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Planescape Primalshard: other "echo" plane.


(Metal foam).


If an Eden was created by the deities of sentient vernims.

Although civilitations of sentient arthropod (insects and arachnids) are known these are really rare, but there is a place they could call their home.

Its ecosystem is really unique because instead a solar system like most of known wildspaces instead the solar light for the vegetation is from a mesh of energy lines covered by storm clouds. These lightmesh not only give solar light and electric energy but also they create some type of anti-gravity effect, and with this they are in the centre of tunnels of ten kilometer radius. When these lines convergen into a point they create a node and this a spheric field.

This is maybe the place from the known multiverse with the hightest porcentage of sentient vernims and plants, and highest number of giant vernims (sorry if you suffer entomophobia). The hunt for meat is not very interesting because most of "normal" humanoids can't assimilate the chitin, but the dwarves, goblins, gnolls and others. But the farms of giant rive crabs are a great industry. There are also giant vertebrate predators but species used to a insectivore diet, for example giant toads or birds. Feys with insectile traits can be found here, but also the ant-like vrusks (despite their look they are friendly and the most advance civilitation in the zone), the reptilian hiper-active T'sa and the primitive Sesheyan.

The most used vehicle to travel for trade are ships over giant "turtle-snails", giant snails with a falt shell like the turtles, and whose "feets" are like water elementals. Rocs are used for faster travels but it is more expensive because they are more difficult to be trained and food.

It is hard to find a place with taller trees (although some sages suspect their origin is artificial). These receive the stormblots from the storms covering the lightmesh but not only they survive but even it is as if they fed by that energy in a way close to the vegetal photosynthesis. Other interesting detail is the branches of different trees intertwine giving more stability against the strong winds from the highest zones.

The soil is too poor for traditional agriculture, but thanks to certain cutting techniques the fruit trees produce a lot, and there is a large olive oil industry.

Druids don't feel confortable but these allow the building of stone+concrete walls for firewalls (here the formians are very good builders, thanks their biorganic concrete). Lots of towns are built on the trees, but the dwaves and others, but this architecture is designed not only for the numerous earthquakes but the periodic floods, and then they are practically submarine, with vault gates that don't allow the passage of water that is not in contact with solid bodies.

Old legends tell about spider-dragons, and even some statues are found in ancient ruins of temples, but there are no evidence in the last five centuries. But there are reports of vegetation destroyed by some necrotic magic.
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Some old legends tell about heroes or trickers who got the secret to create demiplanes. Some times these were traps and when the stealer entered her creation she turned its prison for the eternity. Other times these demiplanes were created for penance of demipowers, and they could recover the freedom when they understood the lesson. Or they were created to test in the afterlife some noble rulers, and when they got enough experience, they could ascend to the next level, with their minions. And someones were created because demipowers anticipated some disaster about to occur and the worshippers need some refugee to can survive.

And the most amazing of the demipowers who create these demiplanes are.... the sentient uchronies (= alternate timelines). The uchrony lords are really misterious, and even those who look friendly and hospitaler can hide dangerous secrets. One of them seems a true Utopia but secretly it was ruled by lodges of vampires with blood farms in underground bases. Other uchronies are born by the hipotetical merger of two different realms, creating a new kingdom or realm.

Some times the relations between uchronies is really troubled, for example one would be where certain realm is a monarchy, but in other this is a tiranny, or a democratic republic. Other uchronies are "half-slibing" because certain realm merged with one instead other thanks some marriage alliance. Some uchronies are allied because they hoped to share the same fate, for example several nations creating a confederation.

Certain chronomancers speculate the lord uchronies could be some side effect of possible time paradoxes.

Of course some demiplanes are really dangerous, but they are magnets for adventures for the promises of hidden treasures, and some times, it is true.


Some old legends tell about a titan dies and then the corpse become a new world. Maybe that happened here. This land is very interesting for the masters of medicinal arts, and the reputation to be the fame of being the largest producer of medicinal herbs is fair and deserved, also several native plants(?) are cultivated to craft poisons against undeads but it is not a beatiful place to be visited by tourists when the landscape seems the surrelist bowels of some plant monster.

According the investigations the zone was totally dead and sterile until the "day of the miracle", when a green ston fall from the sky, and life emerged from the impact zone. Later a brotherhood of harupex, masters of the magic ove the living tissues (usually for healing intentions) arrived and they studied the native plant-ooze creating new species.

Some sentient undeads arrive here searching a cure for their supernatural hunger, and they are relatively healed, or at least most of them would rather the new condition. Some plants can be altered by magic to become animal anatomy organs suitable for transplantation into humanoids, or plant-like simbionts.

The "native" fauna are like animated living wood skeletons, and almost all of them aren't predators, or at least they don't attack humanoid visitors.

Most of the know land is used for cultivation, and the main producers are a colony of giant living constructs nicknamed "cybertronians". These can transform their bodies into machines designed for agriculture, for example mechanical haversters. They sell their own biofuel or energy produced by their eolic towers (like windmills but without blades to not hurt birds). There are several settlers of halflings and gnomes, and these are using the "fleshwood" to craft biopunk constructs, or motors (they have invented a fleshwood muscle what can reload crossbows). There are groups of vampires, but these don't show signs of menace, because they get enough food thanks plasma fruits. (and they produce and sell their own plasma wine). Several circles of druids have reclaimed some zones, and they haven't could find signs of any spirit before "the day of the miracle".

Voidrunner's Codex

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