Level Up: Advanced 5E

Top resources

Google Sheet you can import into Kobold+ Fight Club to select over 900 A5E monsters.
A single page printout with details of the A5E Skills
Official Voidrunner Sheet (fillable) Morrus
The plain, printer-friendly sheet from the book.
Official Voidrunner Character Sheet (Fancy) Morrus
The voidrunner version of the fancy character sheet.
A spell to make other spells permanent
A collection of spells converted to LU from (A)D&D.
A collection of monsters converted to LU format from Dragon Magazine
Official Level Up Character Sheet (Fancy) Morrus
The character sheet from the Starter Box
A5e Monster Data TSAK Update
A spreadsheet of basic monster statistic including ability scores, creature type, and CR
Character sheet made in google sheets to calculate and track basic a5e character information.
LU: A5E Cheat Sheets including Basic Maneuvers, Actions in combat, Conditions, Weapons/Armor tables
A5E monster data markdown files for Jeremy Valentine's Obsidian plugins
A5E & 5E Monsters by CR zen_cat
A list of monsters by their challenge rating, across multiple books
A sortable spreadsheet of spell schools, concentration requirements, etc.
Form Fillable Version Decision-Focused Character Sheet
Decision-Focused Character Sheet
Quick Vehicle Rules Reference Sheet
Cheat sheet for what spells were altered from 5E to A5E