"Here There Be Vampires" A Promise City, Arizona Story Hour

orchid blossom

The time drags by, with butterflies of nervousness growing in Ruby’s stomach. Finally they make their way to the stage office. Jake goes in the office to purchase the tickets while Chester and Nanuet load up their belongings.

Ruby asks the stage driver, "So how far of a trip is it to Thomaswell?"

The stage driver, an older, grizzled man with a tired look pushes his hat back to look at the person posing questions to him. "Thomaswell? Should be about 6 or 7 hours. That where you folks headed? Hadn't stopped there in quite a while, but this is my second trip there in the last couple days. Just freight last time though. Well, if you're all loaded up then the quicker you get on board the quicker we get going."

Ruby raises her eyebrows, "6 or 7 hours! Ugh. I hope I can sleep."

"Freight you say? I thought that town was fairly empty. Must have been something good with some happy well paying recipients..."

"Didn't bother to check, just left it at the office. I get paid the same either way. I'll try and keep the bumps to a minimum so you can get some shut-eye miss."

Ruby smiles at him dazzlingly and looks up from under her eyelashes. "My, isn't that nice of you! I surely will appreciate it."

The men finish loading the luggage on the coach and no one else shows up to take the southward ride. The coach driver explains that there are a few stops on the way before they reach Thomaswell but he doesn't expect too many if any other passengers.

Once everyone is settled the coach gently pulls forward and begins to head south out of Albuquerque.

Ruby pulls her legs up underneath her and cuddles up to Jake, resting her head on his shoulder.

Her headache is lessened but still noticeable and she ponders if she should let herself fall asleep again. Too quickly her eyes start to droop and Jake can feel her body relax as the rocking motions of the stage put her to sleep.

Once on the stage, Maddie pulled out the little purse she had taken out the night before to put the money she'd taken out with her the night before back with the rest.

"Damn it," she said suddenly, pulling out a very thin fold of bills. "Someone robbed me last night!"

Chester says, "Are you sure? Maybe you packed it?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It's not a lot of money, I just hate to think that Joe went to all that trouble just to rob me. I'm going to assume it was a pick-pocket," she said with a little shake of her head. "Thankfully, Daddy always told me not to carry more money than I need so they only got my fun money. Well, that'll teach me. Next time I keep it down the front of my dress."

"Well, keeping it down your dress will certainly keep it hidden, but who will prevent someone from finding it? It is not safe in these parts for a woman, especially one as striking as yourself," she smiles amiably, "to travel alone. You are welcome to continue to travel with us." She pats Nanuet's hand and eyes Jake and Chester. "I am quite sure that the gentlemen in our party would not mind being escort to one more beautiful woman."

"Nope, no trouble at all. Feel free to tag along with us, always safety in numbers anyway." Nanuet says. "But I am not sure who you are calling Gentlemen!" he adds with a chuckle.

The stage coach ride seems to go on forever. Much of the terrain is similar to what they saw on the train ride, flat open land with mountains in the distance. The road is relatively flat and there is no spot that would be a likely ambush spot. The driver assures the group that they really don't get much trouble on this route.

Shortly before the sun goes down a small town appears on the horizon. "That would be Thomaswell folks. Shouldn't be too long now."

Nanuet takes an observing glance at his companions one at a time, saving Minerva for last. He tried to determine their state of being and attitude. A nervous energy could be felt throughout the coach as the passengers fidgeted and stretched, most eyes fixed on their destination.

Jake stirs awake. The naps weren't long or deep but he managed to sleep most of the ride. He stretches a bit before combing his hair over with his fingers to change the part of his hair. He fishes around in his pocket for the glasses he recently acquired and then straightens out his hat.

They man they know well enough as Jake Cook extends his hand to Madeline. The familiar chin beard now replaced by an overall stubbly growth, his eyes are behind a pair of wire rimmed glasses and his hair falls evenly underneath the brim of a hat that no long slants at the slight rakish angle. "Alistair Jacobs of Denver, pleased to make your acquaintance." The slight Philadelphia accent is gone and replaced with a subtle mid-western one. It wouldn't fool anyone who knew him well, but was just different enough to fool a description of him. "I'll make up what I do for a living when I find out what they need in town." The little smirk that comes to his face ruins the disguise for them but is quickly gone.

Nanuet says, "So do we have any expectations of what we will find when we step off this coach? I mean are we walking right into a fight? Are we ready for this?"

"I imagine it will look like a town. Otherwise the stage wouldn't still be coming here. Other than that, I don't know what to expect." Jake starts changing the rounds in his pistols. "Everyone should have some kind of story to tell about why they are here. I suppose since the stage never comes here just our arrival is suspicious." Jake chuckles. "Listen and learn before you say much. Stepping off the coach and saying we are here to hunt blood sucking monsters is probably a poor plan. If we don't come up with a better plan and I think of something while we are there just follow my lead. I doubt anyone is going to believe all of us coming here together is a coincidence."

"I'm not sure what you're all hiding from, I thought we were going there to confront this guy. I suppose anything that you think will give you an edge is good, just not my style I guess," Nanuet says.

"I'd be perfectly happy if he was standing in the street waiting for me to gun him down." Jake finishes loading the incendiary shells in his long barreled pistol and starts on Pierre's enchanted loads in his fast draw pistol. "I somehow doubt it. Besides, didn't you two," indicates to Nanuet and Minerva, "say he needs to stay out of the sun? That indicates to me he has folks protecting him or he hides or something. I'm not optimistic that we'll be unnoticed by him for long, but why put up a sign and make it too easy?" Jake then loads Ruby's shotgun with the acid shells, then his own sawed off with the same. Finally he checks his Spencer and is satisfied that it is ready to go. "Nanuet, if he is hanging around where we can confront him we can do it your way." Jake draws his favored Colt and spins the cylinder. "I wouldn't mind that at all."

Ruby blinks a few times, as she wakes she is momentarily confused by the shoulder she was leaning on due to Jake's new look.

She is quiet while her friends discuss their arrival in town and tactics.

She sits forward in her seat and stretches her long arms and legs. Then she speaks suddenly, "I told you, he'll know I'm here, that I'm coming, I'm sure of it. It wont be a surprise. He's waiting for me."

The desire to drink from her hidden bottle was strong but not wanting to share her little secret with her friends instead she leans back and starts twirling her fingers in her hair as she gazes out the window.

"Damn." Is all Jake says and leans his head against the inside wall of the bouncing stage.

Without turning her gaze from the window she says, "But he's probably not expecting the rest of you, at least not Minerva, Nanuet, Chester or especially Kate."

"Well then he doesn't know you or us too well. We would never leave you to fight a battle like this alone. It is best if he doesn't know we are coming, and soon he will regret all that he has done."

Minerva says, "There probably isn't a preacher in this town. I'm sure that it will be easy enough to come up with a reason for Nanuet and myself to be here, some sort of Church business...." she shrugs her shoulders. "As for finding who we are looking for. Yes, I think it is reasonable to assume that we will be safe from him during the day. I think our best bet is to discreetly inquire as to the location of the freight that was forwarded here...but we need to be very careful who we talk to and extremely careful after dark. Oh, I almost forgot. I brought us something to help protect us from this abomination," she says, opening up her basket and pulling out what looks like necklaces made of large cloves of garlic. "Here, she says tossing one to each of them. We should all wear these at night. Padre Valdez said that it might keep him away and we need every advantage that we can get."

"I won't lie,” Nanuet says, “so if you want to make up stories you can. I will just try and keep quiet but if confronted directly, I just won't make things up."

Nanuet looks at the bulbs of garlic hanging from twine that Minerva is handing out.

"Now wearing this thing around won't raise any suspicions!" he says trying to stifle a chuckle.

"And it smells bad," Ruby chimes in.

"This is no time to worry about how you smell. Besides, between the train ride and the coach ride, I'm not sure we smell much better without it. It's just a simple precaution. If you don't want to wear it just hide it in your pocket or under your clothes." Minerva says firmly.

Ruby waits until Minerva turns her head then scrunches her nose at her.

Minerva watches to make sure that everyone, despite their grumbling, puts on a necklace. She is watching Ruby especially close but chooses to ignore her when she scrunches her nose. "It is important that everyone wear one." she re-iterates as she eyes Ruby.

Nanuet grudgingly puts the "necklace" of garlic over his neck and sits quietly.

Ruby stuffs her garlic necklace in her pocket before looking out the window again as they approach. The sun is setting and orange, pinks and purples fill the sky as the stars try to come out from their hiding spots. She sighs and says a quick prayer to Aphrodite to watch over her, Jake and her friends this evening. She grasps Jake's hand in hers as they near the town.

Jake sniffs at the necklace of garlic. "Whew! That new Italian chef is going to be mighty mad at you stealing all the garlic in town." Jake puts the string over his head and tucks it under his duster. "Heh, I've got it. We are traveling sales people from a company that sells seasoning and we have a special on garlic this month."

Minerva laughs a bit too loudly at the joke releasing some of her tension as she does so. "It's as likely as any other scenario we are bound to come up with. Perhaps we should all speak with Italian accents as well."

Ruby raises her eyebrow. What in Hades is so funny...

She tries to keep her nervousness at bay, having promised Jake she would. She plasters a fake smile on her face and gives a little insincere laugh so no one would notice. She lets go of Jake's hand and keeps to herself, going over in her mind how to be strong and not let him get to her.

Night is falling as the group approaches the desert town of Thomaswell, the sun has all but fallen and the whole area is bathed in red light. The coach pulls up to the edge of town and an eerie sight unfolds. At a crossroads a handful of people have gathered, some of them holding lanterns, as a priest intones funeral rites and a coffin is lowered into a freshly dug pit. Obviously Thomaswell's cemetery is full.

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orchid blossom

"What a cheery place...." Jake comments while gathering up his pack.

Ruby lets Jake take most of her belongings. As he is doing that she glances around and seeing Chester's bag hanging off the edge, she sneaks over and when no one is looking, pulls out a stake out. She slips it into the back of her skirt and covers it with her blouse.

Kate shoved the garlic into her pockets, not having much faith in an herb to keep a blood-drinking monster at bay. Besides, it wouldn't do to look too much like she belonged with this group. "Odd time of day for a funeral, don't you think?" she asked quietly as she fetched her bag.

Chester looks at the garlic necklace quizzically. He shrugs then puts it into his jacket pocket. "Thanks Minerva. Although it seems like these would keep away everyone, but a monster. Don't worry, I still have this." He pulls out the holy symbol from under his shirt." He looks at Jake. "Let's find a place to stay." He looks around. "Not that there are a lot of tourists around."

As they debark, Minerva looks at Nanuet and gently tries to reason with him. "I would not ask you to do or say anything against your morals, mi amor, but surely the gods will forgive a white lie or two if it will rid the world of evil. It is not possible to reveal our true intent at this point and people will surly ask why we are here in this obscure little town."

Nanuet says. "Why is it not possible to reveal what we are here for? Turner already knows us. You think a disguise is going to fool him? This is a creature that can get inside your head and control you like a puppet. I will do what I can to stay out of the way and avoid conversation with people."

Minerva places her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him as she continues to reason. "Yes, I agree that he will soon find out that we are here, which is why we must gather as much information as we can before he does so. We need time to do this and it would be to our advantage if we were not discovered in the night when he is able to act against us."

She turns to the others. "It is not only Turner that we must fear. Until we know who his minions are we are not safe even from the living. The good people of this poor desolate town may respond poorly to us in their fear also and may not trust us.” She turns back to Nanuet. "I will hold as closely to the truth as possible. I am a priestess and am here in service of the gods. That is the truth."

"I hold you to no moral code other than your own. It is your soul that bears the burdens of your choices. I will do my best to keep the safety of the group and our goal in my sights. I don't believe I have failed in that endeavor in the past."

Minerva stands on her toes, kisses his cheek and says sincerely. "and I do not believe that you will do so now, my noble warrior." but as you said earlier, we all have a part to play in this. "She looks him in the eye. I have faith that the gods will guide us. Now, I am going to go and speak with the padre and play mine." She says and walks over to the grave to speak with the priest.

Ruby takes her fireball rod that looks like a gun and slings it over her shoulder. "So where do we start?" she says but then notices the crowd at the funeral. She walks over, entranced, until she gets to the edge of the crowd. "What happened?" she whispers.

The somber group of five that is gathered at the crossroads to lay a soul to rest turn to face the newcomer. Most just lower their heads and fail to reply.

"Shh... wait till the funeral is over before asking any questions," responds a short, fat, balding middle aged man. He then turns back to the burial ceremony paying no more attention to the strangers.

A few more minutes pass before the two pall bearers begin filling in the hole. The other three begin to turn and walk away when one of them who just happens to be wearing a metal star pinned to his chest approaches Ruby.

"Saloon whore, died in her sleep," he says coldly. "Who might you be? Don't get many travelers in these parts lately."

She reaches out her hand, although a bit hesitantly. "My name is Constance. And you are?"

"Sheriff Jeff Wilson ma'am, pleased to make your acquaintance," he says grasping her hand and shaking it firmly. "We don't get too many visitors to town lately, what brings you folks here?"

"Honestly? I'm looking for someone. I think he's expecting me, but if he isn't then I want to surprise him." She looks back over her shoulder. "And them," she nods, "They're here to carry my bags. Well, the ones I know anyway.

Poor girl, she's really just up and died, huh? From what I hear you haven't been having much luck in this little town of yours lately."

"And just where are you from that you get news of our little town? Thomaswell hasn't been newsworthy in the past several years, unless you called being forgotten newsworthy. As for the girl, we haven't ruled out unnatural causes yet, but that is town business."

Ruby shrugs, "Only from the stage driver and the last town I was in where I got the stage." Ruby twirls a finger in her hair while she glances around the dingy town. "I'd never heard of this place either, except from the person I'm looking for. I have some uh, personal, business that involves him. Some important news, so to speak, so you see I had to come out here to your little town."

"And just who might this person be that you have business with? You in the family way or something? Actually, I won't pry into your business because you said it was personal, but I pretty much know everyone in town so I am curious who it might be with."

"My, aren't you quick on your toes," Ruby smiles. "I'm sure you realize there isn't much that can bring a girl this far away from home. As for the man, I would rather not say at this moment, he should hear what I have to say before anyone else does. But if I can't find him myself you just might find me at your doorstep."

"Well either myself or my deputy will be there. Hope you find what you are looking for ma'am."

"Thank you for your kindness." Ruby turns to walk away then stops. "Oh, could you direct me to a decent place to stay?"

"Sure, if you can afford it the Gordon Hotel is right up the street there," he says pointing to a 3 story building. "Rooms cost $4 a night, including breakfast. Otherwise there is a boarding house, but I don't recommend it."

"Oh!" Ruby exclaims, "I remember Colin mentioning that place..." She quickly covers her mouth with her hand as her eyes go wide. "Whoops," she says sheepishly, "I guess I let that slip." She bites on her lip before looking the lawman in the eyes, "So I guess it's ok to ask you then, do you know where I can find," she lowers her voice, "Colin Turner?" Her voice returns to normal, "I'd really like to talk to him soon, as time is of the essence. You understand, right?"

"Look lady, I don't know if you are trying to pull a fast one on me or not. You want something just ask for it. Colin travels a lot, but when he stays here he usually stays in that boarding house I mentioned. Keeps to himself mostly."

Ruby blushes, "Fast one? I'm not sure what you mean. I said I was here to find someone and I am. I know Colin travels, that is how I met him when he came to my town, and got myself in this particular predicament."

She shrugs, "Thanks for the help," and walks back to Jake, Nanuet and Chester near the stage.

orchid blossom

As the mourners begin to disburse Minerva approaches the priest. "Buenos Noches Padre, I am sorry for your sadness, but be cheered knowing that this soul has crossed the river and found its home in the heavens."

An old man with stern features looks at the priestess. "You cursing at me or saying hello? Never did learn any other languages." He lowers his eyes back to the grave. "Poor girl, I hope this one finds the heavens, doesn't always seem to be the way of things 'round here any more. Nice thoughts though, thanks for trying to cheer me up. Name's Siam York, nice to meet you."

“I am pleased to make your acquaintance Padre," Minerva says extending her hand. “Why do you say that this poor soul would not find her way home? Surely the gods will forgive her transgressions. You say she was a girl? By what means did the fates cut the string of her life so short? Was she ill? Do you have some plague in the area that I should be aware of?”

"Well certainly I am not a doctor; I did not concern myself with how she passed. I just do my duties the best I can. Why do I say her soul may not find her way home? Let's just say it's town business, evil seems to find us here now."

Maddie stood a little way from the others, looking confused. Four of the mourners began to walk away, and Maddie moved quickly to catch up with them.

"I'm so sorry," she said quietly as she approached. "And I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm looking for some family of mine. Mr. Jonathan Smith and his wife Maud? I don't suppose you'd happen to know them?"

The same short man who had chided Ruby for speaking during the funeral responded to Maddie/Kate.

"Jonathan and Maud Smith? Never heard of them. This is a small town Miss, if they had lived here I would have known. I think you might be in the wrong place."

"But the letter came from Thomaswell," she said in a voice laced with worry. She opened up her small purse and dug inside, the dropped her shoulders in defeat. "I was robbed last night, they must have taken the letter too. Oh....

I... I guess I'll have to stay here tonight. Thankfully they didn't get all my money. Maybe my uncle passed through and just mailed the letter from here. Is there a hotel?"

"Sure, Gordon's hotel is right there. Hope you find what you are looking for Miss, sorry about your family."

She nodded and sniffled. "Thank you for helping me."

Maddie picked up her bag and scanned the town, looking a little lost and giving the others time to catch up with her.

Ruby returned to the others. "I know where he stays," she says with no humor. "So do we check in the hotel or do we just go now?"

Nanuet's ears perk up at Ruby's announcement of the knowledge she had gained. "I am ready now, but we don't know what we are walking in to. Maybe that is best though, as he might not know we are all here and might not know what he is dealing with either."

Jake looks over at the departing mourners, "As long as we are ready to deal with the local townsfolk if they hear gunfire, I'd say let us test our luck."

As the others start to wander off Jake asks the stage driver, "How do we get a stage out of here? You said you don't come by here much any more."

"Well if I know you will be looking for a ride I will make sure I stop on my regular routes, I could make it through here 3 times a week. If you can try and buy a ticket from the office early, before you have to leave then they can wire me the office in Albuquerque and then I will know for sure to stop and pick you folks up. Any idea on when you might be needing that ride?"

"Tell you what, I'll give you a $2 tip on every trip you make by here to check for us. You just see me when you stop by, and I'll pay you and buy you a drink if you got the time." Jake hands him two dollar coins. "That is to remember us by. I'll try and wire you if we know far enough in advance."

"Gee thanks sir! I swore off the drink, but could always use the extra coin. I will do what I can to come regular and often. Usually come mid day or this time of night. Thanks for the tip!" he says slipping the coins in a small pouch.

Ruby watches the stage driver go off on his business. She cocks her head as she admires Jake, "You're so smart. I would never have thought of that."

"I am keenly focused on us getting out of here." Jake says plainly and without any bravado. "Every little bit helps."

“Alright baby." Ruby gives him a final smile and without any more words she adjust the fireball rod on her shoulder and starts walking more into town, looking for the Boarding House.

At the gravesite, Minerva continued to speak to the priest. "Padre, What do you mean evil seems to find you? Is there evil stalking this town? Being a priestess of the gods, the defeat of evil is my business also. Tell me what has happened."

"Ah, you are a priestess too? I did not recognize you in your traveling clothes." York's features soften a bit at Minerva's statement. "Glad to have a sister of the cloth here, even if it is just someone that I can talk with. Yes, evil has found us here. The dead do not always stay at rest, they rise, rise as terrible monsters, abominations of their former selves. This was all new to me until recently and I must sound like a crazy old fool but I swear on the Gods it is true. We buried Sally here at the crossroads to help protect her from the evil and I pray her soul will find its way."

"Others?” Minvera asks. “Have there been others who have met the same fate? How many others?"

"Two, two that got up and rose from their graves. This is the first victim we have buried at the crossroads. I am surprised that you take this information so well. You do not seem to doubt me." He pauses for inward reflections before continuing. "I am not sure how I should take that. It leads me to think you have some experience in this matter."

"Padre, I do not have a lot of knowledge in such matters, although I have done some reading of late. How can you be sure that burying this unfortunate girl at the crossroads will protect her soul from this evil? You say that others have been transformed? Do you know who did this vile thing to them? Where are they now? I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.”

Nanuet waits nearby for Minerva, half listening to the conversation that is going on between she and the town priest. Will it be that simple? he thinks to himself. Will we be able to confront him tonight and end this?

"Not the time to talk of these matters now, the night may have eyes and ears. Come visit me at the church when the friendly sun is out. Good evening Priestess."

"Minerva sweetheart, lets go, I think the others are waiting for us."

Nanuet takes up the baggage and slowly heads towards his companions watching the priestess over his shoulder as he walks.

Ruby meanders slowly so the others can finish their business and catch up to her, but she does catch up to Maddie.

Jake follows after Katherine and Ruby, laden down with the luggage. He is quiet and slowly takes in the surroundings. He scans the buildings, streets, alleys, and windows.

At this point the town appears to be mostly deserted. The buildings appear to be emptied or shuttered and those few people who are in the streets seem to be headed somewhere with a purpose. The town is basically laid out like a ladder with the side rails heading east/west and the ladder rungs north and south. The stagecoach dropped them off at the southernmost street facing west.

"So Miss, I heard that there's a hotel around here, if you're interested. Me and my friends are heading to the boarding house."

"Boarding house? My family isn't here, at least none of them had ever heard of them... I think I'll stay in the hotel, but I should ask at the boarding house after my family. Maybe they only passed through. I'll walk with you if that's alright. I don't like how this town feels."

"Of course that is alright," she says loudly, taking Kate's arm. "I'm here looking for someone too. I have some things to say to him."

"Thank you," Maddie said, finding a little smile. "From what I've seen, I'm guessing he's not your boyfriend."

Ruby continues the show, "Oh no, the guy I'm looking for is decidedly not my boyfriend." She glances over her shoulder and takes note that the lawman is still watching. "I'm afraid I have some news for him, this man I'm looking for. Not sure how he’s going to take it."

"You never can be sure with a man, they don't make any sense," she said and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. "We're taking him now?" she whispered.

Ruby replies, "Yes, I'm looking for him now. The nice sheriff said he lives in the boarding house. So I'm going to see if he's in."

"We're going. It's going to take all of us. But I have no objections to having you do the talking."

Ruby whispers to Kate, "I was only acting for the sheriff, he's watching. I don't even want to see you know who."

"I don't want to either. But it's kind of a requirement in order to do what we have to. Once he sees Maddie the disguise will be useless, but I won't be able to drop it. Not until we leave town at least." She sighed. "Seeing him is what we came for, sooner done, sooner over. And heaven knows these people will be safer for it."

Ruby returns the sigh, "Yes I know. But I..." She lets her voice trail off. "Maybe we should wait for the others now."

She stops walking and glances around for a passerby. Once she finds one she asks, "Excuse me, can you please tell me where the boarding house is?"

A rough looking man smiles a nearly toothless grin at Ruby. He stops and takes off his hat before speaking. "Sure darling. He points up the road past the Hotel. "Go up the road here and then make a right, head up that block and make a left at the intersection, it is a few buildings down on the left hand side. Looks like a pretty rundown place, not even sure if there is a sign but if there was it would say 'Smyth's' I suppose, that's who runs the place now. Best be gettin' on if you’re gettin', not too many folks hang around outside after sundown anymore."

"Thank you sir," Ruby comments, "But everyone really stays inside? I love the night time, what fun is that?" Ruby asks.

"Plenty of folks hang out at Greely's at night, just not too many of us stay out of doors for too long if we can help it. Strange stuff going on here lately. If you don't mind, I have to get going myself."

Ruby nods. "Alright then, thank you."

Ruby heads back over to Kate. "Let's go," she looks over her shoulder. "I guess Jake didn't want it known we are all together so... let's just go."

Ruby follows the man's directions, looking for Smyth's.

Chester grabs his bag and catches up with the women. "I sure hope you know where you're going. I hear there are wolves in the area. I for one don't want to get caught out in the open."

Ruby hears Chester's comment and looks at him, "Wolves? Here in town?"

Chester drops his voice, "Not that I can tell. Just making conversation. Why? Have you heard something?" Chester looks around to see if any townspeople are openly armed.

"No, I thought maybe you did. It's spooky around here," Ruby whispers back.

"You're telling me. There's no one around. He could have spies all over."

"These people are terrified," Kate whispered. "If he stays here there won't be anything left of this place."

"All the more reason for getting this done quickly. I'm not sure if tonight is the best time, though. We haven't scouted out his boarding house yet. Who knows what defenses he has."

"What in Hades is going on in this town?" Jake whispers to the ladies. "Everyone runs for it when the sun goes down?"

Ruby is startled by Jake suddenly being right next to them. She shrugs, "I guess he gets real hungry."

"Wouldn't you if people began dying each night?” Kate said. “They may not know exactly what's happening, but they know to keep their doors looked at night."

orchid blossom

Minerva looks up she sees Nanuet walking away with her bags. Now where is he going?

Not wanting to be left alone, she quickly ends the conversation with the priest. "I shall come see you, Padre. Bless you and may the gods keep the wolves in the hills." She picks up her skirts and hurries after Nanuet. This seems to be becoming a habit of his. "Wait for me!"

"I was waiting, but this seems to be the only way to get your attention sometimes, now lets hurry and catch up with the others."

Once Minerva has caught up with him he quickens his pace to try and catch the rest of the group.

Minerva trots beside him a bit breathless from her anger and trying to keep up with his long stride. "Well" she huffs, "I must say that I do not like it at all when you do that. I was trying to get information I would appreciate it if, next time you could wait a moment after you announce that you are leaving before you just rush off and leave me in the dust."

"This is no time to fight. I understand you were trying to get information but the group is leaving. I for one don't want to be left behind."

"Well you could have just said that instead of running off with my bags. Where are we going?" she says as she continues to try and match his stride.

"I really don't know," Nanuet says as they turn the corner and see the rest of their friends standing in front of a run down building. "I guess right there for now. Doesn't look too pleasant."

Ruby, Jake, Kate and Chester make their way past Gordon's Hotel and make the right turn as the stranger instructed. A chill wind blows by causing the hair on their necks to stand on end. There is little light as most of the buildings are shuttered closed. On the block that they turned onto, just past the Hotel on the right is Greely's saloon, the only sign of life around the town at this point. Music and conversation can be heard from inside as the group passes. They make their way past a couple more buildings including a small bank and a church on opposite sides of the street before they reach the next intersection. They make the left and quickly make out the run down boarding house a few buildings away. There are no lights inside, a few of the windows are broken and a shutter hangs crooked from the front window.

Ruby stops in front of the boarding house, the chill wind making her shudder and goosebumps cover her arms. She wraps her arms around herself as she looks up at the dilapidated building.

"I don't want to go in there," she says softly.

Kate slipped her arms around Ruby. "Neither do I, but I will."

When they all catch up Jake says, "Last chance before we go in. Do we go back to Greeley's and gather information and then look for him in the daylight or are we ready to go in guns blazing?"

Ruby says, "Considering I don't want to do it at all, we'd better go now before I completely change my mind. We don't even know he is here."

"We would have a better chance of finding him at home in the daytime. Perhaps now would be a good time to check out his lair." Minerva says her anger quickly changing to nervousness. "The priest told me that two others have become monsters also, they could be hiding in here too."

"I'm not sure how much more there is to be found out. And the longer we wait, the more chance he learns we're here."

Thoughts run quickly through Ruby's mind. Scared thoughts, confused thoughts, nervous thoughts, the conversation she had with Jake, trying to be brave thoughts, what Colin's eyes look like on her and his thoughts in her mind. She feels the weight of the stake in her skirts and hopes she can do what she has to do.

She ignores her friends standing outside, stalling again, and tries to enter the boarding house without a word. Unfortunately, the door is locked.

Ruby quickly decides that kicking in the door will cause too much noise so she glances around the street. Since no one is out and it's dark, she feels safe and she pulls her new lockpick set out of her bodice. She kneels in front of the door and starts trying to pick the lock.

As she works on the lock the others see a light appear from inside towards the back of the first floor. The light slowly works its way towards the front of the building.

Jake drops the luggage and takes out his sawed off shotgun. He scans the street, windows and sky.

Chester drops his bags and puts his hand on his right pistol. "Careful, we don't want to shoot Turner's housekeeper." Minerva takes out her pistol and moves to the side of the building while Nanuet moves to the side of the door and puts his hand on one of his knives.

Jake taps Chester's arm and points up across the street at the dark birds perched on the single story building. "Ruby, light coming from inside."

Chester takes a peek. "Not a good sign. Looks like they're waiting for something." Chester looks back at the open door. His hand still rests on his grip.

Kate stood a little away from the others, looking up and down the street and putting on her best confused face. She pulled out a little piece of paper and looked at it, then looked at the boarding house. She rubbed her arms as if she were cold and waited.

Ruby picks the lock with relative ease. The door swings in and she hears the sound of footsteps very close by and sees the light of a lantern or candle just around the corner.

An elderly male voice rises out to the street. "Hey what in tarnation is going on? Don't you see the bell? Don't people knock any more?"

Ruby stands and quickly stuffs the picks back down her bodice. "Oh sorry sir, I didn't see the bell actually." She pauses and tries to get a good look at the man. Squinting in the light she says, "I'm looking for someone, it's important."

A tall, gaunt man dressed in full length red longjohns is holding a sputtering lamp. "Well why didn't you say so. Why don't you bring yourselves inside where I can see you." The man holds the light up and sticks his head outside. "Don't get to many boarders lately, had a long day just figured I would turn in early. Sorry I didn't leave a lamp on for you."

The man holds the door open and directs the group to his parlor which is just to the left of the door. Directly opposite the door is a set of stairs leading to the upper floor and to the right appears to be a dining area.

Jake tucks his shotgun back under his coat and lets it hang from the lanyard. He follows the man inside dragging his baggage inside.

Chester grabs some bags and brings them inside. "Evening, sir. Are you Mr. Smythe?"

"Yup, I guess I am. Now young lady, you said you were looking for someone and that it was important? Who might you be looking for, I hope it isn't old Henry Smythe, I haven't done anything important in years!" he says with a chuckle.

Ruby keeps her voice low as she speaks. "It's alright. We understand this town has been having some... issues lately and not too many people travel at night. We're looking for someone. He has something of mine and it's really important I speak to him."

"Well maybe I can help you better if you tell me who that person might be." The elderly man walks towards a dusty chair. "Mind if I sit? These old bones of mine ache all the time now."

Ruby smiles at the man. Either he is covering or really stupid...I'm betting a little of both. "Colin Turner. He's a good friend of mine."

After Ruby says the name Jake watches the man very closely observing his reaction and response. While Minerva says outside on the side of the building and listens through the broken window. She continues to look around, watching for any movement or anything unusual.

"A good friend of your's you say? That's odd, can't remember Colin having any friends, good bad or indifferent. He rents the room in back. I doubt he's in though, he has a key to the back door, comes and goes as he pleases. Heard him moving around earlier today, or at least I though it was him. Might be over at Greely's he hangs out there most nights when he is in town."

"Really? We passed it on our way over here." Chester hopes someone else caught the mention of a back door direct to Turner's room.

"Yes. I met him when he passed through my town. I'm quite sure he knows me," Ruby smiles. She gives Jake a look, hoping he picks up her thoughts.

"Well I can go see if he's in for you. What did you say your name was again?"

"Actually, if you don't mind, I'd prefer it be a surprise..." Ruby says.

"A surprise you say? Well if I weren't so old and thought my heart could take it I'd like surprises too. Stay here and I'll be right back."

The old man lights a candle from the lamp and leaves the lamp for the group to see with and heads towards the back of the building through the eating area on the other side of the front door.

Ruby waits a few moments then stands and follows the man quietly at a distance.

Kate whispered very quietly to Jake. "If he's not here, I can look in Greeley's for him. He will certainly know any of you. He might not know me this way."

Jake nods at Katherine, "But wait for us." He follows quickly after Ruby as noiselessly as possible.

Minerva turns to Nanuet and whispers, "Let's go check the back way in."

Nanuet slides over to stand near Minerva. He sees that she is listening intently through one of the broken windows. He moves up next to her and whispers. "What is going on in there?"

"The old man said that Colin uses the back entrance to get in and out. Let's go check it out," Minerva says and quietly makes her way to the back entrance where she tries the door.

Nanuet nods in agreement and heads to the back following Minerva closely. He loosens the pistol in it's holster and pulls a knife out of it's sheath.

Ruby and Jake sneak behind the elderly Mr. Smythe. There is a hallway that leads out of the dining area heading towards the back of the building. He heads that way after stopping to pet a large tabby cat. He is whistling to himself and appears to not notice Jake and Ruby who are having a very difficult time navigating the creaky floor.

The hallway goes all the way to the back of the building with two doors to the right and one to the left as well as one at the end of the hallway which could only lead outside. Mr. Smythe heads to the door on the left and is about to knock when he hears a creak in the floor.

"Now I thought I told you kids to stay put!" he yells and turns back towards the dining area. "I don't need a bunch of strangers wandering around my house!"

Sorry," Ruby says softly. "But I'm dying to see if my friend is here."

Kate stayed back with Chester, but replaced her money purse with another that contained some odd bits and bobs. Her eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and she keep them moving around the room, watching for anything strange.

Chester and Kate notice the room is dusty and filled with cobwebs. It is mostly a sitting room and is decorated as such with several upholstered chairs, most with tears in them. There is also a desk that is canted to one side and has a matching wooden chair pulled up to it. There are shelves on the walls that are filled with old knick knacks such as model ships, children’s toys and faded paintings.

"Mr. Martin," Kate said, emphasizing the accent she'd been using as Maddie, "Did you notice how bright the moon is tonight? For a moment I thought it flickered, but it must have been my imagination. This town is giving me a case of the shivers."

"You can call me Chester, Maddie. I agree about this place. Like there's an evil soaked into the ground of the town. He walks over to the desk and takes a look at the stuff strewn about the top, but doesn't touch anything.

There are scratches on the floor from where the chair has been dragged on the floor and on the top of the desk he sees a couple empty ink pots and a piece of wax melted on one end. He also notices the dust near the handles of the roll top has been disturbed.

"Well I will let you know, now get outta here," Smythe grumbles in response to Ruby. He watches the dining area for a few moments to see if anyone is continuing towards him. Satisfied that they are not he knocks loudly on the door, his swollen knuckles making an odd sound against the aged wood. He waits a few moments before knocking again and yelling out "Mr. Turner, are you in this evening? There is someone who says she is a friend of yours. A beautiful young lady I must say!"

He waits for a moment and knocks and yells one more time then puts his ear to the door. After that he returns to the parlor to tell them "He appears either to not be at home or to not be taking visitors this evening."

Ruby breathes a sigh of relief but then her muscles immediately tighten up again. "Dammit," she mutters, "I want this over with!" Not sure if she can trust the man she starts concentrating really hard in the area he is standing, then slowly taking a look in the whole area.

Jake asks, "How many other guests do you have? Do you have rooms available?"

"Other guests? No other guests. I have 2 rooms that are available upstairs, the others need repairs, roof leaks and such. If you'd like I can make them ready for you, but no more than two per room."

"Anybody interested in seeing the rooms upstairs?" Jake says to Maddie and Chester.

Chester refuses, and Kate says, “No, I'd just like to ask after my Aunt and Uncle."

Ruby snaps out of her concentration. She shakes her head, not having found anything.

"Thanks for checking. We'll go check out the saloon." She doesn't bother to wait for Jake to get rooms before she heads out the door and starts over to the Saloon.

"Looks like the lady does not want to look at the rooms." Jake grabs their gear and heads out into the street the way he came in.

"You can go with your friends, Chester. I'll be along."

Kate went quickly through asking Mr. Smythe about her fictitious relatives, and was appropriately distressed and the negative answer. She thanked him politely and moved to follow the others outside.

“Have a good night, Mr. Smythe." Chester leaves with Maddie. Outside, he says, "I wanted to take a look at the desk in the sitting room. Someone's used it recently. Smythe said that Turner comes and goes by his own door."

"You should have looked. You could go back and ask about a room, but I don't suppose he would leave you alone down there. I could go back with you and peek while you're gone... but you might get stuck staying there then."

Chester shudders. "I don't want to get stuck in the same place as Turner. It's not important. Let's go to Greeley's. I wonder how easy it would be to sneak in the back of the house."

Nanuet waits with Minerva near the back door. "Do you see that?” he says, pointing to the moon. “It looks like bats or something, but there are so many. I don't think I have ever seen that many at once."

"How odd! What do you suppose that it means? Let's see if we can get inside." She tries the door and finds it locked. Just as she tries it though she hears someone exit quickly out the front door.

"What was that?" Nanuet says. "Sounds like they might be leaving."

He makes his way around the side of the building towards the front at a moderate pace.

Minerva steps back outside and follows Nanuet to the front of the house where she sees everyone leaving. She catches up with them, while continuing to watch the moon.

Nanuet grabs his and Minerva's luggage from the front of the old boarding house and heads after Ruby and the others hoping that Minerva follows.

"Meirda!, I'm going to have to have a talk with that man!" she mutters and rushes once again to keep up. "Wait for me!"


First Post
Looks like you guys run a really enjoyable game. I have only finished Post nine, but I like what I read :) Perhaps if Ruby had sung the "Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" instead, she would have had a better time of resisting Mr. Turner's charm spell ;)

"Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap thy kittle and thy posies
Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten---
In folly ripe, in reason rotten."

orchid blossom

Thanks Eeralai. :)

The great thing about a PBP, at least for us, is that it can be really roleplay intensive. The format just seems to lend itself to it. You'll notice quite a few long, unbroken conversations as well. These are usually done via private messages and posted whole. That way the rest of the group isn't trying to think of something to do while two characters talk.

Poor Ruby has a rough time of it in this adventure.... We are just wrapping it up real time, so as long as I have the time the updates should come one every other day or so.

If you want to know how the characters developed as far as they are now, you can check out the story hour threads for the first two advetures. They're going to feel a little different, they were run by our usual DM (who needed a break for this mod) and also written by him. Here's the links:

Revenge, Renewal, and the Promise of a New Year

Wizards, Whiskey, and Wonderful Things

orchid blossom

Greely's Saloon

Ruby makes her way back the way they came and heads towards Greely's saloon. As she approaches she notices a huge man standing outside the door. He smokes a cigarette awkwardly and scans the street occasionally. He straightens up when he notices Ruby followed by the others heading towards the saloon.

Ruby smiles at him and says, "Good evening," but makes no attempt to slow down, continuing to enter the saloon.

The man puts a thickly muscled arm out and prevents Ruby from going inside. The man speaks slowly and slurs his words.

"Hey! You wait a minute pretty lady. Do you have any guns with you? Greely says no guns."

Ruby notices the man has a large scar on the side and back of his head.

Ruby bats her eyes at him, "Well, I have this," she points to the "rifle" slung around her shoulder. "Does that count?" She tries to look over his shoulder into the Saloon.

Jake comes up behind Ruby who is talking to the large man. He drops the bags with a loud thump.

The giant of a man scratches his head for a moment and says "Yeah that counts. You have to leave that here with me. Greely says no guns."

Ruby looks in and sees a typical saloon scene. There are about two dozen people all told inside the saloon. A few men are gambling in the back of the smoke filled room while a serving girl brings a tray of drinks to another table. A couple professional escorts work the room and there is a man behind the bar.

The simpleton looks down at Jake as he drops the bags. "Hello sir, if you have any guns you have to leave them here. Greely says no guns."

Ruby turns to Jake. "Darling, we can't go in with my gun, and it's my special gun that I don't like giving up. Maybe we should go back to the house? Or should I give this nice man the gun for a bit?"

"I'm a walking blasted army of guns," Jake mutters to the man. "Before I leave my protection I'd like Mr. Greely to explain to me how I am safe inside without them." Jake glances around the street behind them.

Minerva catches up with Nanuet and passes by him without uttering a word. She heads for the saloon where Jake and Ruby are about to enter but does not acknowledge them. She greets the man at the door with a bright smile. "Buenos Noches."

Nanuet catches up with the others outside of the saloon. "Look guys this is a little ridiculous. I really don't feel like touring town with all this luggage and stuff. Can we find a spot to put this stuff?"

"Hello second pretty lady. You can go in if you don't have a gun. Greely says no guns."

"Gracias Senor," Minerva says and smiles innocently as she walks by him with her pistol hidden in the secret pocket of her gown.

"Uh oh. You have guns? I can't let you in. Mr. Greely says no guns. Let me go get him."

The bouncer walks inside and then comes back outside very quickly. He has a big smile on his face.

"Mr. Greely says it's OK, you can come in with guns, just don't shoot nobody." he says with a guffaw then wipes the drool from his face with his hand.

Ruby raises an eyebrow at Jake to be prepared before walking past the large man and into the saloon behind Minerva.

"Thanks," Jake says to the man. "If I see nobody I'll make sure I don't shoot." Jake then drags the bags inside the door and leaves them in a pile there. "Come on in everyone."

Kate sighed with relief. She had been debating whether or not to follow Miss Florencia so she wouldn't be alone. Maddie followed the others inside, carrying her own light bag. Keeping a bit separate from the others, she went to the bar and got a glass of wine. Maddie's bright smile returned to her face as she scanned the room with open and friendly interest.

A mousy looking balding man nods to the newcomers to the saloon. "Sorry about that folks, make yourselves at home. I'm John Greely, and that's my friend Thom. Got kicked in the head by a horse about a year back so I try and help him out. Hope he wasn't any trouble. Pull up a chair, can I get you folks something special to drink?"

"That's OK. I've been a bouncer, so I understand why you don't want guns in here. I'll have a beer, please." Chester looks around for Turner.

"Whiskey," Jake says while scanning the room quickly. "How come you are the only place in town where folks gather after dark?"

"I'll have a whiskey too." Ruby pauses, "Wait! Make it two."

"Whiskey and beer coming right up, a double for the lady."

Greely quickly works on getting the drinks together. As he does he answers Jake's question. "Well after Thom's place closed down this is the only saloon in town. Only place for gambling too, so I guess it makes sense folks would gather here. Not much else to do around these parts after dark, work is done by then I reckon."

Minerva takes her time looking over the room. She watches a woman take a man by the hand and walk him over to the bar where he leaves two coins and follows the woman upstairs where they disappear into a room.

She also sees a very tall man with a receding hairline and a permanent scowl gambling in the back of the room. He stands out because he is very well dressed, especially when compared to the others. He also seems to be throwing a lot of money around and losing most of it at gambling. She also notices that his right arm is bandaged heavily.

Lastly she notices a man wearing a full length black coat sitting quietly in the corner. His hat is tilted low on his head concealing most of his face. He has a toothpick hanging out of his mouth which he twirls slowly. A peacemaker sits on the table in front of him as does a bottle of whiskey.

When Ruby's drink shows up she quickly downs half of the large glass. Not seeing Turner, for the first time she imagines that he might not even be in this dirty little town. She lets her guard down, but only slightly. While everyone is scanning the room she pulls out her little bottle and pours a couple drops in her drink. She does it mostly under the table, but doesn't go out of her way to hide it. She puts the bottle back in her jacket when she's done.

Then she casually sips at the drink while she also glances around the room. Once the bartender gets back into view she says, "Hey! I'm looking for a friend. A tall blond guy? Have you seen him? A Mister Turner?"

"Who, Colin? He's usually around. Didn't see him tonight, but he might be entertaining a lady upstairs. He lives over at that Smyth boarding house I think if you want to go look for him there."

"We did look there already. It's important I find him too. You think he might be upstairs? He's a friend and I bet he would be really happy to see me." She shudders inside as she says these words.

"He might be, but I said I didn't see him. If I do I will tell him someone is looking for him. Excuse me darling, got some customers to wait on. These guys get angry if they have to wait for their beers."

The bartender walks away and Ruby comments to her friends, "There is no way we can stay in this town tonight with the possibility of him out there, here, somewhere." She takes a few larger sips from her glass.

"Well then where are we going to stay? The stagecoach is long gone and we don't know the area. I don't see how we have a choice." Nanuet says.

Ruby glances at Nanuet with narrowed eyes but doesn't say anything to him.

"The hotel it is then. I hope the front desk is open late. Looks like we're all too busy to get rooms." Chester takes a stool at the bar where he can see the upstairs room. He orders a beer and watches.

Chester nudges Minerva. "What do you make of the mysterious man over there? Don't look, but you must have noticed him already."

Out of the corner of his eye, Chester catches some movement. He turns to see someone open a door. The person comes part way out, then retreats and closes the door. "Somebody doesn't want to see us. I just saw somebody duck back into one of the rooms up there."

"The man with the gun? Yes, I did notice him," she says softly to Chester. "He does seem rather conspicuous? And he's not going to nearly as much trouble to hide that peacemaker as he is his face. He could just be the saloon peace keeper." She shrugs. “Maybe I'll just make my way over to the back of the room and see if I can get a better look.

“I certainly can't go up there, Chester. It could be someone else that he's avoiding. Did you catch what color his hair was? I wonder what's up with that guy?” she says nodding to the well dressed man with the bandaged arm. “Wouldn't be a bad idea for someone to join that poker game back there but I don't know enough about the game to play without getting shot. Perhaps Jake would be interested in a hand or two." She casually makes her way over to Jake and makes the suggestion and then wanders past the gambling table to see if she can hear anything of interest on her way. She continues toward a spot where she can observe the man with the peacemaker.

Most of the men's eyes follow Minerva as she crosses the room. "It is going to be hard for me to do much unnoticed with so many eyes following me," she thinks.

She catches a few snippets of conversation

-haven't had that many visitors in...

-Greely needs the extra business...

-I wonder what she wears underneath that...

-what could they be in town for?

She then makes her way to a spot where she can get a good look at the stranger in the corner. He doesn't move other than to reach for his whiskey glass, take a sip and then put it back on the table.

orchid blossom

Jacky O'Neill

Jake responds to Ruby and Minerva's conversation about where to stay. "Seems like all the townsfolk recommended the hotel. Unless we are going to walk out into the desert. Maybe they are charging four dollars a night because it is the only safe place in town."

Jake nods to Minerva when she makes the suggestion about playing poker. "Ruby, would you like to play instead? You are pretty good and he is throwing money about." Jake takes a moment to clean his glasses as part of the act. "It would take your mind off a few things and you could probably charm some information out of him where I couldn't. Something tells me it is Mr. Jacobs that needs to talk to that man with peacemaker on the table."

"Chet, keep an eye out for that guy you spotted. Let us know before you go running off though." Jake pats him on the arm.

Ruby ponders for a moment and twirls her finger in her hair while she thinks. "Sure I'll play cards. I like to play... And I am pretty good." She smiles knowingly.

She leans towards Jake and whispers in his ear, "Are we supposed to be pretending not to be together? You know, with your disguise and all?"

"No, that is not necessary. My disguise won't last long anyway. Who did you say you were to the townsfolk? Just tell folks I'm your business partner, or servant or even your husband if you like." Jake snorts a laugh. "If you pick husband I'll try not to be too bossy. Of course I could be the henpecked type and you could walk all over me instead." Jake laughs again before the smile becomes gentler. "Decide what you like. We WILL get a room together at the hotel. I couldn't bear to have you too far away." He delicately touches her hand and releases it.

Ruby smiles warmly at Jake. "Good. I couldn't bear to be away from you either."

"I said my name was Constance and that I had something important to tell Colin. The sheriff thinks I'm having Colin's baby. I didn't say that but I didn't correct him. I said you were all here to carry my bags but he didn't pick up on that either."

Ruby stops again, lost in thought. "I would always choose to have you as my husband but you know that already. I'm not sure that is the best idea though... It would be nice to be respectable for a change, even if only for a couple of days. We could have been the Cookies," she laughs.

"The Cookies indeed. Will Baxter always haunt us?" Jake replies humorously. "Fine then Mrs. Jacobs, I'm going to see that tough looking guy in the black coat." Jake says looking at his own black duster and Colt sidearms. "Does he remind you of anyone?" Jake smirks and walks slowly over to the table where the man is sitting, his unbuttoned duster pulling open as he navigates through the chairs.

Chester watches the upstairs room for some time. After about 20 minutes a woman dressed in the garb of a prostitute comes out of the room. She has a nervous look about her and seems very tentative as she makes her way downstairs.

Chester slides off his stool and makes his way over to the woman. "Evening, Miss. Do you know who that guy was in the room with you? I can pay for your time if you like. I just want to find some answers."

The woman looks Chester up and down slowly gaining her confidence back. After a moment she speaks, her voice cracking at first. "What are you law or something?" she asks. She then turns to the barkeeper Greely and pointing at Chester she says "Greely, this guy law or something? Ain't never seen him around."

Greely shakes his head and says, "Don't know if he is or if he ain't. First time I seen him myself. Didn't seem to want trouble before you got his attentions. Guess you still got the magic touch," he says with a snicker.

Chester asks the woman, "Do you see a badge? It just seemed to me that your client didn't want to come out when he saw me. You looked a bit nervous back there. If the guy is crazy, I'd like to know before he shoots up the place. If you don't want to tell, then so be it."

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I think it is in my best interest not to, if you catch my drift. Let's just say my last customer is a shy guy and real nervous around new folks. How about you? Looking for some company stranger?" she says gently touching Chester's cheek with a soft hand.


"A man who displays his weapon on a saloon table is either sending a message or forgot his holster." Jake takes a sip out of the glass of whiskey he is carrying. "I bet you have a holster. Care for some company?"

"The darkly handsome man look out from under his hat. He smiles and nods to Jake and then speaks with an Irish accent as he removes the gun from the table and puts it in his holster. "The act works better and better every time, but usually the ladies come over first. Name's Jacky O'Neil. Have a seat stranger, can I buy you a drink?"

"I believe I'll take you up on that offer. Alistair Jacobs. Pleased to meet you." Jake drops himself into the chair. "The ladies find that enticing do they, the dark dangerous mysterious man bit? Do you actually know how to use that thing or is it just a table decoration."

"Barkeep, two whiskeys!" Jacky looks at his gun and smiles. "Well I can't tell you all my secrets right off the top can I? As far as the ladies go, I'm still figuring it out so far it only seems to attract the wrong ones." The whiskies arrive and Jackie offers a toast "To our health!" and then downs his in one gulp. "So what brings you to a little town like this?"

"What are the wrong ladies Jacky?"

Jake tosses back his glass of whiskey as well, but scrunches his face slightly at the quality. "I am here keeping my partner company, she has some personal business with one of the local residents. I myself am sort of an entrepreneur, always looking for a good business deal. I figured I would check out the town while we are here." Jake leans forward a bit and says quietly, "If you don't mind me saying so with what little I've seen, it doesn't appear to be a good place for investments. Unless of course you are in the mortuary business."

"Came here to scout the place out myself but yeah, this place is pretty much used up. Not sure what you mean about the mortuary business stuff though. I know most of the residents, who is your partner looking for?"

"The town cemetery seems rather large and fresh. There were folks burying a lass when we got off the stage. They made comments about how frequent that happens here." Jake then focuses carefully on the man's face to gauge his reaction when he says, "She is looking for a man named Turner, Colin Turner."

"Hmm... well I've been in town for about a week now, don't remember anyone by the name of Turner. I guess some of the locals might know better, but I figured I had met just about everybody by now. I understand what you mean about the cemetery. Poor lass died just yesterday, upstairs at the Gordon Hotel I believe it was. Not sure if they ever determined the cause of death. You play cards Mr. Jacobs?"

"From time to time. It's my wife who is the real card player though. Seems like she's always getting the better of me." Jake adjusts his glasses casually. "So you came here to scout the place out, find it sorely lacking, are attracting the wrong ladies as you call them and yet you are still here. I wonder what keeps Jacky O'Neil sitting at a table attracting strangers in a dead end town."

Ruby watches Jake approach the man with the gun before heading to the back to the room. She puts a dazzling smile on as she approaches the dirty looking men. She waits patiently until she gets their attention to speak. "Excuse me gentlemen," she purrs, "Would you mind if I joined you?" She bats her eyelashes and flips her hair from one shoulder to the other. "I just love to gamble."

"The tall well dressed man with the receding hairline just continues to scowl and rolls his eyes. The other men seem agreeable and introduce themselves as Edwin, Charlie, Fingers, Billy and then point to the scowler and announce his name as Bobby."

"Did I say you could tell these folks what my name was? Suppose I didn't want her to know my name? Are we playing cards or what?"

"Oh sure Bobby, I didn't know, I didn't know." replies Charlie. "Let's keep playing cards" he says pulling out a chair for Ruby.

Bobby speaks to Ruby but doesn't look her in the face. "Game is 7 card stud ma'am. Ante is 50 cents. You're dealin'."

"Of course," she smiles warmly as she sits, then nods, "It's nice to meet you all." She reaches down her gown and pulls out a small wad of bills. She throws a $1 in the center of the table, taking $.50 back for her change.

Ruby pulls her long hair back behind her ears before she reaches for the deck of cards. She quickly decides not to try any scams, as they have enough to worry about at the moment. She uses her skillful hands to bridge and snap the old, worn in, musty deck, deftly shuffling them thoroughly, before dealing a round to each player.

She looks up from her dealing, and with the same dazzling smile says, "Alright, let's play."

After just a few hands Ruby believes she is the best player at the table by far. The others seem to know each other's tendencies well since they must play together often, but she gets a read and figures out tells on each of them very quickly. Bobby bets more aggressively than the others and seems to take things more personally than the others. He does however seem to avoid getting in heads up situations with Ruby, preferring to play with the other players.

Ruby glances over at Jake, sitting with the mysterious man. He seems relaxed so Ruby guesses there is no immediate danger. She sighs to herself, What is Jake telling him about why we are here? She hadn't had a chance to argue about being Mrs. Jacobs, as much as she imagined she might enjoy being Mrs. Cook, this was a sore topic between them and Ruby didn't think it was a good plan to pretend she was married to Jake. She might like it too much and then she would be even more disappointed and hurt on this subject than she already was. Then again maybe this would be a good time to show him what is could be like...

She suddenly shakes her head. What are you thinking girl! There is a monster who wants to suck your blood and keep you as his pet for eternity and this is what you're thinking about?? Then she puts the smile back on her face. Jake was a topic that would always come before all others.

As everyone looks down at the first set of cards dealt, Ruby slips her hands underneath the table and moves her ruby ring to her ring finger on her left hand. When she looks up one of the men is looking at her.

"So pretty lady, you gonna tell us your name and why someone as pretty as you is even here in our little town?" Billy asks.

She nods and smiles, "My name is Constance." She looks quickly to Jake before continuing, "Jacobs. Constance Jacobs. I'm looking for someone, that's why I'm here." She looks back down at the cards in her hands.

"It's not safe for a pretty lady such as yourself to be here, and especially to be here alone." Ruby looks up at this statement and the man introduced as Charlie is staring at her lewdly.

'Well, Charlie is it? Sorry to disappoint you but I can take care of myself," she says forcefully. "And I'm not alone. That's my husband over there." Ruby again looks at her cards and throws two down, like she isn't concerned, but suddenly glad she had that excuse to fall back on.

"Married, huh?" Charlie responds, with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Bobby interjects before Ruby can respond, "Are we gonna play or yap?" The others are immediately quiet and they get back to the hand.

Ruby asks, "So what IS up with this town? I've heard some strange rumors. Plus it seem pretty dead here at night. What's everyone nervous about?"

Edwin looks at Ruby quizzically. "Well the town doesn't have much going for it lately. Like most towns out here someone found silver in the nearby hills, and this was the only spot around where they could find water for a well so the town sprouted up around it. But the silver didn't last too long. By then though there was a small town here and lots of folks thought it was a good place to stop on their way back and forth. Once they built the railroad though that kinda stopped too. Some of the traveling salesman types still come through, but mostly we support ourselves now."

Bobby Whitaker is still not pleased with the amount of conversation in the game. He throws down his cards and declares "I fold!" and gets up from the table.

"What's wrong with him?" Ruby asks the others, trying to avoid the still leering Charlie. She watches Bobby stomp off and as he walks past Jake Ruby quickly glances to make sure everything is still ok.

"Oh don't mind him, he's always like that. Got more money than the bank and doesn't mind parting with it here at the table. He's a grumpy bastard, but we don't mind taking his cash right boys?"

The last comment gets the remaining men all laughing heartily.

Ruby looks toward Jake, and this time her eyes are drawn to the stranger. Her heart flutters slightly as she takes a good look at the mystery man. Classically tall, dark and extremely handsome with a lean but muscular body he actually resembles Jake a good deal. She's almost entranced as she asks dreamily, "Who's that man over there?" while twirling her ring around on her finger.

"New guy in town... Jacky O'Neill. Real friendly type, maybe a little too friendly if you ask me. Wants to get to know everybody and their business. I think he's up to something."

Ruby continues staring, distracted. "Will you gentlemen excuse me for a moment? I think I'll introduce myself..." She stands and without breaking her gaze from Mr. O'Neill waits for a response.

"Aww... all the ladies got something for that guy. What's he got that we don't?" the man introduced as Fingers says with a mock whine.

"Maybe because he doesn't have holes in his underwear like you and he puts on a fresh pair once in a while," Billy jokes with his friend. "Sure go ahead ma'am, we'll keep your seat warm."

Ruby nods and heads directly over to Jake's table. As she walks she stands tall and pulls her hair off her face. She stops, standing next to Jake.

She keeps her eyes on the stranger as she speaks. "Hi baby, I missed you. Who's your new friend?"

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Jacky begins to answer Jake's question but he is distracted the moment that Ruby comes into view. He stands up and gently takes Ruby's hand and gives it a light kiss. "Name's Jacky miss." Jacky then turns to Jake and says "And you said this charming lady was your partner, you didn't mention anything about her being your sweetheart... baby."

Jake chooses to ignore the jibe, though the thought crosses his mind to shoot him. "Yes, well in some places Mr. O'Neil it is common to refer to your wife as your partner." Jake stands and gives Jacky a confident smile. "Constance, Mr. O'Neil was just telling me he was new to town also. Only been here a week."

"Right, your wife is your partner," she says distractedly. Ruby blushes as he keeps her hand in his grasp and she takes her time gently pulling it back. She keeps eye contact with Jacky as she speaks slowly. "Really? Only a week. How interesting."

"We were trying to decide where to stay, the hotel or the boarding house. Do you have any suggestions for us, Mr. O'Neill? We'd like somewhere safe, you know, from the things that go bump in the night. I'm quite terrified of the night creatures."

"Well Miss, I don't see you shakin' and I am definitely a creature of the night. Seems like that's when all the fun stuff happens anyways. As far as accommodations go, the only place fit for a lady like yourself is the Gordon Hotel. Plenty of rooms over there, but it is a bit pricey. I'm sure your partner here can afford to treat his lady properly though. I imagine the hotel is safe as anyplace else around here, just be careful who you bring back to your room Constance," Jacky says with a snicker.

"Forgive my manners Miss, I shouldn't be talking like that to a lady. Your husband says you're a card player, I'm learning to play myself. Looking for any books you might know of that teach you the ropes. I tend to learn best by studying, don't want to throw my money away without knowing what I'm doing."

Ruby suddenly catches a glimpse of sparkling red and she looks down at her finger, her ruby ring shining in the light of the candle on the table. She stands up straighter and gets the dumb look off her face. "Mrs.," she says loudly, "That's Mrs. to you." She breaks her stare and looks to Jake before taking his hand in hers. "The only man getting into my room is my husband, this man right here." She nods at Jake. "Sorry to disappoint you Mr. O'Neil," she playfully shrugs at him but then adds in a more serious tone, "Or anyone else who may have any ideas..." She quickly glances in the direction of Charlie before putting her attentions back on Jacky and lightening up.

"And thanks for the advice. The hotel it is." Ruby laughs and adds, "And I guess you caught me. I'm not actually scared of the dark."

"As for cards, perhaps if we get a chance we could help you with that. I'm not so bad at cards myself. But playing is better than studying, if I do say so myself. You don't look much like the studying type."

"So I'm wondering, why do you think all these people stay in this small dirty town? They've said the silver is gone, all they have is a well...seems silly."

She waits for Jake to sit, then puts her arms around his neck and sits comfortably on his lap, something she hadn't done in a surprisingly long time.

"Now, now Mrs. Constance. You got me figured all wrong. I wasn't suggesting anything lewd about your room, just saying that you have to be careful who you invite up there. As for the cards, I don't want to embarrass myself, figured I would read up a bit before getting my feet wet. Heard that "Hoyle's Book of Games" was the best source out there, especially the 1st edition. As to why people stay in this town, from what I have figured out those that stayed have businesses to run or family that they don't want to up and move. Other's like Bobby Whittaker there, well I reckon he just wants a quiet corner of the world where he can be left alone in his fancy house and spend his money the way he chooses."

Ruby ponders this handsome man's statements. What does he mean, be careful who I invite? And going on about some stupid book for cards?

"The only real way to learn to play cards is to play, Mr. O'Neil. Not learn from a book." Ruby glances over her shoulder, "I was just playing cards with Bobby, he didn't seem to take to me. But a few people have mentioned his money. Is he rich or something?"

"Sure seems like it, don't it? If he is though it just goes to prove that money doesn't buy happiness cause I ain't seen him smile once. Lives in a big house at the western end of town. Now about the cards, I'd be a willing pupil if you were the teacher, but I still would like to take a look at that book, if you hear anything about a copy floating around just let me know please. Can I get either of you another drink?"

"Drink? Maybe later. Alistair here will take one though I'm sure, won't you honey?" She giggles. "If you want to learn, I'll be over there taking all those poor men's money, er, playing that is. Come and join us if you get up the nerve. I don't know how'd we hear about the book, but if we do we'll be sure to let you know. Just let my husband here know where you are staying." Ruby momentarily ignores Mr. O'Neil and looks Jake in the eyes. "You'll take care of it, right husband?" She smiles before she leans in and kisses Jake, a little more enthusiastically than necessary to make her point. She runs her fingers over his cheek then hops up and returns to the poker table.

Jacky orders another round of whiskey for himself and Jake, imploring Greely to take out the good bottle this time. "Mighty fine woman you found yourself there. I'm sure you spend enough of your waking time fending off other men who fancy themselves her level."

He continues the small talk with Jake for several more minutes before getting up to join the others at cards.

More and more, Kate found her eye drawn to the man whom Jake had joined. After playing cards for a while, Ruby went over as well. There was something unusual about the man. Not the pull that Colin Turner exuded, but something. Not every man who can catch a woman's eye is evil. Still better safe....

Maddie slipped off the barstool with her glass of wine and wandered a bit, eventually making it to a quiet corner of the saloon where she pretended to be interested in a piece of highly inferior art of the wall. She made as if she were looking in her purse and made the motions to a spell, muttering lightly under her breath, then turned to look over toward the dark man.

Kate focused, making a slow sweep of the room with her enchanced vision. There was definitely more magic in this room than just what her friends carried. Jake and Ruby was engaged with the darkly handsome man in the corner, and Chester was busy with the working girl who had just come down from upstairs.

The girl looked nervous, more so since Chester had stopped her to talk. Kate looked upstairs at the door showing a magical aura. Likely she had come from that room, and there was something there she didn't like. Kate made her way to where Nanuet was sitting and whispered, "The man Jake and Ruby are talking to has magical bullets, and his hat and jacket are magic as well. The bartender has a medallion, and the second door on the left upstairs has some kind of magic on it."

Nanuet listens to Kate making mental notes of each item Kate mentions then slowly scanning the room to take in each one. He keeps his voice low in response to Kate's and says "Sounds like a lot going on for such a little town that they seem to want us to think that time forgot. I'll keep my eyes open, thanks for the information."

"If you get a chance, let the others know. They're a little distracted right now and I'm not really supposed to be with you." She gave him Maddie's best smile and moved away with a little sway. She stopped by the bar for another glass of wine that she didn't intend to drink and tried to catch Miss Florencia's eye, hoping the other woman would approach her.

Nanuet nodded and said "Will do," to Maddie before she moved away. He scanned the room looking for the others and saw that besides for Minerva whom Maddie was trying to engage they all seemed to be occupied with somebody else. Not wanting to appear obvious he ordered another round of drinks and waited for the right moment.

Minerva notices Maddie make her way over to Nanuet and then saunter over to the bar. She finishes her drink and makes her way to the bar where Maggie is sitting. She places her empty glass on the bar and slides onto a stool with the pretense of getting a refill. "Interesting place isn't it?"

"Oh yes!" she said cheerfully. "But not as interesting as the last place. Of course, I always find it more interesting when a gentleman asks me out. That one over there is quite handsome," she said. Lifting the glass to her lips she muttered. "Magic bullets, jacket, hat."

She continued to chatter, slipping in the information about the bartender and the door upstairs. "I'm always so curious about what goes on upstairs in saloons, but Daddy would pitch a fit if I ever found out," she finished with a laugh.

Minerva listens and makes light chatter as Kate divulges information about the various people. "Si, that man is quite handsome. There is something about him that is almost compelling. I always worry about men like that. You can never be too sure what they are up too."

"But it can be such fun finding out. I knew someone compelling like him once. If he wasn't so different looking, I'd think they were the same man."

* * *

"You boys still have a spot for me?" Ruby asks with a cocky smile as she returns to the poker table.

"Told you we'd save one for you, especially now that Bobby is gone we need to take someone else's money" the man introduced as "Fingers" says with a laugh. Ruby can see why they might call him that as his are especially long and nimble. He deftly shuffles the deck and deals out the cards. "Games the same, ante is up to a buck now."

Ruby laughs heartily. "Well gentlemen, don't think I will make it so easy for you to take my well earned money." Ruby again reaches down her bodice to retrieve the wad of money then giggles, "Or perhaps I should say my husband's well earned money." She keeps a close watch on Fingers for any kind of funny business.

Ruby does not notice any sign of cheating or card manipulation from any of the players and can quickly tell that she can out gamble any of them, winning half of the first 8 hands. The stakes stay reasonably low and the men seem to have no problem continuing to play and they joke and kid with Ruby about being tougher than Bobby, but much easier on the eyes. After a dozen hands Ruby is up $43.

Mr. O'Neil joins Ruby at the card table and pulls his chair close to hers. She smiles easily at him and the others, lightly joking as she takes their money and tries to teach Jacky how to play. She keeps them laughing with jokes she has learned and witty banter, but only a little flirting, and to no one specifically, in her mind appropriate for someone who is married.

She keeps a close eye on O'Neil, wondering if there was something up with the handsome stranger.

"So," she asks as she deals another hand, "I met one of the lawmen earlier. He seems a bit...cold... to strangers. Seeing as how I just got here he doesn't yet have reason to dislike me, well, what's up with that?"

"Sheriff Wilson? I wouldn't say he is really either warm or cold. I think he was pretty shook up about that girl who passed. I am sure he is a bit wary of strangers, especially if your whole group came on him at once. I think he might just have a lot on his mind at the moment. Can't say that he is particularly nice either, but I'm a stranger myself."

"Yeah, I guess a big group would draw a crowd in a small town like that. But we're not all together. Coincidence I guess," she shrugs.

"So," Ruby throws down only one card and asks casually, "What did happen to that girl? The one who died."

"Beats me. I try to stay out of stuff like that. Young kid, didn't seem like the type who would get involved with any trouble. Someone said she died in her sleep. Maybe the Doc knows more?"

"Maybe the doc does, maybe he doesn't. I guess that's my signal to say, It's not really my business, now is it?" Ruby smiles and pretends to turn her attention back to the game.

"Do any of you other fine gentlemen know of Colin Turner? I met him when he came through my town and I need to see him again. He's from here. At least he said he was." She lays her hand down on the table before she continues, "And I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to see me too."

Most of the players admit that they know Colin Turner. Most of them do not know much about him or his whereabouts other than that he lives at the Smyth boarding house and that he travels a lot. One of the men said they thought they saw him in the saloon earlier that day. "I thought I saw him take one of the girls upstairs earlier."

"Really? So he could be upstairs right now? Did you see which girl he took up there?" A bit of Ruby's fun demeanor slips as she looks up the stairs. "Did you see him come down?”

He points to the girl who is talking with Chester. "I think it was Colleen he says, the one talking with that guy there. But I didn't see him come down. Maybe he's sleeping it off upstairs, Greely don't make you get out till 9AM if you pay your $2."

"Oh?" Ruby stands, now distracted from the game. "Will you all excuse me please, I'll be back."

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Ruby heads over to Chester and the girl. "Excuse me Miss, are you Colleen?"

"Sure honey. We're not looking for any other girls now though. Things have been kinda slow lately."

Ruby laughs easily again, "I should be offended. But that's alright, because you can't have me anyway. I'm," she emphasizes the word as she holds up her left hand ring finger, "Married," her ruby ring resting perfectly on it, in Colleen's face.

"I'm wondering about one of your customers... he's a friend of mine. They say he might be upstairs right now? His name is Colin. Handsome guy...," As she speaks she looks the woman directly in the eyes.

Ruby looks into Colleen's eyes and sees them go completely blank. The woman blinks and stares blankly at nothing. She smiles weakly at Ruby and says "Nice ring darling. Sorry, don't know anyone by the name of Colin. If you don't mind I have some things to tend to, this is my busy time of day, I'm sure you understand."

Colleen turns around and heads towards the stairs, grabbing a bottle of liqour from the bar as she goes.

Ruby watches intently as the woman walks up the stairs. She pays close attention to what room she enters.

Colleen walks upstairs and using a key, she enters the second door on the left.

Kate had wandered away from Jake after dropping her information and sat back at the bar. She noticed when Colleen walked away from Chester and Ruby and saw her go to the door with the magic on it. She slipped off the stool and approached Ruby and Chester. "That door she just went in has magic on it," she whispered.

"You sure it's the door?" Ruby answers. She doesn't wait for a response before she quicky pulls up her skirts and hurries up the stairs, taking them 2 at a time.

Standing at the door for a moment, giving herself only seconds to concentrate, she bangs hard on the door. "Open up!"

When Ruby heads up the stairs suddenly Jake takes that as his cue. He stands and moves to the side of the room where he can see the upstairs best while keeping an eye on the entire down stairs. He nonchalantly pushes the flap aside on his duster, clearing the path to his Peacemaker. He watches the reactions of the others in the room.

Mostly everyone in the room gasps at Jake's brazen display. Greely takes a step forward towards the bar. He calls for Thom from the front door and the hulk of a man turns around and takes a step inside the saloon and replies with a "Yes boss?" Greely simply replies, "Just watch for trouble Thom." Nobody else seems to be reaching for a weapon and in fact most of the people in the bar appear to be scared.

Ruby hears a sobbing coming from inside the door. "Go away!" a woman's voice screams. "Just leave me alone, please!"

"I'm NOT leaving so you'd better just open up," Ruby yells back. She breathes in deeply then softens her voice as she leans closer to the door, "Listen, I may be able to help you, I might know what you're going through. Please let me in."

"Nobody knows what I am going through. If you really do understand then you know I can't let you in," she sobs. "It is not my choice!"

"No, I really do," Ruby says quietly through the door. She tries the doorknob. If she finds it locked she will quickly decide between kicking it down, if it looks weak, or picking the lock, if she thinks she can do it unseen.

The door is locked. Everyone from the first floor that has line of sight to the second floor, about 1/2 of the saloon, has their eyes on Ruby.

Without moving, Ruby yells down the stairs, "Mr. Greely, I think Colleen is in a lot of danger. Can you get this door open? She refuses."

Jake lets the flap of his duster fall over his holster as he walks towards the bar. "Greeley, being new in town why don't I treat everyone in here tonight to a round of drinks. Sort of a thanks for your warm welcome," Jake puts a five dollar bill on the bar, "while you help Colleen."

"What? Hold on a sec!" Greely searches frantically underneath the bar. He retrieves a small item that fits in his tightly grasped hand. Greely agrees with Jake as he is rummaging for the room key. "Sounds like a great idea. Thom get behind the bar, this young man just bought the house a round. Be right there, just got the key."

Greely jogs up the stairs, huffing and puffing by the time he gets there, his face red from the exertion. He knocks and announces that he is coming in and tries the key in the lock. The key does not work at first and Greely jiggles it in the doorknob before removing it and trying it again. This time the door opens to reveal a sobbing Colleen sitting on the bed, head in her hands.

"What is the trouble?" John Greely asks loudly. "Are you OK?"

Ruby enters the room cautiously, looking around, especially in the corners, before heading to Colleen.

She sits next to the woman on the bed and puts a hand on her arm. "You saw Colin today, didn't you?"

Colleen continues sobbing as she sits on the bed. She looks at Ruby with despair in her eyes. "Please just get out, I told you I can't help myself." She slowly raises a shaky hand that holds a derringer. She stops and looks at the gun in her hand which is held about chest height, not pointed at anyone in particular.

John Greely inhales sharply as he sees the gun. "Colleen honey, just relax. Nobody needs to get hurt. Put that down, we can help you." he says slowly entering the room.

Ruby doesn't hesitate, she reaches out quickly and tries to knock the derringer out of Colleen's hands.

Ruby swipes at the petite firearm and is able to grab it from the distraught woman's hand before she can get a chance to use it. Colleen lunges forward grabbing at the weapon but Ruby is able to keep her at bay.

Greely moves to close the door to prevent the sounds of the scuffle from being heard downstairs. "Colleen, sweetheart, calm down. What would make you do this? Let's talk about it," he says in a soothing voice.

Ruby quickly stuffs the woman's gun down her bodice and attempts to gently grasp the woman's struggling arms.

"Mr. Greely, I believe this woman is under someone else's influence. Please get my friends from downstairs, at least get..." Damn, I can't say I know the others... "Please get my husband. He's good at solving problems.”

Since Greely was already moving towards the door he nods and does as Ruby requests. "Sir! Mr. Jacobs! Could you please come up here for a moment your wife is requesting your presence."

He then waits by the door keeping an eye on Ruby and Colleen.

Colleen continues to struggle with Ruby while sobbing. Ruby is still able to control her but she is tiring.

Jake chuckles to himself and thinks, It sounds pretty funny to hear that said outloud. Wife indeed. He quickly climbs the stairs and goes sideways through the door that Greely is holding open. Seeing the struggle, Jake heads to the other side of the bed and pulls the struggling woman's arms behind her back trying to hold her still. "Easy now, we are not going to hurt you."

"Darling, I believe Colleen here has had a run in with my friend, Mr. Turner. You know how persuasive he can be." She looks Jake in the eyes, hoping he gets her meaning.

"That rat Turner did this to her? I never liked that man!" Greely exclaims. "What can we do to fix this?" he says sincerely.

Colleen continues to struggle against Jake making no progress. "Please just leave me alone, that is the only way things will work, it's the only way."

Ruby looks the girl in the eyes and says sympathetically, "What's the only way things can work sweetie? There is always more than one way to solve a problem."

"No, no there isn't! Not when he is in your head! There is only as he says, what he says. There is only his will!" She sobs again and continues her struggles despite the fact that she is now exhausted.

Ruby looks to Jake again, "You know, it's a shame we didn't bring Katherine this trip. I think she had written down what to do in these cases." Gently caressing the trembling woman's arms, "What did he tell you to do Colleen?"

Colleen gets a blank look on her face again, her eyes going glassy. She smiles and cocks her head a bit. "Nothing, he didn't tell me to do anything. Everything is fine now. Can we go downstairs and get a drink? I really need a drink, please."

Jake keeps one hand on one of Colleen's arms, with the other he pushes the hair away from her neck. He glances quickly for any wounds but doesn’t see any.

"No drinks until we find out what's going on." Ruby looks at Colleen imploringly. "Please tell us what's going on. We want to help you. I'm here to find Colin myself. Do you know where he might be? It's very important."

"Yeah, I know where he is, but I can't tell you!" she screams. "You say you might know what is going on, well then you know I am telling the truth. I need to get out of here, leave this place. He won't let me. He comes and goes as he pleases, does what he wants with me. Leaves me, then comes for me. Reads my thoughts, eats at my very soul. I wish I could tell you I really do, but he won't let me. I'm not strong, I can't fight him. I just can't."

"Have you heard enough Mr. Greely? Do you have any doubts that Mr. Turner is doing harm to this Lady?" Jake looks at the man, taking measure of his response without give away what he is thinking.

Greely looks scared and confused. "What do you want me to do about it? I... I... It's not like I know where he is or where he went. I didn't know anything was going on between these two other than normal business. How can I help? I want to help."

Ruby asks Greely "Is there a place you can keep her safe? A place away from Colin Turner?"

Greely blinks a few times and wipes his brow. "She can stay at my place, Colin ain't never been there. Should be safe enough. I can keep Thom with her if I have to, tell him not to let Colin near her. Would that work. Seems like you folks know more about Turner than I do, anything I should know?"

"Mr. Greely, you need to do that. Thom seems to be a good choice to stay with her. She's obviously upset and not feeling well." She looks to Jake but continues to speak to Greely. "I need to speak to J..." she stops herself, "My husband, we need to find Turner, that may be the only thing that can help her. And we need to do this quickly."

She looks at Jake, "And maybe we should speak to our other friends about this? They might be able to help us."

Nanuet had been waiting anxiously since Jake went upstairs. He decided he had waited enough and got up from his chair. "Minerva, they've been up there too long, I want to see what's going on."

Nanuet heads towards the stairs and takes a look at the crowd to judge their reactions. They seem for the most part to be working on the $5 that Jake left on the bar so he climbs the flight of stairs and listens at the door.

Jake scans the room intermittently. His keen eyes notice that the one window is open a crack. He notices that dust lies fairly thickly on the dresser which is the only other piece of furniture in the room. The chamber pot is empty and looks quite ancient. The bed linens appear to be undisturbed except for where Colleen was just sitting.

"OK, lets get her out of here. Just make sure she doesn't have anything that she could hurt herself or someone else with. I would hate for there to be a tragedy. I'll tell Thom he has the rest of the night off and have him escort Colleen over to my place."

Greely heads downstairs and finishes helping Thom dole out the $5 worth of drinks.

Nanuet jumps back when he hears someone coming towards the door. "Oops sorry, I just came to check on my friends" Nanuet offers as Greely exits the room."

Greely looks the elf up and down, a hint of distrust coming to his face. "Get yourself downstairs, we have everything under control here. Your friends are fine."

He stores the key back where he retrieved it from and tells Thom that once Colleen comes down that he is to walk her straight to his place and not to stop to talk to anyone. That he is to put her in the spare bedroom in the back and stay outside the room and not to let anyone in but Greely himself.

Once Greely leaves Ruby stands next to Jake, and out of the vision of Colleen, trying to be quiet. She whispers to him, "You know what we have to do, right? We have to let it be known that the singer Ruby West is in town and make him find her."

Jake whispers back, "No, I don't KNOW that."

He steps away from Ruby and opens the top drawer of the dresser. "You don't get many customers do you Colleen? At least not in this room. If one of the men downstairs paid to be next, which room would you use?"

"What do you need to know that for? You offering?" Ruby asks in a pissy tone.

"What? I get plenty of customers, we just don't tend to use the dresser. Greely charges $2 for the use of the room, have to be out by 9AM though. Most men just go home afterwards though. I suppose I would use any room that wasn't occupied, whichever one Greely told me to use. Colin just happened to rent this one tonight."

She walks a couple steps back over to Colleen. "So Colin was here tonight." She looks the woman in the eyes, "Why did he leave? Does he know I'm.." Ruby corrects herself, "...We're here?"

Colleen is starting to settle down but still looks exhausted. "He knows you're here. He was scared, I've never seen him scared before, he always seems so confident."

There is a light rap on the door. Nanuet pokes his head in and says "The bartender says that Thom is ready whenever you guys are. Everything OK in here?"

"Colleen, do you have any more weapons on you? I know you wouldn't use them against Mr. Turner." Jake tries to sense if she is telling then looks at Ruby and nods his head towards the woman. "We are almost done."

"No more weapons,” Colleen says, “just the gun you already got. What else do you need me to do?"

“Well, you don't mind if I just double check, do you?" Ruby approaches the woman slowly and attempts to check the normal spots for any other weapons.

Colleen offers no resistance and allows Ruby to search her. Ruby finds no weapons or any other hidden objects. She did have several dollar bills stuffed down her corset.

"Thanks Nanuet. Maybe you should get Minerva and come join us. But first, take Miss Colleen here to Thom. She's going on vacation for a while."

Nanuet nods and waits for Colleen to come to him. He escorts her downstairs to Thom who seems to understand what is going on, at least his part in it. Greely gives him the instructions again and Thom leaves the saloon with Colleen. The saloon itself still seems to be doing a brisk business despite the late hour.

Once Colleen is handed off to Thom, Nanuet heads over to Minerva. "They want us upstairs, not sure what they have figured out but I guess they are up to something."

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