Intelligent Items


I am playing a new character who has an intelligent weapon with a definite (strong) personality and the ability to speak. I've never had a character with an intelligent item before and I was wondering how you handle such things in your game. Does the DM "play" the item or does the player or did you work out something else?

(In case you're wondering, the DM of this campaign is open to ideas and has not ruled one way or the other about it.)

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Unless the DM is comfortable letting you roleplay the thing, I always play magic items, when there is a personality involved. I being DM, in those situations.


The other part of this that I should have mentioned is that the weapon also has an agenda/purpose. Doesn't that get sort of weird for the DM to play?

I would think without a doubt the DM has final say in what is said / done by the intelligent item.

By the way- how did you get the item? Random roll or did the DM give it to you. It could be an important plot piece which clearly makes it a DM thing to treat as a NPC.

Amal Shukup

First Post
Often, because there is so much for the DM to DO (running the whole world) it's USEFUL for the Player to roleplay the item for most day-to-day stuff - otherwise the item won't get any 'lines' - and intelligent items are too cool to just have silent all the time.

That said, the item is an NPC, and therefore the DM should provide guidance as to the 'character' of the Item/NPC, and the DM may also choose to 'step in' from time to time in order to say something that needs saying. Alternatively, the DM may do this via notes or whatever.

Any combination of that is okay - just sit down with the DM ahead of time to work out the goals, motivations and 'character' of this nifty new NPC, as well as how it is to be played in the game.

It's VERY helpful if the item has a very distinct 'voice' from that of the PC...



eris404 said:
The other part of this that I should have mentioned is that the weapon also has an agenda/purpose. Doesn't that get sort of weird for the DM to play?
I'd say that actually makes it even more reasonable for the DM to play it. It's just like any other NPC, except that it's a metallic one who travels in someone's scabbard :)

Hand of Evil

Spend time building a background and 'personality' for the item. Many gamers play items as if was a NPC and not a tool (think computer) so you have to find out what the items responses would be for a given event, the best way to do this is ask questions and generate answers from the item's point of view.


Just a couple of points to clarify. We're playing in a high level game (currently 15th level) and my last character had to be....retired, for lack of a better term. The DM has rules about the kinds of magic items one can have, but each character has a special/unique item that is related to the character's background and goals.

I chose for my new character a special item that is a weapon based on one of the items out of Complete Divine, modified for her goddess, code of conduct, etc. The weapon has a long memory of those who have opposed the goddess and/or her servants or otherwise makes judgments about opponents - it belives most creatures are miscreants who require discipline. The weapon will sort of trash-talk in combat and try to intimidate opponents. Hence, the reason why I thought it would be a little weird for the DM to play it; it's sort of like holding a conversation with yourself. But, on the other hand, the weapon may have knowledge or goals that my character wouldn't know about, so I'm not sure I should play it either.

Make sense?
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Hand of Evil

If the DM is going to be the item, work with him/her to establish a code of conduct, things like this:

What happens when the players interest goes against the item/god?
...Item will lie or guilt trip the player into action or step back and let the player do what ever.

Will the item maneuver the player to an outcome?
...Item is servant to owner or is player servant to item or do they talk it out?

What does the item do when faced with a foe of the god?
...Yell at them, call them bad names, induce rage to the player?

What are the saying the item uses?
...You fat sow of Lolth! Hit them harder! You missed damn it!

What knowledge does the item provide?
...+ 2 ranks to player rolls on foes?

Just sit down and work out the details with your DM so that both of you are happy with the item.

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