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The Cauldron

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  • Novel Cover
    The Cauldron is a science fiction novel and setting by Russ Morrissey. It is set in a fictional galaxy called the Cauldron which has been almost completely explored and colonized, and which has a feudal power structure dominated by a number of great houses.

    Novel Description​

    Feudal Houses vie for power across the vast depths of space.

    When House Brotharion instigates a siege of Concordant, the galaxy is thrown into turmoil. Old alliances are broken, and ancient grudges resurface. The Ministers of the Sapphire Star scheme and plot, and the singularity known as The Burn starts to awaken.

    As starfleets move, gangsters collude, and pirates find themselves unlikely saviors, something evil stirs. Something from the very dawn of time.

    Amongst the ambitions of archdukes and princes, heroes and villains will rise and fall as the destiny of the galaxy is played out. The galaxy known only as The Cauldron.

    A large cast of characters and a plot full of intrigue, horror, and political machinations, The Cauldron is a novel of epic sci-fi fantasy.


    The Cauldron features a large cast of characters. Various chapters are told from the point of view of a number of primary protagonists,
    • Willem Kryomer, an annalist, first son of House Kryomer
    • Tannor Asteer, a knight-commander employed by Chen Zua
    • Caitlin Larsson, captain of the Pride of Scorpio
    • Gromov, a henchman of the Scarra crime family
    • Jax, a heavyweight boxer on the run
    • Perius Brotharion, archduke and eldest son of House Brotharion
    • Aliva Jervasos, daughter of the condemned Count Garo Jervasos
    • Danial, eldest son of House Nomie
    • Vala Letharc, a prefect on Iota
    • Berric Kolato, a soldier in House Brotharion

    House Sigils​

    Each of the houses in the Cauldron is represented by its own banner.