Worlds of Design

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  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: A Pretty High Price
  • lewpuls
  • 20
Can an overemphasis on attractive art, components, and hardcovers price gamers out of the market?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: A Single Tweak
  • lewpuls
  • 6
A single change in how magic works can have strong effects on gameplay.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Campaign, Sequence, or One-shot?
  • lewpuls
  • 13
Understanding the difference can greatly affect play.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: How Long is Your Game Meant to Be?
  • lewpuls
  • 21
Experience with a RPG’s rules can vary depending on how long the game is meant to be played.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: How Powerful Are Your Gods?
  • lewpuls
  • 26
Are your fantasy role-playing game-gods all-powerful, and are they omniscient?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: How Subtle is Your Sorcery?
  • lewpuls
  • 25
How much spectacle is involved in casting spells in your game?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Consistent Fantasy Ecologies
  • lewpuls
  • 33
Every world has an ecology, but is it believable?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Water, Water, Everywhere
  • lewpuls
  • 1
Water-related disasters can have drastic effects on entire countries, even the world as a whole.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: The Revenge of the Kludge
  • lewpuls
  • 10
Meet the Kludge: a tacked-on solution to a particular problem
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Harmony
  • lewpuls
  • 13
Harmony and its opposite, the kludge, are fundamental to good game design.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: The Mastermind
  • lewpuls
  • 6
Every campaign has their Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes’ master criminal.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Get to the Point
  • lewpuls
  • 18
Brevity is the soul of wit … and game design.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Combat Methods
  • lewpuls
  • 30
Is there an ideal combat method in an FRPG?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Hit Fast, Strike Hard
  • lewpuls
  • 15
Is there an ideal frequency with which characters or monsters hit one another in an FRPG?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: How Lethal is Your Magic?
  • lewpuls
  • 18
The lethality of a RPG's spell system has repercussions beyond combat.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Why Buy Adventures?
  • lewpuls
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Why do people buy commercial modules when early RPGs assumed the GM would make up the adventures?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Before the Fight
  • lewpuls
  • 6
Improvise or plan? Both have consequences for encounters.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Prestige Goods
  • lewpuls
  • 7
When two groups encounter each other, they may place very different values on the same objects.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: The Sensible Monster
  • lewpuls
  • 5
Should monsters behave sensibly in RPGs?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Why We War
  • lewpuls
  • 14
From a world building perspective, motivation for war can be important.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: What Did You Expect?
  • lewpuls
  • 16
This is about expectations, not for yourself as a GM, but what you expect from players.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Colonies
  • lewpuls
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If you’ve developed nations in your campaign, you will probably have a world that involves colonies.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Besieged!
  • lewpuls
  • 11
Let’s talk about sieges, both how they work in the real world, and something about how they might work in fantasy.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: Not-So-Friendly Fire
  • lewpuls
  • 44
What are some pros and cons of including friendly fire in RPGs?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: The Problem with Magimarts
  • lewpuls
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I dislike magic item stores ("magimarts") in my games. Here's why.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: How Original Is Your Homebrew?
  • lewpuls
  • 21
As GM do you need to worry about originality in your adventures?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: The Improv Imbalance
  • lewpuls
  • 31
GMs with more experience can improvise better than those with little experience. That doesn’t help the GM shortage.
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: The Art of Improv
  • lewpuls
  • 16
There’s been a surge of interest in GMing by improvisation rather than preparation, as in the “old days.” What are the ramifications?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: “What’s My Motivation?”
  • lewpuls
  • 1
What is a player’s motivation when they first play an RPG? What do they think is going to happen, what do they want to happen, what do they want to BE?
  • Worlds of Design
Worlds of Design: A Worthy End?
  • lewpuls
  • 49
Is combat an end in itself, or is it a means to an end; and is that a worthy end?

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