Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns


What do other people have?
Natural 20's Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns

Just a brief note, because I've noticed a comment over at RPGNow about the "blank" back page included with this product. This was not randomly included so that we could say it was 74 pages instead of 73! Rather, it was carefully placed for those purchasers who desire to print out the entire product, and then bind it together in some form. The page is not blank at all, but a partnered, mirrored image copy of the pseudo-playing-card-binding and green leather of the front cover, so that when it's all stuck together it looks like a proper book, with a seam and complete cover.

If you don't want this page (and I appreciate that many might consider it a waste of ink), then just print 1-73 instead (or actually 1-72, if you dont want the lawyers' speak of the OGL either!)

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What do other people have?

Thanks for the positive comments. Glad you like the idea.

People are very different (and difficult!) about what they like in a PDF. Some, like me, prefer to feel that they are buying a book on the cheap, getting all the design, artwork and quality writing for next to nothing, without having to shell out loads of extra money for printing, binding, distribution and reseller costs.

Then there is another school that seems to become incredibly aggrieved if it's any more glorified than a simple black and white word document, and that you're somehow twisting them by forcing them to print out colour bits with their precious inkjets.

So it's always hard to know which way to pitch it. I hope we got the balance about right on this occasion. Lots of detailed text, with a small amount of colour border -- enough to keep it interesting for the eye on the screen, but nothing that would kill an inkjet (apart from the covers, naturally and the bits that people probably don't need to print out, like the OGL and credits!).

All feedback warmly welcomed on this subject.


PS. If you don't know what we're talking about, then you could always find out, he suggested gently...


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's a battle that a PDF publisher can never win.

If you make a graphically-lite product, you gte complaints about the lack of art and how pepole feel "ripped off" for buying what is not much more than a fan-created Word document. If you make a nice looking product, you get complaints about the ink required to print it.

In the long run, when producing a PDF product, all you can do is do what you personally would like to see. You can't listen to what the fans want, because there is no consensus on what the fans want.

You could try to go for a "mid-range" option, but there's no real consensus on what that is, either. :)

So with TFT, we just did what we thought was best, knowing that some peple would appreciate it, and others would not. I like the result! :)


First Post
I really liked the product. I am not real good at producing a festive feel (I either skim over the fun stuff or get bogged down) of some city adventures (whether fair, tavern, or ...em...oh yeah, tournament). This book gives me ideas, simple rules, and good examples. I really liked this product and definitely felt it was worth the $5 (heck, I would not have been upset paying the higher future price).

I also liked Wild Spellcraft (my whole world is actually a Lesser Wild Spellcrafting Zone - due to a Blight...).

Anyway, I just wanted to give a word of encouragement and say to keep up the good work.


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