Pathfinder RPG

Fan creations for Paizo's Pathfinder RPG.

Top resources

Well met! The following document is intended to assist in the conversion from the Imperial system
Hi fellow gamers, I don't know if anyone else will find this useful, but since I spent a fair bit
This was originally written by Owen Stephens, who gave me permission to post it here. If you plan t
A selection of Pathfinder Society 1st-level pregenerated characters.
Pathfinder Star Trek Morrus
This module assumes you are already familiar with the setting. You should also grab the free SANTIAG
Pathfinder Sci-Fi Ranged Weapons Morrus
Please just consider this a fan creation, rather than an official web enhancement (I know it says th
Monster Generator 1.02 M
Creates D&D monsters for use with Pathfinder ruleset. Monster Generator is an open source program us
Conan the Barbarian (PC) J
Conan using Pathfinder stats.
Ptolus in Golarion J
Ptolus in Golarion.
Pathfinder Gamma World Waller
This document is the result of a several-month labor of love, compiled from the 3.5 SRD, edited to b
This book doesn’t exist. The knowledge inside in forbidden; none are allowed to glimpse these lost
Pathfinder Animist Class Waller
Animists are students of all things spiritual. They are to spirits, natureand elements what sorcerer
Jedi Guardian for Pathfinder Waller
Jedi Guardian for Pathfinder
Jedi Sentinel for Pathfinder Waller
Jedi Sentinel for Pathfinder
Jedi Consular for Pathfinder Waller
Jedi Consular for Pathfinder
Jedi - Pathfinder Class Waller
This is all the information you need in order to successfully make a Jedi in the Pathfinder RPG sys
Neceros Pathfinder Mini Stat neceros
Landscape 4x blank mini-stat-blocks for Pathfinder.
Race converted to Pathfinder RPG.