• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Storn's art for swipin'!


Here is a character of mine for an upcoming Exalted game. This is Ethereal Mist with his Osprey companion.


These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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Storn said:
Here is Death Tribble's Purple Worm Gangsta idea.... what will this guy think of next?!?!!? I would never come up with this stuff on my own. Such a pleasure to get the chance to do so.

"Nice Dungeon ya got here....shame if sometin' was to happen to it."



Hey Storn, what's up with your website? It says I need a certificate for snakeoil.dom before I can view it... it just doesn't look right, so I cancelled the connection.


rycanada said:
Hey Storn, what's up with your website? It says I need a certificate for snakeoil.dom before I can view it... it just doesn't look right, so I cancelled the connection.

Got hacked. Got dropped completely by the host.

I'm looking for a new website this week.


Here is Xtreme Danger Girl from Dr. Bob (an individual I've had the pleasure of gaming with) for his upcoming Champions game that he will be playing in.

Looking ahead at my cue, it is the first of several "modern" gun toting characters. Odd how they some themes just clump together in tight groupings... like the time I did about 4 or 5 superman clones in a space of a month.


Next up are doodles done during play. This is for a playtest for Giants... the game where size does matter... or fe fi fo FUN!!!! Jeff of the Sons of Kryos, is creating this game and I've been in two playtests of it. I'm really excited about it. Here is a thread where jeff is talking about what he is starting.


As for the art, the guy in the river is Reed... and is my character. His sister, Delphina is the one coming out of the fountain... where she is regarded by her community as the Goddess of the Sea.... whereas I'm the smaller brother upriver and that is my desmense. Delphina was played by Julia, Jeff's wife... and she is an awesome player and was SO big sister to my impetuous little brother. Ton of fun. Literally!




Like I mentioned, a plethora of gunbums and bunnies was on the way. Here they be.... This first one is for a Shadowrun campaign:


This one is for a zombie campaign.


And this one is for Death Tribble, which I believe is for Champions, but a fangtastic firepower weilding vampiress.


These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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