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  1. pogre

    Your TTRPG Design Principles?

    My youngest son and I have written some home RPG rules that we are using in our current campaign. The organization is a train wreck, much of the game is derivative, and in short it's a glorious mess. But, we are having a lot of fun. We came up with some design principles for our game: 1...
  2. pogre

    D&D 5E Does/Should D&D Have the Player's Game Experience as a goal?

    One possible design consideration for games is to consider what do you want the player’s experience to be. I am not sure that has ever been directly stated in D&D aside from the very general - create a memorable story about their adventures. Maybe that’s enough - I don’t know. I would argue...
  3. pogre

    D&D 5E A Little Help With a Convention Game

    Greetings, I am putting together a set of adventures for a local gaming con. I will give you the description: I am running six 4-hour sessions over two days. Each session of the Con is a new deeper level of the big dungeon 3rd level, 4th level, etc. I am adding a twist to the sessions. Each...
  4. pogre

    Pogre's 2022 Miniatures and Models Thread - Today's Gaming set-up - A Classic D&D Adventure Site!

    Welcome to the 2022 edition of Pogre's Miniatures and Models thread. Anyway, if you have not followed my threads before here is a look at some of those: The Original Thread Pogre's miniature and model thread. I started this thread in August of 2003 and posted on it intermittently through 2017...
  5. pogre

    Suggestion for Western RPG

    Howdy! This past summer I read Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the Wickedest Town in the American West. which I enjoyed tremendously. I was thinking for one of my groups that is willing to try new things I would whip up a wild west campaign for them when our Traveller campaign...
  6. pogre

    Reliquaries: Hand Painted Dice Thrones by Dwarven Forge

    So Dwarven Forge is running a Kickstarter for dice reliquaries. Reliquaries: Hand Painted Dice Thrones by Dwarven Forge Now, I love Dwarven Forge and I love ridiculous gaming accessories, but this is a complete swing and a miss. It seems like a crazy misstep for the company. I hope it is wildly...
  7. pogre

    Greatest Campaign Adventures for Sci-fi - looking for suggestions

    I think of certain campaign adventures as so great it is worth learning the system just to play and experience them - examples for me include: The Enemy Within for WFRP Masks of Nyarlathotep for Call of Cthulhu The Great Pendragon Campaign Is there a great adventure campaign in the sci-fi...
  8. pogre

    RPGs in Retirement Homes

    Are you aware of any rpg games being played in retirement homes (pre-pandemic)? Has anyone volunteered at a retirement home and offered to run a game?
  9. pogre

    Why the Strong Preference for Discord in Remote Games?

    Greetings, I was viewing some calls for players and DMs for remote games and I noticed there is a very strong preference for Discord over something like Zoom. I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why that is? I even see folks with posts advertising a Zoom game having potential...
  10. pogre

    Pogre's 2021 Miniatures and Models Thread - Yuan-ti group, Water Weird, and some Skinks.

    Welcome to the 2021 edition of Pogre's Miniatures and Models thread. I know I'm pretty late in posting this, but I'll explain below. Anyway, if you have not followed my threads before here is a look at some of those: The Original Thread Pogre's miniature and model thread. I started this thread...
  11. pogre

    D&D 5E Is Tasha's slowing down your combat?

    I have not had a chance to run a game with the new rules - I am currently running a WFRP campaign. Perusing the rules it seems like there is a lot more access to "pets" of all sorts. Those of you running games using the new rules - is this slowing down your combats? I will be upfront and admit...
  12. pogre

    D&D General What Do You Miss Most About Face-to-Face D&D?

    If you are playing face-to-face D&D currently - great! - but this thread is for folks who cannot play fully face-to-face games right now. What aspect of the gaming experience are you really looking forward to when you return to face-to-face gaming? I can see a lot of advantages in remote...
  13. pogre

    Forum Rules

    You would think after 18 years of being around here I would know the answer to this, but... Where are the forum rules posted? Not looking for trouble! ;) I'm a fairly well-behaved poster :) Specifically, I was trying to figure out what it means when a username has a line through it? Does that...
  14. pogre

    D&D 5E Campaign Encounter Help (High Level)

    In my campaign, the players have two sets of characters. The first set reached level 20 and are in semi-retirement and are known as heroes of the realm. The second set has just reached the climax of a story arc and have reached 14th level. So, I'm doing something a little different for me -...
  15. pogre

    D&D 5E Why is there a limit to falling damage?

    The answer is not terminal velocity. That happens a considerable distance after this. This came up in game when a player whose PC was a barbarian came to gorge 1,500' deep and said, "Yeah, I'll just step off." I asked if they were committing suicide, because this was going to kill the PC...
  16. pogre

    D&D General The Renewing Charm of the Old School Play Experience

    I am a fifth edition fan, but recently my 16-year-old son started an old school D&D campaign. My son is a grognard at heart and was excited to be back in the DM chair and so, I went along. We recruited a couple of more players via Zoom and my youngest boy jumped in to play as well. The short...
  17. pogre

    D&D 5E Want a better Rogue? Build a Wizard. Or why play a Rogue?

    The title describes a conversation I recently had with a player. He likes to build characters of all types - not necessarily a min/maxer, but tries to embrace what a class is good at it. He could not come up with a fun build for a rogue. Almost everything a rogue does - the wizard does better...
  18. pogre

    2020 Pogre's Miniatures and Models - Sebeki from Crocodile Game and a Wild Boar

    A small cottage I printed and painted: Models completed in 2020: 1
  19. pogre

    D&D 5E Avoiding High Level Play - Player or DM Preference?

    Is it player preference or dungeon master preference that is ending campaigns/adventure paths before high levels? My sense is that players really want to continue playing high level PCs, but the campaigns tend to fizzle on the DM's part. However, that is a very local observation and I'm...
  20. pogre

    A substitute system for Dice (In places where dice are not allowed)

    Not sure where to put this thread - so mods feel free to move it. When I was a kid we played D&D in class secretly or when traveling by car long distances and it was just not convenient to use dice. What I did was write down several numbers in a range, say 1-20 for a d20. The next number I...