Dragon Delves

D&D Dragon Delves

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A book of 10 dragon-themed adventures.
July 8th
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 5.09.15 PM.png

A book of 10 dragon-themed adventures--"This anthology is about dragons in dungeons."

We heard you like Dungeons & Dragons, so we’re dropping an adventure anthology jam-packed with dragons in dungeons next summer! Delve into the new dragon designs and set off on adventures that showcase each of the metallic and chromatic dragons.

The Dragon Anthology (working title) book contains ten short adventures that span every tier of play and is packed with dragon lore, making it a perfect way to experience the revised D&D dragons.

The previously unnamed dragon anthology is called Dragon Delves and will feature 10 short adventures, each of which features a different type of chromatic or metallic dragon. Three campaign options will be provided in the anthology to link together the adventures. Not every adventure pits players against dragons, especially as the adventures range from Level 1 to Level 12. The adventures are described as being relatively short and utilize the prep-style seen in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. There's also an art section showcasing dragon art from across 50 years of D&D material.

Dragon Delves also noticably departs from Wizards' in-house style for D&D. Each adventure features art by a different artist, with the artists each providing their own style instead of conforming to the "fantastic realism" typically found in D&D books. Artists in Dragon Delves includes Luke Eidensink, Dominik Mayer, and Ed Kwong, with example pieces seen below.

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Dragon Delves
July 8 2025
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