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a word document with page numbers and titles you can find monsters.
LaNasa's Reply Brief in Defamation Appeal (2d Cir.)
Majin's Temple of Elemental Evil conversion Cleon
rehosting of Majin's 3.5 D&D conversion of ToEE
This is the answer Brief in Lanasa v. Tenkar, posted 11/5/24
Google Sheet you can import into Kobold+ Fight Club to select over 900 A5E monsters.
A single page printout with details of the A5E Skills

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Another prospect suggestion for the Not DnD program: Stephen Hart from The Grinning Frog.

In recent years he and his assistant Ryan (whose last name slips my mind at the moment) have been creating solo adventures that use dice and a deck of playing cards to great effect.

Take care, Jess. I enjoy the work that EN World does.
In addition, there have been separate adventures. The first solo game Hart created was for playing a contestant in a gladiatorial arena titled, well, "Fight Club Arena".
Another stand-alone is "Final Quest", where one plays someone who awakes deep underground, the only survivor of a party that set out to take down a legendary beast. In that game, you have a choice of simply finding your way out of the depths, avenging your allies, or taking on the beast by yourself.
If you're into Lovecraft, they've made another solo set in 1939 called "Mythos Rising" as WW II is on the horizon. I just recently received that, and haven't yet tried it, but I'm looking forward to playing in that world, too.
Currently working on Why We Fight, a 1-5 player, GMless, narratively driven #ttrpg set in a post-civil war society.
Do you want to fight the oppressive forces of the White Fist, create a solarpunk society, and learn about each other along the way? FOLLOW THE PROJECT bit.ly/whywefightrpg
DND Player and Dice Desinger
Thanks__________ salem manifest loverspell@ (g mai l .co m).
I was able to win back my Ex boyfriend with the help of this spell caster.

WhatsApp: +1 (214) 688-9467

Here you will find inspiration for your game images and colors!
www.artphiloso.com,Welcome to visit.