Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter Twenty-three, “Good help is hard to find”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882:

Minerva checks into the hotel. She freshens up and gives Luna a bite to eat. "It's been a long day for you, Luna girl. It's probably best that you stay here" She places Luna on her perch and turns to rummage through her trunk for a more festive gown. Ah, the red one I think..She pulls on a distinctly Spanish style gown with a bolero jacket, She has sewn cleverly hidden pockets in the folds of the gown and in the jacket. Minerva tucks a tiny gun into the folds of her dress and hides a silver dagger in the inside pocket of her jacket. She places a festive comb in her hair grabs her tapestry bag and heads for the saloon.

At the Jail, Warren Earp comes in with their friend Eduardo and says "Okay, we've eaten. Get back to the boarding house Wyatt before Peg runs out." The Marshall doesn't have to be told twice and he is out the door. As he shuts the door he says, "They've both eaten and had their evening visitors, shouldn't be any problem for you. See you in a few hours."

Ruby reenters the Lucky Lady Saloon. "Sonoma, would you play for me please? I think I'd like to sing now." Good plan for staying away from Mr. Eastman, she thinks. Sonoma heads over to the piano bench, intercepting Ginnie along the way and telling her to bring "A good bottle of wine and something nice to eat to that tall Texan and his date. They are customers who I want to take extra special care of." Sonoma turns and sits down, winking at the Great Grandfather who she hasn't seen "play dress up" as "Tex" in decades. From the stage she saw Tex, and was confused for a moment. She guessed Mr. Gonzales was behind Tex, but who was the blond? One of his rumored flings?

Ruby makes her way to the stage and starts singing a set, trying not to look at George. Kate was relieved to see Ginnie come over with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She knew the girl was able to care for herself, but she still worried when she hadn't seen her for a few hours. She had been neglecting her the last few days, but Ginnie sometimes seemed to chafe under Kate's eye. Perhaps Ginnie had enjoyed the time away.

Kate thought, “Ruby's singing was beautiful, as it always was, but her usual fire was missing. Hopefully by tomorrow night she would have reason to sing again, with all her passion.” Tex heard Madeline sigh softly. "Glass of wine?" she asked, turning to him. Tex happily accepts the offered wine and sits back and enjoys the music.

From the street Minerva can hear the sounds of sweet singing coming from within the saloon. She enters and takes in the crowd. Ruby is up on stage. She notices the newly hired "cowboy" bouncer patting down a man of huge proportions. Ruby's friend, Nanuet, she notices still doesn’t appear to be smiling. Minerva loves watching the crowd. Luc tipped his hat to the senorita as she entered. Luc wasn't concerned if she was armed. Pretty ladies needed an edge if things got rough. Luc watched the crowd and left Mills by himself at the door to go and resume his spot by the bar. His beer was waiting for him. She finds herself a seat where she can listen and observe.

The saloon was packed by the time Ruby finished. She had been distracted during her set and it wasn't her best singing ever, although Sonoma’s playing guided her though. She noticed the pretty young lady from earlier had joined them. She really just wanted to escape but she felt trapped. Instead she went back to the bar. She knew she was going to have to deal with Eastman sooner or later, but she hoped it was later.

Once Sonoma and Ruby finish up Stanley excuses himself from the table and heads over to the piano. He begins this evening with Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, a piece first played only seven years earlier. Next he goes into the more familiar Beethoven Piano Concerto Number Four in G-major. Her young husband’s playing enrapture Helen Eastman Barker but while George Eastman attempts to watch Stanley his eyes keep wandering back to Ruby. Once the piano began, Madeline's eyes took on a faraway look. Although that face did not show the ravages of the hard day it's owner had, it still visibly relaxed as she took in the music. She was aware enough to notice the strange man still watching Ruby.

Ruby had another whiskey before putting a smile on her face and turning around. She walked around greeting patrons, some new faces but she was starting to recognize regulars and even people just from the street. Their saloon was becoming so successful but it just wasn't the same without Jake, and even Kate missing made Ruby sad. She started making her way across the room.

Luc stood by the door. He did not like the big Texan. There was something about him that made you want to shoot him. An uppity attitude not normal for a man of his size and origin. Luc kept a close eye on him as the piano played. Luc hadn't heard Tchaikovsky in a very long time.

Ruby was headed for Minerva and she noticed Mr. Eastman's eyes on her. She was still in shock that the man was even here, still hoping to get married. Instead she headed for the table with Tex. She mustered the best smile she could, "Good evening Mr.. er.. Tex. And who is your lovely companion this evening?" Tex exclaims, "Why Miss. Ruby, it is so good to see you again. May I introduce you to my dear friend Madeline Anders. Madeline, Miss. Ruby West, otherwise know around these parts as The Lucky Lady." Ruby laughed, "I don't feel very lucky tonight, Tex. And Madeline is it?" Ruby took a good long look at her. The blond hair and blue eyes reminded her of how Kate had transformed back in Tombstone.

"Madeline" offered her hand to Ruby. "What a pleasure to hear you sing. And your pianist there is quite fine as well. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I haven't heard anything like it since the last recital I attended, in Boston I believe it was." "Yes. Boston." Ruby said knowingly. She sat down at their table quickly. "Kate," she whispered, "You are NOT going to believe me. Did I ever tell you how I left New York to get out of an arranged marriage and the torture of boarding school?" She doesn't let her respond, "Well, the man is here! That damn Helen Barker is his cousin! I can't believe this, it's horrible! If my parents were to find out I was here, well, I would have to leave."

Kate replies, "No, you wouldn't have to leave," she responded softly. "You are an adult and free to do as you choose. You would tell them you are not marrying him and that you have started your own life. It's hard, but there's not much they can do to stop you." Ruby replies, "Kate you don't know my parents. My father is.. well, let's say he's in politics. And he gets what he wants, even worse, so does my mother. And I refuse to go back to that back stabbing life."

"Well then, Monday after everything is cleared up you can just go have Judge Isby marry you and Jake," Kate said half in jest. "You can't marry that young man if you're already married." Ruby dropped her head into her hands. Kate's idea had merit. The thought occurred to her to tell Eastman she was already married, but then look how much trouble that got her into last time. "I don't know what to do... Maybe I should just talk to him now?"

Tex says, "Or you can just wait until your boyfriend gets out of jail and have him shoot that guy." Both Ruby and Kate turns towards him stern looks, not having expected that from their teacher. He replies, "What, I'm playing Tex here, that's how Texans handle their rivals." Kate laughs, "Or introduce him to Baxter, he'll tell him you're Mrs. Cookie."

Ruby looks to Tex and says, “Ha. I wish that was a good option. He's crazy, more than four years go by and he still wants to get married! I don't care how much money he has." They both look at Ruby with raised eyebrows, "Ok, ok, money is nice but not a reason to marry someone. Only a good reason to find their wallet." Ruby quickly adds, "On the floor... you know."

Ruby looked up and saw that Minerva had arrived. Ruby gave her a little wave, gesturing her over to their table. For some reason there was something comforting about her being here. Ruby wasn't about to get into why. Stanley Barker rounds out his evening of piano concertos with Felix Mendelssohn's Concerto Number Three, a rather romantic piece. While he is playing it up Tony Lucky's poker game gets going. Job Kane arrives near the end of the piece but knows not to begin until after Helen has finished admiring her husband.

When Stanley finishes Helen jumps to her feet and applauds, joined in by a large number of patrons. Helen heads over to Job's table while Stanley rejoins George back at the dining table. Job only has four players instead of his usual six and the employees begin to notice that the other patrons are starting to leave while no new ones are entering. Kate looked around and noticed the saloon emptying out. "There must be something exciting going on to pull people away from here. I'd suggest you sing again, Miss West." Ruby replies, "Sing? Oh, let them leave. It's the fight at the Palace. What am I going to do?" She glanced over her shoulder and noticed Mr. Eastman was still looking at her.

Nanuet was glad to see that Ruby had found her friends. There was something intriguing about the Spanish woman too. Ruby certainly seemed to like her and he should really try and be open minded, after all look at how his friends had accepted him. Still with all that was going on it would be hard to trust new people. Nanuet kept busy helping around but kept an eye on Ruby, he still believed she was up to something strange. Tex leans over and gesturing to Minerva asks Ruby "Who is that stunning woman?"

Ruby waved her over again. "Minerva something.. from Spain. The new preacher. Besides for being beautiful she seems very nice. Something about her," Ruby shrugged. "There certainly is!" Tex exclaims. Then adds "But she's dressed far too fancy for a cowpoke like old Tex here. Damn, I should have come as Mr. Austin instead."

." They both turned to Tex as he began to talk about the lovely Spanish lady who had come in. He then is lost heavily in thought and softly says, "She'll have to be careful around town. As you know, there is a fairly large wood elvan population in this town. They have long memories about the Spanish. Many were not treated very well by the Spanish conquerors of prior centuries. Coronado himself abused hundreds of elves during his travels through this region."

Tex then blinks and both Ruby and Kate can see his mind clicking despite the disguise. He exclaims a bit too loudly, "Coronado! Ruby, that's perfect!" He then notices people looking towards them and lowers his voice. He says, "I can't explain now, but it is very very important that you befriend this woman. She could play a critical role in our future "We're not even sure we have a future past tomorrow," Kate said softly.

Ruby says, As for Minerva, she said she thought we were kindred spirits. I do like her, it won't be hard to befriend her. Although I DOUBT she's going to get me to go to church." Ruby finally smiles. "Don't worry she'll be over." Ruby stands and straightens her dress. "Let me go try to talk
to George quickly while Helen is away. I'll get even with her, believe me..."

Tex continues to glance in Minerva's direction and says out loud and not necessarily to his dining companion, "She is a striking woman and apparently well educated. I definitely need to find out more about her." Madeline looked at her teacher with a mixture of amusement, and she was distressed to find jealousy. She had no feeling of that kind for him, but no lady was ever flattered when he companion was fascinated by someone else.

She sighed softly. "Why don't you go speak to her then?" she suggested in her usual tone of voice, "I think I'll head home." She stood and picked up her handbag. "Thank you for the evening." He says,"Oh, we can't leave just yet. The evening is still young. Don't you want to see what happens with Ruby's new suitor? I'll wager a dollar that he leaves here with a black eye if he keeps bothering her. And for the Spanish woman, Tex will not be meeting her. Mr. Austin or Mr. Gonzales might, but that will have to wait for another time."

In his way around straightening up after the people started leaving Nanuet see Luc enjoying his beer at the bar. He heads that way. "Hey, Luc is it? Don't you have a job to do? I wouldn't let the boss see you doing that. Drink on your own time." he says snatching the beer from his hand and walking away. Luc restrained himself. Being on the run you had to swallow a lot. " I wasn't aware you were an owner too." Luc says as he leans over and grabs another mug.

Nanuet replies, "I may not be, but I know them pretty well and Miss Ruby would listen to me over you any day my friend. If I were you I would watch my step, let's just leave it at that." Luc curses at Nanuet in Pawnee( roughly translated " My your ancestors grow shaggy fur and get fleas"). " Are you threatening me?" Luc said pushing himself off of the bar," I may be new in town but I don't take gum from nobody. I get paid to guard. Not everyone is gone home yet. When they do I'll be more'n happy to clean up. Until then I watch."

Nanuet exclaims, “What if I am threatening you? Today is not the day to be causing trouble around here, and that is your last warning. You got some nerve, new guy in town, first night on the job. Guards don't drink on the job in this saloon friend. And if you want to consider that a threat you can."

Luc raises his voice and yells back, “If ya hadn't noticed that beer was mostly full. Only thing I've had all night. Second, I been doing this long before I came here. Made more money too. So don't lecture me about how to do my job. As for threatening me, I've had bigger piles of manure scare me more than the likes a you." Luc curses in Pawnee again and walks out of the saloon. He walked a few doors down from the Lucky Lady and paced. This town was defiantly not going to be boring.

Back inside, Nanuet looks at Ruby and sees that she is busy. He figures he might as well let her know his feelings anyway. He yells over "That Luc guy you hired is a real piece of work. I think you might want to reconsider your job offer. Besides, he already walked out while on the job." Ruby glanced up, glad to have any reason to not talk to Mr. Eastman. She saw Nanuet point out the door. Ruby headed for the door and saw Luc a few doors down.

"Hey Cowboy" She walked up to him. "Walking out on your job isn't a good way to keep it. What's the problem?" Luc didn't answer her. Just another problem to add to the pile. She walked back into the doorway of the Lucky Lady. Lucky, indeed, she thinks. "Wait hold up," Luc calls to her. He never was good at these kinds of things. In the old days all he had to do when someone gave him lip was beat them with his gun belt. But being older and wiser now he saw that didn't solve everything. Especially when you have the Union Army looking for you. Luc need a few minutes to cool down. Then he would head back.

Minerva notices Ruby come back into the saloon and follows her back to her table. Ruby takes Minerva by the hand and they make their way back to the table, before Ruby realizes that she will be introducing Tex and Madeline instead of Mr. Gonzales and Kate. "Minerva, I want you to meet my friends, Tex and Madeline. I told them you are new in town and they wanted to meet you." She gestures to a chair and Minerva sits. "And what can I get everyone?" Tex says "Well, Ah think that the proper way to greet a fine lady like Minerva to a new town would be with a good bottle of wine. Ruby my dear, please see if Mr. Hoover has something appropriate in stock."

Madeline had been about to excuse herself again when Ruby brought Minerva over. "How do you do?" she said politely and took her seat. "I hope you'll like it here. It's a nice town." She refused another glass of wine, knowing if she started drinking it she would just keep going. "Ruby honey, why don't you sit down?" Madeline shared a glance with Tex.

Ruby nods, distractedly, and makes her way over to the bar. She asks Hoover to bring her a good bottle of wine. He does and she returns to the table. She stands there, not paying attention, alternating between watching Mr. Eastman and drifting off into her thoughts. Stanley Barker gets up from the table and approaches Ruby. He says "Miss. West, my friend George was wondering, that is, well, he realizes that his showing up unannounced has come as a bit of a shock for you, so tonight may not be the best time for you to be making your long-term plans. When would be a good time for him to come back to discuss the wedding arrangements?" Kate notices that Tex finds this interchange amusing. Kate didn't find it so, Ruby had enough difficulties.

Ruby snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Stanley. Had she been her usual self she would have laughed and said "Never." Instead she brushed past Stanley and walked over to Mr. Eastman. "Can I speak with you outside?" "Why yes dearest Constance," George exclaims and a wide smile comes to his face. Ruby leads George out to the front porch and leans up against the railing. "Mr. Eastman, I am certainly flattered that you would think of me so long after we last met. But if you take a moment to think it over you will realize that we are very different types of people leading very different types of lives. I would not make a good wife for you. I am sure that a man such as yourself would not find it hard to find someone else more willing to share in your adventures."

He replies "I understand. This was too sudden. You need some time to think it over. That's fine, take your time to think more about it. I will be staying with my cousin and her husband for the next week. Goodnight Constance." He reenters the Saloon and lets Mr. Barker know that he is returning to their house. Stanley fishes out a key from his pocket and hands it to Eastman. George then leaves. Madeline watched as Mr. Eastman got a key from Mr. Barker and left. "You'd have lost your dollar," she said to her teacher with some relief before turning back to Minerva. "Miss Minerva, what brings you to Promise City beside fine wine and entertainment?" Ruby watched as Mr. Eastman walked away from the saloon and she sighed. Well, that was certainly a surprise.

Minerva replies to Kate, "Well the wine and the entertainment are certainly a pleasant bonus to be sure. She raises her glass in salute and sips. This is such a lovely wine. "she is pleasantly surprised. I needed to get away she says looking into her wine and twirling the glass. I feel that the goddess has led me here. There's something special about this town and the people in it. So alive... Luna and I are hoping to make this our home. "Who is Luna?" Tex asks.

Will you be at services in the morning?” Tex replies, "I'm sorry Ma'am, I have something out of town I need to take care of tomorrow. I'll try to catch your next service though." Kate says, “No, I'm afraid I have plans in the morning. But you shouldn't worry, you'll have plenty of parishioners eager to hear what you have to say. There are quite a few people in Promise City who will be very happy you're here." Kate continued making small talk for a while, not inquiring too much about this lady, knowing that she would have to meet her as Katherine. It would be much easier to be surprised by her answers if she didn't already know all about her.

Luc had not yet returned. Ruby hadn't heard the story yet but assumed it has something to do with the Cowboy being a hothead. Like she didn't have enough problems at the moment. So she went back inside and asked Hoover if he could handle the rest of the crowd. As there was almost no one left he agreed. She took a seat facing the door with Tex, Madeline and Minerva and had a drink. Now all she had to do was wait for Marshal Earp to show up.

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Silver Moon

Chapter Twenty-four, “Giving up Tucker to Earp”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882:

Back at the Promise City Marshall's Office, Jake and Chester are a little surprised when both Wyatt and Warren leave and lock the front door behind them. They do note a shadow of a man with a rifle silhouette against the window curtain outside of the office, standing on the front porch. Neither Chester or Jake can tell who the man with the rifle is, but it does not appear to be Wyatt, Warren or their friend Eduardo. Regardless of who he is, he will not be able to hear any conversation that could now take place between the two prisoners.

Chester whispers to Jake, "Psst. Hey, Jake. What do you think is going on that they'd leave us unguarded? Do you think Katherine will give up Tucker for us?" "I don't know for sure on either count." Jake sits up and looks at Chester. "I suspect this has something to do with Ruby."

"Earp seems to be trying to pit one against the other here, what did he tell you?" Jake asks the former soldier. Chester replies, "Earp? Nothing really. What do you think I should say?" Jake answers, "I wouldn't be telling them any lies if I was you, but think about what you tell them. They'll twist the truth to get what they want. I'm trying to remember when you and I talked about Jones." Jake scratches his beard. "Once a while back when you first took the job at Condon's and then once after that when I asked you if you had done anything about it. Was that it?"

Chester replies, "I think so. I've already told Earp that I warned the Condons about Jones a month or two ago. And I told him that I asked Jones about the Douglas robbery and that Scarface said he had nothing to do with that. I didn't say anything about us talking about what to do about Jones." Jake says, "Keep your wits about you Chester Martin, Wyatt Earp is not a man to mess with." He answers, "I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully Ruby and Kate can get us out of this. I've been in jail once and I'd like to keep it that way."

It turns out to be a very quiet evening at the Lucky Lady due to the boxing match and drink coupons drawing the non-poker-regulars over to the Palace instead. Helen Barker is the winner at Job's table and they'll end the game early, after which Stanley will play several more piano pieces. It is around 10:30 PM when the wood elf Eduardo comes into the Saloon and glances in Ruby's direction.

Ruby was glad that Kate wasn’t in the room at the moment. She didn't want her worrying or blaming herself any more that she already did. Ruby caught Eduardo's eye and nodded ever so slightly towards the front door. Then without a word to anyone she made her way out the front door and started walking slowly down the street. She glanced over her shoulder only once and saw the wood elf following. She turned down a quieter street and waited.

Eduardo and Ruby continue to make their way on their casual walk around town, coming and going down several streets until they finally end up on Sierra Street between Front and Federal. Eduardo passes the Drover's Hotel and adjacent Corral and continues on towards Federal, turning left behind the house owned by Neil Cassidy. That's when Ruby notices Wyatt Earp just off of Sierra Street leaning against the western fence of the Drover's corral.

Wyatt nods towards her and says "This is a safe place for us to talk, a fair amount of privacy and the horse sounds will drown out our conversations, but still enough people around if need be." Ruby notes that his assessment is correct, as the Palace Saloon is less than three blocks away within sight down Sierra and the Cochise Boarding House is up Federal Street a mere sixty feet away.

Ruby nods in understanding. "Marshal Earp," Ruby says quietly, "It occurs to me that there are quite a few things we need to discuss and it might take a bit of time. Are you sure this is the right spot?" He replies "Yeah, this is as good a spot as any. We won't be interrupted, my deputies will see to that. So, do you have some information for me about Mr. Tucker?"

“You wouldn’t believe the day I’m having today. Have you ever heard of George Eastman? He is from New York. A photographer, actually. He traveled the world going on grand adventures and all the while amassing a huge fortune. And now through a twist of fate he has arrived here, in Promise City.” Ruby looks up at Wyatt. “To make sure I return to New York with him, as his fiancée, as I was some years back. Seems he’s set on it.” Ruby sighs. “No, I suppose you don’t want to hear about my day.”

“In any case, Marshall, I can appreciate that you want to find Colby Tucker. And I am going to tell you where he is. But there are some matters that you finding Tucker bring up. What are your intentions with him? What will you do with him after you find him?” Wyatt replies, "I intend to find out what his involvement is with the Cowboy Gang, what his participation was with the January stagecoach robberies, and also where he's been hiding out these last two months."

She says, “And after you question Mr. Tucker, and explore the information that he has to offer, then what? Will you kill him? Will you seek out everyone else who knows what he knows, and kill them too?” Ruby moves closer to the Marshal. “We both know what you really want Mr. Tucker for, and it’s not because of the Cowboy Gang. If you ever met Mr. Tucker you would know he would probably shoot himself if he ever even saw Johnny Ringo again, in sheer terror.”

“I know you will stop at nothing to protect your family. But try to understand, I am trying to protect my family, the people I care about too. And to that means we are the same, I will do anything to keep them safe.”

Wyatt replies, "I can't tell you what I'll do with Tucker. If he's guilty of armed robbery then we both know what Judge Isby will do with him. If he's not, and can get me enough information to convict Ringo, Deadeye or some other gang leaders then we could probably work something out with him. Believe me, I know that he isn't the brains behind that group and taking him out of commission will not stop the gang. It's the leaders of that group who I want.

As to the other thing you're alluding to, I think you and your friend Kale have listened to too many of Tucker and Ringo's lies. I didn't really know Thomas Kale, only met him a few times, but my brother James knew him pretty well. There are different rumors as to what happened to him, and I can't say which is true, but I can tell you that I had nothing to do with any of that. All I know is what I've been told and I'm not going to take the word of a Cowboy Gang member over that of my brothers."

Ruby says, "You honestly don't think that them wanting to find Colby Tucker has anything to do with the fact that he is the witness to your brother and his involvement with Thomas Kale's death? Look, I could care less about Colby Tucker. I also don’t care who killed Katherine Kale’s husband. Sounds terrible, but he is gone and no matter who did it, he isn’t coming back. What I do care about is my safety and the safety of my friends.

Kate is a good person and she is wracked with guilt about what happened to Tom. She can’t move on with her life until she hears what really happened and why. If your brother is innocent why doesn’t he talk to Kate and tell her himself? Then she can put the rumor to rest and move on, we can all move on. It's really that simple. And how do I trust that you will hold up your end of the bargain, about Jake and Chester being innocent and the fact that idiot Danby Jones set them up?"

Wyatt answers, "Ma'am, as you pointed out earlier, your friends Jake and Chester have both been of great help to myself and my family. And as your friend Jake has reminded me, he has his own score to settle with the Cowboys. It's in all of our best interest to be on the same side of this instead of opposite sides. I'm not saying you're in with the Cowboys, but I think that Tucker is and your friend Kale is helping him."

She says, "The Cowboy Gang is after both Jake and I, and we'd both rest easier knowing there were less of them. Whether you think so or not, we are on the same side when it comes to them. Like I said, Katherine is still devastated by the loss of her husband. She may not be acting sanely due to her grief. You seem like a good man and sure you can understand the pain of losing someone you love. Can't you try to set up a time for Morgan to tell her the truth? It would mean so much for this woman's pain to be over with."

"One more thing before I tell you where Tucker is. What happens if you can't find him? It has been a while since he went missing." Wyatt says, "Can't say. I'm not the only Earp out looking for him. If he's around we'll bring him in. If he's further off I guess one of us will have to go and find him." She says, "All I mean is I am honestly going to tell you where I think he is. I can't guarantee that he stayed there."

Wyatt replies, "Ma'am, do you have something to tell me or not?" Ruby leaned back against the railing of the corral. Wyatt Earp was just not going to be cooperative. She let out a big sigh. "I believe he went to Boston." He answers, "Boston. That's where Kale is from isn't it? And why do you think that he is there?"

Ruby says, "I happened to see him that day too, bumped into him on the way to meet Jake. He mentioned something about Boston." Ruby paused then furrowed her brow. "You know, Kate is from Boston. You don't think he was going there to find her family, do you? No, it must be a coincidence." Ruby put a worried look on her face.

He replies, "Well Ma'am, if that's all you know I don't know of how much good it will be to me. Boston's a big city and on the other side of the country. Appreciate the information though, let me know if you hear anything else." She exclaims, "Hold on, I told you the honest truth about where he went. Don't go pulling the 'I didn't tell you anything' crap now. You need to stick to your word about telling the TRUTH about Jake and Chester."

He answers, "Ma'am, you told me a wild guess based on something you might have heard two months ago. That's a far cry from anything definite. The person who knows something is Kale. I'd suggest that you talk to her if you want me to curtail my investigation of this incident." Ruby sighed again. "What difference does the truth make? You're not going to hold up to your word anyway." Ruby pulled her hand through her hair.

She then stammers out, "He's in Boston with Kate's family. And you're just dying to get your hands on Kate as much as Tucker, that much is obvious now. Tucker is the witness to Tom Kale's murder. Kate is helping him because he knows the truth and he thinks you and your brothers are going to kill him because you know that he knows. Tom Kale was found with your brother's knife in his back. Course you are going to protect each other and try to cover that up. And any other story you heard was lie, from your own brothers. What you call rumor we think is fact."

Earp answers, "Ma'am, you accuse me of not being honest. A minute ago you were only speculating that he might be with Kale's family, now you're telling me that he is. Seems to me you're the one keeping things to yourself, not me. If your friend Kale wants to talk to me she knows where to find me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have prisoners to go check on. May have them for a while too, Isby hasn't made it to town yet."

She cries out, “I just told you everything that she knows. Nothing's going to change on that count. Why don't you just go threaten Katherine Kale right now, that might work better on her than me." Ruby turns her back and starts walking away.

A short while later Wyatt and Warren Earp return to the Marshall's office and jail. A cloth and wood army cot is putted out. Wyatt had slept on it the night before. Tonight is Warren's turn. Wyatt tells his brother to be careful and departs, locking the door behind him.

This day had done nothing but push Ruby to her limit. She was trying to stay under control and be reasonable but it seemed that no one else in this damn town was trying. Instead of going back to the Lucky Lady to spend another lonely sleepless night she headed to the Gay Lady, to find Madge Duprey and some very strong whiskey. She spends the next few hours drinking heavily and carousing with Madge, until the point where she can barely make it back to her bed. When she gets back she has a few more drinks until she passes out.

Silver Moon

Chapter Twenty-five, “Messenger of the Gods”, Saturday, March 11th, 1882:

In response to his earlier question Minerva replies to Tex (Gonzales) "Luna? She is very precious to me. She is a lovely white owl." Minerva gets a wistful look on her face as she remembers." I found her when I was just a child. From a distance she looked as though she were dancing under the moon. When I realized that she was injured, I held out my hand to her and miraculously she was healed. That is when I realized that the Goddess had bestowed upon me the gift. Luna and I have been together ever since"

Minerva laughs. "As for your being out of town tomorrow morning, I've heard that from several people here this evening. By the Goddess, I believe that by tomorrow Promise City just might turn into a ghost town. Well not to worry, You don't have to attend services to make your donation. I'm sure you'll want to contribute to the building of the new church just the same. I'll gladly accept your contribution this evening and I'll be sure and let Mr. Lacey know where this generous donation came from." She looks at him expectantly.

Tex replies, "I'm sure that you would Ma'am, but the truth is that I've spent all my extra money tonight on the bottle of wine that we're drinking. I plan to come into some more right soon, so you'll get a donation from me, just not right now. Although, instead of money I might actually be able to help you in other ways. Is there anything else you might need for your church, other than construction materials that is?"

Well Senor Tex, That's a wonderful offer. I haven't actually been in the new church yet so I'm not sure what's in order, but I'm sure Mr. Lacey would know what is needed. What did you have in mind? Tex replies, "I don't know ma'am, but I have me some connections back in Texas and also in Mexico. I might be able to get a hold of vestments or books of your religion."

"Gracias, Senor I shall be sure and tell Mr. Lacey of your generous gift. Although I don't want to be rude I am afraid I must get back to Luna. Tomorrow will be a busy day. Buenas Nochas Good luck on your travels tomorrow. May the Goddess be with you" With a slight curtsey. Minerva turns and leaves the saloon.

Katherine had gone straight to bed when they returned to the El Parador, and fell asleep almost immediately. It lasted about 45 minutes before she woke screaming again. This time the Earp's killed not only Tom, but Jake and Chester as well when they tried to help her.

She calmed down after a while, but knew she wouldn't sleep the rest of the night. Still, she was tired of being scared. Tired of the Earps and their absolute refusal to admit what they were looking for. Tired of living in this perpetual darkness. Ruby was right, this had to end. Whether or not she got what she wanted out of Morgan Earp. She had to choose to either live or die, she couldn't stay in this place in between. And she wasn't particularly interested in dying.

It is around 7:00 AM on Sunday morning when Minerva joins Judge Lacey for a nice home-cooked breakfast on the ground floor of the Promise City Hotel and Cafe. He asks if she is ready to lead the worship service in another hour, and mentions that the services have previously lasted until noon.

"Why thank you for the Breakfast Senor Lacey. I had better hurry if I am to be prepared. I shall go over to the town hall and see how the preparations are going" "I believe that you were planning a brunch after the service so that I may meet the congregation. That is very kind of you. Perhaps one of them will be able to assist me with my living arrangements. I shall see you at the service. Adios." Minerva hurries back to the hotel to retrieve Luna and goes over to the town hall.

The Town hall, unfinished and sparsely furnished is filled with rows unmatched chairs that have obviously been confiscated from the nearby saloons. A small stage has been raised at the front of the room. A huge tapestry woven by Minerva’s own hand over powers the back wall of the stage. It is crafted with the softest of wools and filled with intricate colorful illustrations depicting the 12 heavenly powers. Jupiter is sitting in their mist. Neptune, the ruler of the sea, holds his trident and appears to have just smitten the earth from which a horse has leaped forth. The goddess Minerva shimmering with power is depicted in helmed head with her shield covering her breast. This tapestry is Preacher Minerva’s gift to her namesake.

Forward of this, facing the room, stands two wooden crates stacked one on the other. Luna sits upon this makeshift podium preening her feathers, unconcerned by the gathering crowd while Minerva softly plays her flute, the favored instrument of the goddess Minerva.

Minerva is seated on a large pillow and is dressed in loose flowing robes of soft white linen. It V’s at the neck and is cinched at the waist with a golden cord. Upon her head sits a silver circlet of olive leaves. Her dark hair, hanging loosely about her shoulders gives her the appearance of an angel without wings. Around her neck hangs an ornately carved olive leaf pendant of silver, which rises and falls gently on her breast as she plays a tranquil melody on her flute. Rejoicing this day (and the freedom from her corset) She silently chants as she draws the soft music from her flute “I am the beginning. I am the vestal virgin. I am an innocent offering to the gods. Unmarked by man. Uninfluenced by his touch, his ambitions, and his desires. I am the vessel through which the gods make their will known.

Her mind wanders. It will not always be so, if the gods will it. Aphrodite and cupid will one day demand their payment also. I know that there is honor in serving them. They are to be revered. But at what price? She recalls the heartache and turmoil that she saw in Ruby’s eyes the previous day and sighs. The gods are a greedy lot. Aphrodite and Cupid most of all.

8:00 arrives The people have gathered. Minerva sets her flute aside and walks sedately to the podium. Luna utters a soft cooing noise and flutters up to perch on Minerva’s shoulder The crowd sees a compelling dark haired women robed in white with a snow white owl perched upon her shoulder. It almost appears as though a soft light glows about her. She is a sight inspired by the goddess, Herself. Minerva stands quietly, commanding the crowd to silence.

In a clear gentle voice, Minerva recites from the book of the gods. “But a nobler animal was wanted, and Man was made. Prometheus took some of this earth, and kneading it up with water, made man in the image of the gods. He gave him an upright stature, so that while all other animals turn their faces downward, and look to the earth, he raises his to heaven, and gazes on the stars. Prometheus, with the aid of Minerva (Athena), went up to heaven, and lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun. And brought down fire to man. With this gift man was more than a match for all other animals. It enabled him to make weapons wherewith to subdue them; tools with which to cultivate the earth; to warm his dwelling, so as to be comparatively independent of climate; and finally to introduce the arts and to coin money, the means of trade and commerce”

Minerva pauses and waits while the heavy silence fills the room. (Minerva employs her diplomacy skills) In a voice the cuts the room Minerva announces, “The gods, my friends are busy!” She slaps her hand on the podium. “They have given us their many gifts. It is not reasonable to expect them to concern themselves with the individual! Don’t pray to the gods and goddesses to solve your problems, but rather, pray to that part of the gods that is within you. The gods love triers, not quitters. They love winners, not whiners! Get off your knees and take action! Help yourself. Show the gods that you have the guts and the will to fight for yourself and for your neighbor, that you have the will to do what is right, absent of excuses!

She lowers her voice, “I walked over to the site of the new church when I came into town yesterday and by the Goddess I am sure that the gods are as disappointed as I was in it’s unfinished state.” She slowly points her finger around the room and with fire in her eyes she raises her voice. “It’s time to stop making excuses; it is time to take action! The gods require you to build a church that is worthy of the gifts that they have bestowed upon you! The gods’ want a church that shouts, “I AM A WINNER”.

She smiles benevolently and looks around the room. “We have a church to build here folks. It will not be built on the sweat of the gods’ brows. Nor is the gold needed to build it going to fall from Olympus no matter how long or how loud you pray! My dear people, it is time to get OFF of your knees, and DELVE into your wallets! Together we shall build the church of Olympus! Minerva picks up her flute, sits back on her pillow and plays while the money baskets are passed. The crowd digs deep. Mr. Lacy smiling broadly as a result of the overflowing collection baskets, moves to the podium and announces that a brunch will be served to welcome Senorita Minerva Garcia Florentia to the congregation.

The entire dining room as well as the tables on the porch of the Promise City Hotel and Cafe have been set out for the brunch as the congregation heads over there. Russell and Beatrice Lee, owners of the Comstock House Boarding House across the street, invite the overflow crowd to use their first floor dining room as well. Cole Rixton of Rixton's furniture, also across the street, has people carry out some chairs and tables from his store and sets them up in the lot east of the Promise City Hotel for more to dine.

It is a beautiful day and tables are set up outdoors. Minerva strolls over to Mr. Lacey and in a whisper inquires, "How well did we do in church building donations?" He replies, Very well, $ 78.55. That's three times more than the other priest, Anson Haggler, ever brought in."

She also tells him about the man named Tex last night who offered to procure vestments and books for the new church. Mr. Lacey looks at Minerva with a puzzled look on his face. "Tex you say? Hmmm I don't think I've heard of anyone by that name around town."

She then mingles with the crowd chatting amiably with Luna on her shoulder. She decides to ask about for lodgings other than the El Parador after hearing that the owners names are Pedro and Dorita. Although she has no real prejudices of her own. She is concerned that the Mexican wood elves would not favor a Spanish human in their abode.

This leads to an interesting situation, as the owners of three different boarding houses all indicate a strong interest to having her stay with them. He says, “One is the Great Western Boarding House where the owner Bill Watkins heads up the Promise City Vigilance Committee that is looking to civilize the town more. He sees a full-time priestess as a way to bring about that stability.

Next are Russell and Beatrice Lee, who own The Comstock House, which is helping to host this breakfast. All of the other tenants are male, most working for the primary mine in town, and Beatrice would welcome having another woman under her roof.

The third that has taken an interest is Fly's Boarding House. It is a small boarding house and the most expensive in town, although they would offer Minerva a reduced rate. She finds out from people other than Roger and Janet Fly that one of their boarders died of an illness in January that forced a several-day quarantine of the building and that they have been unable to find another tenant for his room.”

During the brunch after the service Minerva speaks to Russell and Beatrice Lee, who own The Comstock House, which is helping to host this breakfast. She thanks them for their generosity. Beatrice has heard that Minerva is in need of a home. " I would surely welcome another woman in the house if you would consider staying on with us, Senorita Minerva. All of the other tenants are male, most working for the primary mine in town, but their not a bad lot. and from the looks on their faces when you were preachin' it looks like you won't have any trouble handlin' them. You had those big fellas quaking in their cowboy boot."

Minerva eyes sparkle. Why Thank you Beatrice. That's a fine compliment. and Yes, I would be honored to live at the Comstock house with you. "I'm thinking a house full of strong men is just what we need to get this church built." She grins.

As the Sunday brunch begins to wind down Minerva marches them two blocks west to the site where the Church is to be constructed. Thus far the work is little more than eight beams that have been erected to show the size of the 25 x 30 two story structure. The beams for the angled roof and possible bell tower have yet to be put in place or even purchased. Minerva has the congregation all gather around inside of the beams as she has a wagon be pulled up to the north end of the group. She climbs up onto the wagon to address them.

She has a fire in her eyes as she leaps upon the wagon. She is an awesome sight to behold, an angel of the gods, glowing with their power. Her long white robes and lustrous black hair streaming in the breeze while Luna sits on her shoulder and stares unblinking at the crowd.

She raises her hands to the heavens. And in a loud voice proclaims “Look to the gods, not in the heavens but, within you. What do you see? Do you see the majestic bell tower calling you to do the gods work, the beautiful glass windows depicting their wondrous deeds? The beautifully carved doors of this church welcoming you and your family to a better life? Close your eyes and look within. Resolve to make this your priority. We have made a good start today; through your offerings we have raised $78.55.”

“This is a good start. But it is not enough!" she shouts. "The gods need you to step forward and offer your strong backs to build this church. The gods insist that you use the gifts that they have given you to make this church a reality! Offer these gifts back to the gods in the building of their church. We of Promise city are the god’s people. We are People of action. The gods expect each of you to step forward and offer your talents and resources to make this church a reality now!” She pauses for a moment and in a softer tone she continues.

“I would Thank all of you for making Luna and I so welcome in such a short period of time. I am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you as you get to know me. Please feel welcome at my home. I can be reached at the Comstock house, where Mr. and Mrs. Lee have been kind enough to offer me room. May the Goddess bless them. May the goddess bless all of you.” Minerva steps off the wagon and the crowd gathers around her to offer their skill, money and ideas in the building of the church.

Silver Moon

Chapter 26, “Off to Boston”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

When the sun finally started crossing the horizon Katherine opened her trunk and pulled out one of the black gowns she had worn exclusively while in Tombstone. The rules were less strict here, but in Boston she would be expected to continue to wear black for many months yet.

There was not much she could do about the dark circles under her eyes, but she took careful pains to make sure she looked neat and cared for. Her parents would already be worried, she didn't want to give them more cause. She left the room and quietly went to see Mr. Gonzales. He would probably not be awake yet, but she could wait.

As Kate enters Gonzales's room she sees Ginnie sitting there in one of the chairs staring at the door. "Ma'am Kate, I know your going somewhere and I know that it is important. You've been having nightmares that wake you and your wearing mourning again. From what I have heard and figured out your heading to Boston to talk with Tucker about your husband's murder again and I'm going with you one way or another and..." she points to a small bag next to the chair "I'm already packed. I lived in Boston for a long time before my family died and they sent me to New York for the orphan train I know the city. I want to visit my parent's grave. So when do we get on the stage? And how do we keep the Marshall from following us?"

Kate knelt down in front of the chair and hugged Ginnie for a moment. She sat back then on her heels and said, "I am wearing mourning again because it is proper back East to do so for much longer than I did here. I will be seeing my family, and it is better to observe the traditions than argue about them. At least for today.

Yes, I am going to talk to Tucker although I would rather not. I have tried to let go of this, but the Earps want him, and they are threatening my friends to get him. I need to talk with him and see what's to be done. We won't need to worry about the Marshal following us, my teacher is going to help with that. We won't be taking the stage either. I understand wanting to visit your parents. I think we can find time to do that."

Ginnie says, "I know that Mr. Gonzales is a wizard but are they going to let him do something to make the horses go faster? I can't see the coachman letting him do magic to get us to the train to go to Boston quicker. And I'm not sure how changing your hair color would help except for getting us out of town without the marshal knowing who you are and they'd see me and know something was up."

Kate replies, "There are ways to travel without taking the stage, or the train. Mr. Gonzales will be going with us, and we will be back here before bedtime. If I'm to help my friends I must be quick, and there is just no time to wait for the train. You'll see when we go. It's something I am not able to do, so I can't really explain it yet. We will leave here and arrive at my parents home in the blink of an eye. There should be no reason to disguise ourselves."

Ginnie did not yet know about the rooms beyond this one, and Katherine did not have permission to show her. And he could not come out unless he exposed that door to her. "We should be leaving soon. He wanted to get an early start, and it will be farther along in the day in Boston." Ginnie says, “So we are going to use magic to get there? Okay, I'm ready whenever you are do I need to do anything special to get ready? I think I have everything I might need in my bag.” Kate answers, "The only thing you need to do to get ready is run into the kitchen and find us something to eat. I think Dorita would rather have us pilfer her kitchen a bit than go without breakfast. You probably have more than you'll need in your bag. Go on now and hurry back."

With that Ginnie scampers to the door then she stops short and turns to Kate. "I'm going but you need to promise that you won't leave without me while I'm in the kitchen your not the same person who left Boston and I need to make sure that you don't feel like you need to stay there once you get back. After all....I like you" With that Ginnie bursts though the door as though she's been lit on fire.

Kate stared at the door for a moment after Ginnie ran through it. She shook her head. When she was sure Ginnie was out of earshot she quickly went inside Mr. Gonzales rooms, hoping he was already up and ready. She finds Gonzales ready to go. He asks "Is it just us or have Ruby or Nanuet decided to come along?"

Kate says, "I haven't heard from either of them, so I believe it's just us. Except... Ginnie was waiting in your room for me this morning. She hears far more than she lets on. She wants to come with us. Her parents are buried in Boston, and she wants to visit them. I sent her to the kitchen to get us something to eat, but she'll be back in a minute. She doesn't know about these rooms, and I didn't want to bring her in without your permission."

"I'm not ready to show her all of this yet, in fact I was only now willing to show Nanuet. Help me move this brazier and powder out into my room in the El Parador, we can go from there." She does so. He then dons the glasses and casts the incantation to transform him into Mr. Austin. She says, "Do you really feel a disguise is necessary? I've written to my family about my life there. They don't know what you teach me, of course, but they know about Mr. Gonzales with the centuries of knowledge to share. How will I explain Mr. Austin?"

Ginnie pops through the door after a quick knock. She has a piece of cloth that she has tied up a batch of fresh cornbread with butter jam and thick slices of fried ham wrapped in flat bread. She takes a quick survey of the room then nods to the appearance of Mr. Austin. "Ah that explains it" she says almost to herself under her breath then in a normal voice. "Hello Mr. Gonzales, Ma'am Kate says we are going to use some magic to travel to Boston it should be an interesting day"

He removes the glasses and reverts to his normal appearance. "Well, according to Ma'am Kate I may not need these after all." He puts the glasses in his pocket. He gets the brazier going and powder ready. He instructs Kate and Ginnie to stand around the brazier with him and to hold hands. He says "I have two incantations to do. When I finish the second I will hold out my hands and you should each grab onto one."

He then says to Kate "I will now cast the detect thoughts spell. Please picture in your mind our destination." Ginnie says, “Where in Boston are we going? I know the city very well and am very good at seeing again what I saw before. Umm can I help?” "We're going to my parents home, so I think I'll have to handle this one," she said and squeezed Ginnie's hand.

Kate concentrated on an unused area of the carriage house. Since she and Henry were no longer at home it had been unused for a long time. It was mostly bare and empty, but she remembered and old harness hung on the wall, and the patterns Henry had carved into the boards of the floor with his first knife. They would be able to approach the house from there with no one realizing they hadn't walked up from the street. She spent only slightly less effort letting down walls into her mind she hadn't even realized were there.

Ginnie watched the magic being cast and saw as Kate relaxed into the picture in her mind. Then Ginnie made a conscious effort to focus her own mind on nothing at all, a blank whiteness like newly fallen snow or a piece of paper before it was set with ink. Magic was a wonderful but dangerous thing and Ginnie didn't want to take the chance that some stray thought of her own would interrupt the focus of the spells.

Kate only nodded and held her hand out, ready to grasp his when the next incantation ended. He repeated the spell she had seen when they went with Bolivar to Los Angeles, and after the powder was thrown in Kate and Ginnie grasped his hands. "Well done Katherine," is all that Gonzales states as they arrive at the destination.

Ginnie opens her eyes and sees that they are now in small wooden building that is mostly empty she opens her bag and pulls out the shawl that she had packed because she knew it would be much colder in Boston than where she had been living. She then handed Kate a black woolen shawl and a small fabric wrapped package. “I didn't want you to be cold. Oh and you can't go home without presents so here.”

"Thank you, dear. I had forgotten how cold it would still be here. Lace for my mother?" Kate hugged Ginnie again. "Thank you."

In the distance, Kate could hear the sound of a busy cobbled street. She opened her eyes to the empty room in the carriage house. It was quiet. On a Sunday morning no one would be in here. Her parents stayed in until evening most Sundays. "Perfect," she smiled at her teacher. "We can walk up to the house from here with no one knowing we didn't come up from the street."

Kate took Ginnie's hand and led them out of the smaller room and into the larger where two large carriages and one smaller were housed. All three were a well-kept, shining black. "Papa takes that small one in to the office when he goes. The larger ones are for when we all went together. I don't imagine those see as much use as they did in the past."

They reached the outside door and walked out to the drive. The house was set back from the street, about forty feet away from the carriage house. The Seagram home was an impressive brick building, three stories high with what could only be called wings on each side. A columned porch led up to a massive front door that Katherine approached without seeming to notice the mass of the place. She pulled out a knob and a bell rang inside the house. "It will be just a moment, I'm sure."

A well dressed gentleman wearing a nicely tailored woolen suit answers the door. "Mr. Emerson, I didn't expect to see you here, and answering the door," Katherine said surprised. "My parents are at home, I assume?" She moved inside with Ginnie and Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Emerson shut the door. "It's cold to be letting in the draft. Mr. Emerson, may I introduce my friend, Mr. Gonzales from Arizona, and my ward Ginnie."

"A pleasure to meet you all," the man states. "Katherine, it is a pleasure to see you again. My condolences as to the loss of your husband. Your parents held a memorial service for him here in Boston and I read one of my poems at it. I wish that there was more that I could do for you."

Ginnie takes a good look at the gentleman who answered the door. At first she thought it might be the butler but seeing that there are splatters of ink on the tips of his fingers realizes that this is not the owner of the house nor the butler. The owner of the house would be unlikely to use a pen that extensively and the butler would have given himself away as his hands would be chapped and reddish this time of year from working in water and then going out in the cold or answering the door.

"Pleased to meet you sir" Ginnie says with a little curtsy never taking her eyes off of the family friend that answers the door to another person's house. Emerson? poems? ah now I know who this is I think. humm Ma'am Kate is much more powerful in Boston than I realized I'll have to watch myself just in case.

Gonzales also makes the connection and comments "Ralph Waldo Emerson?" "Why yes, you've read my work?" the man comments. A wide grim fills his face and Manuel replies "Why yes, starting with your first collection of essays Nature up until your collection Letters and Social Aims, published I believe five years ago." Emerson replies, "Six years, close to seven actually. That was my most recent published work. I've been working on more but my health has not been the best these past few years. I've mostly withdrawn from public life these days, although I do make the time to visit special friends."

Katherine, Ginnie and Manuel enter the building. A man who Kate recognizes as the family butler enters the room. He looks towards Emerson and says "Sir, I could have gotten the door." Emerson replies, "No need Mathias, I was nearby. I may be old but I'm not an invalid, at least not yet."

"Mathias," Kate said warmly. "How nice to see you again. I hope you're well." She walked over and kissed the man on his cheek. "Would you inform my mother that I'm here? I'm sure Mr. Emerson and my father were in the library, no? He can escort us there." The butler heads off as Emerson and Kate head towards the library, with Gonzales discussing Emerson's essays along the way down the corridor.

The front foyer they stood in had a large staircase rising up from the back that split to the right and left. The carpeting was a rich red, and all the exposed wood a dark, polished brown. Artwork hung on the walls and a large window of colored glass stretched to the high ceiling from where it began at the point where the stairs split.

Mr. Emerson led them off to the right and down a corridor, then through a richly appointed sitting room to an open door. Even from outside the smell of leather and paper was heavy. Kate breathed in that familiar smell and smiled. The library has always been her fathers place and the smell brought back sweet memories of hours spent there.

Inside the room the walls were lined with books floor to ceiling. Most had been brought over from Germany when his family emigrated many years ago, although Friedrich had continued to enlarge the library. A highly polished, heavy wooden desk sat at the back of the room, and a rich leather sofa and chairs were grouped near the fireplace. The group entered the room and Mr. Emerson said "Friedrich, you have a visitor."

Silver Moon

Chapter 27, “The Seagrams”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

A tall, stocky man with gray hair turned away from the bookshelf he had been studying and looked toward the door. His left jacket sleeve was pinned up to accommodate the missing bottom half of his arm. Katherine stood for a moment near the door looking at her father. "Papa," she said softly and hurried across the room to throw herself into his arms. "How I've missed you."
His eyes blink twice and he then hurries across the room towards his daughter at a speed that neither Ginnie or Manuel would have thought possible for a man of his age. He grabs Kate in a warm embrace.

For months Katherine had wanted to be right here to cry away her troubles with her father. And she did find tears in her eyes, but not the ones she had expected. There was only happiness to feel this embrace that couldn't feel like any other. She kissed his cheek and hugged him back, and for a few moments they pretended that no one else was there. Finally she stepped back a little, her hand still on his good arm. "I should introduce you to my friends. Mr. Gonzales, from Arizona. I've learned a great deal about Mexico and South America from him. And Ginnie, my ward. I wrote you about them."

Kate's father states "A pleasure to meet you all. Kate, I wish you had told us you would be coming. I would have had a carriage waiting for you at the train depot." "We came away in rather a hurry, and I admit, I've gotten out of the habit of thinking someone could come for me in a carriage. I have to do for myself mostly now, you know. Although I still can't cook a thing," she laughed. "I wish I could say we came just to visit, but I'm afraid we have a specific purpose."

That moment they heard a feminine voice with a French accent just outside the door. Kate turned and hurried to her mother. "Maman," she said, switching to French. The ladies spoke rapidly in that language as they held each other. When they finally separated her mother switched back to English, as she looked her daughter over. "Too thin, too thin! Do they not eat in Arizona? Mathias, tea and cake for Miss Katherine and her guests. And tell cook to add three for luncheon, and make plenty."

As Mathias hurried of, Kate again introduced her friends. Mrs. Seagram leaned down to Ginnie and touched her hair. "Bel enfant, bienvenue à notre famille," she said before she stood back up.
Looking at her parents, it's easy to see that Katherine favors her father in her dark eyes and hair, but her fair skin comes from her mother. Both are significantly taller then their daughter, however. Amelie's pale hair peeked out from her lace cap and Kate reached out and tucked some back in.

Kate's father turns to Gonzales and says "Am I to understand that you are a Professor of sorts, knowledgeable in a variety of languages with a vast library at your disposal?" Manuel says, "You flatter me sir, but yes, I do consider myself to be a teacher and am fluent in English, Spanish, French, Latin and Greek. The library had once belonged to a Latin American aristocrat and was given to Kate and myself in gratitude to our helping her with some philanthropic ventures in Los Angeles, California.

And while Arizona may not offer the educational opportunities as Harvard Katherine has flourished in the environment. She is expanding her knowledge of languages and is learning other new tasks every day. We've also had the opportunity to spend time with the great Simon Bolivar and former Bolivian President Antonio de Surce of Bolivia, who recently visited our town. So you could say that Arizona has helped to broaden her horizons."

Yes a great deal," Kate added. "I never realized how much I didn't know before. And as Harvard would not admit me no matter how good my education, I'm grateful for the opportunity. The library was a very great gift, but so was Maggie. You remember Papa, the lady who gave me a job? She moved to Los Angeles to run a business that employs women who need help. Something Maggie already had experience with."

They all settled in the comfortable chairs, Kate taking a seat next to her father on the sofa with Ginnie at her side. Kate then began to tell about the ranch and how it had grown, and that soon she and Ginnie would have a little house to live in there. Finally she related that she had gotten a proper stone put up for Tom. The room was quiet for a moment until Kate said, "You wrote my friend arrived in safety. How does he do here?"

Seagram replies, "Mr. Tucker has done very well for himself. He's found himself a new interest, the stars. I've introduced him to my friend Edward Charles Pickering, who now heads up the Harvard Observatory as its Director. Colby Tucker has shown an aptitude for it and Mr. Pickering will find a place for him at the observatory once he brings his education up to the proper standard."

Emerson interjects "I have helped with some private tutoring for the young man, which is why I am here today. Mr. Pickering and I were able get Mr. Tucker placed at the school that we both graduated from, Boston Latin High School. Tucker is a few years older than the average student is but his enthusiasm to learn has been impressive enough for the school to support his continued education. He hopes to graduate High School this summer and then begin studies at Harvard in the fall."

"Why, I ..... I had not expected so much. I had only intended to help him start again, I did not know you would take such efforts to help him. He's very grateful, I'm sure." Kate fell quiet and put her own trembling hand in Ginnie's and squeezed it. "Mr. Emerson, you were here about Mr. Tucker's education? I don't suppose he is in the house as well? Where does he stay?"

Kate's father says, "He is staying in one of the guest rooms, he is up there studying right now, and yes, he is very grateful. He says that his life in the Arizona Territory had taken a turn for the worst after Thomas's passing and that he never dreamed of such opportunities. He credits that entirely to you Katherine." "I didn't do so much, I just put him on the train," Kate said with a glance at her teacher. "I understand after Tom died he had difficulty sleeping, and lost his job when the exhaustion caught up with him during the day. We will see him a luncheon, I'm sure. And I'd like the chance to speak with him, of course. And there are some business matters, Papa, that it might be best if we speak privately about."

The group stayed in the library and talked for the better part of an hour before Mathias returned to tell them luncheon was served. The luncheon is served. One other guest arrives to join them, who Kate recognizes as a Massachusetts friend of her father's who had also been active in the abolitionist movement, the writer John Greenleaf Whittier. Whittier lived an hour's carriage ride to the north, in the town of Haverhill, so did not get to Boston all that often. Gonzales is impressed with the opportunity to meet with and speak to yet another famous writer whose works he had read. He listens with fascination as Emerson speaks of the lengthy visit he received from Walt Whitman the previous September and the many discussions that they had shared.

Colby Tucker was very, very surprised to see both Kate and Ginnie at the luncheon and was quick to thank them both for helping to get him to Boston. He tells of initially having trouble getting to Boston from Tucson, as somebody on the train had picked his pocket and stolen his money. He hid out that day and had to sneak onto a freight train in the middle of the night that brought him as far as Saint Louis. From there he took some odd jobs for a few days and also sold some possessions until he had saved enough for the train ride to Boston.

Ginnie interjects "Yes, you were fortunate. Pickpockets can be dangerous people." Kate says, "I'm sorry to hear you had so much trouble. I was worried when it took so long for me to hear you had arrived safely. I hope you'll have some time to speak with me this afternoon, we must be on our way again today."

After the lunch Mr. Whittier and Mr. Emerson retired to the library, while Katherine went with her father, Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Tucker and Ginnie into his office and shut the door behind them. "Mr. Tucker, I'm very glad to hear that you are doing so well. Quite beyond anything I had hoped for. Tell me, how much about the circumstances of your leaving Arizona did you tell Mr. Seagram?"

Colby is hesitant, but when he speaks it is with a confidence that he lacked in all prior conversations. He then says "I told him what happened. That Thomas didn't die of disease, the Marshall’s brother murdered him. They hid the truth, and when they were afraid that I'd tell you or others they decided to kill me too. You and your friend, Ginnie is it?, helped to get me onto that train, otherwise I'd probably be lying in a grave alongside Thomas."

Kate says, "Good, I won't have to go over all that then. Several days ago Wyatt Earp arrested two of my friends. They had both worked as guards in a bank, and another employee had been trying to get them to help him rob it. They told him each time they weren't interested, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Last week he decided it was the day, and Jake went to the bank owner and tried to warn him, as Chester had tried to warn him before. Wyatt, despite saying in not so many words that he believes their story, is holding them.

What he wants is for me to tell him where you are. The story they are passing around is that you were a member of the Cowboy Gang, and they want to talk to you to further their investigation. If they don't get your whereabouts, Earp can make it so that Jake and Chester never see the outside of a cell again. Mr. Tucker, I don't want to take this new life from you, but I can't let innocent men go to prison either. I must ask you to confirm for me that you were never part of the Cowboy Gang. Then we have to find a way to free Jake and Chester without hurting Mr. Tucker."

Tucker says "We, Thomas and I, were never involved directly with any of that Cowboy Gang. But Mrs. Kale, one thing that you should know is that Thomas had been looking for an investor or two to help get the ranch on its feet. He didn't think that you'd saved enough and also didn't want to ask your father for money. I know that he talked to several people in Tombstone about going in with him on the ranch, and one of them was Johnny Ringo. At the time we didn't know he was involved with that Gang, but according to the January newspapers he is."

Kate says, "I've spoken with Johnny Ringo. He claimed not to be part of the gang, but I don't have much cause to believe him. So they may actually believe you had some involvement." Katherine walked across the room and back. "And they may believe Tom did too. Do you know who else Tom asked? Might you have any information about the gang that we could give the Earps, so they at least won't be able to use this as a story for looking for you anymore?" Tucker says, "I believe he asked Mayor John Clum and saloon owner James Earp."

Seagram says, "Katherine, you aren't seriously planning to take Mr. Tucker back there. He has a bright future here, and, frankly it sounds far too dangerous." "I want to avoid it if at all possible," she states. Gonzales interrupts, "Katherine, what is it exactly that the Earps want with Mr. Tucker, I mean, we know what they told you but what is it that they really want?"

She answers, "I have to say, I'm not entirely certain. The day I saw you in Tombstone," she said looking at Colby, "You thought they would kill you because of what you know about how Tom died, and that they thought you would tell me. But I already know. And I've made that fact clear to them. I also tried to assure them I had no intention of pressing charges, but seeing as how they believe I helped you, they don't have any more reason to believe me than I do to believe them.

I think they want to be assured that no one will come forward with charges against their brother. And I suspect they also want information on the Cowboy Gang. Mr. Tucker said after he spoke to Ruby they hauled him in and interrogated him for hours, then told him not to speak to Ruby, Jake or myself. They're chasing after something they already have, silence from Mr. Tucker and myself."

Tucker speaks up, "I've had a lot of time to think about this. It's me they are afraid of. I recognized Morgan Earp's knife. They know that. They are afraid that I will come forward and tell that to a Judge or maybe the Arizona Rangers." Gonzales says, "So, Katherine, do you think that if they believe that Tucker will not come forward with charges that would work? Because I think that's something we might be able to do."
She replies, "I think so. From what Mr. Tucker said about Tom asking Johnny Ringo about the ranch, they may also want any information he has about the cowboy gang. But I believe the main issue is Morgan Earp. If they had a guarantee that he wouldn't expose Morgan, he would have no reason to fear for his life any longer." Katherine looked over at her father. "I'm sorry I sent this trouble to you, Papa. I didn't know what else to do. Mr. Gonzales, what do you think we can do?"

Gonzales replies, "The answer presented itself recently. Remember Ruby's recent guest at the Lucky Lady, the one who took a special interest in her. What exactly was his profession?" She says, "You mean last night? Photography. But how does that help us now?"

Gonzales exclaims, "Exactly, photography! We give the Earps photographic evidence that he's gone! This will be easy. Kate, you have letters that your parents sent you that you received in early February. We have Mr. Tucker write one now telling you of his arrival in Boston and include a photograph or two of him at some famous Boston Landmarks. It's still winter, any picture we have taken today won't look any different than if they had been taken six weeks ago."

Gonzales then turns to Seagram and asks "Have either you or your wife received any mail this past week from Europe?" He replies, "Yes, my wife received a letter from her cousin in Paris. We were relived to get it, as there has been some political turmoil over there, with the recent fall of their government, so we were concerned with how she was doing."

Gonzales says, "Perfect. In Tucker's January letter he can mention obtaining passage on a ship heading to Europe. We will just need to find a photograph that is clearly of Paris, maybe that Arch de Triumph that Napoleon built. I can get the picture enlarged enough to then be used as a backdrop and we could then have Tucker photographed in front of it. We include that with another letter from Tucker, this one dated in late February and put it in the envelope as well. He can say he plans to stay in Europe and never return to the United States."

Seagram says that sounds viable. He says that he will personally head over to the portrait studio of famed photographer Josiah Johnson Hawes on Tremont Street to make the arrangements. Kate says, "Mr. Tucker, do you think you could include in those letters a bit about the Cowboy Gang? What you told me about Tom looking for investors for the ranch, any other tidbits you might know? The Earps won't know what I had written to you, just write as if you were answering me. Let's make sure they don't have any reason to track you down. Can all this really be done with photography?"

Seagram says "Hawes can do anything with photography. He was one of the pioneers in the industry, been working with it since its inception over forty years ago. He did some of the earliest work in daguerreotypes. The outdoor photos are easy, we just need Hawes to send one of his apprentices out with a portable camera unit. It's the Paris photo that will be harder, but I trust that Hawes can manage it. First we need that picture though."

Seagram calls for Mathias and instructs him "Go find John Roberts on lower Beacon Street. He's with Roberts Brothers Books of Boston. Tell him that I need a book with a recent photograph of the Arch de Triumph in Paris, as large a photo as possible. Let him know that if he can get it here in the next two hours he will get a chance to talk to both John Greenleaf Whittier and Ralph Waldo Emerson. They might even sign a book or two for him."

Kate says, “Mr. Tucker, why don't you get started on those letters? We need to be heading back to Arizona as soon as possible, and you're going to be very busy having your picture taken later." She looked at Mr. Gonzales and over at her father. "Thank you. I didn't know what I was going to do. The letter saying he will not return, along with the photographs should be enough to convince the Earps. And they already know how to keep me quiet," she sighed. "And any information on the Cowboy Gang should allow them to keep up their little story. I won't get my time with Morgan Earp, but I think knowing it's over will help."

Seagram says, "Why do you have to leave? Katherine, this is your family home. We've missed you so, and wouldn't this city be a better place for young Ginnie?" Ginnie interrupts "Absolutely not. I will not stay in the city that killed my parents and destroyed my life. Over half of this city are Irish and yet we are still treated as second class citizens."

Gonzales says, "The young lady does have a point. The west promotes equality. Many communities in the territories allow people to vote regardless of race, can that be said of here in the East? Mr. Seagram, you were for the abolition of slavery, and yet many of these freed slaves are still denied the right to vote through new laws that have passed. That is not the case in Arizona. I'm not saying that racism isn't there, but less so than other places. Many places out west even allow women the right to vote.”

Kate interjects, "They are right. Things are very different in the west, and I've been working hard to build a life there. I need to learn to take charge of my own life, and the freedoms of the west allow me to do so." Kate walked over to her father and linked her arm with his. "Why don't we go to the parlor for a moment?"

Silver Moon

Chapter 28, “A Day in Boston”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

They walked into another room, this one furnished with delicate looking settees and tables. The colors were softer blues and greens. Katherine sat down with her father and took his hand. "Papa, I've missed you too. I have considered coming home many times, but for now I think I must stay in Arizona. You wouldn't believe how many times I've wished for you, when I thought I wouldn't make it through the night. But I have to learn to stand on my own.

I have friends there who count on me, and you heard Ginnie, she could never live here. And Papa, I'm changing. I'm not sure I could go back to idle days again. I feel the need to be busy and doing. In a few years I may come back home, after I learn what I could be. Do you understand?" He replies, "Yes my dear, I believe that I do. Although you may not want to discuss this with your mother, I doubt that she would be as understanding."

Yes, I know," Kate laughed. "You've always understood me better." They stood up and headed back toward his office. "Did I tell you I met the son of the actor Edwin Booth in Promise City?" Kate asked lightly. "He only met his father once, and he is not recognized by him, but he looks just like Edwin Booth did when you took me to the theater. Do you remember?" "Ah yes, I remember it well." Kate and her father continue to talk for the next hour.

Mr. John Roberts arrives soon with a large book about Europe filled with ten photographs include one of the Arch de Triumph. The picture was a few years old, so the people in it are not all in the latest fashions, but Kate and her father both thought it would be sufficient for their purposes. Roberts is brought into the sitting room and introduced to Emerson and Whittier. Kate's mother heads off with Ginnie to show her the house.

Tucker comes downstairs wearing a suit and bringing along another for the other photos. He gets into the carriage with Gonzales, Seagram and Kate. Along the way Gonzales explains to Seagram that in Mexico they do not have the same aversion to magic use in the United States and that he has learned some simple spells, one which he will use to enlarge the photograph. Seagram laughs and says "I think you might know a bit more magic than that. I did hear my daughter make reference to your being in Arizona last night." Kate's eyes widened as she realized that she had done exactly that, after being so careful all day to make their timeline vague. But she was encouraged. Perhaps someday she could tell her father what her lessons really were.

Gonzales carefully removes the photo from the book and casts a pair of Enlarge spells onto it, making a six-by-eight foot portrait backdrop. Gonzales casts a temporary spell on Tucker growing out his facial hair into a beard and mustache to give him a different look for the Paris photo, so that it will look like it was taken a month later.

They arrive at the Hawes studio. The picture takes a while to set up, as several props need to be found and added to give the illusion of a Paris street. The photo is then taken. Gonzales removes the facial hair and Tucker changes into the other suit. Hawes sends an assistant out with Gonzales and Tucker to take some pictures around the city. They shoot one near the U.S. Constitution otherwise known as Old Ironsides. They then take another by the Old North Church.

They return to the studio and the pictures are developed. They then return to the Seagram mansion along with the photographs. After they returned, they gathered all the evidence they had collected and looked it over. They all agreed that it should be convincing enough for the Earps.

It was earlier in Arizona than it was here, so Kate took some time to sit with her mother while Mr. Gonzales enjoyed the chance to talk with Mr. Emerson and Mr. Whittier. Before dinner Kate presented her mother with the lace Ginnie had made. "She's very talented," Kate said with some pride. "You won't find finer lace anywhere." "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to talk with Mr. Tucker for a few moments." Colby Tucker heard his name and came over, offering his arm. She led him away into another, smaller parlor.

While everyone else is talking Ginnie slips out of the house and heads to the graveyard where the city buries those to poor to supplies the funds for themselves. In an unmarked section of ground near a large old maple tree that is in back of the churchyard Ginnie looks across the expanse of ground where most of her family lies.

The tears roll down her face as she tells the dirty winter snow of her travels, the orphanage, someone adopting her baby sister away from her and how she will not ever give up looking for her, the orphan train, the whore house that bought her, her running and living on the streets. It had been almost three years since she had given herself permission to cry and in a way it felt good, a release that she hadn't had the luxury to give herself if she was to keep herself safe. When she had cried herself dry she started to talk about the recent events.

"I almost don't understand it Mama, it's as if I've paid my dues and things are getting better. I can read now as much as I want to I'm not hungry and if I want to learn something Ma'am Kate lets me find out. The only thing she wants in return is for me to keep my hands in my own pocket and a bit of lace now and then. And Mama, magic is real just like Granny used to say, and I think I can learn how to do it like she said her Auntie could. And when I do I can find Sissy and put us back together again. I don't think I'm ever going to be hungry or unable to take care of myself again....and I'm going to go back out west. I can change my world there and no one puts out 'No Irish Need Apply' signs.

I'm leaving Boston and I don't know when I might come back, but I'm doing well and have the future in front of me and the ability to take it and I'm going to. I love you and I miss you but I'm ok. Yes I really am OK." With that she draped a small piece of lace on the lower branch of the maple tree and headed back to the house where HER Ma'am Kate was intense on starting a new life where she was part of a family again. Ginnie slips back into the house and heads to the library where she snuggles into a couch corner with a book open on her lap and a piece of needle lace in her hand to work on

Katherine had taken a seat on a settee and Tucker sat in a chair across from her. "That day in Tombstone, I wanted to ask you some questions. I understand now why you wouldn't answer, but please, answer them now. I had thought to get them from Morgan Earp, but I doubt now that will be possible, and I need to know. What happened the night Tom died?"

Colby says, "What exactly is it that you want to know? I've already told your friends that Morgan did it, it was Morgan's knife that I saw in Tom's back." Kate replies, "No, not that. Not really. How was he? Was he.... happy? What did you do that night, who was there?" Kate smiled. "Was he winning? I just want to know what went on in the Oriental that night. Not in the alley, I already know that.

More than that, what did he do in Tombstone? How did he spend his time, was he adjusting, feeling better? I think Tom would have liked the west. To be free of society's constraints and just work and live close to everything. I just want to know how he was."

Colby answers, "Yes, he loved the west. It was the best thing for him both physically and mentally. The only thing he was missing was you. He saw Cochise County as having lots of potential. He figured that the mines will eventually play out, in which case it will be the ranches that support the communities. If you waited until then all the best ranch land would be gone, so the time to buy it was now while everyone was preoccupied with silver instead.

He wanted investors, so he could buy now what you needed instead of waiting, and didn't want to borrow from your father. He needed to do it himself. We had spoken to Clum, James Earp and Johnny Ringo about it. Time was short, Tom wanted to have what he needed the minute you walked off the train. That's why we were in the card game at the Oriental Saloon that night. Me, Tom, James and Morgan Earp, Ringo and the bartender Leslie. Tom realized early on that before these guys would partner or invest with anybody they had to know you, and the best place to get to know a gambler is at the card table. Not that Tom was much of a gambler, the three or four times before that he played he'd stay until he lost his ten dollars and would then leave.

He figured this night would be the same as the others, he'd have a drink, lose his ten bucks, and then wait for a break in the game to talk to Ringo or James. But this night was different, he was elated over your impending arrival and in the first hour had three drinks instead of his usual one. He wasn't drunk, but he was more relaxed. I don't know if it was that, or just plain luck, but he started to win instead of loosing. As the night wore on he found himself up $ 100, then $ 200. He started to think that if his luck kept up he wouldn't be needing investors, with the winnings he'd have enough for the ranch on his own.

When James Earp decided to call it night I left as well. I should have stayed, damn it! Tom was up almost $ 300 at that point. I wandered back to the boarding house and lay down. I got up a few hours later and Tom still wasn't back, so I went looking for him. The rest you know."

Kate answers, "He should have known better than that. He was the only thing I needed when I stepped off that train. Nothing else mattered, not money or ranches or a fancy place to live. If it had four walls, a roof, and him it would have been enough. You need to stop blaming yourself for this. Tom wasn't drunk, there was no reason for you to think he couldn't get himself home. As soon as you knew something was wrong you went looking for him. You were a good friend to him, Colby.

I said some things to you that day in Tombstone, things I shouldn't have. I'm sorry, and I'm glad things are going well for you now. He replies, "Ma'am, to be totally honest, most of that day is a blur to me. What I remember most is your helping me get to safety...and a new life." She says, “You'll always be part of this family now, I'm sure you'll make us proud." He says, “I'll do my best Ma'am. You have a wonderful family with wonderful friends. I can see how you turned out the way that you have."

Kate pulled out her handkerchief and blotted her damp eyes, but there was a smile on her lips. "Thank you. It's not everything, but I think it's enough." He answers, "No, thank you, for everything." "Well," Kate looked down for a moment, uncertain. "I guess that ends our meeting of the mutual admiration society," she laughed. "And my friends and I need to be headed back. We still have an errand to run before we leave and I have friends who need me in Promise City."

They walked back through the house and gathered the others together. "We have to go," Kate said, hugging her mother. "It will be dark before long and we still need to visit Ginnie's parents. Thank you, all of you, for everything." Her parents both give her warm embrace and tell her that she is welcome to return at any point. Her father says, "Please let us know when a good time for a visit would be and we'll come out west."

Mr. Seagram makes sure that she has the letters from Tucker, the photographs and the envelope sent from Paris. “Yes, I have everything. Tell Henry and Phil I'm sorry I didn't see them. I'm sure it won't be long at all before I'm ready to see all of you in Promise City." After a few more false starts, hugs, and good-byes, Katherine, Ginnie, and Mr. Gonzales head back outside. It had taken a bit of fast talking to get around being sent in a carriage, but her father smoothed that over and they were able to walk unhindered.

As they walked down the drive Ginnie said, "Ma'am Kate, I've already been to the graveyard, so we can go." Kate stopped for a minute and looked at the girl. "Ginnie, you shouldn't have run off by... I know you can take care of yourself, but that doesn't mean you always have to. Next time, let me know. We could have come with you, or at least sent someone to keep you safe."

They slipped back into the carriage house and the unused room at the back. Mr. Gonzales knew their return point very well, so there was only the one incantation this time. It was becoming familiar to Kate, so she knew exactly when to reach out and take his hand. A moment later the three were back in Mr. Gonzales' "public" room.

Katherine held on to his hand a moment longer. "Thank you for taking me home. I didn't realize how much I needed to go there. And now, I need to go to the Marshal's office. Ginnie, why don't you take those books from Papa back to our room. I'm sure you can find something to entertain you while I'm gone. It shouldn't be long."

Gonzales goes with Kate back to her room to help her get both envelopes to put the letters in and to double check them to make sure they look okay. He gives her a hug and says "Are you sure you want to do this part by yourself? It could be dangerous. Maybe we should get Nanuet or Mr. Booth to go with you."

An outside witness might not be a bad idea. Conrad doesn't know about this, his presence might keep Wyatt Earp from trying anything. If I see him downstairs I'll ask him to come with me. It could be dangerous, but I don't think so. If the Earps had intended me physical harm, they would have done it already. Thank you, for everything. I'll see you in a little while."

Kate went downstairs and saw Conrad Booth sitting at his dinner. "I wonder if you could do me a favor," she said after she walked over and said hello. "I need to go somewhere, and I'd feel better with an escort. I'll tell you all about it afterward, I promise." Conrad looked up from his dinner, smiling at her voice before his face fell at her appearance. "Katherine, is everything alright? You're in black again." She says, "Oh, yes. I had to go somewhere today, and it was appropriate to wear black for that errand. Will you come? It won't take long."

He looks up towards Dorita, who had just brough him his dinner. "You not eat my food too?" she exclaims. He replies, "Of course. Dorita, I'll be back, would you keep this warm for me?" He stood and took Katherine's arm. Kate led the way through the streets, and a few minutes later she and Conrad entered the Marshal's office.

Ginnie dropped the books in their room and then went back to watch Mr. Gonzalas' doorway for Ma'am Kate to leave. After she had headed down stairs Ginnie knocked softly on the door and slipped into the room. Umm...Mr. Gonzalas sir I just want to see if I have this right. With that she repeats the first incantation for the mind reading spell concentrating on both the pitch and cadence of the sounds but purposely not focusing it on any person. Then she repeats the traveling spell following the vocal component with a description of the brassier, the heat level of the fire, the smell colors and texture of the components. "Is that right? I know I'm missing a bit of the magic as the lines in the room don't move for me the way they do for you. but am I close?"

He gives her a stern stare and says "Young lady, I think I need to talk to Ma'am Kate about this. Please go back to your room and try reading something without incantations in it." Ginnie blushes a deep crimson and shrugs her shoulders, "OK I'll stay away from the spell books... "she looks over her shoulder with a happy guilty little smile as she heads out of the room "for now" with a giggle she closes the door behind her and scampers back to her room to devour the new books Ma'am Kate's father had given her to read.

Silver Moon

Chapter 29, “Information and Anxieties”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

Nanuet spends his Sunday morning with Maska. She had recovered from her long journeys that she took while helping with the Apache treaty. The two played and Nanuet worked on Maska's training a bit before heading back to town. It was almost lunchtime at that point so he headed to the Lucky Lady to see if Ruby would be bringing lunch to Chester and Jake. When he arrives he finds out that Ruby has not been seen since the night before.

He heads upstairs to find her lying in bed, a mostly empty bottle of liquor nearby. "Alright Miss Ruby. Enough is enough!" He walks over and wraps the sheets around her so that she is unable to move her arms and legs. He then hoists her up over his shoulder and heads downstairs and out the door. At some point Ruby wakes up and realizes what is going on and begins to fuss, kicking and screaming. "Hey, put me down! You can't just... What are you doing? Where are we going?"

Nanuet replies, "You Miss Ruby are a drunk. You need to snap out of it and wake up. You can't help Mr. Jake and Mr. Chester lying in bed all liquored up." "I am not a drunk!" Ruby yells as she keeps trying to kick her way free. Nanuet makes his way through town to the bathhouses. He barges in, past the attendants, and finds the first unoccupied bath. He then unwraps the sheet and before she can kick and flail too much he dumps her into the bath.

He says, "There! Now are you awake? No more liquor for you until after this whole deal is sorted out. You drink too much! Whiskey is not for solving problems and neither is Bourbon."
Nanuet finds a towel and throws it to the edge of the bath. He stands nearby watching the drenched woman, waiting for her response.

Ruby sat in the tub, Jake's shirt soaked through, a pout on her face, arms crossed. She started to get out of the tub but when she saw Nanuet's scowling face she slid back in. "You....I....Not fair..." Her voice trailed off. "You don't understand." Then she was quiet. It seemed just a few days earlier Jake had made a comment about her drinking too. She thought it over as Nanuet stood guard over her.

"I'm afraid something will happen to Jake. And Chester. I went to Wyatt Earp, unless Kate goes to him he will lie about Jake's innocence and Judge Isby will..." She can't finish the thought. "It's not fair!" She continues quietly, "And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it."

Nanuet's scowl softened a bit. He could tell Ruby was genuinely concerned about Jake and Chester. "Miss Ruby, life is not always fair and you can't be the one to solve all the problems. I know it is hard and you are scared. We will figure out how to help Mr. Jake and Mr. Chester. There has to be a way. I know I need Mr. Jake out of jail, because I can't handle you myself too much longer!"

Nanuet ducks and dodges as the towel, the soap and then the bath brush comes flying at him. He chuckles as the soap hits his face with a splat! "Nice shot! Finish your bath, I will get some clothes for you and have someone who works here bring them to you. We can talk about this when you are done. Then you can explain to me what you mean about going to Mr. Earp and what he wants with Miss Kate."

"I've always been the one to say life isn't fair. But things have changed for me and I like the way they are. So yes, I am scared that something will happen, and to Jake, I just don't want to think about it."

Ruby is quiet again, then reaches for some shampoo. "Alright I guess I needed a bath anyway," She laughs. As Nanuet is walking though the door she yells out, "And I'll get you back for this!" And under her breath she adds, "But thanks." Ruby strips off Jake's wet shirt and soaks for a long while. As the liquor wore off the pain in her leg started to throb. "Ugh," was all she could say looking at the bruise. She would have to find a way for Jake not to look at it, as it would remind him of what happened.

Laurie brings in her fresh clothes and Ruby finishes her bath. She heads back to the Lucky Lady, where Nanuet is waiting with coffee. She gladly takes it and sits next to him, recounting the events of the evening before. "Hopefully Kate will have something useful to say when she gets back from Boston." He exclaims,"Dang, I knew I forgot about doing something this morning. Well I am sure they are fine without me."

Ruby shrugs. "Like you said, I can't solve all the problems. Now how about we go see Jake and Chester before I starve them again?" He replies, That sounds like a good idea. Nanuet and Ruby get some food from Maria and bring an extra plate for whomever may be guarding the prisoners today. They take a brisk walk joking about the bath incident and enter the jail with the food.

Nanuet is nervous around the two men in jail, especially after hearing what Ruby had to say about Wyatt's response to her actions the previous night. He makes sure to keep his distance from the Marshall and since Ruby is playing cards with Jake he figures he will keep Chester company. "Hey there Mister Chest.... I meant hey there Chester. How is that book? I never did learn to read English. Maybe Miss Kate can teach me someday."

He replies, "It's very good. An interesting story of the lives of the ogres. Next chance you get, ask her to teach you. I'm sure she'll be glad to do it. It'll expand your horizons. By the way, do you have any written histories of your people? I'd be interested in reading them." Nanuet says, "Of my people, my tribe specifically I don't there has been much written, but I am sure there are books written about elves in general. Maybe Kate would know better. I will ask her.

Ruby ignores the Earps while Nanuet waits for them to finish going through the food. "Hi Baby," Ruby says with a smile, walking over to Jake's cell. "I really really miss you." She throws her wet hair from one shoulder to the other. "I can't wait for you to get out of here." Nanuet brings over the lunch and hands them to Jake and Chester. "We're going to stay a while today, hope you won't object."

Jake puts the cards down that he was manipulating with his fingers when they come in. "Object? Hardly, I'm happy to see some friendly faces," He gives her a little grin, "and some other friendly parts. Of course I have been able to put this time to good use." He picks up a card and smoothly flips it over and back, in and out with his fingers from one side of his hand to the other and back again. "Impressive, huh?" He gives her a weak grin and a shrug.

"You never know when something like that will come in handy, sometime when you least expect it I'm sure." Ruby pulls up the chair and takes a seat. "Friendly parts, huh? Then maybe I should lose the shawl." She pushes her shoulders back and lets the wrap fall back onto the chair, revealing her usual neckline and falling straps. "How about we play some cards while we talk?" Jake nods and deals a hand, in between eating his lunch.

"So, it's been, um, hectic around the Saloon. I hired a new guy to take Chester's place while you are in here and then help build the expansion but I'm not sure he's going to work out. He's a tough boy cowboy type. Gave Nanuet some problem last night, although I didn't get the whole story. Plus Adair had some boxing match at his Saloon and most customers left to go there. I had a lot on my mind so I didn't give a damn but in the future we're going to have to do something about that."

Jake carefully catches her eyes as he shuffles and deals again. "Let Adair have his full saloon for now. We really don't care, as long as ours is full. His turn will come soon enough anyway." Jake replies cryptically. Ruby looks at her cards and discards three. "Got yourself a tough boy, huh? As long as he doesn't create trouble, you should be fine. Glad to see you've got it all under control." Jake waits until she looks at him and reacts to his statement so she won't notice him dealing two cards from the bottom and the last from the top. Ruby starts to answer him in an exasperated tone and stops when she picks up her cards; the queen of hearts, jack of spades and seven of clubs. "You ARE doing just fine. It will work out. Our luck will turn. Sometimes luck just needs a little help."

Ruby smiles at her cards then looks up at Jake. "I like what you do to my luck Jake." She keeps smiling at him for a bit before looking back down at her cards. She starts to say something, then stops, and then starts again, then stops. Jake gives her a raised eyebrow. "Just spit it out." "Well, I wasn't going to say anything, not until you got out anyway. There is something else...." Ruby looks away uncomfortably. "Someone showed up last night. That damn Helen Barker... she's a sneaky one... Anyway, this person, the one who showed up, I told you about him, mentioned him really, in passing. George Eastman, do you remember?"

"You told me you got sent off to boarding school to prepare you for a marriage to a Mr. Eastman. That same guy is here? We never did finish that story," Jake continues in a lower voice, "and I'm not sure here is the right time. Is this a problem? Should I be worried about you?" Jake looks her in the eyes. "Or me?"

“Yes, that same guy is here. I can’t believe it either. Mr. George Eastman of Rochester, New York. Apparently his cousin is Helen EASTMAN Barker and as soon as she saw my real name in the paper she telegraphed him. I KNEW I should have lied about that.” Ruby runs her hand through her wet hair.

“Is it a problem? Well, he’s made his fortune, his company is a huge success, his world travels are over and now he thinks I’m going to marry him, as a matter of fact I think he’s convinced. Does that sound like a problem to you? Or something you would be worried about?” Jake responds with his poker face on. "Maybe I don't get it. It's only a problem for me if it's you who convinced him. Only a problem for you if I'm in the way. Not a problem at all if he's just plain mistaken, get me out of here and I'll take care of him."

Ruby blinks at Jake, her face not hiding her disappointment. "How can you even say those things to me? Obviously, you don't get it, any of it." Ruby looks away from Jake and begins fidgeting with the cards in her hands. "You think I convinced him that I wanted to marry him, and that you're in the way?" Ruby laughs, but she's not smiling. She pulls her eyes upward holding Jake's gaze. "Neither of those things would be problems for me if that's the way I wanted it, Jake, and you know it." Ruby throws the cards on Jake's bed. "And there is just a slight problem with getting you out or don't you think I tried?" Ruby stands and pushes the chair back. "Maybe I should marry the handsome rich easterner, it's possible that HE would be stupid enough to trust me." For a moment Ruby looks like she is going to leave, but instead slowly takes a seat again, crossing her arms across her chest and pouting.

Nanuet is trying to mind his own business but he has almost automatically taken to keeping an extra eye on Ruby the past few days. "Everything OK Miss Ruby? Maybe it's time we go? he says, not looking at Jake as he speaks. Jake leans his forehead against the bars and looks her in the eye again. He gives a dark glance at Nanuet for a moment before he turns his eyes to Ruby and says in a low voice "I'm feeling a bit helpless and useless here."

Jake’s hands squeeze the bars tightly. "I do think you are doing everything you can to get me out. I never doubted that. You give me a letter that among other things says you might be doing something crazy and not be coming back. So I worry. Now you come back and I feel better. Then you seem afraid to tell me about this Eastman guy and I start to think, why would she be afraid to tell me? Maybe I'm stupid and don't get it. Maybe the letter is a way of saying goodbye?" His hands release the bars and fall to his sides, his head still pressed against the bars. "I'm sorry if I made you angry. I don't think straight in here. Please tell me I'm stupid and make me feel better." Jake is still looking at her but the poker face has melted away to be replaced with an anxious look. “You’re stupid,” She replies.

Ruby had been looking up at Jake from her chair and her expression relaxed as he talked. She stood up so she was standing in front of him, her face almost level with his. “I didn’t want to tell you about Eastman because I didn’t want to give you another thing to worry about in here. I think you have enough on your mind. Plus,” Ruby blushes slightly, “I thought you might be jealous, well maybe I was hoping you would be.” She continues quickly, “I don’t know what kind of trouble he will be. I imagine I will tell him I don’t want to marry him and he’ll go away. But sometimes they are more persistent and they don’t go away. And from there I don’t know what to do but I’ll figure it out.”

Ruby steps in closer to the cell, and puts her hands on the bars where Jake’s were. “You're not stupid, I am the stupid one. I shouldn’t have given you that letter or said what I said, at least not while you’re in here and maybe even if you weren’t, it’s not the right time for it. Maybe you’re just not ready to hear it, maybe you never will be, I don’t know.” Ruby starts biting her lip. “I should have kept it to myself. I thought it might make you feel better but instead gave you other things to worry about. But you are right, I wanted you to know in case something did happen to me.”

Ruby eyes had gone from cloudy to clear while she spoke. She closes the distance to the cell and whispers softly, “Jake, I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it now and that’s fine but understand something. The letter is a way of saying I don’t want to say goodbye. You have nothing to worry about.” She reaches through the bars and puts her hands on his face. “Does any of that make you feel better?”

Jake pries his head off the bars and sits down. "You don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." He puts his elbows on his knees and covers his face with his hands. "I just can't think straight in here. I wanted to make sure I knew what you were saying, not imagining things."

Jake rubs his eyes a couple of times and drags his hands off his face. "We'll talk. Just not in here, not now." He pushes himself off the bed to stand again. "I know you all are doing everything you can to get us out. I'll try and be patient. I do trust you. Tell me if I can do anything. I wish I could be more help with Eastman."

He forces a smile to his face. “I've never been glad before that a beautiful woman told me I'm stupid." He puts his hands over hers on the bars. "Thanks Ruby." Ruby smiles back at Jake and whispers, "You know I don't think you're stupid. And you're welcome."

Katherine and Booth had entered the room. Katherine looked around the room and saw Jake and Ruby intent in their conversation while Nanuet watched concerned from his chair by Chester's cell. She didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on there, so she and Conrad went over to the Marshal's desk. "I have something for you," Kate said calmly, laying the papers down on the desk. "Warren, keep an eye on things" Wyatt says. He picks up the envelopes and heads out the door, gesturing for Kate to follow. Conrad looked down at her and she said quietly, "It's alright. I'll be back."

Kate followed Wyatt out the door. They cross the street to the Great Western Boarding House. Kate looks hesitant, but Wyatt says "It's okay, we'll stay in the common room as long as nobody is in there". The common room is empty, being after lunch and before the dinner hour. Peg Watkins is around but head upstairs after Wyatt asks her for some privacy. Wyatt sits down and gestures for Kate to do the same.

He looks at both envelopes and then opens the earlier one. He reads through the letter and looks at the photograph. He says "Your friend Miss West said he was with your family in Boston....says he's going to Europe." He then examines the envelope with the Paris stamp and the letters inside, the one from Tucker and a "cover letter" that Seagram had written to Kate saying that he was forwarding it on. Kate breathes a sigh of relief when Wyatt takes only a quick glance at the Paris photograph.

He hands them both back and says "Hang on to these. He makes some comments about some of the Cowboy Gang so I might need to use them as his testimony." Wyatt appears to be satisfied and looks like he is about to stand up. Kate tucked the papers back into her handbag. "They will be at your disposal should you need them. Can I assume the Cowboy Gang will now be your primary investigation?"

He replies "Yes, my investigation of the attempted robbery of Condon's band does not appear to have progressed any further than before." She replies, "Will you stay for just a moment?" She took a deep breath. "Marshal, we have been at odds with one another, and I do not wish to continue to be so. I never believed Colby Tucker was part of the Cowboy Gang. You saw what he said about Tom looking for investors, and how he felt people would have to get to know him before they would consider it. It's why they were spending time in the Oriental.

Tom was many things, but not always a good judge of character when it came to business partners. He trusted his assistants in Boston and they robbed us blind while he was ill. It doesn't surprise me that he might have made the same mistake in Tombstone, but he would not have been involved in anything illegal. I hope that you will acquit he and his friend of involvement with the gang.

I have protected Mr. Tucker's whereabouts from you until now for a different reason, and I'm sure you already know what that is. I had enough circumstances to lend credibility to those rumors, especially the behavior of your brother. Your explanation was perfectly reasonable, except that his strange behavior began before the incident where I helped to save his life. He apologized to me that day, and at the time I didn't understand why. Well, what I'm trying to say in my long-winded way is I consider all of that to be over now. Mr. Tucker is gone and not returning, and all I want is to move on with my life. I hope we understand one another."

He answers, "I believe that we do. You're wrong in believing the lies that Johnny Ringo told you, but your mind seems to be made up on that. But if you're content to leave it at that we will too." "Johnny Ringo didn't claim to know anything, Marshal. He suggested Frank Leslie. I only tell you that so you know the truth of things."

With that he stands up and exits, holding the door for Kate. She sees Booth standing on the porch of the Marshall's Office, a worried look on his face. Kate walked through the door and back across the street to the porch where Conrad stood. "I'm alright, Conrad," she said quietly. "How about you?"

He replies, "Just worried about you. Not sure what this is all about, but those are your friends in there behind bars and you're in mourning clothes again. Then you talk privately with the Marshall. My overactive imagination is putting together lots of scenarios but I honestly have no idea what is going on. Why don't we head back to the El Parador and get us a bite. It's a tad early for supper but you look like you can use something to eat."

"It's best you don't understand everything," she said casually as Wyatt went back into the office. "What I could really use is some sleep, but I'll eat a bit before I come back to visit." Kate led him away from the office and once she was sure they were out of earshot said, "I promised I would explain, and I will. But that's a conversation that will have to wait until we have a private place to hold it." The two reached the El Parador and Kate went upstairs to change her clothes. She reappeared a few minutes later in the green dress Ruby had given her. "It's been a very long day," Kate said as she sat.

Silver Moon

Chapter 30, “The Proposal”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

Ruby and Nanuet stay at the jail, chatting and playing cards with Jake and Chester. Ruby tells Jake about the new cleric in town, how nice she is and how she tried to get Ruby to go to church. They both have a good laugh over that. They lose track of time until Maria comes with the dinners for them. Ruby and Nanuet decide to leave the jail for the night.

Before Ruby leaves she tells Jake she is going to try and take care of the Eastman problem tonight, if she can find him. She saw Kate with Conrad and decided not to bother them. If Kate had found something important she would find her. They head back to the Lucky Lady to have some dinner.

Nanuet says, "Hey Miss Ruby, I don't like the way Jake was looking at me when I asked if you were OK there. I didn't mean any offense. Just looking out for you I guess. Do you think everything is OK? Don't want Mr. Jake or Chester to be mad at me." Ruby laughs and takes Nanuet's hand. "I like you looking out for me, I get in less trouble that way. I'm sure Jake appreciates you taking care of me when he can't. He's feeling a little bit lost being stuck in there with us out here. Don't worry, Jake thinks highly of you." She squeezes his hand before letting go. They walk into the dining room and Ruby looks around to see who is having dinner.

Al Brower is dining with his business partners Pierre Jaquet and Alton Boyd. She sees Jake's occasional player, the wood elf Alfredo Garcia, dining with a female wood elf who she has not met before. Also in the room eating are a table of six men who look like ranchers, who she last saw at the Lucky Lady's grand opening on Thursday night. Tony Lucky and his players have not arrived yet for their Sunday night game.

At the El Parador, Kate and Conrad have a rather quiet dinner. Near the end Booth says "I can see that you are tired, so I won't ask you to join me tonight at the Long Branch. But if you'd care to sit in a week from tonight I would appreciate having you at my table again." "I am tired. I wouldn't make good company tonight. But if you don't mind me losing your money again, I'll be glad to come next week."

The Cantina was nearly empty, and Conrad had chosen a table well away from any other patrons. Kate waited until Dorita had brought them something to eat. "Settle in, this is a long story," she warned him. "And you may be sorry you asked once you know it all." She reached into her handbag and pulled out a candle and a small bit of power she had gotten from Mr. Gonzales. She lit the candle and pinched the powder into the flame and spoke a word. "There, now we can speak privately."

Kate then launched into the story of how Jake and Chester were arrested, what the excuse was and why. She then told the longer story of her husband's death, the lies she was told, and eventually her foolish trip to Tombstone looking for Morgan Earp. How she had helped Tucker run, and that she had gone to Boston today to get the evidence she needed, which was why she had been back in her mourning clothes. She left out having seen Tucker there and any details of what they had done, leaving it simply that she had needed to collect some things from Boston.

"I know you understand that this must never go beyond us. I think everything will be alright now, but if you're going to be around me, you should know."

Booth listens to Kate without interruption. When she is finished he replies, "Thank you for sharing that all with me. I appreciate your trust in me. I would suggest that you spend the rest of the night in your room, you have done far more in one day than most people do in a week. And I'm sure that your friends will appreciate what you've done for them. I saw Judge Isby ride into town a few hours ago, so I'm sure this will all be sorted out soon."

She replies, "I should go visit Jake and Chester, and let Ruby know that everything will be alright. After that I plan to take your advice. I haven't slept the last two nights, and it's taking it's toll. I do trust you. I know you'll respect this confidence as you have the others." "Will you, um, still want me to sit at your table next week?" Kate asked uncertainly. She wasn't sure what Conrad was thinking just now. Perhaps that he'd gotten into more than he wanted to by being around her.

He reaches across the table, avoiding the candle, and grasps onto her hands. "Why of course I do Katherine. You have been through so much, I had thought that your husband had died of illness....to have been murdered. And then for the law to cover it up? Shameful! Katherine, I have thought long on what we spoke of the other day. It was too soon, I shouldn't have told you my feelings. I can see that now, while your loss may have been last October but these recent events have pushed the memory to the forefront of today. It was selfish of me to have spoken of anything other than you and what you are going through. Please accept my apology."

She replies, "There's nothing to apologize for. How could you have known? I would rather have honesty between us, I'm tired of people hiding things from me and telling me lies. After today I think I can finally put it behind me. I had wanted to talk to Morgan Earp, I thought I would feel I had done something about how Tom died if I could do that. But it's not true. I did something by making sure his friend's life wasn't ruined. And I am doing something by building that ranch and by taking care of the people I care about. I had let the Earp's take my power away from me, and by moving on with my life, I take it back.

And the world doesn't revolve around me, after all," she said, lightening the mood. "It was soon, but it was honest, and I thank you for that. And for accepting that time will have to pass before I can answer you one way or another. And before this gets too serious, I should go to the Lucky Lady and talk to Ruby." She leaned forward, blew out the candle, and stood. "Oh, did my flower bring you any luck?" He smiles and replies "Why yes, it did as a matter of fact. I did very well at my table that night." "And tonight as well, I hope. Good evening, Conrad," she said with a smile and left the El Parador.

After they finish eating Ruby turns to Nanuet. "I don't sing tonight, Sonoma does, so I'm not really needed around here. Sundays are a less busy night for us. I'm going to take a walk and see Mr. Eastman, hopefully talk some sense into him. I'll be back in a bit. Oh and if you see Minerva, the new cleric, ask her where I can find her. I thought she might stop by for dinner. Please tell her I would like to talk to her if she's not too busy." Ruby excuses herself and walks leisurely to the Barker's home. She adjusts her dress, pinches her cheeks and flips her hair a few times, then knocks softly. Stanley Barker opens up the door and sees Ruby standing there. He invites her in. The Barker residence is a 20x30-foot single story clapboard building adjacent to the 15x20 foot photographic studio. The building appears to be divided into three separate rooms, a parlor, a combination kitchen/dining room and a bedroom. The furnishings are all made of either oak or maple and hand-knitted curtains cover the windows. An upright piano is along the right wall next to a wooden rack filled with sheet music.

There is a pile of bed linens neatly folded and on a chair in the main parlor near the couch that Ruby presumes that George is sleeping on during the visit. A quilting frame is sitting on the main table in the parlor with a partially finished quilt and needles on it. Stanley calls out "Helen, George, we have a visitor".

Minerva had spent the remainder of the afternoon settling herself and Luna into the Comstock House, moving furniture around and decorating the room to her personal preferences. The room has been made cozy with various tapestries and a colorful blanket on the bed. An unassembled loom sits in the corner and a basket filled with colorful yarns has been placed beside it. Centered on the bureau is an icon of the Goddess Minerva with lit candles on either side. And the tapestry bag containing Minerva's flute lays open on the bedside stand. The window is open and an empty perch sits beside it. Minerva hears a fluttering sound and turns just as Luna flies in the window. The small white owl sits on her perch clasping a small mole in her talons.

"My I see you've been busy too, Luna!" Why don't we wander over to the Lucky Lady and see if I can find myself a nice dinner too." Perhaps we'll see a friendly face or two while were out. "
She thinks of her friend Ruby and wonders if she has resolved her problem. Minerva grabs her cloak. She makes a small clicking sound with her tongue and Luna flutters over to land on her shoulder. She is rewarded with a kiss on the cheek, which Luna returns before they head out the door.

Kate’s exhaustion was catching up with her, so she hurried over to the Lucky Lady. She looked around inside. It was still early, so it was rather quiet. The lovely Spanish lady from the night before had returned. She looked content, so her sermon must have gone well. She saw Nanuet sitting over the remains of his dinner and approached. "Nanuet. I haven't seen you much these last few days. I don't suppose Ruby is here still?"

Nanuet replies, “Miss Kate, I have been trying to keep an eye on her since Mr. Jake has been jailed, but let me tell you, it is a chore! I think that she headed over to the Barker's to talk with that man, Mr. Eastman. That man who was here last night, was really excited to see Miss Ruby. I think she was supposed to marry him or something. Anyway, that is where she is now.”

Kate sat down and smiled. "Ruby never stays still for long, and keeping an eye on her is difficult at best. She's been on her own a long time, and done as she pleased. She's not used to having people watch out for her. You'll be relieved to know that my meeting with the Marshal went well. I'm certain Jake and Chester will be back with us tomorrow, and you can let Jake take over watching Ruby. Although who'll be watching Jake? It's probably best she take care of the situation with Mr. Eastman. There is no good in letting him think she is going to marry him. Better to clear it up right away."

Back at the Barker house Helen and George have now come out of the kitchen. Helen says, "Why Constance Grace, it is good to see you again. Would you care to have a seat in the parlor. Perhaps a cup of tea? Or if you'd prefer something cold some chilled water?" "Um, tea I guess." Ruby glances around before sitting uncomfortably on the edge of the couch. She smiles at the three of them staring at her before setting her gaze on George. "I'd like to talk to you for a bit, if you have the time." "Why yes Constance, we have so much to talk about."

Helen comes in with a tray that has only three teacups on it. She gestures to the quilt and frame on the table and says, "Stanley, please move your things." He gathers them up and carries them off into the bedroom and does not return. George sits on the couch near Ruby while Helen sits down on another chair in the parlor. "I'd really like to speak to you alone, Mr. Eastman." Ruby takes the teacup in her hand and turns her body towards him and away from Helen.

Helen speaks up "Miss West. Are you asking me to leave my own home? I think not! You've hurt my cousin's feeling before and I will not stand to see you do so again. Anything you have to say to him you can say in front of me!" "No, Mrs. Barker," Ruby replies slowly, while she glances at the woman, "I was not asking you to leave your own home, only give us some privacy. As far as I am concerned any further pain to your cousin has been done by you in writing to him and asking him to come here." Ruby turns her gaze back towards George. "Mr. Eastman, may I ask what your intentions are?"

He replies, "Why to take you back to New York and marry you of course! I can give you a life far greater than any gambler you may have met recently." Ruby inhaled deeply. "But why do you want to marry me? Surely there are more suitable wives out there for you." He replies, "I fell in love with you the day we were introduced. Seeing you now just confirms that, you've blossomed into a beautiful young woman, more than I could have ever hoped for." Helen interjects "Georgie, calm down."

Ruby starts getting that panicky look in her eyes and she stands. She looks at George's face and can see he is being sincere. This is more serious that I thought. "How can you love me, you don't even know me!" She starts to pace back and forth. 'Mr. Eastman, I don't know you anymore, not that I ever truly did, and I don't love you, isn't that enough to persuade you?" He exclaims "You will over time, we just need to be together!"

Before she can respond Helen interrupts and says "Miss. West, Thank you for stopping by. It is apparent that this will take longer than a short evening conversation will permit. Perhaps you and Georgie can discuss this tomorrow night over dinner. Melissa Smith serves a fine evening meal over at the Promise City Hotel." She replies, "I will agree to dinner, if Mr. Eastman agrees, so we can settle this misunderstanding."

He readily agrees. Helen says, "It's settled then. He will meet you at the Lucky Lady Saloon at 5:00 PM to escort you to your dinner. Thank you for stopping by Miss. West, it was good seeing you again." Helen stands and George then does the same. "Until 5:00." Ruby heads for the door and lets Helen open it for her. She walks out without saying another word. Ruby heads back to the Lucky Lady.

Silver Moon

Chapter 31, “Ministerial Advice”, Sunday, March 12th, 1882:

Once back at the Lucky Lady, Ruby sees Kate and Nanuet, and Minerva at a nearby table. She heads over to Minerva’s table and nods for Kate and Nanuet to join her. "Hello, Miss Florencia, how did your sermon go?" Ruby's hands are shaking slightly and she has a distracted look in her eye, as she did the night before. Minerva notices Ruby's shaking hands but says nothing about it.

"The sermon was very productive. Shouldn't take much longer to get that church built." She motions to the chair across from her. How about letting me repay you for last nights kindness. I would be honored to buy you a drink."

Ruby laughs lightly and sits. "No need to buy me a drink, I own part of this Saloon." She waves over Sonoma, who knows to bring the whiskey. She gives them each a glass. "I'm glad to hear that your church will be built soon. I've been hearing about it getting built since I got here. And have you found a place to stay yet?" Ruby is impatient for Nanuet and Kate to come over to the table, and she keeps looking to them to see what is taking so long.

"I'll be staying at the Comstock House. It's a pretty enough place. The rent is reasonable and it's very convenient. Right near the church site makes it easy for people to find me. Full of big strong men too! Can't feel much safer than that." Minerva chuckles and pours the whiskey when it arrives. "Well then," Ruby holds up her glass, "To big strong men!" They clink their glasses together and drink. "I've heard the Comstock House is nice, I've only seen it from the outside. And from the talk I heard around town today, you've made a lot of friends. Sounds like you are doing well."

She replies, “Oh we are doing well, aren't we Luna?” She scratches the owl’s head and Luna nuzzles her cheek. “We certainly have met a lot of people today. Everyone has been so helpful too. Of course church building isn't going to pay my rent so I guess I'll have to find another way to support myself. I was considering selling some of my tapestries. Am I going to meet your friends?" she nods her head toward Kate and Nanuet. "I know that your friend and I didn't get off on the right foot. It would be nice to give it another try." She looks at Kate. "She looks familiar somehow, but I don't think we've met."

"I suppose we had better go over," Kate said to Nanuet. "Although I'm not in the mood to be chided for not going to services." The two stood and walked over to the table where Ruby and Minerva sat. "I'm sorry Ruby, we were just finishing a short discussion. I'm afraid I can't stay long, I'm quite exhausted and I have one more errand to run before I can go home and go to bed. It's been a long but rewarding day," she said, hoping Ruby took her meaning. "It would be a shame to leave without meeting your friend though," Kate added, looking at Minerva.

"But you met... Oh right." Ruby remembers that last night Kate was not herself. "This is Minerva, the new cleric for the church they are building. Minerva, this is Mrs. Katherine Kale. And you've already met Nanuet. Kate and Nanuet own a ranch outside of town that they just started up. Sit down you two I have to talk to you." Ruby then asks, "Kate, what did you find out?"

"How do you do?” Kate asks, “My apologies Miss Minerva, business matters. Ruby, we wouldn't want to bore our new acquaintance with business. I can assure you, everything is taken care of, just as you wanted it." Ruby replies, "Are you sure? Because last night... well... it didn't go so well..." Minerva interjects, "I am sorry Ruby, I don't want to interrupt your business. Luna and I should be going anyway." She stands up. Ruby replies, "No, sit and stay, please. You haven't even eaten yet. Besides, you told me yesterday that in time you hoped I would listen to your counsel. Well, I am in need of some advice."

Ruby sighs, “I am in big trouble now. This guy, Mr. Eastman says he is in love with me and that is why he wants to marry me. I tried to convince him but didn’t have much chance with Helen Barker standing over us. So I agreed to have dinner with him tomorrow. Oh, if Jake finds out he’ll get the wrong idea but I can’t lie to him! I have to be delicate with this situation, I don’t want him running off and contacting my parents and he is rich and maybe influential. Under normal circumstances I would tell him off and be done with it. If that didn't work then I would just leave town. I can't leave town anymore, not with all my friends here. But it doesn't seem like he is going to take no for an answer." Ruby puts her head in her hands.

Minerva answers, "I don't have the answer for you Ruby but I understand how parents can be when you don't do what is expected." She says with a hint of bitterness in her voice. "You can't let what your parents think stop you from following your heart. You must stand your ground with this Mr. Eastman, after all he can't very well drag you back and I won't marry you here." Ruby looks distraught. "You don't strike me as the kind of girl to run away, and as for this Jake, I assume this is the man you have been so worried about? If he cares for you the way you apparently care for him you must trust him to be your ally. By the goddess Ruby, what's the worst thing that could happen?" She raises an eyebrow. "Of course we could arrange a ceremony for you and this Jake fellow... feigned or real...or if it makes it easier for you I could crash your little party tomorrow night and mediate. After all no one likes to refuse the preacher."

Kate interjects, "I suggested the same thing yesterday. You can't marry Mr. Eastman if you're already married. As for powerful parents, you are old enough now that your life is yours to do with what you will. No one can force you to do anything. And if they were to try physically taking you against your will, there are many here who would stand with you." Minerva looks at Kate appraisingly. "Well said Kate!, By the way my name is Minerva, I don't think we've been introduced yet but there is something so familiar about you." Turning to Ruby, " you're very fortunate to have such loyal friends. I hope that you will count me among them. If This Eastman fellow were to try to force your hand he would have to get by me also." Perhaps between the three of us we can come up with a plan."

Ruby rubs her eyes. “You know, this marriage thing…it’s all I hear about and I’m tired of it.” Ruby shakes her head, “You think Jake wants to get married? He would never agree to it. I don’t even know how he really feels about me. I told him how I felt about him, that I cared about him, that I loved him and he said he didn’t understand." Ruby is blushing and clearly uncomfortable. "Of course, I did drop it on him while he was in jail. I was stupid, it was bad timing but I don’t have much experience with this kind of stuff. Regardless of that, it seems like an easy idea to get men to stop asking me to marry them, but he won’t do it, I know it. I can't even think clearly myself to figure if it's a good idea or not."

“Yes, Jake is the man I’ve been worried about. Currently he’s in jail,” Ruby sees Minerva’s raised eyebrows, “He is completely innocent, of course, and tomorrow the trial will reveal that. We were going to talk about it, my letter, after that. We have had more important things than my feelings to worry about until then.”

“I know I have to tell Jake but I’ll wait until after the trial so he isn’t thinking about it. I’ll find a way to make Mr. Eastman understand, I hope.” She looks up at her friends. "I'm sorry to drop this on all of you. I'm not used to feeling, well, not... confident." Minerva states, "There's a time when confidence comes from within yourself and there is a time that confidence comes from faith." Kate and Ruby look at Minerva with that Oh here comes the have faith in the gods speech. "Faith in what you know in your heart to be true. " Ruby says, "I know what's in my heart. What I don't know is what's in his. Jake and I are so alike. I told myself I would never let this happen. So he might have too, and be stronger than me to make sure it didn't."

Kate adds, "Yes, you're usually quite sure of yourself. And you should be now as well. I know Jake is not the marrying kind, but then neither are you. But I'm sure his devotion matches yours, and I know yours to be strong indeed, stronger than any other attachment you might have."
Kate paused a moment. "I'm not sure what plan could be made, and I know I'm in no condition right now to be helpful. It's been two days since I slept, and I'm afraid I'm not at my best."

Ruby says, "Alright, enough of this. I'm tired and I know Kate is too. The trial is tomorrow, Minerva, I hope you'll come. I'm going to spend the rest of my night upstairs, hopefully sleeping. I wish I had some of Mr. Gonzales tea..." Ruby stands. "Thank you all for the support, I really appreciate it. Nanuet, will you walk the ladies home?" Nanuet agrees and when Minerva is finished eating he escorts them home. Kate interjects, “Thank you Nanuet, but I need no escort. I still have a visit to make." Nanuet is surprised at Kate's response about not wanting to be walked home saying, "Well, I can't force my company upon you, so have it your way.”

Kate stopped at the Marshal's office and spoke to both Jake and Chester. She avoided talking about her meeting with Wyatt, only assuring them that everything had been done that could be done, and predicting they would be back with them tomorrow. She hoped they understood what she was trying to tell them. Ginnie was still devouring books when she returned and climbed into bed. The light wouldn't bother her.

What did bother Kate was the way she'd felt around Ruby. She'd had a hard time feeling any sympathy for her in this particular predicament. "Your friend Miss West said he was with your family in Boston...." She heard Wyatt Earp's voice in her mind. So casually he told her that Ruby gave him her family for Jake. She couldn't just say he was in Boston. Yes, Kate herself had told him the same thing, but after she had known he'd have no reason to go there, no reason to threaten her family to get what he wanted. She could understand giving everything for someone you loved. Kate had been willing to give almost anything for Tom even after he'd died. But somewhere in the back of her mind Kate prayed it never came to a choice between her and Jake again.

Ruby goes to their bedroom and picks out an outfit for the next day. She picks up Jake's shirt off the floor and puts it on and smiles. It still smells like him. Hopefully tomorrow it would be him and not the shirt. With that thought in mind Ruby falls asleep.

Nanuet turns to the Priestess and says, “Miss Minerva, I know we did not get off on the right foot, I only have my own grumpiness to blame for that. Will you allow me the satisfaction of seeing you back to your boarding house safely?"

The priestess replies, “Luna and I would gladly accept your offer Senor Nanuet. Minerva stands and makes a small clicking noise signaling Luna to hop up on her shoulder. "Senor. I too must apologize for teasing you the other night. It was rude of me to do so when we had barely even met." She gives him a sheepish look and places her arm in his. " Perhaps we can start over. I would hope that we could be friends one day . Do you know Promise City well?"

Nanuet smiles a boyish grin and blushes as the shapely woman tucks her arm in his. "Well it has been my home for a couple months now. It is a long story how I came here and one that is now in the past. Although I have never lived in a town before I found this place to my liking. I think it has to do more with the people here though, many of which have treated me kindly." The two made their way out of the Lucky Lady and headed towards the Comstock house at a leisurely pace. The two make small talk as they walk under the stars to the Comstock house. Luna flies on ahead.

Luc had kept it low key over the next day. He had snuck back into the Lucky Lady later after everyone had gone home. He spent the next day doing odds and ends around the saloon trying to avoid everyone. He didn't even bother to see what was going on when he heard Ruby and Nanuet making all that noise. During dinner he stayed out back keeping himself busy. He came in a little after that and took his post by the door. He then headed back to his bunk, with the odd feeling that something interesting was going to happen soon.

Silver Moon

Chapter 32, “Released”, Monday, March 13th, 1882:

Katherine woke just as the sun was coming up over the horizon. She moved from her comfortable bed to the chair by the window and watched. She couldn't remember if she had dreamed, but she had slept soundly and long. Considering how early she'd gone to bed, she was surprised the sun was already rising.

Yesterday had been a good day, after all was said and done. The trip to Boston was something she had needed badly. She needed to remember Katherine Seagram Kale of Boston. Remember how she had felt there, confident, cared for, strong, and bring that woman back to Arizona.

A small knot had already formed in the pit of her stomach in anticipation of today's trial, but she knew she had already done everything she could. Her worry was only that Wyatt wouldn't hold up his end of the deal, and despite his family's behavior toward her, she believed he would. Probably foolish to believe it, but it's what her instincts told her. She took a deep breath, took a book off the top of the pile Ginnie had been pouring through last night, and sat quietly reading in the early morning sunlight.

Chester and Jake are both awakened early at the Marshall's Office by the sound of Wyatt banging a metal pipe against the bars of the jail cells. It is starting to get light outside although the sun has not come up over the horizon, so Jake estimates it to be around 7:00 AM. Earp unlocks both cells and says "Come along, we're having a meeting now with your lawyers and the Judge."

Chester rubs his eyes and his back. Jail bunks aren't comfortable at all. "OK. OK. I'm up. Where are we going exactly? And what's this meeting about?" Earp replies, "It's about settling this without a formal trial. Condon wants to keep this kept quiet." Chester answers, "Oh. Well, in that case, lead on, Marshall. We don't want to keep the judge waiting." He thinks to himself, “I guess the ladies gave the Earps what they wanted.”

Eduardo Rodriguez joins Wyatt and they walk alongside Jake and Chester. Few people are about at this early hour and they make their way down to the former Trail Dust Saloon without having to converse with anybody. They enter the building. Judge Isby is sitting in a chair drinking a mug full of coffee. Both Mitchell Berg and Elihu Upton are seated and each gestures to an empty chair beside them for their clients to sit at. Frank and Morgan Condon are also in the room, seated near Isby. Chester nods his head at the gathered people. "Morning, your Honor, Mr. Condon, Mr. Condon, Mr. Berg, Mr. Upton. So, what happens now?" Wyatt Earp says, "We wait for the other defendant to arrive."

Jake says nothing and follows as directed. He nods and sits next to Berg. He leans in and says quietly, "I'll follow your guidance." They don't have to wait long until Deputy Sheriff Colin Hunter comes in with Danby Jones and Jones's attorney Hamilton Fisk. They sit down. Judge Isby starts out by saying, "I've already spoken to the lawmen, lawyers and bank owners about some of the facts of the matter. It appears that one, two or three of you conspired to rob Condon's Bank. Due to the efforts of the lawmen the crime never occurred, although the conspiracy itself was a crime. However, going through the process of a public trial appears that it would cause the most harm to the intended victims of the crime, the Condon Brothers.

So you would-be criminals are getting a break, no trail no further jail time, provided that you agree to keep quiet about this. If I see anything in the newspapers or hear rumors around town that trace back to you we'll all be right back here again, is that clear?" Danby nods vigorously. Isby also looks to Jake and Chester for an affirmative response. Wyatt speaks up next, "Jones, it appears that at a minimum you were involved with this. The Stagecoach leaves at 9:00 A.M. I expect you to be on it, and to never return to Promise City."

Frank Condon turns to Chester and Jake and says, "And it's unclear what extent you two were involved. But, just the same, I don't want to ever see either of you again inside my bank. I'll make sure that the balances in each of your bank accounts are transferred to the other bank." Chester says, "Don't worry about that, Mr. Condon. I certainly won't darken your door anymore."

"Is that agreeable to everyone?" Isby asks. Berg and Upton both look to their clients and encourage them to comply. "Yes." Says Jake. "I agree." He only looks at his lawyer and the judge. Chester agrees as well, as does Jones. Isby dismisses everyone. Wyatt instructs Warren to follow Jones until he is on the stagecoach. Berg and Upton each ask their clients to stop by and see them later in the day. Wyatt walks Jake and Chester back to the jail to get their things. He unlocks his desk and returns their firearms to each man, unloaded, with the ammunition in small cloth bag separate from the gun.

He tells Jake "You have no idea how lucky you just got Cooke. Fisk was out to crucify you, and Jones seemed willing to go along with how Fisk wanted to do it. Too bad about Condon now being against you, back when I proposed you as deputy he was one of your few supporters in town." Wyatt ends the conversation at then, encouraging them to leave, as he would like to go get some breakfast for him. Jake snorts, "Lucky, heh. Ok, thanks Marshall." He leaves the office. Chester says, "Thanks Marshall. I guess that's the end of that, then."

Outside Jake tucks the knife back in it's home in his boot, hides the derringer in the back holster, and flamboyantly twirls the Colt before depositing it with a satisfying thup back in it's home. Chester leaves the office with Jake, then pauses on the porch. He straps on his gunbelt, adjusting the knife sheath on the side. He says to Jake, "Probably should wait until we're away from here to reload. We don't want to make the Marshall nervous. I'm going back to the El Parador. Maybe I'll see you later today." He heads towards the Lucky Lady, his mood improving as the gets closer.

Chester heads back to the stable to check on his horse. Seeing that he's been taken care of, Chester looks for the stablehand. "Thanks for taking care of my horse while I've been away. Here you go." Chester flips him a quarter. The ex-soldier slowly walks up the stairs to his room. He reloads his Remington and puts his gunbelt on the dresser. Then he falls onto the bed to sleep for the rest of the morning.

At the Lucky Lady, Jake sticks his head in the kitchen, "Hola Maria, I'm back. Is Miss West up yet?" "Buenas Diaz Senor! No, Senorita has not come down yet. Welcome back." She calls the last words to his back as he heads up the stairs. He climbs the first flight at a normal pace but takes the second two steps at a time. Without knocking he enters the room. "Sure, I could have slept late too if the bed in jail was this nice." He drops his gunbelt and bag of loose rounds on the floor. Ruby startles as Jake drops his stuff to the floor. She sits straight up in bed but her eyes are still half closed. "Jake?" She rubs her eyes trying to wake up. "Yup, that's me. Seems I'm not worth the trouble of a trial. Got me up early to tell me that too." Jake says in a jovial fashion. "There is no end to the injustice they put me through."

Ruby breathes a long sigh of relief. "Oh, I was so worried about you going in front of the judge..Wyatt was...well, never mind." Ruby looks to the window. "It is very early isn't it. Are you coming to bed then?" She asks with a smile. He closes the door and says, "What kind of gentleman would I be to turn down such a lovely lady?" Saying that he jumps into the bed. Ruby gives a loud squeal as Jake jumps into bed. She laughs as he makes his way under the covers and pulls her under him. She puts her hands on his face, "I hate it when you're not here." She pulls him to her and kisses him, "Welcome back Mr. Cook."

A few hours later they wake. Ruby decides to wait to tell Jake about Mr. Eastman. "Let's go downstairs and eat, I'm starving. We can plan how to celebrate you getting out of jail." They dress and go downstairs to eat.

Well after the sun was fully up, Kate put down her book and got dressed. There was just the trial this morning, and then Kate would be able to put the last few days in the past and get on with her life. She went downstairs for breakfast. The Cantina is fairly quiet, with a few regulars. There are two men sitting at a table who Kate does not recognize, one is an Indian the other is a half-orc.
Kate waited until Dorita came out and sat down a loaded plate. "Thank you, Dorita," she said, shaking her head.

On one of her trips past Kate stopped Dorita and quietly asked, "Dorita, who are those men, I haven't seem them before." She says "They just arrive this morning. Their horses very tired. I offer to rent them room but they just want horses taken care of an meal. Must not be planning to stay." "Their horses are tired, hmm? Thank you, Dorita."

Kate ate her breakfast quickly, then went out to the stables. On her way over the Meribel and the still unnamed stallion she took a look at the strangers horses. Neither house has a saddle, only a blanket. Both are tired and both have the same brand on them. The shoes are poorly shod. Both animals have a wild tendency to them that indicates poor training. Kate thought about those two animals as she cared for Meribel and the stallion. "You really need a name, don't you lad?" she asked as she rubbed the stallion's nose.

After a while she went back inside and approached the strangers’ table. "Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm sorry to disturb you. I was just out in the stable caring for my animals, and I noticed your horses. Could you tell me where you got them?" They exchange glances. The half-orc looks her directly in the eyes and says "We purchased them last month from a man who caught and was training them? Why do you ask?"

The half-orc had a calm mannerism about it. Kate also felt something familiar about him but she couldn't place what. She had never known anyone of Chinese descent before. The Indian asks "Is there a problem Miss?" She glances towards him and notices something familiar about some of the patterns on his clothing, as they resemble those on some of Nanuet's items as well. "I'm sorry, how rude of me. My name is Katherine Kale. If I may?" she asked, gesturing to a chair.
"No problem at all sir. I ask because I am a horse trainer. I recently acquired a dozen or so wild horses that I'm training myself. I noted that your animals still had a bit of a wild feeling about them. And the shoeing job is not the best I've ever seen." The Indian said, "They were the only transportation we could afford. Miss Kale, do you know many of the people in this town?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's Mrs. Kale. I know most of the people who come through the El Parador, and a few others in town. I've only been here about three months. Are you looking for someone in particular?" The Indian speaks next, "We are each looking for relatives. This area was where my cousin Nanuet was traveling. Perhaps you've met him?"

Kate waited a moment, uncertain whether she should tell him about Nanuet. But the spell Kajika had cast so many months ago would keep anyone who wasn't a blood relative from remembering him at all. She says, "I have met him. He and I, and two others are partners in a ranch just outside of town. He's been staying at a friends saloon the last couple nights." The Indian's face becomes animated and he says "Can you take us to him? It is very important!"

She says, "If you like. In return promise me you'll get your horses reshod," she laughed. "I'll even pay for it, just take the time out to do it. It's not far. If you're ready we can go now." Kate then led the men over to the Lucky Lady. They enter the Lucky Lady and Kate is surprised to see Jake sitting at a table with Ruby, as she thought he was still in jail.

Ruby and Jake look up to see that Kate has just entered with an Indian and a half-orc. Jake recognizes the Indian's clothing as being the same Yavapai Tribe style that Nanuet wears. Ruby looks at Kate curiously, "Hi Kate... Who are your new friends?"

"Good morning, Ruby." Kate hurried across the room to them. "Jake," she said leaning over to kiss Jake's cheek. "I'm so glad you're back home." She left the rest unsaid, aware of the strangers hanging back. "These gentlemen are visitors for Nanuet. Would you care to introduce yourselves to Miss Ruby West and Mr. Jake Cooke?" Kate said smoothly, realizing she had never asked their names. The Indian says "My name is Chopido, Nanuet is my cousin. Do you know him?"

"Er, hello Mr. Chopodo. Yes, we know Nanuet, he is staying here with us. I'm not sure he's here now, he usually gets up early and wanders in town or the grove. I can go look." Ruby gets up and goes upstairs looking for Nanuet. Jake says, "I know Nanuet. I'm a friend of his. Unless Nanuet is a popular name like John." Jake gets up and offers them his hand. "And you are?" He says to the Chinese. "Kwai Chang Caine" the half-orc states.

He's not in his room, so Ruby comes back down and checks the kitchen, where she finds him helping Maria. "Huh, could have saved the trip upstairs." Nanuet furrows his brows at her. "You have someone here to see you." Nanuet follows Ruby out to the main room.

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