• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Pretty Darn Fun (A look at new PDFs)

With the holidays ongoing, a lot of well-known publishers have released a bunch of high profile PDFs at the last minute. Most of these are for popular systems so there are sure to be some of interest to just about everyone. Altogether we get 12 excellent PDFs, 5 adventures and one killer Spotlight PDF to take a look at this week. Fantasy Tome of Lists This PDF gives us 84 lists spread over...

With the holidays ongoing, a lot of well-known publishers have released a bunch of high profile PDFs at the last minute. Most of these are for popular systems so there are sure to be some of interest to just about everyone. Altogether we get 12 excellent PDFs, 5 adventures and one killer Spotlight PDF to take a look at this week.

Fantasy Tome of Lists
This PDF gives us 84 lists spread over 158 pages, all based in the fantasy genre. Included in this are such lists as Fantasy Diseases, Hirelings, Magic Staffs and Wands, Secret Societies, Urban Encounters and much more. This sort of publication is perfect for anyone running a fantasy campaign. It can act as a catalyst for ideas or can answer questions of what the player characters have run into on the spur of the moment. I can see it used at the gaming table or up on the shelf to be pulled down when needed; either way it will get used.

The Book of Earth
I have always liked the Legend of the Five Rings rpg. This is the second of a series that looks at the five elements. In 216 pages they cover Earth and all its permutations within the setting and system. It comes with new character options, such as new heavy weapons and new spells, kiho and sumai. There are also things for the GM to use such as the fortress known only as the Lair. If you are looking to expand your L5R gameplay this looks like it is a must-have.

Trade Routes and Profiteering
One of the things I have always felt has been under utilized is the aspect of trade and economies in fantasy genres. I feel it adds a purpose to moving around the countryside and, more importantly, is an excellent springboard for adventures. This PDF looks to change this oversight. It offers up a system for forming trading companies and covers such topics as purchasing goods, hiring guards, selling goods and other issues that deal with trade - all for the Pathfinder system. Thus it can likely be used in any d20 game.

War Journal
Here we have another supplement for Pathfinder. This adds new material for combat and war maneuvers. Specifically it adds teamwork mechanics, battle standards, 2 new classes, and mundane crafting rules. It has a little of everything for those who are looking for more.

High Space Core Rules
One of the best things about Savage Worlds is how adaptable is for various genres. This is the foremost science fiction setting/rule book for Savage Worlds. With this purchase you get 4 books that cover character generation, ship building (including playing a ship as a character), a complete setting (with campaign and plot hooks) and a 34 page adventure. With this PDF you get everything you need to run space opera games with the Savage Worlds system.

Black Crusade: The Tome of Blood
Fantasy Flight Games has hit it big with their line of Warhammer 40k rpg material. The Black Crusade is the version wherein the campaign is predicated on the players playing “evil” characters; those that worship the chaos. This particular PDF is the second in a series detailing the specific chaos gods and their followers; this one is focused on Khorne. With the PDF players gain new options (archetypes, abilities, equipment, Legacy Weapons, Mass Combat) and GMs gain new adventure locations and a new adventure to run their diabolical player characters through. If this is your game this looks essential.

Equinox Setting Guide Beta
Equinox is a generic, system-free setting of a fantastic future. With 296 pages of pure background material there is sure to be plenty of info for a GM to make use of. It is set in the future where a corrupt stellar government allows evil to run loose and the characters are those that fight an underground battle against the alien evil and the corrupt government. Details are provided for the universe, to be used as the Gm sees fit. Of note is that this is a "beta" product that will see continued work on it; for now it is mostly missing artwork and layout. With this purchase the buyer will get those updates for no additional charge.

Shaintar: Legends Arise
This PDF is a game of epic high fantasy that has been published by others but now is being released by the author as he publishes his own work. It is designed for Savage Worlds and there will be more material for the world setting in the future. However, for now, this re-release is a good way to start with the setting as its 197 pages of material is going for the low price of free. If you like Savage Worlds and Fantasy, this is something you might like to check out.

Jalizar, City of Thieves
Following in the footsteps of the previous PDF, here we have another Savage Worlds setting book. This one is another fantasy setting, but instead of giving us a complete world, they are giving us one city and the Thieves Guild in it. In fact, the player characters are designed to be in the Thieves Guild themselves as they negotiate the dangers and factions of the city in the pursuit of wealth and power. Included are new Edges, gear and more to tailor characters to the setting. This sounds like a fun campaign or something that could be used as protagonists of the player characters.

TNT (The Narrative Toolbox)
This new system is lite on the actual mechanics, but then they layer on a good helping of narrative control mechanics. This system is all about the narrative and story and seeks to empower the game beyond the mechanics of the rules. It is a generic system that allows for the narrative to flow into any type of genre. It all sounds a bit high-minded but still sounds interesting nevertheless.

Defenders of Midgard
This PDF looks to expand both the setting of Midgard and 4E with new options. Here Kobold Press' Open Design gives us 7 new classes, Gearforged racial powers, new schools of magic, new gear and more. If you are a fan of either the setting or the system this looks like some solid additions you may want to take a look at.

HackMaster Player's Handbook
HackMaster is a wonderful game with lots of attitude and detail. It started as an in-joke but turned into a true homage to old school gaming. This is the definitive player's book with over 400 pages of info on how to play HackMaster with the best of them. It features 10 races and 24 classes and a dynamic ruleset full of choices. Other games claim to support old-school gaming but in the end the "old-school feel" comes down to how the group handles the rules; HackMaster has the old-school attitude and style baked right into the rules. This is a game everyone should at least check out.
Along with this new release in PDF form, they are releasing a new PDF adventure, Mugful of Mayhem.


Temple of the Hag - Tunnels and Trolls.
Beware the Viper - Tunnels and Trolls.
Gift of the Makers - Traveller.
Catacombs and Caverns of Chaos - Labyrinth Lord/1E. 2 adventure bundle; 1-3rd, 1-4th level.
The King Betrayed - Labyrinth Lord/1E. 3-5th level.

Spotlight: Most Interesting PDF of the Week

Pathfinder is the go-to d20 fantasy rpg these days. GUMSHOE is the go-to rule set for investigative gaming. When you combine the two, you get Lorefinder. Fantasy has always required investigative rules, even if its just a character trying to determine what’s on the other side of the door. Winner of the Silver for Best Rules in the 2012 ENnies, this rule set has won numerous other accolades. Included with the conversion notes for using GUMSHOE with Pathfinder, there are also sections on how to create mysteries, new skills/feats/spells and a sample adventure.

Lorefinder puts you in the role of a brave adventurer in search of forbidden secrets and lost treasures. Uncover strange cults, solve baffling murders, or delve into the deepest dungeons and face their denizens – and, if you are both clever and lucky, return to tell the tale. Your fate is in your hands!

Lorefinder merges the action-oriented fantasy rules of The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game with the streamlined investigative focus of Robin D Law’s GUMSHOE. Bad luck might get you killed, but it won’t stop you finding the information you need to move ahead.

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