EN World: D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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Breezy will appear in an audio book releasing on October 24th.
Perkins moves from Game Architect to Creative Director.
In Discworld, you no longer have to fear shenanigans ruining your game. They ARE the game!
Who doesn't need a snallygaster or two?
Critical Role is embarking on their biggest live tour yet.
Dressing up for Halloween, for a cosplay or steampunk-themed game? Look no further!
How will you escape the rot you feel in your soul?
More DMG 2024 previews, Discworld breaks $1 million crowdfunding, Chris Perkins no longer product lead, and more!
D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, World of Darkness, Vaesen, Shadowdark, OSR, and more!
A novel twist on the usual Mothership campaign.
More DMG previews, Discworld RPG breaks $1 million, Chris Perks no longer production lead, and more!
Overall, the latest PHB gets a solid B from me, an evolution of D&D to date.
Greyhawk is the example world in the new Dungeon Master's Guide.
The classic adventure gamebooks return to US shelves after over 20 years
The D&D 50th Anniversary Promotion also includes profile customization options for sale
Miss that gaming convention vibe? Why not run one from the comfort of your home?

This Week in TTRPG


In Discworld, you no longer have to fear shenanigans ruining your game. They ARE the game!
A novel twist on the usual Mothership campaign.
Overall, the latest PHB gets a solid B from me, an evolution of D&D to date.
A great gateway for fans of the video game or the anime to see what all the tabletop fuss is about.

Dungeons & Dragons

Breezy will appear in an audio book releasing on October 24th.
Perkins moves from Game Architect to Creative Director.
Who doesn't need a snallygaster or two?
Overall, the latest PHB gets a solid B from me, an evolution of D&D to date.
Greyhawk is the example world in the new Dungeon Master's Guide.
The D&D 50th Anniversary Promotion also includes profile customization options for sale

Industry News

Perkins moves from Game Architect to Creative Director.
Chris Perkins will no longer serve as a Product Lead for official D&D books.
Tentative deal struck after three days, suspending strike
Games join Traveller as Mongoose-owned products.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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