Eberron: Forge of the Artificer

D&D 5E Eberron: Forge of the Artificer

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I'm excited. We're getting the artificer, the Eberron species (including Eberron half-elves khorvar). And glad Keith was on consult for this.

I foresee the dragonmark changes will annoy the usual suspects regarding "teh loare!" But I figured this change was inevitable based on the species changes in the PHB.

I'm honestly shocked this is coming out as quickly as it is, but I'm happy. The only dud for me this year is Dragon Delves. Everything else is on the must buy list.

Intrigued to see how the Khoravar species has been tweaked! I doubt it'll just be "half elf but 2024 rules".
Despite the origin of the species being a hybrid, Khoravar seem to be a full-on distinct species.

Generally, D&D "species" are more properly species that dont normally reproduce with other species. The earlier "half races" seem to be phasing out. Any multispecies hybrids are probably now rare magical events.

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