Return of Creature by Poll - Poll #24 (ability scores)

Which ability score is most important to our creature?

  • Strength

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Intelligence

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wisdom

    Votes: 0 0.0%


Monster Junkie
Select the ability score you feel is most important to the creature. Note that Con is not an option since it is a construct.

If you think two or more are equally important...too bad. ;) Pick one. We'll go in order by number of votes to determine the highest to lowest scores.

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Creature Cataloguer
good plan. ;)
if i had my way: Cha, Int, Dex, Wis, Str

Edit: hmm, switch Wis and Int. ;)

Edit: on third thought, maybe i was right the first time. ;)
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First Post
Shade said:
We'll go in order by number of votes to determine the highest to lowest scores.
Hmm... looks like we may need a second vote on *least* important ability scores. Otherwise, we only get Dex and Cha so far.

Hmm... or maybe a multiple-option runoff vote between Str, Int and Wis to determine their priority?

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