G-man Sitting


So I was watching Indian jones and the Last crusade, and the credits rolled up, who was listed as a character? I think the thread title gives it away....

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0513468/ Appearence 42.


I didn't catch the guy in the film though, who is he?

I just realised this might be better in Tv, books and movie.... Don't hesitate to move it Mods, If you think it fits better, but The G-Man is a mysterious character isn Half-life 1&2.

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A Wicked Kendragon
Len said:
Before Half-Life, "G-man" meant an FBI agent - a "Fed". It's short for "government man".
Before? I thought that was exactly what it meant in Half-Life too?

Government man I mean, not FBI agent.

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