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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Additional Mimic Industries Plant Series

Snow Peashooter
The Snow Peashooter is a suit of armour based on the snow peashooter in the Plants vs Zombies games. It consists of a blue body suit with torso armour, helmet that looks like a pea pod, although many think it appears more as an older style gas mask, with a part extending out with a large filter/grill, two dark lenses for the eyes. Armour plating covers the legs and arms, heavy gloves and ammunition and gear holsters and pockets around the forearms and waist, holster for provided pistol on hip of users preference. Each shoulder has an armoured container. Along the back of the head and shoulders and upper back, and sprouting from around the elbows are large ice shards. Wisps of cold air are expelled from the helmet and off the armour. The pistol uses standard 9mm ammunition, but the armour can also grow its own ammunition, within the shoulder containers, from normal ammunition to cold based ammunition, however it takes time for the suit to grow ammunition, and requires access to sunlight (natural or artificial), soil and fertilizer every couple of weeks, with optimal growing conditions in cooler environments. The grown ammunition only works with the pistol assigned with the armour, or a replacement.

Snow Peashooter Armour (PL5-6)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +3
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: +0
Nonprof Str Bonus: +0
Max Dex: +4
Armour Penalty: -3
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 19 lbs
Purchase DC: 19
Restriction: Mil +3
Notes: Filters (+4 vs airborne gases, virus and diseases), auto tinting lenses (+2 vs light/vision attacks), undead resistance, grow ammunition. Arm straps for 1 magazine of ammunition each, plus can hold 6 rounds in quick access loops. Belt has holster for Peashooter 9mm pistol, 6 pouches and can hold 6 magazines. Cold Resistance 10. Ice Shards

Ice Shards
The ice shards on the back can deal 1d4 points of piercing and 1 point of cold damage to anything grappling or swallowing the wearer. The shards on the elbows can be used in melee combat, adding 1d4 points of damage, half cold half piercing.

Undead Resistance
The plant fibers that are used in the armour's construction provide some resistance against the undead. The wearer gains +1 to all saves from attacks or abilities from an undead source.

Grow Ammunition
The armoured containers on the shoulders are filled with soil and plant matter that sprouts pea-like pods that are filled with ammunition. The containers require at least 3 hours of sunlight (natural or artificial), fertilizer added every 2 weeks, and soil replaced every 6 months. Ammunition grown, in each shoulder, as long as the pods are maintained, at a rate of 1d6+1 regular 9mm bullets every 2 days, cold ammunition 1d6 every 24 hours, armour piercing 1d4 every 7 days, explosive 1d4-1 (minimum 1) every 14 days. These rounds function as normal for their type, and can remain unused for up to 5 years before eventually rotting away, which can be used as regular fertilizer. Cold ammunition time is reduced by 2 hours for every 5 degrees below room temperature.

Snow Peashooter 9mm Pistol
This blue pistol is in design to common 9mm pistols, just in the same blue colouring as the Snow Peashooter armour. It is reliable and functional. It can add cold damage to any ammunition used, but the cold ammunition grown by the armour is even more effective.

Snow Peashooter 9mm Pistol (PL5)
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 40 ft
Rate of Fire: S
Size: Small
Weight: 3 lbs
Ammo: 12 box
Purchase DC: 16 Lic +1
Notes: Can make use of the grown ammunition from the Peashooter Armour. Add Cold damage.

Add Cold Damage
As a free action, the user can turn on a special feature that adds an additional 50% damage dealt by the bullet as cold damage. On a critical hit, target is slowed for 1 round if fails a Fort save DC 14. Once activated lasts for 1d6+1 rounds, then requires a 3 round cool down period, only useable 5 times per day. The ability doesn't work with Cold Ammunition created by the Snow Peashooter armour.

Cold Ammunition

This ammunition, grown in the Snow Peashooter armour's shoulder pods, functions like standard 9mm ammunition, but deals only 1d6 points of ballistic damage and 2d6 points of cold damage. Target must also make a Fort save DC 17 or be slowed for 1d4 rounds. On a critical hit, target is frozen in place for 1 round in addition to being slowed for 1d4 rounds. If used in environments of freezing or lower temperatures, cold damage is increased by +1 damage and slowed duration by +1 rounds for every 15 degrees below freezing.

This red with silver accents APC appears to look similar to a lawn mower. On top is a light turret that mounts twin machine guns. On the front is a large spiked roller used to shred organic opponents or barriers that get in the way, such as trees, shrubs and infantry. The roller is fit to arms that allow it to raise up and swing over the top to rest behind the turret when not used. A structure that looks like the handle on a push mower extends up from the rear of the vehicle. This structure contains smoke dispensers to fill the area around the vehicle with smoke, liquid dispensers that can spray water, poisons, pesticides and other chemicals but not acids. It also had mounts to hang various armours of the Plant series when they are not in use to allow them to rest in sunlight.
The front has an opening that sucks in shredded organic and plant matter, and even soil that gets shredded by roller. This matter is sent to a series of large locker like containers inside that are larger versions of the pods found on the Plant armours, which can be used to grow ammunition for users with Plant armour onboard, and the machine guns.
The Wrecker requires a crew of two to three, driver, commander/operator and optional gunner to run the turret. The commander/operator engages the spiked roller, makes sure the feed system doesn't jam, and selects what ammunition is grown in the pods. It has two doors, one on each side between the large wheels, and a hatch at the back that raises Plant armours up the 'handle' structure to hang them on it so they can get sunlight when not in use. Takes a full round action to start it moving. The vehicle is four squares wide and five squares long.

Crew: 2-3
Passengers: 10
Cargo: 500 lbs
Init: -2
Maneuver: -2
Top Speed: 70 (7) (500 miles / tank)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 53
Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 46
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: 2 Plant medium machine guns, 2 smoke dispensers, liquid sprayers, ammunition pods, thermal/nightvision for crew, GPS, military radio, headlights, shredder roller


NameDamageCriticalDam TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazineController
2 fire-linked Plant medium machine gun2d820Ball100 ftALinked (2500 rds)Gunner
Shredder Roller3d620x3Slashing/bludgeoningMelee- -Driver*

Plant Medium Machine Guns
These machine guns use 7.62mm ammunition, but can also use any ammunition grown in the containers inside the vehicle, similar to the weapons of the Plant series armours. Has quick load feature to connect to additional ammunition bins, each holding 2500 rounds. Allows switching out different ammunition if enough is prepared a head of time. A total of 5 ammunition bins per weapon (10 total) can be at the ready, taking only a single full round to change and ready for use.

Smoke Dispensers
From the 'handle bar' structure on the back of the vehicle a cloud of smoke that blocks vision can be released as a standard action by the commander/operator, fills a 75 foot radius area in 1 round.
Has enough to be used 5 times. Uses standard smoke grenades, requiring 4 grenades per use (holds 20 grenades).

Liquid Sprayers
A series of sprayers are built into the 'handle bar' structure, capable of spraying liquids over a 50 foot radius area in a round as an attack action by the commander/operator. Any liquid can be used, except for acids and other corrosive liquids. Has enough room in the tank to be used 6 times. Has an external hose and pump to allow for easy refilling, such as water from a lake or river. Can be used to water any armours hanging off the bar structure.

Ammunition Pods
These are similar to the pods found on the Plant series armours, a total of 7 pods are located in the vehicle, two dedicated to creating ammunition for the machine guns in the turret, with automatic feeding system to the ammunition bins. The containers require at least 3 hours of sunlight (natural or artificial, via panels in the roof which have armoured shutters that can be opened or closed as a move action by a crew member or passenger), fertilizer added every 2 weeks, and soil replaced every 6 months. Ammunition grown, in each pod, as long as the pods are maintained, at a rate of 3d6+3 regular bullets every 2 days, armour piercing 3d4 every 7 days, explosive 3d4-1 (minimum 1) every 14 days. Cold ammunition 2d4 every 24 hours, 1d6+1 mini grenades every 2 days, fragmentation mini grenades 1d6+1 every 7 days, acid 1d4 (minimum 1) every 14 days. Standard sized hand thrown grenades increase time by +2 days.
These rounds function as normal for their type, and can remain unused for up to 5 years before eventually rotting away, which can be used as regular fertilizer.

Heavy armour with large shield for riot/defensive positions. Artificial muscles, made of plant fibers to increase strength of the wearer. The armour has a brownish colour similar to the shell of a walnut. Instead of creating ammunition, the armour is capable of growing large plates of armour made of material similar to a nuts' shell, which can be used as impromptu additional armour plating for infantry, vehicles, or shields and barricades.

Hall-Nut Armour (PL5-6)
Type: Heavy
Equipment Bonus: +7
Nonprof. Bonus: +3
Str Bonus: +2
Nonprof Str Bonus: +0
Max Dex: +1
Armour Penalty: -5
Speed (30 ft): 20 ft
Weight: 22 lbs
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Mil +3
Notes: Filters (+4 vs airborne gases, virus and diseases), auto tinting lenses (+2 vs light/vision attacks), undead resistance, grow armour. Multiple pockets and pouches, mount to connect riot shield

Undead Resistance
The plant fibers that are used in the armour's construction provide some resistance against the undead. The wearer gains +1 to all saves from attacks or abilities from an undead source.

Grow Armour
The armour has containers on the shoulders, backs and legs, filled with soil and plant matter that can grow a shell like armour plating. The containers require at least 3 hours of sunlight (natural or artificial), fertilizer added every 2 weeks, and soil replaced every 6 months. Plates can be grown to enhance the armour's own protection, taking 1 full round to grow plates to cover the armour, increasing Defense bonus by +3, adding 50 temporary hit points which are depleted first, and DR 5, but increases the weight by 30 lbs and armour check penalty increases by -2.
Alternatively can grow up to 4 plates about 5 ft by 5 ft, in 4 rounds, which can be detached and used as medium shields (Equipment bonus +3), with 10 hit points and DR 5. Armour can grow up to 16 plates a day. The plates last up to 10 years before eventually rotting away and becoming fertilizer.

Riot Shield
This shield is a large clear shield that is highly resistant to impacts and is transparent to allow the user to see through it.
Riot Shield
Type: Shield
Equipment Bonus: +4
NonProf Bonus: +1
Max Dex: -
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 14 lbs
PDC: 9
Restriction: Res +2

Notes: Has hooks to attach a grown armour plate adding +2 to Defense, 10 hit points and DR 5, provides half cover bonus to defense when standing still.

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The Aggressive ReConnaissance 170 starfighter, also known as the ARC-170, is a heavy duty starfighter used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, and the Empire in its early years, produced by Incom Corp and Subpro. It is a multipurpose fighter, measuring 42 feet in length, with a pair of large sublight engines flanking the frame, with a set of wings that extend from the engines, each with a pair of s-foils that raise up and below, giving it an extra X to its front profile, that help radiate excess heat. Crewed by 3 members and an astromech, made up of pilot, co-pilot and tail gunner. Armed with two primary forward lasers and two lighter lasers in the rear, mounted on top and below the rear of the hull, and a proton torpedo launcher in the nose, with mountings on the wings for up to six concussion missiles, and a sensor jammer with shields for protection. 5 days worth of air, fuel and food are stored onboard before using up the cargo space.

ARC-170 Starfighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft, 1147 (115) atmosphere
Defense: 11 (10 base -4 size +3 class +2 dex) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (10 base -4 size +3 dex)
Autopilot Defense: 8 (10 base -4 size +2)
Hardness: 22
Hit Dice: 10d20 (200 hp) + 75 hp shields
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 42 ft
Weight: 12,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 3 +1 astromech (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 240 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Mil (+3)

2 fire-linked heavy laser -2 ranged 12d8, 20, fire, 4000 ft, s/a; or
Proton Torpedo Launcher -2 ranged 10d12, 20x3, energy, 5000 ft, single, 6 torpedoes

Tail Gunner
Laser -2 ranged 6d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft

Attack of Opportunity:

Bonuses: -5 to Sensor checks vs Class III or less, 20% miss chance vs missiles

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Ejector Seat, S-Foils, Targeting Rangefinder, Pivoting Muzzle
Engines: Ion engine, Hyperdrive x1.5
Armour: Polymeric reinforced
Defense Systems: Heavy Shields, autopilot, sensor jammer
Sensors: Class III, Missile Lock Alert, Targeting System
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 heave Laser cannons, 2 lasers, proton torpedo launcher (6 torpedoes), optional wing mounted 6 concussion missiles
Grappling Systems:

Heavy Shields
These shields are stronger than standard shields, providing greater protection. These shields provide 30 hp per HD of the ship equal to one-fourth the starship's overall Hit Dice (rounded down, minimum 1).
PDC: Shield type +2
Restriction: Res +2

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

The ARC-170 wings are fitted with S-Foils that raise from the top and body, which expose heat sinks and active cooling radiator panels which help cool the ship and improve the shield generator's effectiveness. While the S-foils are open, when one crew member restores the shields, increase the HP restored by 25% rounding down.
The s-foils need to be closed before activating the hyperdrive or landing. Can be opened or closed as a free action.

Targeting Rangefinder
This device improves the accuracy of the equipped weapon over longer ranges. The equipped weapons attack penalty past the first range increment is half. For example, at 3 range increments would normally suffer -2 to attack rolls, now instead suffers only -1 to attack rolls.

Pivoting Muzzle
The muzzles of the main weapons of the ARC-170 are designed to tilt, causing the laser beam to tilt by as little as a few degrees off-axis, improving accuracy at short distances. If target is within half the first range increment, gains +1 to attack rolls with the heavy lasers.

The AC-170, or Aggressive Courier, is a variant of the ARC-170 that is modified to act as a transport for VIPs or transport small important packages. The rear weapons are removed, the cockpit modified to remove the controls from the second seat, and the rear is converted into a sleeper unit with a mini refresher. The onboard supply storage is increased to 8 days and the cargo bay is enlarged.
Besides the rear lasers removed, the proton torpedo launcher is also removed, leaving only the two heavy lasers for protection. With the lighter weight, and upgraded engines, the AC-170 is a bit faster, which allows it to avoid combat and get its passenger or cargo to its destination. The hyperdrive is also upgraded to a x1.25 so it's also faster in lightspeed.
Make the following changes to ARC-170 to create a AC-170:
Reduce crew capacity to 1;
Increase passenger capacity to 1, 2 in cramped conditions;
Remove 2 lasers;
Remove proton torpedo launcher;
Increase speed to 4500 ft;
Change hyperdrive to x1.25;
Change consumables to 8 days;
Increase cargo capacity to 275 lbs;
Add sleeper unit;
Protected Cargo;
PDC: +1

Sleeper Unit
There is bed, curtain and a small built in refresher unit built into the back the ship allowing the pilot or passenger to rest and sleep.

Protected Cargo
The cargo bay is armoured, so in the event the ship crashes or is destroyed, the cargo will survive. The pod has hardness 50, 50 hit points once the ship has been destroyed. It has a complicated physical and digital locking system, DC 24 to pick and DC 25 to hack the digital lock.

The Anvil is a Colonial built version of the ARC-170, with the same general shape, but lacks the s-foils and has a thicker and slightly more angular hull, and in particular lacks the astromech droid slot. It fills the role of an assault Raptor, in that it is heavily armed, bringing a large number of heavy weapons and missiles. To keep logistics simple, the Anvil mounts weapons found on Raptors and Vipers, mounting twin railguns slung under the ends of the wings, and mounts two railguns in a single mount turrets on the rear, similar to the lasers on the original ARC-170, while an internal missile bay contains CHE missiles, with underwing mounted missile pods can carry both CHE and Cobra Mk2 missiles. The Anvil also mounts a jump system, allowing it to strike at distant targets without a carrier ship, allowing it to work with heavy escort for Raptors on deep strike attacks. Requires 3 crew, the pilot, who flies and operates the main rail cannons and can use missiles, the co-pilot/operator typically operates the jump system, jammers and defensive systems, but can also fire the missiles, and a rear gunner that operates the rear rail cannon turrets, and can use the chaff system.

Anvil Heavy Fighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft/5000 ft afterburner, 1147 (115)/1600 (160) afterburner, atmosphere
Defense: 11 (10 base -4 size +3 class +2 dex) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (10 base -4 size +3 dex)
Autopilot Defense: 8 (10 base -4 size +2)
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 11d20 (220 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +3
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 42 ft
Weight: 13,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 3 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 150 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 37
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Attack: 4 fire-linked modified rail cannons -2 ranged (12d12, 20, 3000 ft); or
2 Fire-linked CHE missile -2 ranged (9d12/19-20); or
2 Fire-linked Cobra Mk2 missile -2 ranged (7d12/19-20) optional

Tail Gunner
Modifed rail cannon -2 ranged (6d12, 20, ballistic, 3000 ft)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Bonuses: -5 to Sensor checks vs Class III or less, 20% miss chance vs missiles, +2 Pilot checks

Standard PL 6 Design Specs: Twin Engine, RCS Mk1, ejector seats, emergency jump, spool up
Engines: Fusion torch engine, thrusters, hydrogen injectors, jump engines
Armor: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Chaff launcher with 12 chaff bundles, sensor jammer, missile lock system, Autopilot system
Sensors: Class III sensor array, targeting system
Communications: Laser transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: 4 fire-linked modified rail cannons (range incr. 3,000 ft.), 2 rail cannons (rear turrets), 2 CHE missile launcher (6 missiles ea), optional 2 Cobra mk2 missile launcher (5 missiles ea) and optional additional 2 CHE missile launcher (4 missile ea)
Grappling Systems: None

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

The Reaction Control System, is a set of thrusters, placed about the ship, give it improved maneuverability and reaction time. Mk1 Grants +1 to Initiative, and +2 to Pilot checks to perform stunts PDC 14; Mk2 +2 Initiative, +2 to Pilot Checks PDC 15; Mk3 +2 Initiative, +3 to Pilot checks, PDC 16.

Emergency Jump
The jump drive of the Raptor is capable of making a second jump within 1d4 rounds after it completes its first jump back to the coordinates it left from. However after the jump the ship is immobile for 2 rounds as the engines reset.

Spool Up
The jump engines of the ship can be spooled up and remain spooled for an extended period of time, allowing the pilot to jump quickly. While the jump drive is spooled up (taking the normal time to spool), the pilot can as jump as a free action, even as a reaction to an attack, making a Reflex Save DC the attack roll of the attacking ship. On a successful save the ship jumps away safely suffering no damage. If the pilot fails by less than 5, the ship jumps away but suffers half the damage of the attack. A failure the ship takes damage as normal and jumps away at the end of the attacker's turn.

Cobra Mk2 Missile (PL 5-6)
An upgraded version of the Cobra air-to-air missiles modified to also function in space with slightly improved targeting and warhead. +1 to attack rolls against ultralight craft.
Name: Cobra (air-to-air missile)
Weapon Damage: 5d12
Critical: 19-20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3)


R4 Series Astromech Droid
The R4 series of astromech is the next series of droids in the R series made by Industrial Automation to attempt to capture the Outer Rim urbanite market, more geared towards speeders, and operation outside of pristine hanger bays. The R4 is simpler, tougher and cheaper than R2 and R3 series. The sensors are downgraded from the R2/3, video display screen and fire extinguisher are removed. The programing is geared towards common repulsor craft and common freighters instead of including starfighters or capital ships. It did include a navi-comp, but could only store a single set of coordinates, typically the return route. The R4, besides being tougher, also had improved power life, allowing it to operate for up to 72 hours before requiring at least 8 hour rejuvenation period to replenish its energy cells.

CR: 1
Size: Small (3 ft, 5 inches)
Hit Points: 1d10+10 (20)
Init: +1
Speed: 15 ft, 30 wheels
Defense: 11 (+1 Dex, +1 Size)
Hardness: 3
BAB/Grp: +0
Attack: unarmed +1 melee 1d3+1
FS/Reach: 5/5 ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort +0 , Reflex +1 , Will +0
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con -, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills: Computer Use +6, Craft Electrical +6, Craft Mechanical +8, Drive +5, Knowledge Technology +6, Listen +2, Navigate +4, Pilot (Ultralight) +5, Repair +6, Search +4, Spot +4
Feats: Starship Operations: Ultralight (freighters), Vehicle operation (repulsorcraft)

Frame: biodroid
Locomotion: legs (pair, with retractable third) with wheels (tripod configuration)
Manipulators: 1 grapple claw, multiple extendable tools
Armour: None
Sensors: Class V
Skill Software: Skill Net (+4): Craft Electrical, Mechanical, Knowledge Technology, Treat Injury, Skill Net (+2) Computer Use, Drive, Pilot, Search, Repair
Feat Software: Starship Operations: Ultralight, Vehicle Operation (repulsorcraft)
Accessories: Int upgrade x2, Dex upgrade, internal storage (20 lbs), complink, tool mount x4 (mounted on body), vocalizer, mechanicomp sensor, electricomp sensor, fusion torch, arc welder, motion sensor, video & photo recorders, holo projector & recorder, radio, electrical tool kit, mechanical tool kit, multipurpose tool, heuristic processors, magnetic feet, navi-comp (store 1 set of coordinates)
PDC: 23

Heuristic Processor
The R series droids are able to learn new skills and feats, and take on ordinary classes (see d20 modern pg 270 Support Characters), but must relate to the medical field in some way.

R5 Series Astromech Droid
The R5 was an attempt to create a cheap version of the widely successful R2 series, using cheaper materials, and cutting corners where they could. While the bodies are similar to the R2, the dome is a cylinder shaped that tapers inwards going up. Instead of a main large sensor visual sensor, it has three smaller ones. Due to the cheaper materials and corner cutting, these droids were prone to malfunctions, defects and bad attitudes. Industrial Automation shortly afterwards discontinued the line, and what R5s were already sold are the only ones still operating.

CR: 1
Size: Small (3 ft, 6 inches)
Hit Points: 1d10+5 (10)
Init: +1
Speed: 15 ft, 30 wheels
Defense: 11 (+1 Dex, +1 Size)
BAB/Grp: +0
Attack: unarmed +1 melee 1d3+1
FS/Reach: 5/5 ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Malfuction, Defects
Saves: Fort +0 , Reflex +1 , Will +0
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con -, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 4
Skills: Computer Use +8, Craft Electrical +6, Craft Mechanical +8, Knowledge Technology +6, Listen +2, Navigate +4, Pilot (Ultralight) +5, Repair +8, Search +4, Spot +4
Feats: Starship Operations: Ultralight, Gearhead

Frame: biodroid
Locomotion: legs (pair, with retractable third) with wheels (tripod configuration)
Manipulators: 1 grapple claw, multiple extendable tools
Armour: None
Sensors: Class V
Skill Software: Skill Net (+4): Craft Electrical, Mechanical, Knowledge Technology, Treat Injury, Skill Net (+2) Computer Use, Pilot, Search, Repair
Feat Software: Starship Operations: Ultralight, Gearhead
Accessories: Int upgrade x2, Dex upgrade, internal storage (20 lbs), complink, tool mount x4 (mounted on body), vocalizer, mechanicomp sensor, electricomp sensor, fusion torch, arc welder, motion sensor, grappler tag with 50 ft of duracable, sensor periscope (2 foot reach), video & photo recorders, holo projector & recorder, radio, electrical tool kit deluxe, mechanical tool kit deluxe, multipurpose tool, fire extinguisher (6 uses) heuristic processors, magnetic feet, navi-comp
PDC: 22

Heuristic Processor
The R2 series droids are able to learn new skills and feats, and take on ordinary classes (see d20 modern pg 270 Support Characters), but must relate to the medical field in some way.

Every day the droid doesn't get some regular maintenance, typically 10 minutes Repair check DC 13, there is a 5%+1 per day without maintenance, chance the droid malfunctions, typically shutting off for 1d4 hours, or functioning at half speed (speed reduced to half, bonuses to attack and skills reduced by half) for 1d20 minutes up to 1d4 times a day.

The droid can have 1d4 of the following defects at the time of creation, roll 1d10 (effects can be selected multiple times, with each additional time increasing penalty by half:
1) 2 skills -2, 1 skill +2;
2) Speed -5 ft;
3) +1 to attack and prone to attack other droids if left alone;
4) 2 abilities at -2 (Str, Dex, Int, Wis, Cha), 1 ability gains +1 (can't be the same as the ones with the penalty);
5) Easily Frightened (any loud noises, sudden bright lights, the droid is surprised, or combat, the droid will attempt to run away from the source at fastest speed it can);
6) Highly Aggressive (will attack anyone, droid or living creature except the owner when not watched);
7) Disobedient (owner must make opposed Will save with the droid to get it to follow even the simplest order);
8) Faulty Wiring (the wiring of the droid is not well shielded and may have nicks, anyone or thing touching the droid, or the droid touches suffers 1 point of electricity damage);
9) Faulty Power Source (can only operate for 12 hours before requiring a recharge period, even if the power cells are replaced);

10) Highly Distracted (on any task that takes more than 5 minutes, requires a Will save DC 15 +1 per 5 minutes to remain on task. On a failed save is distracted by anything, or switches to a different task forgetting the original task)

Matchstick is a clone trooper pilot that served the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars, service as the commander of Shadow Squadron, using the call sign Shadow Two, he kept his head shaved, and his best friend is Broadside. Matchstick developed exceptional eyesight and quick reflexes, making him effective in battle. He is a tough and confident pilot, and preferred the BTL-B Y-Wings after they became available to clone pilots. He is also a bit overconfident in that he will ignore damage to his craft that could potentially affect the craft's performance.

Matchstick (Ordinary Strong 6, Fast 1)
Type: Clone, Human
Size: Medium
CR: 6
Hit Points: 45 hp (7d8+14)
Mas: 15
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 22 (Class +6, +2 Dex, +4 equipment armour)
BAB/Grp: +6/+1 /+8
FS/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +8 ranged DC-15a blaster rifle (3d10, 20x2, fire, 85 ft), or +8/+3 ranged DC-15a blaster rifle, or +8 melee unarmed (1d3+2 nonlethal), or other weapons equipped
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Clone Traits, Ordnance Expert, Just A Scratch Sir, Y-Wing Expert
Allegiances: Kamino, programmed allegiance
Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +6, Will +2
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Occupation: Military (Knowledge Tactics, Demolitions)
Skills: Climb +4, Computer Use +2, Drive +5, Hide +3, Jump +3, Knowledge Tactics +5, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Pilot +6, Repair +2, Search +3, Spot +4
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Light Armour Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Dodge, Starship Operation (ultralight), Vehicle Expert, Starship Gunnery
Possessions: DC-17 hand blaster, Clone Pilot Armour, survival kit, 4 power packs, 4 grenades (type varies by mission type)
Action Points:

Ordnance Expert
When Matchstick uses a missile or torpedo type weapon on a starship, deals an extra Die of damage.

Just A Scratch Sir
Matchstick can be overconfident at times, which can cause him to ignore damage that can cause performance issues with his craft, or result in further damage later if not dealt with. Once per battle, Matchstick can change a single, non critical attack's damage, after hardness/damage reduction, into a type of 'nonlethal' damage, as long as the attack wouldn't be enough to destroy the ship he is piloting. If this damage plus other normal damage would normally bring his ship's HP to or below 0 HP, doesn't actually take effect. The next time, in the same combat, or even outside of combat, before landing and repair his craft, when Matchstick makes a Pilot check with DC higher than 17, or suffers a critical hit, the 'nonlethal' damage changes back to normal damage, this damage ignores hardness/DR.

Y-Wing Expert
Matchstick is an expert Y-Wing pilot, having studied the craft inside and out and it is his preferred fighter of choice. While piloting a Y-Wing, gains +1 to attack rolls, +1 to Pilot checks and Reflex saves. If an enemy scores a critical hit against a Y-Wing he his piloting, he can make a Reflex Save DC the attacker's attack roll. On a successful save, the critical is turned into a normal attack, while a save by 5 or more doubles the hardness of the ship for that attack only, as he's expertly moved the ship to help deflect and spread the damage over larger area, reducing its damage.

Clone Pilot Armour
This armour is designed for clone pilots, providing protection without hindering their movement or taking up too much space, designed for the Jango Fett template clones. The armour is designed to help protect the pilot from the high G-Forces created by high speed maneuvers, provide protection against the vacuum of space, in the event they eject from their craft, and includes limited life support and air.

Clone Pilot Armour (PL 6-7)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +4
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus:
Max Dex: +3
Armour Penalty: -3
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 15 lbs
Purchase DC: 19
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: +2 Fort saves vs cold or hot environments, +4 Fort save vs air toxins/poisons, 6 hour air supply and allow wearer to survive in vacuum for 6 hours, military radio, +1 Listen and Search checks. Belt contains pockets for holding ammunition, grenades and holds for a single pistol.

Ok, here’s one that I think the Colonials would dig: the SA-43 “Hammerhead”.

The designation (“Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Fighter”) probably has gotten some love among dudes like Jane’s. Because there’s regular fighters for atmosphere and there are star fighters (most of them can fight on atmosphere too, but that is neither here or there. Think there are some that can’t, but I would need to go look for them), but this is the designation for the ones that fight in and out of atmosphere. Like the Valkyries.

Voidrunner's Codex

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