Forgotten Realms Player Guide

D&D (2024) Forgotten Realms Player Guide


Well, that was fun
Staff member
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"Part of our re-imagining of these core books was also wanting to return to D&D's most popular setting--the Forgotten Realms."

The Forgotten Realms Guide is the first player's guide other than the setting in 5th edition. This will be two books, one for Dungeon Masters, one for players.

New player options, new subclasses, new feats, new backgrounds, new spells, new kinds of spells, factions like the Harpers or the Red Wizards of Thay.

The Dungeon Master's book digs into different parts of the Realms--Baldur's Gate for urban fantasy, Iceland Dale for survival horror, isolated towns, a giant elvish mega dungeon, fairy stories and conflict which can be resolved without violence in the Moonshae Isles, and the land of Kalimshan. Each delivers a different play style.

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