• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

RPG Crowdfunding News 115: Bunnies and Burrows, Classic Castles & Crusades, The Pelion Report, Shado

From ancient Gods and espionage, to a world divided between night and day where vampires guard nomadic villages, to collectors editions of Castles and Crusades to the return of Bunnies and Burrows, plus a lot, lot more. Welcome to this week's RPG Crowdfunding News!

From ancient Gods and espionage, to a world divided between night and day where vampires guard nomadic villages, to collectors editions of Castles and Crusades to the return of Bunnies and Burrows, plus a lot, lot more. Welcome to this week's RPG Crowdfunding News!

Bunnies and Burrows by Frog God Games
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 25th October 2018; 06:01 UTC)

I remember playing Fantasy Games Unlimited Bunnies & Burrows back in the 80’s, and also have the GURPS Bunnies & Burrows sitting on my shelf, so the news that Frog God Games were bringing out an all new third edition of the game attracted my attention straight away.

Bunnies & Burrows is a game where you play rabbits. It’s not easy being a rabbit. Dangers are everywhere in a hostile world of forests, fields, farms and – certainly for one of my old characters – roads and motorways. Whereas in the original FGU edition (first published way back in 1976) the game centered around intelligent rabbits this new edition expands that slightly to also bring in other woodland companions as possible player character options. So if you fancy playing a raccoon, squirrel, chipmunk, skunk, porcupine, opossum, jackrabbit, or armadillo – you can!

The 200 page book expands a lot from previous editions and also includes introductory adventures to get you started, as well as guidelines on how to create your own adventures and run a campaign.

The book is organized into three main parts. Traits and Characteristics is a description of the eight traits that form the basis of each player’s character, equivalent in a way to the genetic makeup of the character, followed by the skill improvement that comes with experience. In this part you will learn how to create a character, the special abilities of that character, and what role each trait plays during the game. No matter what profession you choose, you will find that all the traits are useful to you during play. Multiple classes of rabbits are available. Players also may elect to create characters from one of eight additional non-rabbit species!

The second part is Playing the Game. Here you will learn how the game works, though we urge you to start playing and learn through experience as guided by your Gamemaster. The rules of pursuit and combat are in this part, as well as sections on food, pests, diseases, and all the other things that are part of the life of rabbits.

The third section is For The Gamemaster, which explains how to run a campaign and design adventures. As the Gamemaster, you can decide the form the campaign takes, limited only by your imagination. Where will the rabbits live? What quests or challenges do they face? Will you have a campaign that stresses exploration, develops story lines, or is a continual battle to survive? You can decide, and you can tailor your campaign to meet the needs and desires of your players. Bunnies & Burrows is equally well suited to experienced roleplayers or to beginners, even those to whom this will be their first RPG endeavor.

The third part is followed by several appendices that the Gamemaster will need as reference material. There is one on herbs, a bestiary, and various player aids. Also included are detailed encounter tables and a 35,000 word bestiary of friends and enemies you can encounter in the game.

So, if you ever fancied gaming in a world similar to Watership Down or the Redwall series here’s your chance!

Classic Castles & Crusades Boxed Sets & Digest Books by Stephen Chenault
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 6th October 2018; 04:59 UTC)

First published in 2004 Castles & Crusades is now on its 7th printing and has spawned dozens of supplements and adventures since its release. Now Troll Lord Games are looking at doing something a little special for fans, collectors, and also a great way to be introduced to the game for those who haven’t tried it yet.

This Kickstarter is looking at producing three distinct collector’s products :

PRODUCT ONE: Classic Castles & Crusades Basic Box Set
Each book in the set is 5.5 x 8.5 saddle stitched (stapled) with b/w covers and interior. Each book below includes streamlined extracts from the full, complete version of the game. Much of the flavor text will be removed for space reasons, and options will be limited, but it will still present a complete game that you can campaign with for years. Each book will be laid out in a fashion that best fits its size. The box will be a standard white box and eventually it will be available in retail stores.

· Characters & Magic: a book that teaches you how to create a character and advance that character to 10th level
· Eldritch Enchantments: a book of magic rules and spells through the 5th level
· Monsters & Treasure: a book filled with monsters and treasure
· Adventures in the Wilderness and Underworld: a book on how the game plays and the famed Siege Engine
· An Adventure: a new, if presently unnamed adventure.

The below picture is of the C&C Back Box that was produced a few years ago. The Basic Box, and books, will look similar to this.

PRODUCT TWO: Classic Castles & Crusades Advanced Box Set
Each book in the set is 5.5 x 8.5 saddle stitched (stapled) with b/w covers and interior. Each book below includes streamlined extracts from the full, complete version of the game. Much of the flavor text will be removed for space reasons, and options will be limited, but it will still present a complete game that you can campaign with for years. Each book will be laid out in a fashion that best fits its size. The box will sport a wood-grain print cover that pays homage to the original D&D box set. It will be available in this Kickstarter only, aside from any unsold from the limited print run, which will eventually be available on our store.

· Characters & Magic: a book that teaches you how to create a character and advance that character to 10th level
· Eldritch Enchantments: a book of magic rules and spells through the 5th level
· Monsters & Treasure: a book filled with monsters and treasure
· Adventures in the Wilderness and Underworld: a book on how the game plays and the famed Siege Engine
· An Adventure: a new, if presently unnamed adventure.
· Adventurers Backpack: excerpts from the recently released ABP, some classes, backpacks and other material
· Of Gods & Monsters of Aihrde: A second look at the gods of Aihrde.*
· Character Reference Sheets
· Dice
· Pencil
*This book will contain different material than that which appeared in the original Black Box.

PRODUCT THREE: Castles & Crusades Complete Digest Rulebooks
BUT that’s not all! We want to pay homage to the full and complete game. And what better way to do that than to release digest sized complete rulebooks for the game! In the pledges to the right you’ll see digest versions of each of the core C&C books as well as the Setting material and books.

Each of the digest books is a shrunk down version of the hardcover copy of the latest printing (the CKG will sport the new cover). They are printed in black and white. Each set will be cut and trimmed to match a perfect set for your book shelf.

We’d love to redo each of these books with special layouts for digest form, but that is two steps from impossible. If we took this approach, each of the books would require three times the pages, which would make the larger books like the Castle Keeper Guide unwieldy and weak in the spine.

So do keep in mind that these highly collectable books are shrunk down versions of our wonderful game. They are the same books, same page counts, same layout, etc. They are just smaller. On the left you'll see the regular Players Handbook, on the right the digest size Players Handbook.

The titles in the set include:
· Castles & Crusades Players Handbook (7th Printing)
· Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure (5th Printing)
· Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide (3rd Printing Cover)
· Castles & Crusades Adventures Backpack (1st Printing)
· Codex of Aihrde (2nd Printing)
· Castles & Crusades Players Guide to Aihrde (1st Printing)
· Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde (2nd Printing)

The Pelion Report for Olympus Inc: a Savage Worlds Setting by Charles White
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 10th October 2018; 01:00 UTC)

The Pelion Report is the second setting book for the Olympus Inc Savage Worlds setting, where special ops, espionage, alchemy, demigods, mythical beings and modern day collide.

Unlike most settings that have tackled the concept of demigods in the modern world, we are a bit different. Olympus, Inc answers the question of what would happen if the Olympians were kicked out of the heavens by Gaia and the Titans rules instead.

After she ejected them from the heavens, Gaia was also kind enough to use the Lethe River to cause all humans to forget that the Olympians existed. This nearly killed the Olympians, who began to fade away. However, the Olympians realized that they could draw from our obsession with the almighty dollar and gain power. Therefore, the Olympians traded their stone temples for towers of glass and steel. They formed the world’s largest corporations. Now the Titans and Olympians fight a battle for control of the Heavens and Earth with each wielding incredible power. In the midst of all of this are normal humans who are asleep to everything that is around them.

Gaia has put a few rules in place to ensure that the Titans and Olympians don’t tear each other apart as well as the rest of the inhabitants on Earth. This safeguard is known as the Nemesis Effect. The Nemesis Effect prohibits the use of visible supernatural abilities in front of sleepers (normal mortals). It also prohibits mythical creatures from appearing in front of a sleeper in their true form. If anyone breaks the rules, the Goddess Nemesis punishes them. It can be anything from being wracked with intense pain to death. It really depends on the severity of the infraction.

Therefore, the Titans and Olympians fight a secret proxy way in a world identical to our own. However, most humans don’t know that the gods exist and they certainly don’t know that monsters and demigods with superhuman abilities roam the earth.

The Pelion repost is slated to be roughly 120 pages and adds to the already rich Olympus Inc setting by presenting five new Paragon bloodlines (Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus and Hera) and two new Demihuman bloodlines (Cyclospawn and Centaur). Like the Minospawn presented in our first book, Cyclospawn are human sized versions of their mythical cousins. In the case of the Cyclospawn each member of this bloodline is a human size Cyclops.

Each of the new bloodlines has its own set of powers. In the case of the Paragon bloodlines, the book presents new corporation and subsidiaries that reflect the parent Olympian’s spheres of influence. Not to be forgotten, The Pelion Report also presents new powers for existing bloodlines as well. On the Titan side, we do present new corporations that GMs can utilize to make life more interesting for their players.

Along with new bloodlines and powers, the book contains a plethora of new edges and hindrances as well as new NPCs, IMBs Sloshi and more! In addition to new equipment and weapons, The Pelion Report has rules for working with Orichalcum. Skilled PCs can infuse Orichalcum with properties that allow them to craft better weapons, equipment, ammunition and more!

Adventure Kit: Shadows Over Driftchapel – 5E Compatible by Absolute Tabletop
(Campaign Ends : Monday 8th October 2018; 03:59 UTC)

Absolute Tabletop return with the second in their series of ENnie nominated Adventure Kit modules. Adventure Kits provide versatile, flexible frameworks for GMs to build their own adventure around tailored to their group. The book is a toolkit providing modular locatuions, encounters, intriguing NPCs, plotlines, encounter and scene generators ready for on-the-fly use.

Adventure Kit: Shadows Over Driftchapel, takes place in the world of Gloam, a near-apocalyptic, Victorian/Colonial-inspired fantasy realm brimming with black powder and shadowy horrors beyond human reckoning. As the end of all things approaches, the humans of the Five Dominions cower behind the walls of their dwindling cities, clinging to vile gods twisted by the creeping darkness of the Gloam. Meanwhile, scarce tribes of elves and dwarves, corrupted by the shadows, eke out a savage survival in twilit forests and crumbling caverns.

Now, foolhardy men and women, wielding misplaced bravery and trusty flintlocks, venture beyond the crumbling walls of their cities on horseback or aboard dirigibles, seeking fortune and redemption across a cursed, gaslit landscape. Humanity rules over a doomed world – but time is running out.

Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, Shadows Over Driftchapel provides you with everything you need to undertake grisly adventures in a pulpy, horrific fantasy setting.

In Adventure Kit: Shadows Over Driftchapel, the adventurers enter the troubled seaside town of Driftchapel, unearthing ancient horrors rooted in the town’s very fabric. With cunning, fire, and steel, they must seek out the vile, writhing evils that hold sway over Driftchapel and its townspeople – or else succumb to the whispers themselves.

Within an Adventure Kit, you’ll find inspiration, mechanics, and ready-made, modular add-ons. Use as little or as much as you need to create your unique adventure.

· Unique Adventure Setting: Discover the dwindling realm of Gloam, a land teetering on a knife’s edge and teeming with all manner of eldritch horrors.
· Gorgeous Maps: A brilliant, full-color map of the seaside town of Driftchapel by our ENnie-nominated cartographers.
· Shadowy Locations: Each area of the adventure includes a flavorful description and applicable mechanics, as well as sights, sounds, and sensations. Describe on-the-fly and fill these locations with modular encounters and NPCs.
· Grisly Encounters: Fully modular encounters that work in any location! Find combats, skill challenges, puzzles, roleplay opportunities, and more.
· Dynamic NPCs: Shifty Driftchapel residents with physical descriptions, unique traits, and dark secrets. Drop them in any location and generate adventure twists to experience a new story every time you play.
· Rewards and Loot: After the adventure is over, what spoils remain? Bestow upon the survivors loot and social rewards, and find ideas for continuing the adventure.
· Endless Variety with the Toolbox: Modular add-ons and adventure enhancements like madness mechanics, thematic phrases, area descriptions, trinkets and loot, and generators for endless monsters, skill challenges, NPCs, and traps.

The Dawnline RPG – Vampires, Nomads, Endless Night by Joe Bush
(Campaign Ends : Monday 8th October 2018; 15:01 UTC)

The Dawnline RPG is an interesting concept for a vampire RPG. Set on a world where night and day are places, and all of society lives in the twilight in between, the game is about a group of vampires protecting a nomadic village.

The vampires depend on their village for blood and companionship. Without the humans, they would starve in the wasteland--or forget themselves as they regress into feral states.

At the same time, the village depends on the vampires. The twilight they travel through is not safe. It is filled with strange ruins, desperate raiders, feral vampires, other villages, and creatures from the Dark ahead.

Only the vampires can protect the village, and only the village can shelter the vampires.

If their alliance comes apart, there will be nothing left of either of them but ash on the Dawnline.

The Dawnline takes place in a land of deserts, steppes, and badlands, where water is scarce and food is hard to come by. Worse, every living creature must constantly migrate west to flee the obliterating Light, which lies on the other side of the Dawnline.

Pushing too far west takes a community into the Dark, where the alien Sirens dwell, but staying in the twilight is fraught with its own perils. Predatory fauna, spatial anomalies, bandits, raiders, feral vampires, and unfamiliar communities all dot the Twilight, making the same constant westward migration.

If that weren't enough, strange, arcano-science Ruins periodically come out of the Dark, crossing the twilight until they are ultimately lost to the Light. These Ruins can be explored for the unguessable treasures that they sometimes hold, but they are often death-traps, with still-functional defense systems and other, worse surprises for those who dare to set foot inside.

Verejka’s Quest Cards – For Many Tabletop Games! By Markus Malek
(Campaign Ends : Tuesday 9th October 2018; 10:46 UTC)

With 55 cards in the deck Verejka’s Quest Cards are split into three categories –Place, Encounter, and Quest. You can draw a card to find an interesting location, an exciting encounter, or a new task, or you can draw a series of cards to form the basis of an idea for an entire quest. The cards are colour coded to signify the type of card it is.

The following campaigns are finishing in the next week

Prism by Whitney M. Delaglio
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 29th September 2018; 02:00 UTC)

“A diceless roleplaying game about relationships and conflict resolution in an aquatic world.”

Dice Coins: 2018 2nd Release by J.M. Ward
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 29th September 2018; 07:05 UTC)

“Amazing d20 sculpted metal spinning Dice Coins. Great reviews by our previous backers. A different kind of dice that are works of art.”

Paper Dungeon – Modular Dungeon Accessories for Tabletop RPG by Jean Francois Senay
(Campaign Ends : Saturday 29th September 2018; 13:05 UTC)

“Set of tiles and papercraft accessories with which you can easily and quickly create amazing dungeons.”

Pirates of the Undead Seas: Fantasy Pirate Miniatures by Mike and Rich Chappell
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 30th September 2018; 19:00 UTC)

“28mm tabletop fantasy pirates miniatures for wargames and RPG's - featuring a crew of dwarves, an orc and and elf! Free beta game rules”

Young Adventurers by Game Night Games LLC
(Campaign Ends : Monday 1st October 2018; 04:00 UTC)

“Help us create a live-play show on role-playing for kids. This teaches parents how to find a game, and GMs how to run games with kids.”

Dangerous Descents 2 by Dragon Turtle Games
(Campaign Ends : Monday 1st October 2018; 18:00 UTC)

“Old school, lethal, Gygaxian one shot 5th Edition D&D adventures, designed to be easy to run and hard to forget. AD&D Style, 5E rules.”

The Deck of Many Animated Spells: DnD 5E Spell Cards by Cardamajigs
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 4th October 2018; 13:59 UTC)

“Fling powerful magics with style using The Deck of Many's unabridged Animated Spell Cards for DnD 5e.”

Demons of Doom by Graham Bottley
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 4th October 2018; 19:00 UTC)

“Demons of Doom for Advanced Fighting Fantasy”

Bloodwraith: A Fantasy World of Survival and Torment by Postworldgames Jim Pinto
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 4th October 2018; 19:51 UTC)

"A fantasy world with dead gods and humanity on the verge of extinction. World and OSR rules system sold separately."


If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps Thanks!


If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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First Post
Bunnies and burrows: what is the target age?

It's not a kids game, although with some modifications it could easily be played with kids if you wanted. Afterall Watership Down is a pretty harsh novel (and movie*), but I don't think traumatizing kids through the game is necessarily a great idea ;)

(* we actually saw the film at school when we were about 7 or 8 and whilst it is a fantastic film it had the classroom in floods of tears. It certainly doesn't pull any punches. In the UK we had a number of parents complain to one of the TV channels who aired the film one afternoon over the Easter weekend a few years ago. They obviously just thought 'rabbits - animation - must be kids friendly!' and left their kids to watch it unsupervised...)


It's a shame the new edition of Bunnies and Burrows is being published by Frog God Games.

On the other hand, that Castles & Crusades Kickstarter looks pretty neat.

The original Bunnies and Burrows was a 36 page book where there were just bunnies and 8 character classes including mystic classes. The game however was nearly unplayable as written since you needed to spend every waking moment eating lettuce or finding lettuce to eat. It is based on Watership Down and as noted above, that's not really a kid's book/movie.

aramis erak

The original Bunnies and Burrows was a 36 page book where there were just bunnies and 8 character classes including mystic classes. The game however was nearly unplayable as written since you needed to spend every waking moment eating lettuce or finding lettuce to eat. It is based on Watership Down and as noted above, that's not really a kid's book/movie.

the lettuce is the baseline sustenance... 4 points per minute maximum intake is 2×(level +1) in 10 minutes.
EP/10 min by food sources:
Grass 0.1
Clover 0.2
Berries or mushrooms: 0.3
Lettuce 4
Carrot 5
Oats 6
one apple 7
one truffle 10

Spending it.
Hopping (standard gate) 1 EP per hour
Swimming/Running: 1 EP per minute
Fight: 5 EP
Sleeping: 1 EP per night.

So, a level 0 rabbit in a fight, even if unscathed by the fight itself, loses 3 HP from hunger... of an average of 25 HP.

Not feeding all day; your hyperbole is no service to anyone except haters. Have you even read the game as written?

Oh, and it's 37 pages of content - the inside back cover is content.

And there are stats for a wide variety of non-rabbits, in tabular form, for NPCs. In old school games like this one, it' not that hard to reverse engineer the mods.

I have no idea what the rules will be in the new edition, but the old one isn't what you've painted

Not feeding all day; your hyperbole is no service to anyone except haters. Have you even read the game as written?

You mean the game on my shelf, just 8 feet from me? Maybe I had a bad GM, but my impression of the game (which I haven't played in 25+ years) was that you just spent most of your time getting food. You listed the amount of food needed by one bunny. Most "missions" in B&B are that you go out and get enough food for EVERY bunny: children, the old, the injured, etc. If there aren't bunnies out doing this, the burrow starves, especially in winter.

Thank you for calling me a hater. Check the mirror next time you do that.

I can't believe someone is mad at me about my opinion of Bunnies and Burrows! I didn't say it was bad. I said it could be a slog.

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