• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

OSR News Roundup


May's a busy time of the year for us, between multiple family birthdays and getting ready for the end of the school year. I wasn't sure if I was going to have time to put out today's Roundup, but was able to put together a short review of last week's releases; there honestly weren't as many new releases as I had expected to see, so perhaps everyone else is as busy as we have been.

The one year anniversary of Sabre Games brick and mortar opening is coming up at the beginning of July, and to celebrate we're hosting a mini-convention. If you're going to be in or around the central Virginia area July 4th - 7th we'd love to have you stop by. The schedule is still being worked out, but we're going to have various games and tournaments going on all four days.

  • In conjunction with a number of bloggers, Prismatic Wastelands released Wonky Willie's Authentic Interactive Extravaganza, inspired by the ill-fated and much-ridiculed Willy Wonky Glagow exhibit.
  • Just Another Goblin Cave showed up on my radar and it looks like an interesting little mini-dungeon. Defiantly handcrafted, it's a four-page adventure that bills itself as a short and sweet adventure designed specifically to introduce folks to the OSR style of play.
  • Melpomene Games has released Moonshine Revelers, an adventure for Mausritter. The art is composed of delightful watercolors that really set the mood and make me thing of my childhood copy of The Wind in the Willows.
  • A Traveler's Guide to the Echelon Forest is a constantly changing, system agnostic, die drop forestcrawl. It's also CC-BY-4.0, which means it can be shared, altered, or otherwise adapted for other purposes just as long as the original author is credited.
  • Tome of the Blood Baron is a mini-dungeon statted for Cairn, OSE, and 5e. It features all manner of vampiric foes and is designed to be run in a single 1-3 hour session.
  • Alex T is raising funds for Ruthless Heavens, Boundless Fate, an interesting rpg that looks a bit like Godbound and Exalted meets Miyazaki. I'm seeing more and more games like this, that come specifically with options for solo gaming.
  • Today's the last day to get in on the mini-Kickstarter I'm running for Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 34, which begins a look at the mining community of Dry Gulch, a location mentioned in, but just outside of, the Basilisk Hills Hexcrawl.

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It's the last Monday in May, and in the States it is also Memorial Day. There are a number of interesting and cool-looking projects coming up on Kickstarter, and I'll be covering those when they go live. Until then, here's what I found from last week.
  • Not a new game, but one that is new to me and I thought looked really cool. Born From the Sand, by GM Shail, is written for Into the Odd and features a dungeon in the shape of an inverted pyramid. It's a free, playtest version of the adventure, and from what I've read of it there's some really good ideas in there.
  • I'm a sucker for games with charming artwork, and FTW scratches that itch as well as providing an interesting framework for non-OGL rogue-like dungeoncrawl games. There's a ton of content in there for a PWYW game.
  • I've been a fan on cats have no lord for awhile; they produce consistently good, quirky little games and adventures. Their most recent release is Leviathan. It's a system-agnostic sci-fi horror written for the 2024 Sci-fi one shot jam. I'm impressed by how CHNL is able to produce content in a variety of styles and systems.
  • Vaults of Vaarn is a cool-setting/game that's been difficult for us to keep in stock. Issue 4 of the Vaults of Vaarn zine is currently out in pdf form, and it sounds like print copies will be available through the author's webpage.
  • I'm never sure what to think of releases that are dual statted for 5e and OSR games. I've got nothing against 5e -- goddess knows I incorporate some of the aspects of 5e into my stuff -- but I'm never sure how well they convert directly as dual-statted releases. I bring this up because I see that Project 666, Vol. 2 is live on Drivethru, with a bunch of random tables, items, and more statted for both 5e and standard OSR-style stat-block.
  • The Thing From the Swamp is a B-movie inspired adventure for Mork Borg. I think it's an interesting idea concept and might play really well with Mork Borg.
  • As many gamers of a certain age, the Spelljammer giant space hamsters holds a special place in my heart. Downsized Press has released issue 5 of their zine, which presents giant space hamsters inhabiting a mini-dungeon.
  • My social media feeds have been blanketed by art previews for the Painted Wastelands, a new game that will be hitting Kickstarter pretty soon. The art is absolutely gorgeous and remind me of the Ultralight Grasslands. They've got a free preview of the PW up on Drivethru.
  • Charles Ferguson-Avery, of Into the Wyrd and Wild and others, has released their megadungeon Ave Nox on Drivethru. It's designed to be system neutral, with an emphasis on exploration and piecing together forgotten histories.
  • Faces of Clay is an interesting looking release for OSE. It's billed as either an easy role-play encounter or a difficult combat encounter, and I see it as potentially being a good introduction to OSR-style play for those who might not be as familiar with the playstyle.
  • It's the last week (sale ends May 31st) to take advantage of our zine sale. You can take 35% off all in-stock zines by using the coupon code "Spring24" at checkout.

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