$1000 RPG Contest

We held a $1000 one-week RPG contest where people had to design an RPG in a week. These were the entries.

Top resources

  • Seven Days
    Seven Days
    The Crisis can’t be avoided. Your world will end. A new one will take its place. The greatest hero
    • Morrus
    • Updated:
  • Zombie Attack
    Zombie Attack
    In the game zombie attack, your characters will attack, defend, or avoid a zombie infestation. Zombi
    • ashockney
    • Updated:
  • Spectra
    The world of Spectra is in turmoil. For time immemorial the tribes, races and nations have feuded fo
    • Bungo_Underhill
    • Updated:
  • A Familiar Story
    A Familiar Story
    A fast-paced and easy to learn Role-Playing Game about playing as one of the unsung heroes of the ad
    • MrMyth
    • Updated:
  • Eternal Harmonies
    Eternal Harmonies
    A hacked D&D 3.5/4e, stripped down to the bones and rebuilt as a tongue-in-cheek fantasy game in a
    • Kexizzoc
    • Updated:

Trending resources

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Quad System TBRMInsanity
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The Token System Rune
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The Dark Isles A
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The Heights of Etherian J
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Strangers of Fiction F
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Simple Percent System v.2 N
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Tournament Grounds malcolm_n
It's D&D meets Sci-Fi meets Modern meets anything you can muster up from your old character sheets!
The Hope A
This game, The Hope, is inspired by some old movies, as Labyrinth, with David Bowie, or The Nevere
Hand of Fate Vyvyan Basterd
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Men of Power M
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Theosis D
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Asylum E
Asylum 1
Asylum is a roleplaying game of violence and survival. It's just you and nearly 300 other convicts t
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Peasants...in a World of Monsters Quickleaf
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Body Horror RPG W
The Body Horror RPG is a mature themed, intimate game of survival horror with players fighting hideo
Divine Right B
Divine Right is a role playing game using the open gaming license, in which the players assume the r