Pathfinder RPG Optimized Characters [COMPETITION CLOSED!]

Optimized characters should be uploaded in PDF format. Herolab's PDF format is preferred where possible. Paizo materials only. Specify the point-buy in the description. Ideally provide characters at levels 1, 10, 20 to show progression.

Top resources

[B][FONT=&amp]Echo[/FONT][/B][FONT=&amp] (active effects: wild shape into small earth elemental, [I]
[B]Belheya Sanhat[/B] Female Sun-touched Human Wizard 15 CG Medium humanoid (human) [B]Init [/B
[B][FONT=&amp]The Amazing Chrythos[/FONT][/B][FONT=&amp] Male Human Bard (street performer) 5 CG Med
[B]Kavar the Unclean[/B] Male Tiefling Wizard 1 LN Medium outsider (native) [B]Hero Points [/B]1 [B]
Maelwen Deathseeker [elf ranger 5, vampire hunter] Simon Collins
[B]Maelwen Deathseeker[/B] Male Elf Ranger (Infiltrator) 5 ([I]Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guid
[B]Lucky Shot[/B] Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) Inquisitor 2/Monk (Zen Archer) 8 ([I]Pathfinder
Capt. Agatha Drake [elf gunslinger 5; musket damage dealer] Morrus
[B]Capt. Agathe Drake[/B] Female Elf Gunslinger (Musket Master) 5 ([I]Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat