Describe your last RPG session in more than 5 words.


Front Range Warlock
Describing your last RPG session in 5 words is fun, but it really makes me want to share the other bits, as well. So I'll start.

Last session, in the post apocalyptic future of 2012, our three geriatric heroes (recently awakened from a cryogenic sleep that we entered in the 1980s) fought our way into a parking structure that was serving as a base for alien reptoids who had some next level Predator cloaking technology (luckily, Sir Simon Milligan has spooky vision that allows him to see invisible things).

We hotwired a car, mowed down several reptoids, then were joined by a horse-riding, six-shooter toting, George Dubya as we blasted our way further into the compound to rescue a kidnapped (and very cute) goat/boy hybrid in exchange for both information and secret CIA crack (which is a spell reagent).

We left off with our heroes (as well as Dubya and Billy, the goat boy) getting ready to jump from the roof of the parking structure to the roof of a neighboring building! Which isn't at all safe activity for 70+ year-old men. Do our heroes survive?!? Find out next Thursday, in this very thread!
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A ninja, knight, and white mage lose track of their bard in the lair of the antlion. Conveniently class-appropriate gear is found in the chests, and the captured dragoon fails to negotiate his release. A monstrous turtle falls to the attacks of the hero-party, but the fate of the four tiny mages, holding the bard hostage, will be determined next session...

A ninja, knight, and white mage lose track of their bard in the lair of the antlion. Conveniently class-appropriate gear is found in the chests, and the captured dragoon fails to negotiate his release. A monstrous turtle falls to the attacks of the hero-party, but the fate of the four tiny mages, holding the bard hostage, will be determined next session...

Ooo. Tiny mages? Color me intrigued!

Ooo. Tiny mages? Color me intrigued!
Well, Final Fantasy IV didn't have hobbits. Nor Willow. But it did have these ornery buggers:

The party fights and wins a silver key from a Bone Golem and a bunch of skeletons, gets a Haste on the main fighter accidentally through a miscast spell, then charges off looking for a fight so as not to waste the Haste!

Encounters and deals with (dismembers with extreme prejudice) a bunch of zombies in monks' cells, then has an animated statue turn one of their henchmen to stone. Thankfully they were able to fix that with Hexbreak.

Then they found a secret stairway into the dungeon of the castle, followed it down into an alchemistry laboratory where several party members were put to sleep by a trap involving black lotus dust, but the others were able to break out of one of the Wizard-locked doors, and gradually retrieve the unconscious ones, using a combination of careful thinking and anti-poison measures. Several vivid magical dreams were successfully Saved against and thus did not come true, including one which would have been instant death, and another which would have gained the dreamer a level!

Carefully exploring the dungeon with the aid of a magical astral projection spell, the party presses on into an unnaturally cold hallway with a multitude of small doors in the walls...

When we left off, our geriatric heroes, one Dubya, and one Billy (the goat boy) were leaping from the roof of a parking structure to the roof of a neighboring building to escape the onslaught of the reptoids. All made the leap but one, Walter, who was captured by the reptoids. Another, our resident frogman (he's a literal frog/man hybrid), Jean-Pierre, was grievously wounded.

We gathered our elderly selves up as we fled for our lives (as fast as senior citizens can flee), only slowing down when we were certain that we were no longer being followed. After a rest, GW made good on [part of] his promise, leading us to an overgrown city park where the golden child, Leo, used a special tool to open the gateway to the Parks & Rec pocket universe at the center of the world.

When we arrived in the decrepit former home office of Parks & Rec, we were surprised to be greeted by Walter and Brother Bill (a cult leader from earlier in the campaign), the latter of which revealed himself to be a creation of The HORDE. The HORDE was our faceless adversary for the last six game sessions or so (we learned of the HORDE's existence prior to the flashforward to Hellscape Earth).

Now, we were at last face to face with our foe.

The HORDE was revealed to be a giant Venusian super computer that was left behind by the Venusians when they left Earth at the height of the Mayan civilization. Now, the HORDE (which can create living beings) is trying to repopulate the earth. And we have to decide:

Do we aid it, or do we end it all?

See you next week, friends!
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