King Brad

Only thing you missed was how much more we can eek out of this!

Normally the rule when jumping distance > speed is that you can do the full jump but only if that is the only movement you do on that turn. However, the fighter's knack seems to overwrite this.

Therefore with our 40 speed, there is no reason we can't move 75 feet and then begin the super jump.... totaling 129 feet of movement, round down to 125 feet if we want to keep it to squares.

That is probably not intentional, and I'll actually put an exploit in the book to see if the designer's want to do anything about that.
Oh I misread that. I didn't realize that is was doubled for the entire turn!


Only thing you missed was how much more we can eek out of this!

Normally the rule when jumping distance > speed is that you can do the full jump but only if that is the only movement you do on that turn. However, the fighter's knack seems to overwrite this.

Therefore with our 40 speed, there is no reason we can't move 75 feet and then begin the super jump.... totaling 129 feet of movement, round down to 125 feet if we want to keep it to squares.

That is probably not intentional, and I'll actually put an exploit in the book to see if the designer's want to do anything about that.
Sprint I thi k is 4x speed in a straight line. Getting 35 ft speed for 140 ft sprint isn't a high bar either

The Adzerker


At least Level 11 Adept- Paralyzing Strike, Pressure Point Secrets, Additional Attack
At least Level 2 Berserker- Relentless Attack

To make this work, the idea is to use your unarmed strikes before your greatclub to inflict paralysis, but it's theoretically possible without. Because Paralyzed makes every hit within 5ft that lands a critical hit, you'll automatically proc Relentless Attack when using the greatclub (which triggers Furious Criticals as a versatile weapon, and counts as an Adept weapon); in fact, you'll proc Relentless' full chain on every hit you make with it.

So to do the math with a level 20 character (17 Warrior Monk 3 Tempest), you would lead with your Flurry of Blows unarmed strikes. Assuming the first hit lands and they fail the save, you have 3 attacks this turn that all trigger Relentless. Once you land a Relentless Attack, you can do so again (because it crit) to a maximum of 4 (base + prof mod/2). Furious Critical can proc on every separate weapon attack you make, for a total of 17 possible attacks (2 Unarmed, 15 greatclub) on your turn. This costs 5 Exertion on the first turn, 1 on the second (as the paralysis wears off after your second turn), and with Way of the Fist, you regain 3 Exertion from each unarmed strike while they're paralyzed (for 9 if all three hit, meaning it feeds you more than you put in).

You can also use Perfect Fist to paralyze an enemy for a minute, although they have a chance to make the save each turn and don't have disadvantage, so I'm not as big on it.

So, damage. Assuming all hits land, your Unarmed Strikes deal 1d10 damage, 2d10 if you spend 1 Exertion on each to double it as per Way of the Fist, which we will for all strikes past the first in this calculation. Two-handing your greatclub makes it deal 1d10 damage, plus 1d6 thunder/lightning if you raged on the turn before. So the base damage across two turns is 1d10 + (2d10)*3 + (1d10+1d6)*30. The average damage of that is 308.5, but remember that all but one of these are crits, so the actual damage is doubled to 611.5. And this spent 9 Exertion which was regained for the three unarmed crits, meaning it's effectively zero cost and you could do it repeatedly.
Ah, perfectly balanced! I'm certain The Spiffing Brit would approve!


Skinchanger Druid 13
Tempest Berserker 6
Adept 1

Tempest Berserker and Skinchanger Druid with the druid/berserker multiclass feat, stacking up the bonus die from Skinchanger and Tempest on your unarmed attacks, with Adept and Aspect of the moon squeaking out some extra boosted unarmeds for fun, profit, and goofy shenanigans. Just make some animal friends to go with it, and be a rabid terror. Plus, you get potentially chunkier AC with your adept dip!

(I'm not 100% sure it all works perfectly, but hey, it's silly.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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