OSR & Retroclone Character Sheets

OSR games like OSRIC and others.

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These sheets are based on the work of EnWorld user [B]prongbuck[/B] and his [URL="http://www.enworld
Castles & Crusades Old Skool Player Character Records madirishman
After threatening to make one like forever, I finally got around to making a C&C character sheet - t
Castles & Crusades Spell Planner Sheets 1.0 madirishman
Another old skool option for those playing C&C, mimicking the look and feel of the AD&D REF2 sheets
Castles & Crusades REF2-Style Player Character Record madirishman
Another old skool option for those playing C&C, mimicking the look and feel of the AD&D REF2 sheets
Castles & Crusades New Record Sheet 1.0 madirishman
While C&C is an old school game, some folks prefer a less old school character sheet. This is a draf
Swords & Wizardry Character Sheet (Official) F
The official character sheet for Swords & Wizardry.
OSRIC Player Character Record Sheets O
Perhaps the most comprehensive set of sheets for any player character in an OSRIC game. Each aspect
Labyrinth Lord RPG Character Sheet Waller
PC character sheet for the Labyrinth Lord old school roleplaying game.
ACKS Character Worksheets Waller
Adventurer Conqueror King System Character Worksheets.