Shadows of Greatness, a Forgotten Realms campaign UPDATED February 1, 2008


First Post
Liadan's Journal 1

Hello, Brian here! Here's an alternative view of some of these same events. From the journal of Liadna Telskya deSeyruun (yeah, I did steal the name from Slayers!)

Quick backstory and description. Liadan is a 16 (now 17) year old girl. At the beginning here, an initiate of Lathander. With her 21 score in STR, I envision her as a very Valkyrie like. With very broad shoulders and well endowded. Her hair however is her most striking part. It is pure silver colored. She wears red banded armor, a gift from a relative, and fights with a heavy mace and shield. The shield has Lathander's symbol on the boss and was made for her by one of her twelve brothers. Yes, TWELVE! She is the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. Is that important? Ask Devin!


Liadan's Journal (02/01/2003)

Sorry for the delay journal, but the last few days have been hectic. I can't believe were finally heading out! I know it's only been a couple of days since I first set eyes on him, but it feels like I've known him forever!!!

The first time I saw Covenant was when he came walking by a group of us novices. An aura settled upon us all and I wasn't the only one to feel it. It felt like Lathander himself strode through the room!

You can guess my surprise when the High Priest called me into his office. I'll admit I drug my feet a little on the way. I kept trying to figure out what I could have done that was so bad that it took the High Priest to address it. The only incident I could think of in recent memory was the heated words I had with Nelly over her "borrowing" my hairbrush. I mean, I would have lent it to her until she had a chance to replace hers, but no, she just up and takes it! But not even Father Mentor mentioned anything about it to me. I would have thought it rated far less than the High Priest! Butterflies were have caterpillars in my stomach as I knocked on that beautiful but imposing door. When I entered, a feeling of calm washed over me. I suddenly felt that no matter what the matter was, I would be able to face it and work thought it to the other side. Then I saw him. Covenant! Well, there are things that were discussed that I shouldn't even set down in a private journal, but suffice to say that he saw something in me he wanted to mold, and I was to accompany him on his travels. I felt like whooping for joy, but didn't because that would be unbecoming a young lady, as my mother pointed out to me on many occasions. The high priest gave me a small scroll of Lathander's teachings on a cord to wear with me wherever I go. He says it will help me interpret Lathander's will and keep me from falling into error. Truthfully, it scares me a little.

The last couple of days have been crazy busy. Getting my armour out of storage and getting it ready. Then I had to pack for travel. Fortunately, I was able to purchase Daisy off that nice old couple who run the tannery, I had more stuff than I thought! Covenant got me the sweetest little mare. He named her Shadowcast, and I have been working with her to get acquainted. That has been really easy compared to getting to know Callifax, Covenant's stallion. Covenant wants me to feed and look after him, but I think the horse hates me! He stands there stiff and unyielding, only Covenant's presence make me bearable to him. Just when I think I have a handle on his behaviors, he changes them! I have never seen a more obstinate beast! He doesn't bite often, but like the wily old veteran he is, he picks his battles carefully. Out of no where suddenly he takes a nip on my shoulder or clamps down on my unprotected hand. I went out and bought some hard leather gloves to help with that, but Covenant won't let me use them. *GRRRRR* If he weren't the most magnificent animal I have ever seen, it wouldn't be worth the effort. But if I can win just a sliver of it's respect, it will be a prize to cherish indeed.

Anyway, I need to pack you away now, you get to ride on Daisy while I ride proudly on Shadowcast.

* * * * * * * *

Still no luck with Callifax. This is going to take a while.

* * * * * * * *

The journey so far is a weird mix of hightened tension and anticipation, mixed in with heaps of tedious travel. Covenant is still teaching me doctrine while we ride, but this morning he caught me dozing in the saddle. He looked so sad and disappointed in me I just wanted to die! DON'T FALL ASLEEP DUMMY!!!!!!

I'm learning a lot! But every day he seems to find a hole in my education, showing me just how much more I need to learn.

But when he's teaching me weapons, I hate him!!!! He stands there in his gleaming white silk shirt and keeps every blow from landing! I even used a sacrifice move the Sarge taught us kids when we were learning weapons back on the farm. Basically you make a complex feint and then in the middle of the maneuver you just drop everything and go boneless. Sarge said done correctly, it will surprise almost any experienced weapons fighter and it sets you up for a nice inside guard shot. Of course it leaves you horribly defenseless if you don't connect. I have waited days for the correct opening. Bided my time till I saw the opening. Then it came, the maneuver went perfect and there was his damnable shirt front unprotected by his guard. I knew for sure that this was the day I would get it soiled! When I went for the blow... he wasn't there! It was like... like he disappeared from directly in front of me! Then I felt it on my kidneys. The tap. Always the tap. Measured, calm, penetrating. When he taps a point on you during practice, it never hurts physically, but the anguish is devastating. I picked myself up and saw he was laughing at me! After he collected himself, he asked me just how long I had served in the Purple Dragons. I was almost crying in frustration. I think he took pity on my as we continued with practise as I did pretty well the rest of the session.

That hurt more than the practice.

* * * * * * * *

Tonight I got to meet the first of the group we are traveling to meet. Apparently they overshot the meeting place. Good thing they decided to stay in the same inn as us, who knows how much further they would have traveled in the wrong direction before they realized it. Erendis and Telemnar are a married couple of elves. If you've never met an elf, to say they are beautiful is superfluous! Apparently it is the wife Erendis who adventured with Covenant, and Telemnar the husband stayed at home. I keep wondering how she keeps her hair so nice on the road. Mine is starting to be a little lack luster with all the nasty road dust. I'll have to start brushing it more!

* * * * * * * *

Well our party keeps on growing, but I'm not sure I'm happy with this new edition. I know I'll have to share Covenant with the party we are going to meet up with, but now a stupid dwarf has latched himself onto Covenant. Guess he tried to skip town on his bar tab and the locals tried to take the pay out on his hide. Even with the training I have I would stop and think on that first. He's really burly. Guess he worked himself up into some kinda mad on and Covenant stopped him from really hurting any of the folks. Somehow Rock (That's the stupid dwarf's name, Rock. Can you find a more stereotypical dwarf name?) managed to strike Covenant with a fence piece he picked up (he actually hit Covenant, when I have been trying to do that for weeks! Hate him!!!!). So he's traveling with us until he can repay Covenant for his shirt. *snicker* I know quality. That shirt wasn't cheap. Hope the dwarf has some skills, else he's gonna be hanging on for a while.

* * * * * * * *

Stopped for the night in Eveningstar. Covenant let me stay the night at home. Been gone for 6-8 months so it was nice to see the family again. I think the twins grew a couple of inches! Mom and dad were worried about me going around with Covenant. I had a good stable position at the temple, future ahead of me, respectability, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah! It seemed to calm them down a little when I told them the High Priest let me know that there would be a place for me back at the temple when I was done with my training with Covenant. I tried to bring up Auntie Skya as an example of someone who adventured and she turned out all right. Should have kept my mouth shut. Took my leave this morning and they weren't happy about it, but they accepted it. More than I expected.

* * * * * * * *

We got to Shadows End tonight and were the first group to arrive at the King and Pawn inn. Later the next of Covenant's old party arrived. A kindly looking old man with two students in tow. I remember thinking that if everybody has brought a friend, this will be some party! Anyway, his name is Havin Wayfinder and the boy and girl are named Sandrue Davants and Phaele NaSarade. Sandrue seems formal and kinda stiff. Phaele looks as if she has never been in the company of more than two people at once. She wasn't saying much so I tried to draw them out into conversation, but couldn't get either to really talk much. I ended up having to do most of the talking. Then the evening got strange. Havin mentions casually that some guy at the bar is watching us, I try and figure out who he's talking about then realize that it must be the guy that's beating a hasty retreat out the door. Rock gets up to follow and suddenly something weird happens to the room and two more elves just appear right in front of me! I throw my chair back and get into a defensive posture in case they try and attack us. Why did I leave my mace in the room? DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!! Anyway, a couple of people in our party stand up and point to a guy behind Rock and Rock goes all paranoid and swings an axe at the guy, taking a superficial slice out of his chest. Things look like they are about to explode when one of the elves in front of me starts to cast a spell and Rock collapses into a snoring heap. *snicker* Serves him right! Things calm down. The two elves are Jastra Moondown, from Covenant's old party and her student Erim Ithron. She seems happy and bubbly and glad to see Covenant again, but he's kinda bookish and off putting. The guy with the gash turns out to be Garret in disguise. So now the party's complete. Erendis heals him and wakes up Rock. Tells the dwarf that Garret took him out with one blow *snort*. So Garret's honor is salved and we don't have to have some kinda macho fight over the incident. This Erendis is beautiful, smart, and quick on her feet. I think I like her a lot! Garret goes outside and calls to the guy at the bar who fled and it turns out his name is Fallon something-or-other, and he's Garret's student. Both of them are kinda creepy. I don't see how he fits in with the rest of the party. They all seem so nice! So the party now stands at 12. Glad there's no one else! So we're all hoping that we'll finally find out why the group was called back together but Covenant won't say word one about it and we leave in the morning. *sigh* Hope he tells us eventually!
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First Post
Liadan's Journal 2

Liadan's Journal (02/08/2003)

After the excitement wore off things settled down a bit. Rock went up to bed early as I think he was embarrassed. I saw that Fallon was looking kind of alone and unhappy over there with Garrett, so I went and asked if he'd like to join us down at the other end of the table. To my surprise, he agreed and came down with us. I originally thought he was a little creepy, but that must just have been Garrett's creepiness bleeding over to him. He was smart, educated, well travelled, and fun to talk to. I related Rock's little incident with Garrett, as Fallon had been out of the inn at the time. I think I got a little loud at one point as I realized that Garrett was staring at me. Geez, talk about a wintery stare! Fallon seemed better at drawing Sandrue and Phaele into the conversation that I did, so I got to know them a little better. After a while I started to bed, but got sidetracked into talking to Telemnar about Califax. Finally I pulled myself up to my room. Now I'm settled down to get a comfortable sleep tonight. Who knows when we'll see a nice bed again any time soon. I enjoy communing with the sunrise and my personal time with Lathander every morning, but sometimes I miss sleeping in!

* * * * * * * *

Woke up to before the sunrise and got ready for the morning ritual. I heard a noise down in the courtyard and in the dim light of the false dawn I could see Covenant and Garrett sparring. Covenant had a spear he had gotten somewhere and was really scoring on Garrett. Poor guy, I know how he feels. Then it was time for us to greet the sun. When Covenants starts to get ready for the ritual, he turns the spear back into his sword. It can magically shape change! Fortunately for me my room faced the sunrise and I was able to do my morning ritual from there.

Over breakfast Covenant made the offer to the followers of his companions that if they would like to stay behind, they could stay here at the inn or a villa in Suzail could be made available for them if they choose. None did. I was surprised when he asked me if I'd like to stay behind. I was kind of insulted and a little angry, but I hope I didn't show it. Of course I'm going with him. Duh! Like I'd let him get away now! He's stuck with me! HAHAHAH!!!!! <Evil Laugh>

My little attempts to bribe Califax with sugar didn't do anything other than make Califax angry when I didn't give it to him. The only other tricks I know with horses would get me killed if I tried it on him. Today Covenant told Califax to stop teasing me. I'm not sure if I was meant to hear that or not. <SIGH> I still can't figure out how to win his respect. Stupid horse! HORSES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AFRAID OF ME, NOT MAKE ME AFRAID OF THEM!!!!!!!

Jastra and Erim had two nice horses to ride when we left. Didn't see them in the stables earlier, so they must have arranged to have them brought in. Watching him ride it was painfully obvious that Erim certainly has never been on a horse before!

We set out later than Covenant wanted, but that was OK by me. He set a nice leisurely pace northward into the mountains. Erendis made us an afternoon meal with the help of her god. I can't wait to get more training in the priesthood. Whenever I've done Create Food and Drink all I get is a kinda tangy oatmeal. Not bad mind you, but at least it could come with some cream and brown sugar!

Garrett and Fallon started sparring after lunch. Right away I could see that Garrett's a mean bastard. Covenant scores points on you to let you know when you let him through. Garrett actually hurts Fallon when he gets through. Our old Sarge would have sneered at Garrett's methods. "If you need to cause your students unnecessary pain to teach them, they are either too think headed to listen or you need to inspire them better!" was what he used to say. Covenant inspires you to do better. I think Garrett just likes to hurt people. Fallon was quick and agile, and when he made a mistake, he didn't often repeat it. Wish I had a little more of his finesse. I just feel so big and lumbering sometimes. While they sparred, Covenant instructed Rock and I in more of Lathander's teachings.

We got back on the road and we made it to the abandoned temple to Elentari. Apparently the portal is somewhere here. Garrett told Fallon to follow him and check out the place. I could see Fallon had difficulties getting off his horse, I don't think he's ridden very much. I stopped him and told him I could help him out a bit. I gave him a quick minor renewal, and I don't think he was expecting me to do an actual magic on him. I was glad to help as I need to practise my spellcasting more anyway. Then a couple of people volunteered to go and get firewood. I was standing there thinking about the day when I realized that Covenant was looking directly and very pointedly at me. He asked me if I didn't think I should volunteer at well? I know I turned red and blushed. I HATE IT WHEN I DO THAT! So I went and got firewood. I thought they already HAD enough people to get firewood!

Dinner was pulled from the capricious bags Covenant's party all had. I'm starting to think they aren't ordinary bags. Everything Covenant pulls from that bag shouldn't be able to fit all at one time, and there's stuff in there that shouldn't be able to survive on the road. It still feels weird to be eating off Covenant's fine china in the middle of nowhere.

We discussed watches and we all volunteered to take watches with the people we came with. Covenant has middle watch. Great! <I'M BEING SARCASTIC IF YOU CAN'T TELL!!!> Going to sleep early again tonight!

* * * * * * * *

Uneventful night. Got an early start as we needed to be at the portal right at sunrise. If we'd got there a little earlier last night we could have done it at sunset instead. Oh well. Then Covenant surprised me by asking me to try and open the portal. Seems it needs a priest of Lathander to project Lathander's grace into the portal to open it, sorta like when you project Lathander's grace at a group of undead. I wonder then if that means Lathander took on this Elentari's duties. I'll have to look into that later.

Covenant put a necklace on me that would help me do the task. Then he stood behind me and was ready to jump in if I failed. I hadn't done this kinda stuff for real before, but I couldn't tell HIM that! I took the phylactery in my hand and prayed to Lathander to help me. Then when the sun crested the horizon, I tried to do as he asked. Try being the operative word. I could feel a gathering of Lathander's power around me stronger than ever before, but for some reason, I just couldn't direct it. I felt like I was trying to ladle broth using a spoon with a big hole in the bowl. So Covenant just did it with ease, and the monotone picture carved into the rock suddenly became alive and we all stepped through.

When we got through we were surprised to be confronted by two wild men. They calmed down when Covenant finally stepped through. Apparently they were working for him.

OOPS, dinner's being served and if I don't hurry, Rock will eat mine! Gotta go!!!!! More later!!!!!!!!!!!!


First Post
Liadan's Journal 3

Liadan's Journal (03/08/2003)

Brandle and Chosn were the two men who met us as we left the portal. They must have been there for a while waiting for Covenant. We arrived a good ways south of where we entered the Portal, but the exact location eluded me. (Geography was never my strong suit!)

We gathered ourselves together and were about to depart the ruins when we realized there was a party coming up to the ruins. This was a group of Red Wizards from Thay with a fire cleric of some kind. Later I learned that Covenant and his band had met so of them before.

Rogan, a big brute with Nethimil, apparently had heard stories of Covenant and his prowess and wanted to test himself Covenant. The fact that Covenant cheerfully goaded him on didn't help. I think I saw a side of my mentor today that I don't like.

Covenant told me to stay out of the fight and I found that a hard thing to do. Looking back however, it was probably the smart and correct thing to do, but it hurt at the time that he didn't want me at his side. (OK! SO I'M STUPID)

I stayed by Havin, thinking that if help were needed, he would know where I would best be used. As it turned out that was probably the best course of action that I could have followed.

Brandle and Chosn leapt into the fray to help Covenant. That seemed to be the signal for everyone to get into the battle. One of the wizards called down a pillar of fire that engulfed Covenant, Brandle, and Chosn. Chosn fell to the ground, fearfully burned. Abandoning my hopes of getting into the fight, I raced forward and gave what little of Lathander's healing magics I had to help the fallen man. He turned his face from death's door, but was still unconscious.

By this time, Nethimil had ordered his guards forward to assist Rogan. Brandle was not faring well in his battle with a guard, so I prepared to run forward and assist him. I could see that the guard's martial skill far outstripped my own, so I resigned myself to aiding Brandle and protecting him as I could with my shield while letting him actually battle the guard. Before I could get in place however, a fearsome blow to Brandle's neck took him out of the fight. The guard looked disdainfully at me and turned his attentions towards Covenant. I knew that I would only get in Covenant's way so I retreated while pulling the two retainers away from the battle. I tried the only healing magics I had left in an attempt to keep Brandle's spirit on this side of the veil, but the gods had already accepted him.

My eyes were blurring and I had to fiercely rub the tears out of them to clear my vision. I don't know if my help would have made a difference, but I felt that I had let Brandle down somehow. I knew him for less that ten minutes and was never even introduced to him. Still I found myself grieving for the loss of him.

I returned to Havin's side. He was very busy turning away the magics of the other side, rendering their spells harmless. To my astonishment I saw that the porters and servants were crossing the field towards us each with a weapon of some sort and a fierce look on their faces. Behind them Nethimil was ordering them forward to rush our positions. The thought that they were more scared of their master than of a group of armed and armored warriors still chills me to the bone.

One rushed our position and was clearly intent upon trying to harm Havin. Without thinking Sandrue and I lashed out to deal with this threat. His staff hit low and my mace hit high. The porter crashed to the ground dead at our feet.

As I stared down at the inert form before us, I stared to get angry. Mad at Nethimil for sending these ill equipped servants to try and harm Havin. Angry at the guard who killed Brandle before I could aid him.

...And yes, I will admit it, furious at Covenant for provoking this battle.

Another servant was crossing the field to our position. I stepped forward to meet him with shield and mace. I felt so angry and here was a target for my rage. Blood pounded in my ears. I thrust my shield into his midsection and his head exploded at the kiss of my mace. Another slattern with a knife advanced on me. She managed to shimmy out of the way of my shield edge, but my mace whistled a deadly tune as it met her head with gory impact. Seeing no further opponents coming our way, I returned to Havin's side to protect him once more so he could concentrate on his magics.

I don't know how long it took, but soon Rogan and the rest of Nethimil's company were either dead or down. Nethimil was the last of his party to remain standing but something had taken his sight in the course of the battle (I suspect it was Garret's doing). Muttering a curse Nethimil cast a spell that opened a magic doorway behind him through which he escaped.

...and the battle was over.

Suddenly it was like someone had taken a bag off my head. I could see clearer, the sounds of the wounded and dying rang in my ears, and the smells of the field assailed my nose. Offal from voided bowels mixed with the iron tang of blood and the smell of something else close by. It took me a moment to realize that it was the smell of the brains dripping from my mace. I thought about what I had just done... I had taken three human lives. My stomach twitched and I could feel my gorge raising. I ran behind some rubble where I hoped I wouldn't be seen and emptied my stomach. This went on for a while even after I had no more to bring up. When it was over, I cleaned my mace in the dirt and went to find my pack for a drink to clear my mouth.

Rock was with the animals getting a skin himself. He threw one at me and by some miracle of Lathander's grace, I caught it. Taking a hearty swig from the skin I coughed half of it onto the ground. It wasn't water, it was strong spirits! I thought it over a moment and being prepared this time, took a hefty drink. I smiled and nodded at Rock as I returned the skin. Mercifully he hadn't laughed at my initial discomfort.

Sandrue thanked me for helping protect him and Havin and had some kind words to help put the day and what happened in perspective. I'm not sure how coherent my reply was, being still very shaken, but I felt better after talking with him. Then Fallon arrived and was really upbeat and cheerful about the bloodshed. He didn't seem so nice at that point.

Some of Nethimil's company survived and we sent them on their way with their dead. We wrapped Brandle and took him with us. I prayed to Lathander for his soul. I don't know which deity he followed, but I prayed anyway hoping Lathander would relay my words to whomever should receive them.

More later.


First Post
Liadan's Journal 4

Liadan's Journal (03/08/2003)

We left the scene of our battle and made camp at the base of the mountain. The party seemed dull and subdued until Covenant announced that he would be telling us of our mission here. That raised the spirits of the company some.

Sitting down to eat lunch after the morning's fight was odd to say the least. Everything seemed so normal. I even surprised myself at how fast I seemed to be getting over things as I was enormously hungry. I half expected to be queasy for the rest of the afternoon.

We are to recover an artifact that will be instrumental in stopping a great evil. The details on exactly what evil and precisely how it will be stopped are still a little vague, but it involves a blade called "The Sword of the Dreadnaught". Our mission here it to meet a mage who has an item that can be used to trade with a dragon for a magic glove called "The Gauntlet of Dawn" without which the sword cannot be held.

After lunch I walked around the camp with Covenant talking about the day's events. I may have been disappointed at my performance with the portal, but Covenant says he wasn't. That might just be a pep talk however, so I still don't know. Hopefully if it comes up again, I will do better. Then I admitted to my sickness after the battle. I wanted to steer the conversation towards finding out why he provoked the fight, but he fell into a rare mood and told me the tale of his first blooding. I was so entranced at this story of his early life, I never got around to asking my questions. I wonder if that was his purpose?

Later I tried to engage Chosen in a conversation, but without much luck. He was very off-putting and made me feel I was putting my nose in where it wasn't wanted. I tried to find out some more about Brandle, but Chosen scared me somewhat and I beat a hasty and awkward retreat. To be truthful, it was more of a rout than a retreat.

I worked a little with Shadowcast, trying to train her. She's a sweet little thing compared to the other brute I have to work with! Of course I'm not training him, if anything, I think he's training me!!!!

Yeah, training me to hate war horses.

More weapons practice and more scripture. Some at the same time! Well, I'm off to bed to get some sleep before my watch. (Why middle watch, why!!!) Hopefully this mage we are here to visit will arrive soon and we can start off towards the dragon.

* * * * * * * *

Saw some lights on the mountain during my watch, but they were a long way up, ever further than the temple itself. Nothing else of interest during the evening.

I wrote a note to Auntie Skya after Covenant told us that Chosen would be taking Brandle's body back to Suzail. After I had left home after that last visit, I wished that I had sent her one. This was too good a chance to pass up. In the letter I asked Auntie Skya to give the bearer a drink on me if she would. I don't think she whould mind that too much. Funny thing is that Chosen thinks he's been to the Pounded Shield and that Uncle Boris might have even thrown him out once! Hmm. Small world.

I thanked her again for the armor and told her about what Covenant is teaching me and that we're off on this quest of his. Last night Covenant told me it was OK if I told her where we were, but I didn't do it and left it more nebulous about our actual location. I told her we might also see a dragon on the way, but asked her not to tell mom that, as mom would only worry.

After breakfast a smoke snake arrived in the middle of camp. Several of us were alarmed and stood ready, but it turned out to be this mage we were waiting for. He showed us the glow stone and it sure was pretty! How a race that lives underground could capture the sun in amber I'll never understand. People were worried about what an Abyssal Dragon would do with an item of such power. Gadron the mage told Covenant that he had some things the dragon might want more than the stone, and that he wanted it himeself, so they went off by themselves and talked about this powerful artifact and possibly trading for it. Later they called Jastra over and she started reciting something in a low voice and even though I couldn't make it out, it sounded kinda creepy.

I was talking to Fallon while this was happening, and he kept just grunting replies to my comments. It took me a second, but I realized that he wasn't paying any attention to me, but was reading her lips! I elbowed him and got him to start translating for me too. Something about somebody dying, but it was over after not much more than that, so I still didn't learn much.

Covenant, looking even more serious than when we first met, walked over to where most of us were standing. Standing and trying not to look like we were watching them, which we all were doing. He asked me to take my friends back to the ruins to try and find out what Nethimil might have been going there for. I stood there in shock and hurt. Obviously the "grown-ups" were going to talk and were sending the kids away on a trivial errand. Even Telemnar was asked to go, apparently just Covenant's old group was staying. I tried not to look hurt but before I knew it, I blurted out the comment that I just couldn't hold back. "Aren't we a part of this group now too?"

He looked pained a little, but explained that he had information that he was bound by the church not to tell us and needed to be able to speak freely. I could tell that Phaele was even more mad than I was, but we went anyway...

On a stupid time wasting errand that wasn't important fifteen minutes ago. *SIGH*

When we got back to the ruins I suggested that Fallon and I scout the upper level out while the rest of the group stayed back here and look around. I was hoping we might be able to see something from a higher vantage that wasn't obvious from ground level.Fallon kept playing silly buggers with trying to be very quiet and sneaky in the rubble. I'm not sure, but I think he was trying to impress me or something.

At one point I looked back down and saw everybody staring at Rock who was creeping through the rubble toward where we buried the bodies yesterday and I could see he was about to be jumped by a couple of goblins that were in the reopened graves. I stood there in a moment of indecision. Do I yell and alert Rock to the others in the graves? If I did that, I would alert the ones Rock was sneaking up on. Anyway before I could act, he attacked making it a moot point.

I ran full out back towards the others, but before I could get there, I noticed a group of really big goblins (later it turned out they were small orcs!) lurking nearby. Figuring Rock could take care of a couple of small goblins on his own, I veered off to the big guys. Well they saw me coming and one ran out to meet me. His charge caught me a little by surprise and he got a good shot to my ribs with his axe. I thanked Auntie Skya mentally for her wonderful armor. I was hurt, but not dead. I swung my mace back at him and was satisfied to hear ribs crack with the hit. By then Fallon had circled around and was angling to come in behind him. Telemnar ran up and stuck the big guy with his longsword. Looking a little worried, the big guy took one last half hearted swipe at me and started to retreat. He didn't get far.

Down with the other group, I could hear magic spells all around and screams of goblins. I didn't hear Rock yelling like he usually does and that worried me a bit, but I didn't have time to worry for long. More big guys came around the rubble and advanced on us. Fallon at one point climbed to the top of a bit of rubble and jumped down on the guy I was fighting and finished him off. It was really flashy and Fallon looked very pleased, that is until another guy advanced and cut him pretty badly. Suddenly he didn't look like he was having much fun anymore.

We dispatched our group after a little while and I started to run over to where I could see Sandrue and Phaele were fighting a smoking goblin. I figure one or the other must have set him alight with a spell. Before I could get there he was finished and I started over to where Erim and Rock were fighting a group of goblins. Between the three of us we finished them off pretty quickly and coup-de-graced the ones coming out of Erim's magic sleep. When everything was over suddenly Rock punched Erim and down the elf went. Rock was pissed at Erim for something but I couldn't figure out why, but then again, he's usually pissed at something! I used Lathander's renewal to do what healing I could on myself and others, but it wasn't enough to get us all back to full health. Fallon acted odd when I healed him, apparently he says it tickles him when he gets healed. I wonder if it is different for everybody? To me it always feels like warm sunlight on my wound.

We talked about it and decided that there might be more green fellows waiting for us out there and that we had probably been away from the camp long enough for their talk. If I know Covenant, he'll have gotten his way.

We saddled up and started out. That was when the ground opened up under Erim and Sandrue. Their mounts leapt forward and away, but unfortunately they didn't. Sandrue caught the rim of the pit and was able to pull himself up before he fell. Erim muttered a quick spell and floated gently to the ground.

We have uncovered a hallway lit by a soft glowing light. Question is do we go back or do we investigate?

I hate choices like this!!!!!


First Post
Liadan's Journal 5

Liadan's Journal (5-3-2003)

I grabbed for the coil of rope I keep with my saddle (As Auntie Skya says, rope is handy!). As I am about to tie it off to the pommel of my saddle, a girl leading a horse appears around the corner of some rubble. Everybody stopped as we sized each other up.

It looked like she came to a decision about us pretty quickly and started towards us again. Sandrue and I started forward while Rock guarded our rear and Fallon circled. Sandrue talked to her and got her story. When we realized that she wasn't a danger, I left them to go back and try to help Erim out of the pit.

Being an inquisitive sort, he didn't want to come up, so I went down after him. He had already cast a spell to let him read the glowing runes on the wall so I figured a little time down here wouldn't hurt as nothing seemed to have moved through there in a long time. He read the runes in the hall we were in and I was ready to object if he went into another hall, but he stuck to the first one. Apparently it stopped in mid-verse and ended with a wall with a large metal box of some sort, covered with a tarp of leather or animal hide. Some sort of strange symbol was pressed into the skin and Erim seemed to find it fascinating. He said it was some kind of wizard lock and looked like he was maybe about to fool with it when I had to put my foot down. (Auntie Skya's told me once about an adventure she had and that locked rooms in ancient temples may be locked for a reason!) Anyway I wanted the others to look at it first before Erim messed around with it and I also wanted to get back to camp alive. I don't want to sound like a coward, but my ribs were still hurting pretty bad and climbing down a rope didn't help my point of view!

He insisted on rereading part of the wall and said he'd go up after that. I agreed but told him to be quick. We were making too much noise and I was afraid we would attract the attention of anything that might still be down there. Luckily, if anything was down there, it was asleep or out visiting relatives. When we finally got to the rope again I had to argue with him to get him to go up first.

Hello! I was covering our retreat like I was taught to!

Anyway, he gets up the rope just fine and then it's my turn. I start to climb the rope when I move wrong and the muscles in my side spasm where the orc slashed me with his axe. I think I tore the wound open as it started to bleed again. I tried to hold on but fell back down. Fortunately I hadn't got very far so it just knocked the wind out of me. I heard Rock laughing when I fell and at the time I thought he was laughing at something up above, but when I got to the top and he kept trying not to look at me and then when he did, starting to laugh again, I guess he found my pain funny. Stupid dwarf! Maybe I'll sucker punch him some time!!!!

(badly drawn caricature of Rock's head with crosses for eyes and spiral lines coming out of his head)

After Shadowcast helps pulls me up, we try and cover the hole to make it look somewhat natural again. With a combination of people who know woodsy stuff and magic wiping out traces of our being here, it looked really good! Then the others started arguing about how it looked too good and we might never find it again in the rubble, blah, blah, blah! So I picked up a hefty boulder and beat a big chunk out of the corner of one of the walls and placed the stone upon my cairn of wall chips. "OK everyone, it is near the wall with the dent!" That seemed to shut them up. Not the most diplomatic solution, but it worked and I really wanted to go and have someone look at my side. It was starting to throb pretty badly and I could tell I was getting a bit cranky.

We started out at a brisk pace and Nekaya and I rode by each other and we talked about our mentors. Her's sounded pretty neat too. Too bad he was dead.

Then she noticed I was hurt and used some kind of healing magics on me I didn't recognize. It felt so good not to be riding with a slash wound in my side! At this point I still liked her.

We got back to camp and everybody was very sombre. Nekaya offered her self to Covenant as he had discharged her vengeance debt for her by slaying the priest who killed her mentor. And he said "Sure, I'll take you on as my follower. I already split my time between two students and neither are getting near enough attention as it is, but don't worry, they won't mind." RRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Stick figure character of a girl with a knife stuck through her chest)

The afternoon meal appeared by magic and was really good, but the camp was very downbeat. Even Califax hardly seemed to try and bite me when I brushed him. I checked for any signs of sickness, but found none.

Then after lunch we all kinda broke up to be with our mentors and I had mace practise with Covenant. I waited until we were near the edge of the circle to ask him my question. I was hoping to surprise him with knowing a little about the death prophesy. Then he surprised me by answering me directly instead of waffling or asking me how I knew about it. He said quite earnestly he didn't know who would die. Then Havin called us all together to talk to our group. GRRRR!!! That man has the worst timing!!!!

We sit down in a group and Covenant tells us a little of the prophesy. It seems that his group, when they were all together, was once called a chorus by some being of power. The disturbing line in the prophesy is that if they go on this quest the chorus will be silenced. Most of us jumped to the conclusion that it meant that one or all of the singers would die. Telemnar tried to put a better spin on it saying that it could just mean that they would never all be able to get together again, but I don't think anyone gave it much credence.

Then Covenant started talking about leaving us behind again. I saw red!!! As it turns out I misunderstood him somewhat and he just didn't want to take us up to the Dragon's lair, but at the time I didn't understand what he had said and I thought he was trying to dump us off at some town again permanently.

(BTW, that is actually true, I didn't get what Devin had said until later)

While we were breaking camp I passed Sandrue and told him I WAS right and they HAD sent us off on a useless errand to the temple. He looked on it as an important discovery that we might have to come back to investigate later... After we save the world. We talked for a bit and he seemed to loosen up somewhat. I was glad for that as he seems really nice, but a bit too formal for my tastes. At times he reminds me of some of the courtiers in Suzail, and I didn't like most of them. He asked if he could call me Liadan, and as I had been trying to get him to do that since I had met him, I was more than happy to let him. Phaele seems to be warming a little more after our big goblin adventure. I'm happy about that too.

Our little party of followers got together and talked and said we would go as far as they let us. Rock made a good point in the discussion (damn his eyes!) that a chorus needs a leader and while we might have joined in the song with our mentors, ultimately the chorus director tells you where and when to sing. So I didn't make any more objections, well any out loud anyway.


First Post
Just to give a little background on the game, in case anyone is actually reading this :) :

We've all been roleplaying together for about 10 yrs. with the exception of Nekaya's player, who's the newest addition to the group (and Devo's life ;) ). Yes, I'm female and playing a male character. Hedrin is my fiancee, and he's running a female character. Pretty scary how good he is at getting into the mind of a teenaged girl, isn't it? :lol:

Devo the GM and Nekaya's player are husband and wife (for almost a year now!), as are Sandrue's and Phaele's players (for over 20 years). Rock's player is my co-worker as well as gaming buddy and otherwise good friend. We're all a pretty scarily close-knit group.

Prior to starting this campaign, some of us were involved in a Fantasy Hero game run by Devo, in which the name Covenant figured prominently. As we move along other references back to that campaign will appear in the story. I'm not sure how closely related the two campaigns are, and Devo's not telling. :D


First Post

Must have been the Great Elder God Sysop. It was fixed before I got there!:eek:

Brian aka Hedrin; aka Liadan; aka Xavier Sword of Humakt; aka.... ad infinitum!

sniffles said:
Again, I apologize for the way my previous post looks. I didn't intend to make it that annoying font. I'm copying and pasting these from a Word document, and for some reason I can't change the text color or font once I paste it into the reply window. I had changed it before I pasted it but for some reason it reverted back to the original font after I posted it. Any suggestions are welcome.

(Edit) Well at least Hedrin fixed the font for me. Thanks, sweetie! :D


First Post
Liadan's Journal 6

Liadan's Journal #6 (June 21, 2003)

After the revelations of the prophecy, we took off quickly. With four days hence being the optimum time to get the gauntlet, we needed to move quickly to exploit that window of opportunity... or at least that's what Jastra said. After a day of riding, I finally got up the courage to apologize to Covenant. He told me I didn't have to apologize for questioning him, and he'd rather someone question him than follow in blind obedience. I'm still glad I did it, it just felt like something I needed to do.

I looked around and noticed we were alone, so I did something I've wanted to do for a while. I hugged him. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but he embraced me tightly in his warm arms. For moments like that, it almost makes Califax bearable.


We set out again and made the dragon's mountain in plenty of time. Jastra told us she could sense the dragon's wards up the mountain a ways, so Garrett started to look for a campsite for us. He found one that had been used a while in the past, perhaps a month or so. I wonder who else had been here?

When the party that was staying started to dismount, there was kind of an awkward moment. Covenant and the rest of the mentors looked torn between wanting to stay for a moment more or getting on with the quest. I rather unsubtly said "Well, see you all when you get back." One or two of the others picked up on that and echoed my sentiments, trying to make a clean break. Fallon on the other hand grumbled about being left behind. Covenant and the others had a moment of unspoken communication and they all decided to fix up camp for us and make us all one last meal. They were all real helpful, more helpful than ever before. We hardly had to do anything.

I took care of the horses while Covenant tended to a couple of other things. Califax was no more happy about being left behind than I was. While I was brushing Califax down I kept noticing the way that Jastra and Covenant acted when they were around each other. He of course is always upbeat and she has been almost vibrating into another plane of existence with her eagerness to get on with this quest, but the way he would touch her... The way he would stand close and how at ease the two looked together, like Aubert and his wife. I suspect they are or have been lovers.

When I was getting through with Califax, and the others were off with the mentors they had come with, Covenant pulled me aside. He presented me with a powerful amulet of Lathander, the one he had loaned to me to try and open the portal. I was speechless for a moment, and I tried to refuse, but then I looked into his eyes and knew...

He doesn't think he's coming back.

Maybe not from this portion of the quest, but I know, deep in my heart that he does not expect to live to see the end of this.

In that moment I could hear my mother talking to me about the importance of keeping up appearances, and how I could never seem to understood that. I still don't, but I could see in his expression that he was giving me a token to remember him by, but didn't want to call it that, didn't want to give voice to that pessimistic a thought. I wanted to yell at him "don't go! Stay with me!", but that would have been the most selfish act I ever could have done, burdening him when he needed most to be free to do what he must. I'll admit it, at times I'm selfish, but I just couldn't do that to him.

Instead I took a deep breath, strengthened my resolve and found my voice.

"Thank you, I shall always wear it with reverence." I was surprised how clear my voice sounded. I was feeling so disconnected from the moment, like I was watching from a distance. I desperately wanted another hug, but I knew, absolutely knew, I would break down and cry if I got one. We talked a little more, about going to Calimshan next (I think that was it, my notes are at home - Brian), and we rejoined the others for the farewells.

I pulled Jastra aside for a moment and asked her to keep him safe. I wanted to say more to her, tell her that if she ever loved him, to bring him back, but I couldn't say that either. I knew she would if she could, and that I would be putting an unfair onus on her, but damn it! I don't want to lose him. Not after just finding him! Seventeen years... Seventeen years he was not in my life! Now I begrudge a minute I don't spend with him.

A last farewell and off up the mountain they went. Fallon looked as angry at being left behind today as I had felt the other day. I wanted to try and talk to him, but the separation from Covenant was too painful and I needed some time for myself. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't been so selfish, but I was, so I can't change that now.

We didn't have much to do in camp so we all sat around a little sullenly. Telemnar was the most cheerful, having been through this many times in the past. Sandrue and Phaele were very quiet and Fallon was almost sending out waves of anger. We had all heard his arguments with Garrett on the way here. He just couldn't let it go.

We set a new watch schedule and I was happy about that. I don't mind getting up early to greet the sun, but having middle watch every night as well was starting to be wearing! My days of sleeping in are long past.

My watch went uneventful, but during Fallon and Nekaya's watch apparently he heard or saw something and stalked out of camp telling her to stay there. He never came back and Nekaya woke up Rock. He was so convinced that Fallon had just deserted us to follow the other group, that he didn't bother to wake the rest of us. I was kinda mad at him for that, but didn't try to let it show. After he told the rest of us the next morning all about it, he started in on a tirade against Fallon. I suggested in a loud voice, to cut through Rock's tirade, that perhaps we should give him the benefit of the doubt and look to see if he wasn't laying unconscious and bloody out away from camp.

Phaele and Sandrue volunteered to stay with the camp while the rest of us went out to look for Fallon. We did pretty well in following his tracks, well... we think they were his tracks! Finally Erim sensed the wards a little ways ahead of us and we located a very recent palm and boot print, so even I had to admit it looked like he'd deserted us. So much for standing up for him.

(Stick figure of a girl hitting a guy over the head with a big mallet. Right next to a rubbing of the symbol of Covenant's house.)

Dejectedly we walked back to camp.

Nekaya and I made lunch, not too bad if I say so myself. After lunch Telemnar and I took the animals out to graze and get a little exercise. I got the feeling that Califax could have done this himself, but decided that it was beneath him and let us do it instead.

That evening Rock took a turn cooking. It smelled ok, but when I took the first bite... I thought that he had given me a sample of his laundry, not his cooking! Then I saw everyone else's reaction to the dinner and it was pretty comical. Rock even had a momentary look of surprise on his face. He hid it quickly and we all bolted it down as fast as possible, with lots of water. Nobody said anything, but it will be a long. time before we let him cook again!

We had to rearrange our watches again because of Fallon being gone, but it might work out a little better this way. We can better utilize the fact that Elves don't need to sleep as much as us humans.

I'm going off to sleep now. Write ya tomorrow!


The game went on for a little more, but Liadan was asleep, so I'll include it in my next journal.



First Post
Liadan's Journal 7 & 8

The last couple of days have been so hectic, I just have not been able to write anything! I'll try and back up here, but if I leave anything out, oh well...

It seems that during the night, we had a couple of visitors, but the watch scared them off. Nothing much of nothing happened the next day (Rock was not asked to cook!).

That evening, I went to sleep after my watch but was awakened by a blood curdling scream! People were leaping from their bed rolls with confusion in their eyes, horses were rearing against their tethers and general mayhem ruled the camp.

Grabbing my shield and mace I raced to the disturbance only to be caught short. It was Califax!

He was standing there stiff as a board with his eyes showing only whites and his lips pulled back revealing grotesque amounts of teeth and gums. Then, as he ran out of breath, he started to collapse. I ran over to him and not being able to take his full weight, I did help slow his fall so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Quickly giving him an examination, I could not see any wounds. It was about then that a horrible thought sprang into my mind. Something has happened to Covenant. Trying to push that unthinkable thought out of my mind, I tried healing magics on Califax without any effect. I fell to my knees beside Califax and started praying to Lathander. Partially about Califax, but mostly asking the lord to look over Covenant and to bring him back safe.

I wasn't tracking the conversation very well between prayers, but I heard Sandrue refer to Covenant in the past tense for the second or third time. I snapped at him and felt bad right away as a hurt look came to his eyes. I said that at first dawn I would go to the mountain. Telemnar readily agreed with me. There was a lot of discussion on what we should do, but I don't remember most of it.

I settled down for an all night prayer vigil, but I was persuaded by some of the others to try and get some sleep and husband my resources for the coming day as who knew what it might bring. I knew I couldn't sleep, but everyone looked so concerned I gave in. I put my bed roll right up next to Califax and settled down for the night. I ran through the litany of supplication in my head and tried to think of what prayers to ask next. The slow rhythmic chants going through my mind calmed me down and I remember thinking that Califax smelled like Covenant. Then I remembered all the times I had thought that Covenant smelled like Califax. Could they be so close that they have started to share a smell...

and with that thought, I fell asleep.

The next day, after a bunch of discussion, I was reminded of my promise to Covenant, that I would look after Califax in his absence.

Thwarted in my plans to go after Covenant, Rock and I rigged a sling to hold Califax in an upright condition. I knew that for a horse to be on his side too long could lead to water in the lungs. It sounds silly, but I've seen healthy animals die of it! Little Tyson once came in on us while we were tending a sick sheep for the same affliction. He asked what was going on and we told him. He stared at the animal with the most solemn expression on his face. Then, like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, his face lit up. "Why don't you just tip her upside down and pour the water out like you would a pitcher?" Well, we laughed at him and told him it wouldn't work, and we sent him on his way. ..but I'll tell you, that thought kept going through our minds. Not ten minutes later we had damn thing rigged upside down in the back of the barn where no one else could see us. Didn't work, still don't know why. It sounded so reasonable the way he said it.

Later that day we met our weird neighbors. Apparently they were the horse thieves of the other evening, and they are on the run from the law in the area. For some reason we were being nice-nice with them and sharing our food. Rock gave me an unconscious one to play with, but eventually New-Girl used some of her magic to heal him and I had to give him back. I didn't really fraternize with them, I just got some food and tended Califax, like the dutiful child Mother always wanted me to be...

I HATE WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway a lone goblin (that we quickly dispatched), scared our guests all away. What a bunch of weenies! They should go back to town.

After a couple of days (AN ETERNITY!) , Califax came to his senses. We struggled to get him free of his sling before he hurt himself, but he broke most of it before Erim could enchant if off him. He seemed determined to get up and going. Spinning me around with his head, he nudged me in a direction. Kinda toward Camber. We persuaded him to hold off while we broke camp. While others got my stuff together, I got him to eat and drink, his real first in several days. We'd been trying to dribble water in his mouth to keep a little in him, but that is very hard to do without drowning the animal.

I expected to see Covenant that evening, but several days later still we trudged on. We passed to the north of Camber and some of us wanted to go and get supplies, as we were starting to run low... (what we get for being nice!), but Califax conveyed to us that we should be there before noon tomorrow. I won't go into how he did that, but it took forever with a lot of head scratching on the part of the two footed crowd!

We reached the forest and came to a clearing where a man had his back to us. Whirling around and starting to cast a spell, he noticed who we were, and we recognized him! It was Gadron the mage. Canceling the spell, he smoothed down his robes and calmly asked "Children, what are you doing here?"

Children... What a jerk!!!


First Post
Liadan's Journal 09, 10 & 11

So Gadron talked to Califax, and they communicated somehow. Everyone seems to think that Covenant and his party are dead. I don't know what I feel, but I don't feel he's dead. Separated, yes. Cut off, certainly, but dead.... I can't believe it, I WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!

Califax wanted to stay with Gadron, and Gadron wouldn't let anyone else stay. Great. After reminding me of my oath of Covenant, now they want me to break it. THANKS GUYS!!!!

I argued, I protested. Then I caught a look in Califax's eye. Anger and condescension. Like I'm some idiot child.

I got Gadron alone and he tells me that anyone staying with him is protected by him. I realized that he is able to take my place to protect Califax, I can transfer my responsibilities to him, and suddenly it felt like a huge burden was taken from my shoulders. I mean, I take my oaths seriously, but if Gadron doesn't want me there, Califax doesn't want me there, and I want to be with my friends, then this seemed a good way to set transfer my responsibilities to someone else.

Then we talked about Covenant. I told him our secret, well not all of it, and I had hoped that it would be a closer link than Califax, but evidently not. Then I tell him that I have other information that might help. He said it would, but I needed a reassurance from him. I asked him to swear an oath to me.

"Swear by Lathander, the gods you worship, and your magic that you will not use this information to harm Covenant or aid his enemies."

I was pretty proud of coming up with that on a moment's notice! He said he'd have to think about it and would get back to me. Sheesh.

Well we said our goodbyes and made our way back to Camber.

The town welcomed us with open arms and especially Nekaya and I. It seems their healer priestess, Mistress Saffron, had been sick for some time and the town was more than willing to admit visitors that could help out.

Over the next few weeks we made ourselves part of the community. I helped out with doing some shoeing and horse doctoring while at the same time worked out with the militia and acted as temporary healer to the town. All my free time was taken up working with Mistress Saffron, trying to get her well enough that she could get her healing magics back. I've been so busy, and that's why this entry is so late. To be honest I found I just wasn't skilled enough to heal her by myself. The time wasn't spent in vain however. I was able to get her up and talking again on a limited basis and everyone told me how much better she looked and acted. Those evenings I spent talking with her I learned a lot about the craft of healing, but I knew it wouldn't be enough.

We came up with the idea of Nekaya and a couple of militia men going to the next town to see if they could get a priest to come back and heal her, or else get a scroll, wand, potion, or anything else that could help save Mistress Saffron's life. We got donations from her congregation and more from others in the community that she had selflessly helped heal over the years. Our party also donated what monies we could spare and I guess we shamed the town leaders because they too came up with coin to help out. In a good bit of forward thinking, the council sent enough for Nekaya to get extra to make sure that something like this didn't happen again. After a day or two, Nekaya and her troop headed out. It would be a long month waiting for them to get back!

After a time the expected raiding army arrived; orcs, goblins, even trolls, but instead of mindlessly attacking they brought wagons and demanded tribute saying that they would leave them in peace if their demands were met. Wisely I think, the town council decided to reject their offer. The rejection came in the form of a killing rain of arrows. I showered Lathander's blessing on the group of men that I was leading on the town wall (oh yeah, cause our party could all fight so good, most of us in the militia got officer kind of jobs!). I could feel Lathander's power guiding the arrows of my men. We slaughtered all but a couple of the foul beasts. It was decided to send out hunting parties to find the last few survivors with the idea that having this huge army just disappear would be the strongest message we could send back.

A day or two after we sent out the hunting parties Nekaya arrived back with Esther, a healer about on the same level as I was. They also brought a bag full of wands, potions, salves, etc. In these was a wand of cure disease. After using it on Mistress Saffron, I saw she slipped into a deep healing sleep, one more restful than I had yet seen her take. I shooed everyone out and made sure she wasn't disturbed till she had slept herself out.

Over the next few days I saw her get better and stronger and much more lively, but still really old though. The town held a banquet and I took the opportunity to really do my hair up and get out that one good gown that mother insisted that I always pack. It was wrinkled and a little travel worn, but with some work it looked presentable. It always feels good to dress up now and then. I never thought I would hear myself admitting it, but I kind of miss some of the parties in Suzail!

After that was when things started to go wrong.

Some of the outlying farms turned up empty. Not the usual signs of slash, burn and pillage. Just no one there. Then patrols started to go missing. We got sent out to try and act as a decoy. We followed a regular route the patrols took and hoped to be ambushed so we could stop them. After a few days we didn't find any raiders, but we did find a dead body in the snow. After a time of looking over the body, we determined that he had been dead for some time and didn't look like he was killed by foul play. In his effects was a rod of some sort with black crystals in it. Nekaya detected immediately that it was evil and I offer to try and destroy it with a Mace of Faith. Sandrue for some reason wanted to keep it around to study. Not seeing any good reason to keep something evil around, I argued against it. I felt that it could only taint our party. In the end we put it to a vote. It was close, but the final decision was to try and destroy it. I could tell Sandrue was angry with me, but I couldn't change what I believed just to please a friend. I hope he gets over being mad at me.

We put it up on a wall and I called forth a Mace of Faith. Sandrue stood a lot closer to the thing that I wanted to. I felt like making him come back, but didn't want him madder at me than he already was, so I didn't say anything. That turned out to be a mistake!

I hit it with the mace. We could hear something break and then an inky cloud rose from the wall and started spouted evil threatening things. "You let me free without binding me. Foolish people you shall pay!" or something like that. Rock gripped his hammer and I could hear him muttering something about "I told you so". WHATEVER!

At that point my hand tightened over the holy symbol of Lathander and....

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