Attn Morrus, Code tag color....


First Post

The color for the code tag is set to black, and that makes it really hard to see anything that is written with it.

Can you change it so that it is closer to the standard text color?

Thanks for all the hard work Morrus!

--Coder Spikey

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I can't find any way to do that. Guess the designers never figured someone would have a black b/g and want to use the code tag. Sorry.

Is it essential that you use the code tag? How about using the quote tag instead?


First Post
Its not really that big of deal. I can see it at home jjust fine, and you can highlight the relavant(sp?) text to see it easily.

The cool thing about the code tag is that it leaves the formatting the way you put it instead of chopping and dicing where ever the board program sees fit.

Thanks for lookin though.

--Eatin' Spikey

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