E. Gary Gygax Dead at Age 69


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For an amazing man, who had an amazing legacy, I can say I'm shocked, but glad he was able to go to his end with, at least, no pain. I think I'll have to do a tributary D&D game this weekend for the Father of D&D.

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My college was painfully quiet after this news hit. A number of students, myself included skipped classes in bereavment.

Mystra bless thee Gary.


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Anonymous Poster said:
You skipped classes because of this?

Heck, I think some of the professors I had when I was in college would have cancelled class. Mr. Gygax has had a *huge* impact on way more than is readily apparent.


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I actually missed class that day. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Okay, it was raining horribly, that's why. But I still skipped it.

Wow, that's quite impressive, Sienna, though I suppose I can understand why. Him dying would be like the creator of Lost, (J.J. Abrams) dying to me. Though I still don't think that I'd skip class because of that...people dying doesn't seem to effect me as much as it should...


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No worries there Sienna; it is quite understandable. EGG was responsible for far more massive changes in people than many think. Dave Arneson too. Missing a day for someone important to you is rather common.



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Wow, Reading all of that made me realize just how much of effect his death(and life) had on so many people, from all walks of life.Hell, we even got a jock or two into it back in school come to think of it.His game did indeed change so much and make so many things what they are today,I am rather sad that it took his death to make people think about it all.

Thank you and farewell,sweet water and light laughter until next we meet.

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