AGELESS Campaign Episode 2 - Temple of the Cat-Goddess

Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty, “The Orange Tree Battle", September 3rd, 1882, 5:00 P.M.

Given the steepness of the plateau at this location they head north instead of east alongside the bottom of the hill and towards the main road, where Jasper, Obie and Enoch are now around 250 feet away and heading towards them.
Ruby leads them on foot while Autumn gathers up the horse Ruby rode in on as well as the two men's mounts and leads them. Alan rides alongside, his gun at the ready.

After they have gone around seventy-five feet Ruby suddenly feels the rope go slack. Turning, she sees it is cut and one of the men is charging at her with a short knife blade in his hand. While Alan is aiming his gun at this man the man's partner casually produces a small caliber revolver from his inside suit pocket and shoots Alan's arm, causing him to let go of the rifle with that arm but still clutching the rifle's stock with his other hand.

Having the man's rifle in her hand, Ruby turned on her heel quickly and raised it to the man. "I wouldn't..." she said, showing she knew how to use it. He continues to charge at her. She fires the rifle and just hears a 'click' sound, as there is no bullet in the chamber. He closes the distance and takes a slash at her with the short-bladed knife. Ruby used the rifle to block the man's attack on her, her nimble feet kept her dodging him rather than attempting to use strength. "Help!" she called out, hoping someone at the house would hear her. She reached up to her hair and pulled out the clip she wore almost every day, which was also a small dagger.

Those up at the house hear a revolver shot fire from the direction that Ruby heading off alone after the Pinkertons. Nanuet hears the gunshot from the direction that Ruby had stormed off to. Knowing he probably couldn't get there in time to do anything himself he called to Maska. When he finds her he commands his loyal wolf companion "Go help Ruby, she might be in trouble!"

At the sounds of the other shots, Hardin's face creases and he starts looking around for a horse. "Henry...if that's Ms. Ruby tangling with those Pinkerton assassins, I'm gonna be mighty cross. I would like to borrow your mount for a few minutes..." The set of his jaw and the way he hitches the gun belt around make it clear he isn't asking. Without hesitation Webb gives up his mount. Hardin swings easily into the saddle and digs his heels in. He pulls one of his Lightenings as he speeds away.

"Hee-ya...let's go now!" As Hardin gallops along, he fires three shots in the air, hollering at the top of his voice and generally making as much of a ruckus as he can. Lawrence is in the drawing room checking on James' condition when he faintly hears the shot. "Damn it. I thought that was over. Hold on while I check this out." He rushes from the house and sees Hardin ride off. Not seeing anyone else in trouble, he goes after Hardin on foot.

Ruby and the Pinkerton continue to dodge and parry as they slash their short blades at one another. Meanwhile, the other man turns and points his gun at Autumn while saying, "Bring me those horses and I'll let all three of you live." Autumn demurely approaches him, with "fear" stretching her eyes wide, her hand waving* as though spastic with panic and then fluttering to her throat, as she discreetly casts a Flame Blade spell. She makes to hand him the reins, just as a beam of fire leaps from her hand and slices deeply into his forearm.

The older MacKinnon, not happy with someone threatening his granddaughter, squeezed his thighs and attempted to rear up his horse, bringing it back down on the man who was pointing his gun at his granddaughter. Distracted by the flaming arm, the man does not see the cavalryman's charge. He does, however, feel the hooves of the mighty animal as it fatally crushes him into the ground.

Meanwhile, a short distance off Ruby continues to battle her opponent. As they fought Ruby kept her eye opened for that right moment and given just a moment she quickly moves in and attempted to knee the man in the groin as hard as she could. She gets in the knee but a last minute movement misses the groin as she strikes his upper leg. The hit does serve as a momentary distraction as he makes a slashing blow at her which she easily ducks under, leaving him temporarily open for a counterattack.

Ruby took her opportunity. She stabbed the man in the thigh with her dagger, using some force in hopes of knocking him to the ground. Wielding her blade of fire whilst closing on the man attacking Ruby, Autumn shouts, "Lick the dirt NOW or die standing up -- it matters not to me!" The man falls to the ground, although the short knife is still in his hand. He looks up at the women and says with a hint of fear in his voice, "Get any closer and I'll cut you open, I swear I will."

Autumn smiles grimly, "Our friends are coming to our aid, but you're outnumbered and outmaneuvered even before they arrive. Now take a big bite of mud, rifleman, rub your face in it. Resist, and I can't guarantee your safety." He angrily throws the knife at Autumn, which she is able to dodge under. Now 100 feet away, Enoch Kingsley takes a rifle shot at the man, barely missing him. The man reaches inside his suit jacket pocket.

"Oh for crying out loud..." Ruby desperately wanted to use some magic against this man and have it over it. A nice Charm spell, or Sleep even, and it would be done. But she wasn't certain that Autumn or Alan were part of the "group" or if it was safe to do so in front of them. Normally even that wouldn't stop her but now it was about more than her; George, her grandmother and James would all be affected by her illegal actions.

She felt a bit helpless without her spells yet she couldn't let this man shoot any more people. So she dove on top of him and attempted to break his hand away from his jacket and keep him from pulling anything else out. They tumble together on the ground. His right hand comes out of the jacket but instead of a weapon he is holding a thick cigar with a red bandana wrapped around it. As they roll he hits Ruby on the side of her head with his closed left fist.

An instant headache threatened to make her pass out yet she focused for just another moment. "You really want to die like your friend, don't you?" She didn't care if this thug heard her so she began muttering a spell, one that would hopefully make him sleep, and soon. The man falls asleep. His right hand open, with the bandana starting to unroll and the cigar starting to fall out. Hardin and Maska both reach the top of the plateau and see those below.

Ruby breathed a sigh of relief as the man fell asleep and she saw some friends coming over the hill. She reached out for the bandanna and cigar. "It must be the best cigar ever for him to take the chance of pulling it out now..." As she picks up the bandana the cigar falls the rest of the way out and onto the ground. The ends of the cigar then ignites on its own and smoke begins to float up from it.

"AAHHH!!!" She looked around quickly to judge the closest uninhabited area that could survive an explosion with the least amount of damage, picked up the cigar and threw it as far as she could. "Everyone get down!" she yelled as she launched it. The throw is a little off, just getting sixty feet away before becoming lodged up in an orange tree. The cigar continues to smoke. Hardin digs his heels in harder, having difficulty making out exactly what's going on below. He leans forward, urging the horse to greater speed and brings up the Lightening, ready to fire...

The tree explodes in a massive detonation equivalent to four sticks of dynamite that flings branches, juice and orange pulp in all directions. Everybody in the immediate area (Alan, Autumn, the Pinkerton, Ruby and the five horses) take minor damage. The Pinkerton now appears to be barely conscious. Jasper, Obie and Enoch were outside of the blast range and rush forward the assist the injured.

Those back at the house hear the explosion and briefly see some of the flying debris fly up and then back down again beyond the plateau. George had been steadily running towards the plateau ever since Ruby had made off on the horse. It was a fortunate thing that he maintained his weekly walks in the woods back in New York he had a good pace though Hardin came up hard behind him and passed him on the horse.

He was just coming up onto the plateau when the explosion went off. “I just bet Constance is behind that”, he thought as he continued to run towards the group trying to find Ruby. Abby flinched as something on the plateau exploded. "My gods, what is going on out there?" Despite the temptation, she kept her position on the porch. With these men still here someone had to keep an eye on them.

Maska upon seeing Ruby below runs right up to her. By the time she arrives Ruby seems to have things well enough in hand. Maska nuzzles up to her just as the tree explodes which sends the wolf sprinting away from the explosion as a reaction. She returns to Ruby and begins licking the minor wounds that she suffered once the explosion is over.

Hardin barely stays in the saddle as his unfamiliar mount shies away violently from the huge explosion. It takes him some few moments to regain control and by the time gets the animal settled and starts moving forward again, his eyes have taken on a feral gleam. He dismounts quickly upon reaching the smoking debris and gaggle of people and horses. He notes Ruby's disheveled look and nods at Autumn. "Everyone here OK? Miss Ruby?"

Ruby looked down at her orange juice covered scratches. "You know, that actually stings." She plopped down on the ground next to Maska and pet her gently. "Yes, I'm alright Hardin, thanks for asking. This man tried to kill me and that one," she pointed to the now deceased other man, "Threatened us, he shot Alan. This one had a cigar that started to smoke so I threw it and it exploded into a mess of orange juice. I guess I'll have to work on my aim. Anyway, you can take over now, right?" She put her hand to her head, the punch gave her a headache and made her lightheaded and she felt swoony.

Hardin stalks over to the now barely conscious Pinkerton, stopping less than a yard away and bringing the weapon up to eye-level, an inch from the bridge of the man's nose. "Please give me a reason to shoot you..." The voice is casual, even nonchalant...but the threat is very real. "Miss, would you please relieve anything that might be dangerous?"

George had just spotted Ruby as she plopped down. As she put her hand to her head, George came up behind her and picked her up off the ground. "Now, I am very cross with you Constance, running off alone like that. What if you had gotten seriously injured?" asks George protectively. He was out of breath having run the entire way from the house. But he would be damned if he wasn't going to carry her back.

They are able to strip the prisoner down to his skivvies, tie and gag him, and prop him over his horse. The do likewise with the body of the other one, then head up the road as a group to head back to the house. Ruby held tight to George's neck as he carried her, she was in no shape to argue. She gave him a small grin. "Would you mind waiting to yell at me until my headache is gone, please? I won't be able to properly defend myself against your well thought out and intelligent arguments until then." Those at the house are relieved when they see the group headed up the hill. Nanuet is relieved to see the group returning with his friends being the ones in better shape.

Sol takes charge as the group reaches the house. Giving Henry Webb back his horse and instructing Lawrence to accompany the man to the edge of the property and to continue to watch until the man is out of sight. He sends the MacKinnons and Ruby inside to have Luiz check their wounds. Out of earshot of the prisoners he asks Benjamin, Abigail and Hardin to bring the body of the deceased Pinkerton, the confiscated weapons and clothing of the other Pinkerton upstairs to the Science room.

Abby looked at Ben and shrugged, then picked up the dead Pinkerton's ankles. She struggled a bit to hold him, but more because it was awkward carrying the body up the stairs rather than it being heavy. Instead of leaving the room after they brought him up, Abby stuck around a few minutes to see if anyone came to look him over.

Sol asks Jasper and Obie to go empty the storage shed of all contents, which they will use that to hold the prisoners until the Sheriff arrives. Antoinette Delroy has now arrived too so Sol asks her and her half-brother Enoch to go secure all of the horses in the barn. He and Thomas then continue to watch the prisoners until the shed is secure for them. Seeing that Ruby is being cared for Nanuet checks Maska for wounds before setting her off to keep an eye on things. He then checks on Alsoomse to see what she is up to and if she needs help with anything. She is assisting Luiz with checking the wounded.

As Ruby and George pass through the hallway Ruby catches both James and Mina resting on the couches. "Is James going to be alright? Why does Nana look so pale... did she get hurt too?" "She was shot twice by those snipers," Luiz states. "What??? Nana!" Ruby ran over to her grandmother and kneeled at her side. "Nana, are you alright??" Ruby looks her over for obvious, serious wounds but Luiz had already covered that part. "I can't believe they shot you too. Those damn Pinkertons, they want those papers, right? They never leave us alone! One is dead... the other..." Ruby stood up with that wild angry look swirling in her eyes, her fists clenched. "I will kill him myself!"

James says, "No young lady, we will wait for the Sheriff. I suspect that in the long run him being a live witness will be far more problematic for his employer than him being deceased and unable to testify as to his orders." Ruby's youth showed as she pouted at James's scolding. "B-but they almost killed both of you!" She took a deep breath then sighed. "I suppose you're right though. I wasn't able to get much out of him except he swears he was shooting at Hardin. Do you think they are trying to get the papers James?"

Alan MacKinnon asks, "What papers?" James says, "Alan, remember that book I said I was writing about your family friend President Harrison. Well, the topic of the book is the fact that I stumbled upon evidence that he didn't die of illness as is commonly thought, but that he was intentionally assassinated." MacKinnon exclaims "What! Why?" James replies, "I'm still working on the how and who, but it appears to have been higher ups in his own political party. And there appear to be people still around who will go to great lengths to curtail my investigation." Ruby says, "Great lengths? Any lengths is more like it. They've got the Pinkertons involved somehow, who knows how else they will lie about it. I wonder how they got in with these other guys who had problems with Hardin."

James then looks to Mina and comments, "It's almost like looking back in time, she not only looks like you at that age she acts like you as well." Mina says, "I was never that impulsive." James and Alsoomse reply in unison "Yes you were." The corner of Ruby's mouth turned up into a grin. "Am I really like Nana when she was younger?" Alsoomse replies, "More than you could ever know." Ruby went back to her grandmother and hugged her tightly. "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you Nana. Please don't get shot again." She kissed her cheek. "It is kind of fun to hear that we are so much alike. I want to hear some of these stories..."

Luiz says, "Stories can wait for another time. Right now the only thing that I want the Parkers to do is go upstairs and get some sleep." "I know better than to disobey my Doctor's orders," is James's reply. James and Mina head off upstairs. Luiz says that he is going upstairs to check out the confiscated items. Alsoomse says she will go with him. "Hey be careful," Ruby called after Luiz, "That bomb looked like a regular cigar and only exploded when he unrolled it from this red bandanna."
Abby hasn’t been waiting long for Luiz and Alsoomse to arrive and the three of them look through the various items, identifying the magical ammunition from the revolver and rifle as well as searching the possessions. Both Pinkerton's have identification indicating that they were from the Richmond, Virginia branch of the nationwide detective agency. The dead one was named Nowell Haskins and the live prisoner is Lyndon Holt

Sol along with Obie, Jasper and Lawrence keep a close eye on the prisoners. Ruby pondered for a moment going out to interrogate the prisoners but realized that would just make her angry and she didn't want to disobey James. "I guess I should clean up these cuts and change. George, will you help me?" Ruby retrieves what will help her heal the most, a bottle of bourbon. They head upstairs and George tends to Ruby's cuts and she changes into a fresh outfit. to disembark Ruby was eager to begin their shopping. "So where are we going Alsoomse? I need a gown, well, I want a new gown, Nanuet needs a suit too." "You always want a new gown" said George with a smile as he took her ha

The next two hours go by slowly, waiting for the Sheriff to arrive. He shows up at 5:45 PM with two other deputies, who take the prisoners into custody (most of the Pinkerton's clothing being returned to him). Luiz turns the confiscated weapons over to the Sheriff.

Ruby says to George, "It's time for dinner now, I think, we should head back downstairs. I want to check on Nana and James too." On their way down to the dining room they pass the Parker's room. Ruby gives a listen at the door to see if she hears anything. Despite having already served their daily meal, Jemima brings a second meal up for supper, comprised of fish and rice.

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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-one, “The Interrogation", September 3rd, 1882, 7:30 P.M.

The County Sheriff asks each person for any relevant information that they have about the unwanted visitors. Hardin shares the information on the "cannonball" ammunition used by Charlie Webb's son, showing the damaged porch pillar as proof. He neglects to mention that the remaining ammo from that gun is now in their possession. Hardin says, "Sheriff, I could have easily taken down both Webbs at several point during this confrontation...especially after Mr. Parker was shot down...but I stayed my hand. I don't want any more blood being spilled, but if I see the younger Webb or Henry around these parts again, I reckon I am likely to shoot first and ask questions second."

Ruby relates her tale, leaving out the part of casting illegal spells. "They swore they were aiming for Mr. Hardin but I don't believe that. James was shot twice, once by each of them then apparently they again shot my grandmother twice. That certainly doesn't seem like accidentally missing Mr. Hardin twice. And that explosive he had was just crazy. That would have killed a lot of people if it went off near the house."

Luiz says, "Miss West is correct, they were lying about Hardin. The dead one had these in his coat." Luiz hands the Sheriff two photographs, one of James the other of Mina. Each are blow-ups of just the face, but Ruby also sees that in the photograph behind them is Bella's Restaurant in Tarrytown, New York, meaning that the photograph was taken during her visit with them in June.

Ruby says, "Ack! This photo is when they were following us up in New York! They lied about me and my companion at the time, saying we were Deadeye Douglas and Mae Clark so that we would be apprehended and they could go through our stuff. George is the one who got us out of that jam." She looked at him adoringly for a moment but then turned grim again. "I could just..." She balled her fists and tried to stay calm. "James, maybe it's time we get some of the information out, once it's out, then the face that you have this information will be not as important anymore and they will leave us alone."

George says, "Well, in theory that could be a good idea Ruby, but until James is ready, until we can put something concrete out there it may only force them to attack harder. Now James the Pinkertons have a pretty good reputation by and large across the company. Who ever is hiring the Pinkerons must be feeding them so very skewed information. So I think we need to interrogate our detective here while we can, see what he has been told about the Parkers. Someone will be coming after us. Even if we release what we have, they may think we have more and still come after us. We need to trace this back. And our best source right now is the Pinkerton."

Sheriff Holtzburn agrees with George's suggestion and says that they should separate him from the other bring him inside for questioning. James interjects, "No, Sol was right keeping them outside. I don't want any of them knowing the inside layout of this building. Let's bring him to the barn instead." The Sheriff and some of the others take the Pinkerton to the barn, being sure to leave James and Mina in the house so that the Pinkersons will think them dead.

The first fifteen minutes of questioning proves unremarkable, with the man insisting that John Wesley Hardin was their target and they only fired after he drew a weapon on Fred Webb. He claims that the client was a man in Virginia named Randall Van Osterbridge, whose son was a soldier that Hardin killed eight years earlier. Fish knows a thing or two about intimidation. He moves purposefully toward Ruby, with his back toward the prisoner. "Miss West, if this mook thinks he killed your grandmother, your threat to remove his manhood with a dull blade might sound especially convincing..."

Hardin, who has tagged along for the questioning, snorts in derision. "Well you should refund that man all his money and then some, since you are either the world's worst shot or the world's biggest liar, Mr. Holt. I think the dime store novelists and newspaper men that keep coming around to pester me will be very eager to hear about you."

He pauses for a second and smirks. "I can see the headlines now...'Incompetent Pinkertons with Clear Shots at John Wesley Hardin Shoot Down Old Woman'...yep...that will make for some might fine ink. Of course, we can add in the teaser that you were captured by a young girl. That will make for some mighty fine reading. Come to think of it...we have a reporter staying here with us. I am sure he could have something in the Tallahassee papers by tomorrow and pull some strings to get the wire services to pick it up.

In two days, the entire country will know that Lyndon Holt is a yellow-bellied assassin that shoots down old women in cold blood and let's his self get picked off by a twig of a girl.” Fish snickers, "A pretty twig, too! She'll photograph well." Ruby frowned. "Hey I'm no twig!" She crossed her arms but secretly she was enjoying all the interrogation of this prisoner. Hardin continues, “ What do you think about THAT, Mr. Holt? Think anyone else will hire your sorry rump after that? I think I will go fetch Lawrence right now so he can get to work." A crooked grin spreads across the gun fighter's face and he starts walking out, whistling on off-key tune...

George squats down by Holt. "Come now Mr. Holt. If you think that we can believ that you were here to shoot Mr. Hardin yet carried no picture of him. BUT did carry a picture of the two people you DID unlawfully shoot, well, there isn't a jury in these United States that won't send you to the gallows. Especially in the state of Florida. Of course, that assuumes that you GET to a courthouse. These folks down here take justice pretty strongly, lynch mobs are not unheard of. Do you know what happens to a man who is tarred and feathered? It is a nasty thing. The boiling tar burns and blisters the skin making it red and raw. The pain of that is doubled by the tar that is now heat seared onto the skin. It is a horrible painful experience. And that may happen to liars, before they ever even reach a courthouse." says George calmly staring the man in the eyes. George stands up. "Just don't break any bones before you are done boys" he says to Hardin and Fish as he walks out.

The guy looks up and says, "Okay, don't kill me, I'll spill it. It wasn't Von Osterbridge who hired us, he's just some poor guy whose soldier-boy son you killed Hardin. He had sent a deposition to your trial, and Henry Webb wrote him a thank you letter for that. They corresponded with each other since then. Webb easily bought into the story that Van Osterbridge fell into some money and wanted revenge so was financing this. Webb had kept contract with other victim families too, so with his help we soon assembled the group. We were notified by telegram on Friday where you were. We loaded up us and our horses onto a train and got into Jacksonville late last night.

I wasn't the one who met the contact here though, that was Haskins. I stayed with Webb and the boys at the hotel while he went alone to met the contact at some fancy restaurant downtown. Haskins returned from that meeting with the directions here, a diagram of the house and property so we could pick the best spot to shot from, ammunition for our two rifles and the blankets the same color as the soil. Webb probably still has that map with him. The plan was simple, and Webb didn't know anything about it, he thought we were just after Hardin. In the chaos with the gunfight with you Hardin both of the Parkers were to get shot too. Would have worked too if you hadn't turned yellow. And the Pinkerton Agency won't back us now that we failed, the two of us were officially on vacation, that was all part of the deal."

Hardin's eyes go flat at the slur and he takes a long stride forward, a Lightening appearing in his hand as if by magic. Even though the pistol is a double-action, he thumbs the hammer back with exquisite care so Holt can see the cylinder rotating, the deadly black hole of the barrel a mere inch from his right eye. "I would be happy to untie you long enough to see if I have gone yellow, you gutless cur," he says in a deathly quiet voice. "You are fit to drink the piss out of my chamber pot, you..."

He trails off, remembering Ruby is standing there. He doesn't glance away from Holt and the barrel remains perfectly still. "Apologies, Miss Ruby...I forgot myself for a moment. So shall I make arrangements for you to slap leather with someone who can fire back, instead of defenseless old women?" He remains motionless, unblinking, his lips a thin, angry line...

Holt looks up and says, "Brave words coming from an armed man standing there surrounded by his buddies while I'm lying here wounded and helpless. That kid almost killed your lady friend, hell, he almost brought down that whole porch on top of you all. And you just stood there and let it happen. Admit it, that prison broke you, you're now as yellow as the color of the rising sun. " Fish sees Hardin's trigger finger twitch, but expected 'crack' of the .32 doesn't come. Instead, Hardin eases off the trigger and raises the barrel.

The Lightening disappears back into the vest holster as Hardin spins and starts stalking out. He stops before he reaches the door and turns again. "You won't always be wounded and helpless, Holt, so you better spend the rest of your days being ready. If we see each other on the matter who else is around and no matter what else is going on...I will kill you."

Hardin exits the barn and finds Lawrence. "Have I got a story for you..." Fish strides after Hardin, and once they're out of earshot, he says, "Mr. Hardin! That mook is right about one thing: whoever supplied the Pinkertons with enchanted bullets probably supplied the Webbs too -- and having seen what a poor shot Fred proved makes me wonder if it wasn't Henry didn't load the boy's gun!" Sheriff Holtzbrun leaves Deputy Star, Enoch, Obie and Jasper to continue to watch the prisoners as he heads inside to confer with James, John and Lawrence. He tells them "I'm inclinded to believe that guy. Seems to me he was trying to get your ire up John. Based upon your response I can say that I no longer have any reservations about you serving as a Deputy. Well done Sir."

He tells James "They think you're dead, we may want to leave it that way." James replies, "Mina and I were planning to attend the ball in town tomorrow." Holtzbrun replies, "Well, if you do, don't show up until just before or maybe even a little late, you'll all be safer in the short run if they think they succeeded. Not sure if I believe what he said about the Pinkerton's disowning him, seems too convenient, I will have to send some telegrams about that."

The Sheriff tells Alan MacKinnon that he won't be charging him with the trampling death of the other Pinkerton, it was clearly self defense since he had already shot Alan once and was threatening the women. Not wanting to head off alone with a pair of prisoners the Sheriff asks both Deputy Star and Alan to accompany him back to Jacksonville with the prisoners, offering to put them both up overnight. Alan agrees and is then deputized by the Sheriff, the older man swelling with pride over the honor.

Ruby congratulated Mr. MacKinnon for helping keep her and Autumn safe and commended him on his riding skills. She head inside to the bar area and slipped behind it, pondering just how drunk she needed to get to feel better about the day. She decided on whiskey and poured herself one. "Anyone else need a drink?" "I do," Abby said from the chair where she had secreted herself. "This is not exactly how I expected the day to go."

Ruby poured a half glass for Abby and carried it over to her. "Not how I pictured my time down here either. Seems we will always be in danger, these men are not going to give up until they get what they want. But what they want is not here and they will never find it on their own." "No, and as soon as they figure out that others among us have access to any part of it, our lives will be in as much danger. I think I need to send a telegram to the Pinkerton main office. But I think these boys were running this on the side anyway, so it won't matter much." adds George

Ruby says, "I agree that you should send the telegram, I don't think it can hurt to let them know about this conspiracy. However, it should be clear by now that no one here knows how to access the papers. Not even James or Mina know where it is. You don't even know George and it's better that way." Abby states, "Must be some hiding place. Sometimes the better something is hidden the harder people will search. I hope these men aren't like that or you might have only painted a target on your back."

Ruby replies, "Perhaps. These men don't know who does or doesn't know. I find it odd though that they were willing to kill the people they think knows where it is without they themselves finding it. You know what I mean? If you kill the person who knows, then you will never find it but that doesn't mean the information can't get out. Anyway, I do think it's time for James to get some this information out. But in the end it's up to him," Ruby shrugged.

James returns as they are speaking and says, "I've given that some thought. They actually don't think the information is 'out of reach'. For the last several months I have had my lawyers speaking to the Brown family Estate's lawyers regarding the potential sale of the information. They've communicated that the crate is in storage and under seal.

That was a stalling tactic, but in hindsight I think I made a mistake. I guess I always accepted that they might try to kill me, but I've been asking myself the last two hours as to why they would intentionally try to kill Mina. The answer I've come to is that while she's my heir she wouldn't sell, but if we are both dead they would then have to deal with my estranged daughter instead. She knows none of this, and as long as it appears that I began this as a legal transaction there is no reason why she wouldn't just conclude it. Think about it, why wouldn't she sell them a crate of old papers for a book that I'll never write if I'm dead?"

Ruby tapped her lips while she thought on the issue. "It's not acceptable for either of you to be the target like this. I would be devastated if something happened to Nana OR you. What if... what if through your contacts, through the Estate, you communicated that you sold it to a third party? Would that at least partially get them off your back? As for your daughter... that is a tricky issue."

George suddenly grins. "Oh I have an idea. When we get into town, I can wire the paper back home. Give them an exclusive. George Eastman to establish history museum in Philadelphia. Eastman has been collecting historical documents from all over the country to start his new museum. Eastman's collection received a large boost by the recent acquisition of the entire collection of noted historian James Parker. That kind of story should keep them looking in Philadelphia for my papers for a while. That should at least buy us a little time to get AGELESS going in peace. What do you think James? It would keep your daughter safe for a while as well since it would transfer the danger to me since it would seem I have the papers."

James says, "An excellent suggestion, let's do it. You, Mina and Ruby are acquainted with the Greek/Roman Church's Archbishop in that city, so he could help get the museum actually established. Personally, I would love to see an entire wing dedicated to the work of the Abolitionist movement. And the Archbishop is somebody with enough power, both physically and politically, that the Pinkerton Detective Agency won't mess with him. The AGELESS ship Frolic will be docking here in the next day or two, we could load some cargo for Philadelphia on it to add to the wild goose chase. I may also send Roy along with it to deliver a message to my daughter in person, she knows and trusts him."

Ruby exclaims, "Wait. Wouldn't that just send them off after George instead of James then? Unless we are saying the Archbishop has charge of them, then we might be a little safer..." "Well, yes, In a way it would send them after me. But that is why it is implied in the story that all their papers are being gathered in Philadelphia. If I said New York they would ransack my house. If I say it's in Philadelphia they will search every warehouse in that city looking for papers that aren't there." says George with a smile.

"But James, I wasn't intending to actually start a museum necessarily, merely to provide a false trail. Not that I am against it necessarily though. A little big of seed money would let the Archbishop begin the process, put him on the board of trustees and head caretaker for the moment." muses George. James says, "Ah, but the best way to promote a lie is to base it on truth. We'll start to lay the groundwork for an actual museum, and if in another two or three years we actually have one, all the better. But for the time being that will keep them distracted for a good long time." Ruby was hesitant. "I don't know... I'm still worried about trading one loved one's safety for another’s. But if you think this is the right thing to do and we can get the Arch Bishop involved then perhaps that will buy us some time."

Ruby finished her whiskey then excused herself. Though it was early her scratches were bothering her, not so much the pain of them but the look of them. So she wished everyone a good evening and returned to her room to stay there for the remainder of the night.
Last edited:

Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-two, “Shopping!", September 4th, 1882, 8:30 A.M.

The next morning Ruby arrived downstairs fresh and smiling. The Delroy-Kingsley family has already left, leaving behind a large breakfast spread consisting of scrambled eggs, grits, fried sausage links, orange-lemon muffins, a Jamacian blend coffee, and pitchers of freshly squeezed orange juice, grapefruit juice and limeade. She ate a muffin and had some coffee, waiting for Alsoomse to be ready to take them to the city for shopping

Alsoosme gathers together those wishing to head into the city early to shop, which include Ruby and Fish. She escorts them down to the docks where Enoch Kingsley has gotten the larger sailing vessel ready to sail. The boat is thirty-two feet in length, made mostly of mahogany wood, appears to be brand new, and has the name "AGELESS JOURNEY" written on the stern in gold script. "Not humble, the AGELESS corporation, are we?" Abby asked dryly. "But then, how better to hide your secret agendas than to flaunt your public ones?"

Despite the vessel's size Alsoomse manages to sail it by herself with relative ease. They journey downriver for an hour at a casual pace, stopping only briefly in Mill Cove to pick up the day's mail. They pass a number of islands, both large and small. The westerly river then turns to the south, with the city to the west of it. They sail until they are almost where they had the picnic lunch following the arrival of the trains on Friday.

Abby spent the hour-long said at the rail, breathing deep of the fresh air and enjoying the sun. There was something about being on the water... She had enjoyed the journey back and forth to England so much she almost considered giving over her education and becoming a sailor. But she was still a historian and archeologist. And a woman about to shop for the last fancy dress she was likely to wear for some time.

Ruby had found herself a nice spot on the large ship and sunned herself in the hot Florida rays while they sailed the calm waters. It was an odd juxtaposition, one day relaxing like this, the day before fighting for their lives. She hoped for more days like this than like yesterday. They see Sol Star standing on a dock waiting for their arrival. Alsoomse sails the vessel into a boat slip on a dock. Sol helps to secure the boat to the dock. She stepped lightly off the ship, holding onto Mr. Star's extended hand and smiled.

When it was time to disembark Ruby was eager to begin their shopping. "So where are we going Alsoomse? I need a gown, well, I want a new gown, Nanuet needs a suit too." "You always want a new gown" said George with a smile as he took her hand to help her disembark. "But you of course may have whatever you wish my dear." said George to Ruby. "However, I do think we need to get Nanuet a suit first since you have gowns that could do in a pinch.” Nanuet had been rather quiet the entire trip, mostly taking in the surrounding scenery and keeping to himself.

Ruby laughed. "That is what I love about you darling, you'll always give me anything I want! I'll find something ravishing so you won't be disappointed." Nanuet, any preference on suit styles?" asks George. Ruby sidled up to Nanuet and spoke softly to him. "Wearing a nice suit means you've taken the effort to impress the lady and it will show." Ruby squeezed his arm. "But be yourself, that is always the best advice." "I umm... didn't say I wouldn't. Buy the suit that is. Impress what lady? Who do I have to impress? I'm not trying to impress anyone. I, um, I just need to fit in with everybody else." Nanuet caught himself looking at Alsoomse and then back to Ruby. "Thanks for the advice."

Nanuet says, "Suit styles? Let's just say fashion is not exactly my area of expertise. I would be grateful for any assistance with picking out any clothes that would be needed for this... ball." They agree upon a restaurant to meet for lunch. Alsoome leads the women off to the higher end Jacksonville dress shops while Solomon Star takes charge of the men. Ruby gave George a kiss then hurried off after the women.

Ruby hooked her arm around Abby's. "So, have you been to many balls?" Abby replies, "Not really. The dances at college were all heavily supervised by elderly matrons who were very concerned that there was no 'inappropriate behavior' going on. Which meant no fun, of course. Otherwise most of my dancing has been done in the New Orleans clubs and dance halls. That didn't exactly thrill my mother, but I took her with me to a couple of the higher class ones and she left me alone about it after that," Abby laughed. Ruby replies, "Oh! I've been to a New Orleans club once, it was one of the most fun nights of my life! Is there where you grew up? You're so lucky!"

Jacksonville's Bay Street is the principal business thoroughfare, and runs parallel to and one block distant from the river. For a distance of about a mile it is lined on both sides with stores, offices, and other mercantile buildings, including several of the leading hotels. The Astor Building, at the corner of Bay and Hogan Streets, is the finest in the city, and in it, besides several stores. That is where Alsoomse leads them, and to Maurice Fashions, the finest clothier in the city. A portrait in the lobby shows the company's founder and top designer Maurice Lebeau Francois Saint Louis. A separate saleswoman approaches each woman.

Abby leaned over to Ruby and whispered, "They look like vultures, don't they?" "Yes they do. Now this I know how to deal with." Ruby stepped forward. "Afternoon ladies. We're going to a fabulous ball tonight and we need the most fabulous in fashions that you have. I trust you'll be able to get us suitable attired?" The next ninety minutes goes by in a flurry for the three women as the salespeople show them a variety of formal dresses and gowns, as well as various accessories and jewelry to compliment the attire.

An emerald green gown caught Ruby's eye. As she admired it though her eyes glazed over as she lost herself in her thoughts. When she came back to the moment she passed on the green gown and found herself drawn to a ruby red stunner. Red was her favorite color and red gowns looked amazing on her. She decided on the red and the girl took it away to get wrapped to take home.

As she waited out of the corner of her eye she caught a sparkle that drew her in. She went over to investigate and gasped. A beautiful, creamy white gown covered in crystals hung in a small room off the side of the main lobby. Ruby gazed upon the beautiful confection and there was no doubt she would have this gown. She had the salesgirl take it down and amazingly enough it fit her perfectly. She admired herself for some time, not wanting to take it off. Finally she did so she could return with the others for lunch. But she was giddy with excitement to be able to wear it that evening.

"I hope the men have just as much luck as I have had tonight!," she commented to Abby and Alsoomse, "George is so handsome dressed in a tuxedo," she gushed. Before the saleswoman could whisk her away, Abby desperately whispered to Alsoome, "I don't have the kind of money to shop here, is there somewhere else we can go after Ruby is done?" Alsoomse tells her not to worry, that the purchases will all be paid for by the Conservancy.

With that reassuance Abby went about the difficult task of chosing a gown. She debated between a red and gold brocade and a pale lavender and finally decided to go with cool elegance to diffentiate herself from Ruby. She knew she was just a beautiful, but Ruby exuded warmth so the best way to stand out was to go the other way. Alsoomse chooses a rather conservative gown that is a beige/peach color which favors her tanned skin tone and long dark hair.
The women finish their purchases, which are to be delivered to the boat slip by late afternoon. Alsoomse has the purchases all charged to an account of her's. She comments how bringing the large sailboat to the city gives them the opportunity to have a private cabin to change and prepare for the ball in.

Meanwhile, back at the Timucuan Conservancy, a beehive of activity is going on. Shortly after the boat with the shoppers departed a convoy of nearly one-hundred workers arrived. Most of these men begin digging the ditch from the house to the Kingsley-Delroy house a quarter mile away and the MacKinnon property one-third of a mile further west. The remaining workers assemble the telephone and electrical wiring into the copper piping that will be placed within the ditch. Luiz and Jasper take up supervision of this operation, joined by Alan MacKinnon upon his return from Jacksonville. Once Alan has things under control Luiz heads up to the library to conduct further research.

Inside the house, the others all take to the tunnel with rigor and determination, digging at an accelerated pace. They work until noon at which time they stop for lunch. Luiz brings to James's attention some information that he found in an old book regarding the Whig party that bears further investigation. James heads outside to locate Alan, so that a note can be dispatched to Jacksonville for Sol to continue that line of investigation.

Meanwhile, Fish has scored his suit! It is cut for ease of movement, with a high waist and sleeves that lend themselves to hidden pockets. The cane has beautiful silver Celtic scrollwork, as well as a hidden compartment of its own. The coat buttons are etched with filagree too.

The women proceed down to the waterfront to a posh establishment named the "Florida Gateway Restaurant". The men have already arrived and are seated at a table on the balcony overlooking the river. The waiter brings the menus. The dinner specials consist of swordfish steak, grilled bass, roast leg of lamb, shrimp alfredo and duck in orange sauce. Side dishes are carrots in a butter sauce, brown rice, fruit salad and corn on the cob. Dessert offerings are a lemon-apple cobbler, double-chocolate cake, and banana cream pie. "So how did you boys make out today? Did you all find something fabulous?" She turned to George. "I found the most RAVISHING gown today darling, you're going to want to marry me the moment you see it!" she teased him. "Oh I am sure I will, but how could I possibly want to marry you any faster or any more than I have for the last decade?" says George with a smile. Ruby giggled then leaned over and kissed her fiance. "I don't know but I hope there isn't a priest just hanging around there tonight," she laughed. "You'll blow all your grand wedding plans."

Nanuet looked disheveled, his hair a mess and clothes askew. He made an annoyed face and said "Oh, I made out just fine I guess. I got a suit. How men wear these things on a regular basis I'll never know. A shirt and a vest and a jacket? And then strangle your self by tying something around your neck? And they say I'm a savage." Nanuet while not thrilled with the options of appropriate attire did heartily enjoy the lunch, eating his own meal and greedily eying the plates of others. "Is there going to be food at this thing or just dancing?" he says, taking a huge bite of the chocolate cake.

Ruby says, "I can wait to see you all dressed up Nanuet, the time you borrowed Jake's suit you looked so nice." Ruby squeezed his hand warmly, remembering that night fondly but hoping she wouldn't make her friend sad over lost loves. Even if it was absolutely the right thing that didn't always make it easy to forget. "I bet there will be food... but maybe just dancing. Most balls have a dinner too but we did just eat..."

Ruby turns and comments, "Alsoomse, we're going to prepare on the boat on the way back tonight?" Alsoomse says, "We're not going all the way back to the house just to return, we're staying in the city until the ball." Ruby answers, "That makes sense I guess. So, what should we expect at this ball tonight? Do we need to do anything except show up? Any special people there we should be aware of?" Alsoomse replies, "All of Jacksonville's high society will be there, probably between one-hundred and one-hundred-fifty people. James and Luiz would be more familiar with them.

I've really only familiar with the two top ones. Judge Thomas Settle headed the organization until very recently. He was originally from North Carolina and served in Congress from there. A staunch Republican, President Grant appointed him to District Court here in Florida five years ago. He's a very typical southerner, gentlemanly, but with all of the prejudices you would expect.

The other is General Francis Elias Spinner, the organization's new leader. He's a New Yorker by birth and served in Congress as an anti-slavery Democrat. During the war he was appointed the Treasurer of the United States, a job he held for fifteen years. He was responsible for the hiring of civilians to government jobs, and took the controversial position of hiring women to work for the government. I worked directly for him in the Federal Department of Indian Affairs and was the one who introduced him to James. He's had a home here in Jacksonville for a few years now.

Ruby states, "Spinner? That name sounds familiar...," Her brows furrowed together as she tried to piece that together then shrugged. "Well, is there anything we should be doing tonight or just be our fabulous selves?" Alsoomse smiles and says, "Just be yourself and have fun, it's a party and you're with the man you love." "Oh you KNOW I'm going to have fun," she grinned. "Well, I'm not in love with any man, so I might just have more fun. No elderly matrons to get in the way," Abby laughed.

"But I just wanted to make sure I didn't, you know, do something that would make Nana or James..." Ruby shrugged. "You know. Anyway, this lunch is delicious!" Ruby finished her lunch with gusto, changing the subject.
"I'm so ready for a party, yesterday was rough. I hope we don't have to get up early tomorrow," Ruby giggled. "I'm going to need some time to get ready." Abby says, "It shouldn't take that long, although how I'm going to manage my hair, I don't know." Ruby says, "Oh, I can help you with that, it'll be fun! You have such nice hair it should be easy to get it up and ravishing."

Just as they are finishing dessert Sheriff Holtzburn arrives. He heads over to the table and says to Sol "Deputy Star, I apologize for interrupting your meal. I just now received a communication from your associates who would like you to further investigate some new information that they came across. They found a reference to Mr. Phineas Brown, the Whig politician from Virginia who had been Mr. Parker's rival at that auction. Apparently Mr. Brown had an older brother Thomas who was also prominent in the Whig party. Thomas Brown moved to Florida in the early 1830's and served as the State's second Governor in the years 1849 until 1853."

Ruby asks, "Well, what are you going to do Sol, waltz up to his house and ask him if his brother was part of a murder conspiracy?" Sol asks, "Does he even live in Jacksonville?"

The Sheriff replies, "I doubt it. As I see it we have two options, we could send a telegram off to the Governor Bloxham to see what he knows about his predecessor or we could head over to the Jacksonville Library and see what we can look up about him." Ruby asks, "Do we have time to visit the library now?" Sol replies, "Sure we do, the ball doesn't start for another five hours." Ruby states, "Well then, if everyone is finished with lunch, let's take a little wander over to the library and see what we can find!"

Abby interjects, "Research. At least that's one of my strong suits. And it will be good to see what kind of resources we'll have available in the city." Lawrence rubs his hands together. "A capital idea, Ruby. A little research will cut through some of the fog." Ruby says, "Well, I'll leave the research up to you smarty pants types," she winked at him. "I'll come along in case some finagling is needed." Tucking away his leer, Fish thinks to himself, "How is it that she can make a perfectly ordinary word like 'finagle' sound dirty?"

The lunch bill is paid the Sheriff leads them over to Adams Street to a one-story frame building having a steep roof and a small entrance porch. A plaque on the door reads that the Library and Literary Association was founded by May Moore and Florence Murphy in 1878 as a free public library and reading room for the city. It was initially located in the Astor Building, on the corner of Bay and Hogan. In April of 1882 the renamed Jacksonville Library Association constructed the current building.

As they enter the Chief Librarian James Douglas is more than happy to assist Sheriff Hotzbrun, Deputy Star, and their research associates. Douglas says that he is honored to also have a visit by the famed linguistic expert Professor Alsoomse de Rosa, several of her visiting students having visited the library during the summer. He speaks favorably of the Timucuan Conservancy's goals.

There are three shelves of books regarding Florida history, but the vast majority of them are older books written in Spanish and cover the three centuries of Spanish rule. There are two books of more recent history, one published in 1871 to commemorate Florida's 50th Anniversary of United States Control. Another published in 1881 covers Florida's first thirty-five years as a State.

They soon discover that a visit with Governor Thomas Brown will not be forthcoming, as he died fifteen years ago. There is a fair amount of information about the man. He is buried in Tallahassee and the older of the two books references his marriage date and that he had one son. The newer of the books has nothing further about Brown but does include a photograph of the man. One distinguishing feature of the man is a rather prominent nose. "Hey!" interjects Fish, "he looks like that bonny that followed us onto the train!"

Seeing nothing further for information, Sol decides to take the Sheriff up on his other suggestion. They head over to the Jacksonville telegram office. The clerk Herman J. Ketchum gives Sol a friendly greeting, Alan MacKinnon having introduced the two of them at dinner in town the previous evening. A telegram is dispatched to Governor Bloxham, requsting that a reply be sent within the next two hours.

That done, the Sheriff departs, wishing them luck and saying that he and his wife will see them at the ball. Sol says to the other six, "Well, we still have some time to kill. What you any of you like to do?" After the Sheriff departs Sol says that he and Fish need to pay a visit to a mutual acquaintance, and says he will meet the others back at the telegram office in two house. Ruby and George head off together to do some more shopping.

Abby says, "Most of the things I'd do for fun happen at night, and I'm not much of a shopper for shopping's sake. Any suggestions? Someplace where the locals like to spend the day?" Alsoomse says that she was going to introduce Nanuet to some of the locals and invites Abigail to join them. They head down to the ferry boat and cross over to the opposite shore.

Back at the house, Thomas, Roy, James, John and Lawrence managed to get all of the wheelbarrows filled by 3:30 PM and the tunnel is now another thirteen feet deeper. They head back to their respective rooms to get washed up and dressed for the ball. Luiz and Mina confer with Alan MacKinnon, who says that the workmen have compelted the ditch and wiring to the Delroy-Kingsley house and are one-third of the way from their to the MacKinnon house. The workers are dismissed for the day, to return tomorrow.

Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-three, “Before the Ball", September 4th, 1882, 3:30 P.M.

Alsoomse then leads Nanuet and Abigail through the 'Elvan' district of Jacksonville, where the Siminole fishermen live and work. They stop off at a building where three dozen elven men and women are working on rugs and tapestries, some using cotton thread, some using wool. She approaches an ancient man, probably at least six or seven centuries in age, and engages him in conversation in a language that neither Nanuet or Abigail recognize. She then turns to them and says, "This is Wahunsonatou of the Algonquin tribe. His nephew was King Powhatan, the chief who first encountered the English colonists at Jamestown 275 years ago. You may have heard the story of his Great-Neice Pocahontas."

The older elf smiles and says in a thickly-accented deep voice "Hello friends and students of Alsoomse, I welcome you. I have always been a man of piece. I came here twenty-five years ago to help end the Siminole Wars against the United States, which lasted for four decades from your years 1818 until 1858, due to the tribe's refusal to be relocated." Alsoomse adds, "Yes, they became the only tribe not removed from this region by President Jackson. My friend here helped to negotiate the final truce between Chief Coacoochee and the Army's Colonel Harney. Those provisions allow the tribe to continue to reside throughout the State."

Abigail comments, "I must admit, I'm always a bit astounded to hear someone talk firsthand of things that happened hundreds of years ago. Does the tribe still reside together on their ancestral lands, or have they spread out among the new inhabitants?" He says, "My own tribe was relocated to the mid-west and west. The Siminoles are actually an amalgam of various tribes, most of which occupied Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi but moved to Florida while it was still held by the Spanish to escape from persecution by the United States."

Abigail says, "So they banded together to stay in their new home, and won. An unusual outcome here in the United States, and one at least I wish had been repeated more often. Did they share a great deal of cultural identity to keep them together? It always seems the choices are to keep the tribe and it's cultural identity together but be forced to go where the government says, or to allow the tribe to scatter and lose it."

He says, "That depends upon who you ask. Many of the elders feel that each individual tribe has lost some of its culture, but I for one feel that by remaining in the same region of the country they have retained more than they would have lost if they remained pure but were forced to relocate to the plains states or western deserts as happened with the majority of the other tribes. And they have also gained by creating a unique Siminole culture that draws from the best of each previous tribe.'

Abby says, "Yes, where a culture originates, the weather patterns, the landscape, all have profound effect on culture. For instance, most cultures in tropical climates don't value modest clothing much. It's just too hot to be burying yourself under clothes. I hope you'll forgive my manners, or lack thereof. I tend to get excited and ask questions before I think about whether they're appropriate."

He replies, "Alsoomse has indicated that you students of the Timucuan Conservancy are here for a relatively short time. She has stated that during that time wish to learn as much as you can about Native American cultures." Alsoomse says, "Yes Wahunsonatou, but Miss Marters here is not one of the students. She has completed her graduate studies plans to stay on at the Conservancy in more of a faculty capacity." He smiles and says, "Then all the more reason for her to ask as many questions as she can, so that she will know the answers for the students."

"I was always a questionsome girl, and I hardly feel any older now," she laughed. "It seems strange to hear Alsoomse say that I've completed my studies, the more I learn the more I realize I don't know. Now, what drew you to the plight of the Seminole's here in Florida? It's a long way from the original lands of the Algonquin, if I remember correctly."

He replies, "Algonquin itself was the name of the common language spoken by a variety of tribes in the northeast, each tribe had its own name. My tribe was called the Virigina Algonquin or the Powhatten Algonquin. Comparatively speaking, we occupied a fairly small amount of land, mostly what is now the Virginia coast and rivers inland from it. To the north were the larger Nanticoke and Delaware tribes and to the south were the Iroquois. As the humans moved into our lands the majority of my tribe moved either south and intermixed with the Iroquois or north to Canada and became part of the Canadian Algonquin nation. Our own dialect of the language disappeared nearly a century ago."

Alsoomse says, "Which is how Wahunsonatou first became acquainted. He assisted me with my linguistic studies at Dartmouth College. Even thought the Virigina Algonquin dialect is now for all practical purposes an extinct language, due to their having the initial contact with the English several of their unique words live on." He says, "Yes, the animal names muskrat, opposum, and raccoon are our words." She adds, "As well as the words moccasin and tomahawk." He says, "Professor Alsoomse was the one who suggested my name to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to act as facilitator and mediator to end the Siminole Wars. The Siminole were appreciative and invited me to remain here with them."

Abby says, "All practical purposes? There are still other native speakers then. I would think one of the advantages of such a long life-span would be slowed loss of such things, and as such, more time to save them if you see what's happening."

Nanuet had been quiet until this point and now steps forward "I am honored to meet you Wahunsonatou. It is a noble thing you have done, helping to make peace between elves and humans. I participated in similar activities with the Apache and the humans in the west. Any friend of Alsoomse shall be treated as a friend by me.”

He replies, "Then I am honored to meet you as well. Things are currently tense between the humans and Apache, so whatever work you have done is helpful. You may have heard that a few months back a group of Western Apache attempted to kill the top Government official in charge of Indian Affairs. That incident has done great harm to our people, and had they been successful I hesitate to think of what the repercussions might have been."

Nanuet says, "That is unsettling news, as things there are very tense. It is unfortunate that things drew me away from there before a lasting peace could be obtained. Hopefully peace is something that can be obtained and should I ever return there I will focus my attentions towards doing just that.”

Wahunsonatou spends the next hour taking Alsoomse, Nanuet and Abby around the room. He introduces them to the various Siminole artisans in the room and each explains what they are working on. Some are simply artistic pieces, others are histories of their people, and a few are religious in nature. The trio next go to an outdoor market still in the Elvan area and Alsoomse purchases some snacks of local food for them to sample. They then take the ferry boat back across to the main city and return to the telegram office to wait for the others

George and Ruby explored the city looking for unique items and anything else that caught Ruby's eye. She also searched for fabrics for the ladies to make sundresses out of, and bought a few bolts for them to be able to make sundresses for everyone. George orders orchid corsages for all the women from the Conservancy who will be attending the ball and arranges for them to be delivered to the ball and waiting when they arrive. Once the shopping was finished and the time drew near they began making their way back to the telegram office. Lawrence rubs his back. He says to the others, "And now our reward. It's been a while since I've been to a ball. I think I can remember how to dance."

The seven meet the Sheriff back at the telegram office. Sol checks with the manager and there is indeed a reply from Governor Bloxham. Sol reads through it and says, "Very interesting. Governor Brown died fifteen years ago but his only son predeceased him, having died in the war at Gettysburg. The son's wife moved to Europe with their two children following the war. The children were educated there and then became professional dancers with the Paris Ballet. Their mother died a few years back and the children then returned to Florida. They still own the Brown estate in Tallahassee, but he says they reside primarily at a seaside property at Atlantic Beach."

The Sheriff says, "That's on the coast due east of here, and only around six miles away from the Timucuan Conservancy. It's in the same county, so falls under our jurisdiction." Sol says, "Oh, one final comment. He says they are both now 24 years of age, twins, named Percival Brown and Penelopie Brown." The Sheriff departs and the group of Abby, Alsoomse, Fish, George, Nanuet, Ruby and Sol head back to the boat. The women spend time down in the boat's cabin preparing for the ball while Sol breaks out some cigars and whiskey for the men to partake of above deck while they wait.

Ruby helped Abby in whatever ways she needed, fixing her hair and dressing her in her lovely lavender gown. She found it refreshing, she missed her best friend and while it was always fun with George she also enjoyed spending time in the company of girls her age. Once Abby was satisfied with Ruby's help she disappeared into her own room. George knew better than to disturb her when she was preparing to surprise him with a new gown. Abby let Ruby fuss with her until the younger woman was satisfied, as she seemed to greatly enjoy it. Once she had left to prepare herself Abby made her final preparations.

At approximately 5:45 PM the carriage from the Timucuan Conservancy arrives near the boat slip. Lawrence and Luiz are driving the carriage while James, Mina, John and Thomas are inside. Luiz, dressed in the finest of clothing, then walks down to the boat to see if the others are ready to head to the ball.

The coach arrived and Ruby was still missing, late as usual. Finally she emerged from her room and swept up onto the deck of the boat. Dressed in a stunning white gown that was covered in crystals, she sparkled as the remnants of the sun glittered off the gown. It was a big poufy confection of a dress, the delicate lace fabric sat low off her shoulders, the bodice cut low and snug against her chest highlighted with the tiniest of pearls and behind her trailed a train of satin and tulle. Her hair was pulled back and hung long down her back, accented by clips of shining diamond stars that matched the decoration on the gown. "I'm not late, am I?" she asked innocently with a grin as she reached the waiting group of men

The woman who came onto the deck about five minutes after Ruby could not have been a greater contrast. Her warm, honey-colored hair was twisted neatly behind her head but soft in the front with a jeweled headband disappearing into the tresses at the sides. A wide choker set with the same clear stones as the headband circled her throat. The lavender gown was narrow through the skirt, with square bustled layers all the way down the back. It exposed her shoulders and most of her arms, leaving her long, silver gloves to take the place of sleeves.

Abby stepped onto the deck of the boat, the picture of cultured elegance, only marred by her inability to quite manage her own mirthful expression. Once Lawrence sees the women, dressed in their finery, he climbs down from the carriage. He removes his hat in a sweep and bows. "Ladies, might I say you all look beautiful. Allow me to help you aboard." Upon entering the carriage the others see Mina Parker is attired in a long-sleaved plum-colored gown with gold embroidery that has a middle-eastern style to it. She smiles at Ruby and Abigail, complimenting their choices in gowns and saying that each favors the wearer.

The carriage rides through the city into a neighborhood with a remarkable number of handsome residences. Nearly all of these are surrounded by ample grounds laid out in tasteful gardens and lawns. Many lawns and gardens are perfect little parks, and the fruits, flowers, and shrubs. The ride up the cobblestone path of a large driveway towards a large well-lit mansion. A dirt lot adjacent to the house is filled with parked carriages and horse teams. Several ogres dressed in tuxedos and tails are standing by the main doorway and opening carriage doors for the guests.

As the carriage rides up one of the ogre servants approaches and offers to park it for Luiz and Lawrence. Luiz says, "I'll do so myself once my passengers disembark. But please good Sir, step up here and help direct me to its destination." Another ogres approaches the side coach and helps to open the door. Two more tuxedoed ogres are standing at the top of the stairs to open the doors to the mansion.

Lawrence nods at the ogres working the door. He holds out his arm for Abigail. "My dear, we have arrived." "Why thank you, Mr. Cantrell. Such a gentleman." Abby placed her fingertips lightly on the offered arm. "We wouldn't want to keep our hosts waiting." "Certainly not, my dear. You'll be the belle of the ball."

George offers his arm to Ruby as she exits the carriage and escorts her up the stairs. At the top George pauses "My good man, I arranged for a delivery of flowers for the ladies of our party to be delivered, would you be so kind as to see if they have arrived. The name is George Eastman." he says to one of the ogres at the door. The doors are opened to reveal a multi-room mansion interior, with four large rooms within sight of the doorway. Most of the furnishings appear to have been removed, with the only chairs along the outer walls of the building. The remainder appears to be available for dancing. A small wooden stage has been erected near a grand piano and a seven-piece orchestra is setting up.

There are somewhere between eighty-and-one-hundred people in sight. One-third of them are elven females attired in similar waitress attire, long black dresses with white aprons and hats. They are carrying silver platters with either hors derves or beverages to the guests. The women in the room all where elaborate gowns of various styles while most of the men have on suits or tuxedoes, although several of the men are wearing military uniforms, both Union and Confederate, indicating former service in the war.

A human male with white mutton-chops and wearing a tailed tuxedo similar to that of the ogres is standing just inside the doorway with a leather booklet in his hand inside which is a list of names. He asks those arriving who they are. After Lawrence and Abby identify themselves he checks the name off on his list, then loudly announces to the room "Mr. Lawrence Cantrell and Miss. Abigail Marsters". Nobody appears to pay any particular attention to them.

George and Ruby next approach him. When checks their names and announces "George Eastman and finace Constance Grace West." That causes a flurry of activity, as several couples move in their direction. They are surprised to recognize one of the couples, Eric and Paula Wenzel, who they met the previous month at the marriage of Ruby's mother Alma. They are friends from Baltimore of Lucas Burnham, Ruby's new stepfather, and were among the two-dozen or so guests at the wedding.

Nanuet disembarks the carriage and spends his time fidgeting with the suit and pulling at his collar. He sees George and Lawrence help Abigail and Ruby out of the carriage so he keeps an eye out for when Alsoomse is ready to get out of the carriage and he offers a hand to her to help her down. "Here, let me help you" he says in a meek voice.

John Hardin twitches uncomfortably when his name is announced, still not used to the stiffness of the new suit. His left hand brushes against the concealed Lightenings - reassuringly - as he reaches up to doff his bowler. He glances around - a crooked smile on his face and takes in the room, noting the exits, the caliber of the crowd and any visible armaments. As per the previously discussed plans, Thomas and Fish enter together and are introduced as "Doctor Thomas S. Crane and his servant Benjaimin."

James and Mina are introduced as "James and Wilamina Parker", with Nanuet and Alsoomse immediately following the Parkers in without introduction, giving the impression to the social elite that they are the pair's personal servants. Solomon Star enters afterwards and is likewise introduced. Luiz is detained with parking the carriage, although his primarily objective at the moment is to obtain information from conversation with the ogre parking attendant.

Ruby takes George's arm and lets him lead her into the room. She smiles warmly as they approach the couple they know, "Mr and Mrs Wenzel," she curtsies, "How nice to see you. What are you doing here in sunny Florida?" Eric says, "I had to take care of some business down here with shipping contracts." Paula interjects, "My parents own a large house a few miles east of here, they use during in the winter months, so let us stay there whenever Eric has to travel down here for business. Father belongs to the Jacksonville Fraternal Order so we were invited to their ball. Now what are you two doing down here?"

Ruby replies, "It's nice to have someplace homey to stay when you travel, isn't it? George and I are here by invitation of the Timucuan Conservancy. I believe we will be conducting some business with them in the future as members.” Paula says, "Oh, we have some elvan servants at the house who were saying something about that place. It's looking for history of old elvan homes isn't it?" "Yes, we are researching old tribes of elves from this area, actually. What were they saying about us?" she asked curiously.

Paula says, "That you are a group of college history students looking into elvan history. What college is it that you attend Ruby?" “Oh, I don't attend college. My grandmother's husband is one of the men in charge so he invited us down. Probably to get his grips on George here," she laughed lightly. "He is a history buff." "Well, that and I have a little experience with a camera" says George with a smile. "But, yes we are helping establish the resources needed for the visiting students to gain some first hand archeology experience and to make sure the Conservancy is able to document and preserve what they find of the ancient way of life by the elves here.

Ruby asks, “What kind of shipping business do you do, Eric?” Eric says, "I transport primarily agricultural products by barge, around here it is a combination of beans, rice and yams that I ship to northern ports. My connections in Washington D.C. help give me preference for some of the major contracts." Ruby replies, “Very interesting, I will have to file that away in important information." Fish turns his head to whisper directly into Thomas' ear, "Let's join Miss West. Call it a hunch..."

A pianist takes to the piano and the orchestra begins to play. They begin with light background music for the opening reception. The waitresses continue to circulate offering snacks and beverages to the guests. Luiz finally arrives and is announced as "Doctor Pedro Luiz Napoleao Chernoviz". Luiz is approached by a distinquished looking gentleman who introduces himself as Doctor Richard Letourneau. He says that he is one considered to be Jacksonville's top surgeon and that he regularly uses Luiz's medical texts.

As people circulate through the rooms they see that the large wooden deck on the back of the house has been set up with chairs and tables with a large buffet table along the back wall with various foods. Fish and Thomas soon find themselves in a group of six very attractive young single ladies in their late teenage years who apparently all have their eyes on the wealthy young doctor and academic who they assume Fish to be. They are introduced (clockwise from Fish) as Katherine Desjardins LeMont, Donna Young, Anne-Marie Newbury, Carolyn Leslie MacAdams, Candice Fairfield and Glenna Rose Ayers. Within the first few minutes of conversation it is apparent that all six are the children or grandchildren of the club members.

Fish leans on his rakish good looks and natural charisma to mack on the ladies -- in particular, his keen sense of Balance and acrobatic prowess should allow him to move close and spark standing-almost-too-close flirtation. He puts Diplomacy and Bluff to good use, playing with their assumptions. He fronts no outright pretense feigning the role of the good doctor, but neither does he go out of his way to disabuse them of the notion.

James, Mina, Alsoomse and Nanuet are approached by a tall man in a United States Navy uniform with the rank of Admiral (photo below). The man has a beard and mustache. The man has a number of medals pinned to his uniform. James had worn a pair of medals on his suit lapel, which is apparently what attracted the man's attention. The Admiral introduces himself as Christoper Matthew Perry Rogers. James smiles and says, "Admiral Rogers, it is an honor." He turns to Mina and says, "Admiral, this is my wife Willamina." He then turns back towards his elvan companions and says, "And these are Alsoomse da Rosa and Nanuet." Rogers bows towards each. Looking at his companions James continues, "Admiral Rogers is quite famous, he served in the Mexican-American war at the naval seige of Vera Cruz and during the Civil War his ship was instrumental in the Battle of Port Royal."

The admiral's body language had initially indicated some annoyance but James's recognition of him and knowledge of the man's background appears to help mollify the man. Rogers says, "I am honored that you know of me, but then, you are a historian. If you don't mind however, I wish to discuss something with you, perhaps in private..." as he jestures to one of James's medals. James says, "We can speak in front of my family and friends. What is it you wish to talk about?" Rogers says, "Well I hoped to avoid any embarrassment, but it is inappropriate for you to be wearing that. While I am sure you are proud of your ancestor's service in the War of 1812, a Naval service medal should only be worn by the recipient, not his descendents."

James smiles and says, "Ah, I understand now. Sir, I was the recipient, having served on the USS Constitution. I am older than I appear due to my being part-elvan." He gestures back towards Alsoomse and says, "Professor da Rosa is my grandmother."

From the moment of his introduction John Wesley Hardin had been swamped by people wishing to meet the celebrated outlaw. While he did his best to rid himself of the unwanted attention they persisted. Even a trip to the men's water closet failed to work, as they waited outside of the room for his return. He was on the verge of having to make threats when an illustration of how "fickle" celebrity seekers are manifested itself.

From the front door the arrival was announced of "Mr. Edwin F. Pierce and Miss. Fanny Davenport." Both in their early thirties and reknowned actors of the New York and European stage, she is considered one of the top actresses of this day. He too is considered a fine actor, although in truth he is best known for being her husband of three years. The two actors instantly became of the target of what had been the Hardin-fan-club. The crowd around John immediately disperses and flocks to see Fanny and Edwin without so much as even a 'goodbye' to Hardin.

Ruby states, "Oh Georgie! We have to make sure to go over and say hello! We should wait until they aren't swamped though. I hope they'll want to spend some time chatting."

Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-four, “The Jacksonville Fraternal Order’s Ball", September 4th, 1882, 8:30 P.M.

Ruby and George had been chatting with the Wenzels for fifteen minutes when the doorman announces "Mr. Henry Morrision Flagler and Guest". The entire room becomes immediatley silent and many people assume body languages communicating great tension. George recognizes Flagler's name, as he and his business partners John D. Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews founded Standard Oil, one of the nation's most successful businesses. Next to the announcer are an older man standing beside a well-dressed young lady. The older man's face has turned beet red as he glares around the room. The silence continues for a solid minute and there are a few snickers in the back of the room, from a group of middle-aged to older women.

A distinguished man hurries up to the doorway and says, "Henry, I apoligize, this will be dealt with." That man then takes the leather list from the one by the door, stating "You are dismissed. Leave my home NOW!" He then turns to the hall stating loudly "Mr. Henry Morrison and Mrs. Ida Alice Flagler." Conversations in the room resume although people still keep their voices low as the upper-class drama continues to unfold at the doorway.

Ruby's hand flew to her mouth and she giggled. "Oh, that is embarrassing for them," she commented. "Well, you know, it shouldn't matter that much, all this silly class drama. I wonder if that was purposeful. Anyway, it's really great that you don't care about that stuff George. I can't stand it."

Eric and Paula are still standing nearby and Eric says, "Oh, it was totally purposeful. Those society women absolutely hate Mr. Flagler's new wife. He moved here to Jacksonville six years ago, as the warmer climate was thought to help his sickly first wife. He was very devoted to her; she finally passed away last year. Not long after that Mr. Flagler married young Ida Alice, who had been his wife's nurse." Ruby replies, "Oh that's not very nice. He was probably very lonely. George, we should make sure to go over and speak to them. That'll make people talk."

Abigail and Lawrence had circulated around the room, meeting the various people present and engaging in superficial small talk. They find themselves in the company of a trio of Europeans who had recently moved to the Jacksonville area. The three are from Belgium, the patriarch being a widower of Lawrence's generation by the name of Jean-Francois Jacques de Lambert and his children closer to Abigail in age, a daughter Rouyn Elise de Montgomerie and son Garread Lucius de Lambert. They have recently purchased a cotton plantation west of the city.

Lawrence says, "Monsieur de Lambert, Mademoiselle de Montgomerie, Monsieur de Lambert. How nice to meet you. You seem to be doing well here. How do you like the weather? It's much warmer than in France, right?" Jean-Francois replies, "Oui, France and Belgium are much cooler. But here in the Jacksonville area we at least get the cool ocean breeze."

Abigail asks, "If I may ask, what brought you from Belgium to Florida? Such a radical change for all of you. Did you desire adventure, or was there a definite plan behind your decision?" Gerread says, "He left to provide me and my sister with a better life, our opportunities in Belgium became limited." Jean-Francois says, "Yes, I had a very successful business with what I thought were hundreds of happy customers. What I didn't realize was that their patronage was linked to their assumptions of future opportunities with King Leopold, as Gerread here was formally courting his daughter Princess Stephanie."

Gerread says, with some bitterness in his voice, "But Leopold chose to marry her off last year instead to Archduke Rudoff, the Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia." Jean-Francois says, "Yes, an arranged marriage to increase Belgium's power in Europe. Once it was clear that I was not going to have any royal connections my customers abruptly left me, forcing me to close the business for good. We sold the family estate and came here to America, where we are now successful again."

Abby says, "I'm sorry to hear that. It's unfortunate the things that people will do when they think there is money or power to be gained. And unfortunate for the Princess that her father favored a match made for his power rather than her happiness with a young man who obviously loved her. But you're in the United States now and doing well. I wish I could promise that no one here is a power-seeker, but we all know better. But still, America is different, and hard work rarely goes unrewarded."

Gerrard smiles at Abby and says, "Oui, and one reward is that there are no shortages of beautiful women here in America. Please save me a dance for later Abigail, I would be very appreciative." A warm smile crossed Abby's face, her chin tilted down just slightly so she could look up from under her eyelashes. "As I appreciate the invitation. How could I refuse such a charming gentleman." She lifted her head a bit and asked, "How did you settle on a cotton plantation? Is it your new business, or just a place you wanted to live that would garner some additional income for the family?"

Jean-Francois replies, "It was serendipity. We initially went to Savannah, Georgia, for no other reason than that was the ship's destination. Not long thereafter I happened to meet an old widow whose husband and heirs had not survived the war. She was looking to sell her family property here in the Jacksonville area. I knew nothing about cotton farming, but am a quick study, and truly enjoy owning one-thousand acres of land rather than only five as was the case in Belgium."

Abigail notices that Rouyn Elise has remained quiet during the entire conversation. In a rather thick French accent she excuses herself and heads over to get a drink from one of the waitresses. Jean-Francois says, "The change has been hard on her, she misses both French culture and her husband. He is a sailor, and was seldom home back in Belgium, but since moving to the United States he has chosen to spend more time out at sea than ever before."

"He didn't... marry her with the same thought your disloyal customers had, did he? I hope you'll forgive me, I know it's none of my business. To be pulled away from home to a place so different must be very difficult." Jean Francois says, "Oh no, but Marcel was my employee, the Engineering Officer of my freighter fleet. When the business went under I had to sell the ships and he had no job. When we were in Savannah he was hired as Chief Engineer on a rather large freighter that makes runs up and down the Atlantic coast, from Canada to Latin America, with only occasional leave. So he's now out at sea two-thirds to three-quarters of the time."

Abby looked relieved and nodded. "It must be very hard for her. Although I love my home of New Orleans, I've always been so curious about the world that I was eager to travel it. But I find every now and then I need to return and remember who I am in the place where I was born." Gerread lights up and exclaims, "You're from New Orleans! Does that mean that you speak the French language?"

She replies, "Oui Monsieur, but not as beautifully as you might hope. The French spoken by the people of New Orleans is not quite the same as that spoken in Europe. It's been influenced by the many other races and nationalities that live in the city. My accent would probably sound just awful to you, never mind the slang I'd be sure to use." He says, "Oui, I understand. But you are fluent in the language, non? You can read and understand French. That is magnificent, we have that in common."

She asks, "Oh yes, certainly. What else do you think we might have in common?" Taking her hand in his he states, "Ah, those of us of French background have much in common, the world is our playground, and it is just a matter of choosing what to explore first." His sister returns and comments to Gerrard in French "Brother dear, please stop pawing at that poor woman! Why must you attempt to enrapture every female that you meet." Lawrence gets the gist of what she says. He laughs while trying to hide it with his hand. "Ahem, sorry about that. New Orleans is a wonderful city. So full of life. It must be the French influence."

Abigail laughed lightly and smiled at the woman. In French she answered, "Have no fear for me, Madame. It's been a while since I was outrageously flattered and I'm certainly enjoying it. I hope I'll see both of you again after this lovely evening is over, I think we could be great friends, and we can all use friends." Rouyn Elise gives Abby a genuine smile and says, "Yes, I would like that, I have no friends here at all. You don't have to worry about Gerread either, he'll happily become your friend."

Abby switched back to English and said, "See, my accent IS atrocious. I have to admit the French in my background is quite small. My father was an Englishman, but my mother is New Orleans born and raised. She has a lot of different nationalities in her background, French being only one of them." Jean-Francois says, "I've heard worse, and we Belgium’s are not as critical of pronunciation as the French, they even criticize our use of the language.” Abby laughed lightly at Rouyn Elise's comment. "Oh, I'm sure he will. I will just have to watch for what else he might try to become," she said, teasing. "It might even be fun. But with you on my side I will have the inside story on him.

I have never been to France, I was in England but I was working and didn't leave England for pleasure trips. But from what I've heard, the French can be rather particular."

Gerrard ignores his sister's comment and pays little to no attention to Lawrence's as well, focusing entirely upon Abigail. Jean-Francois replies to Lawrence with "I for one welcome the American ways over the French, there is something to be said for being a young, new and interesting place. Now that your nation has settled it's internal differences I find it's potential to be near-infinite."

Across the room, the last of the guests continue to arrive and be announced, including the Sheriff and wife Gerta. Nanuet wanders around almost as if he is lost. He finds himself drawn to the other elves and strikes up conversations with the servers when they are idle.

Mina Parker soon comes to his rescue saying, "There you are! Let's stick together for a while please. Apparently the Admiral was also the Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy, so he is now lost in conversation with James and Alsoomse about college academia. I found it interesting for the first fifteen minutes but then tired of it. They'll be at it for another hour or so. Let's get something to eat dear friend." "Well now you are certainly speaking my language!" Nanuet says cracking a wide smile. "I'd be glad to accompany you!" Nanuet offers his arm to Mina and the two go off in search of food and drink.

Near the stage, the women all compete for Fish’s attentions, each trying to outdo the next with flattery, flirtations, compliments, and/or talk of their own family wealth. Fish is greatly enjoying their company when another young lady who has just entered the room suddenly distracts him. Standing at the doorway, dressed in an elegant blue gown, is the women he met on the train. Beside her is a man in a three-piece suit with an almost identical face as the woman. The replacement doorman checks the list and announces "Mr. Percival T. Brown and Miss. Penelope J. Brown."

Fish attempts to catch Hardin's eye. When he does, he nods meaningfully toward the couple. The Brown twins engage in conversation not far from the door with Mr. and Mrs. Flagler, who are still speaking with the party's host and two other gentlemen who had joined him. Luiz breaks off from his conversation with the Doctor and makes his way over towards Fish and Thomas and gesturing to the Browns comments "My, look who has arrived. Well, they do say that you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Ruby waited some time until the actors seemed to have less people surrounding them. She took George and waited for the right moment to introduce themselves. She gave them a little curtsy. "Good evening Mr. Pierce and Miss Davenport. My name is Ruby West and this is my fiancée George Eastman. I'd love to have a bit of a chat with you if you have the time. I'm an entertainer myself and have been considering becoming an actress."

"Eastman, the photographer?" Pierce exclaims. He warmly welcomes the two of them and asks if they live in the area. While he speaks with George Fanny steps slightly away, greeting the other fans who flocked to them. "Yes, that's my George," Ruby smiled. Though it was odd to have someone more interested in him than in her. Still, he should have some attention sometime too. "Actually George lives in Rochester, where my family is originally from. Right now we're living here. I don't know where we will live after we get married. What are you doing here in Florida?"

Edwin says, "Trying to keep up with my bride." Hearing herself mentioned, Fanny pivots back and introduces herself to Ruby and George. She says that she will be performing in Tallahassee the upcoming weekend and arrived early in the State to look around." Ruby shook the woman's hand. "Pleasure to meet you Miss Davenport. Or is it Mrs. Pierce? I'd love to see you perform in your upcoming show. Perhaps we could enjoy a meal together at some point, if you'll be down here for some time. I'd love to hear about your experiences."

Fannie says, "We're staying in Jacksonville until Wednesday. Why don't we get together for dinner and a show tomorrow night? We're staying at the Astor Hotel." "That sounds wonderful! Is that alright George? I believe we are free tomorrow evening. That way we can leave you to your other adoring fans tonight," Ruby teased. "We'll meet you at the Astor Hotel, what time would be convenient for the two of you?" "None too early," Fanny States, "We theater people do not even begin our days until noon. How does 7:00 PM sound?"

Ruby laughs heartily. "Yes, this I know, trust me. Many a friend and acquaintance know I won't be available until a little later in the day. 7:00 sounds perfect. Until tomorrow then." Ruby gave them a little nod then took George's hand and tugged him away. "That's so exciting! Tomorrow night that is. Now, would you like to have a little appetizer, dance or perhaps go cause trouble with Mr. Flagler and young Ida Alice?"

Nanuet and Mina find their way out to the back deck of the mansion, a large wooden railed platform overlooking a river tributary that flows into the main river a half-mile away. Various tables and chairs have been set out of the deck and tables with food and beverages are along the wall beside the building. The variety of foods is varied, with nearly every type of meat, fish, fruit and vegetable one could expect as well as no shortage of cheeses and breads. A half-ogre bartenders is standing next to a beverage cart, getting guests whatever they wish.

Gas lanterns illuminate the deck, although there is still residual light to the west from where the sun has recently set. A tall woman in a maroon gown approaches the pair and says "Hello, Once you have your food Count Ladislas would appreciate it if you could join him." She gestures to a table where a distinguished looking clean-shaven gentleman with dark hair is seated. He appears to be around forty years of age and is attired in a dark suit, white shirt, with a dark cloak over his shoulders. His appearance is also that of a half-elf, with an angular face and points to his ears.

"Oh, ummm... certainly" Nanuet says with uncertainty as he looks to Mina who nods. "We'd be honored to join Count Ladislas." Nanuet puts together a plate of food that is inappropriately stacked with food, skipping nothing from what is offered. He brings his plate to the table where the count is seated before offering to help Mina with hers. Before sitting down Nanuet offers his hand to the Count and says "Hello Mister Count, I am Nanuet, and this is Miss Mina."

The man stands and bows to Mina. He shakes Nanuet's hand and says with a Slavic accent, "Thank you for joining me. I gather from your bearing Mr. Nanuet that you are not familiar with who I am, that answers the primary question that I had for you. Please, have a seat, I believe that we have much to discuss." Nanuet says, "As long as you don't mind if I talk and eat, I will gladly have a seat.”

George and Ruby are then approached by an older gentleman who is bald and with a white beard and mustache (photo below). He introduces himself as General Francis Elias Spinner, the current President of the Jacksonville Fraternal Order. George recognizes the name of Lincoln's Treasurer of the United States. Ruby recognizes from the man's accent that he is also a New Yorker. He warmly welcomes the two of them and enthusiastically states how much he wishes for George to become a member of their group.

"General Spinner," Ruby gives him a curtsy, "Pleasure to meet you." She grins, "Do I detect a New York accent General? What are you down here if I might be so nosy?" He smiles and says, "Miss West, I am please to meet you. Any relative of James Parker's is top notch in my book. And yes, I am from upstate New York, the community of Mohawk to be exact, although I have also lived in Utica and New York City. What I am doing here is retiring after a long career of dedicated service, although I still own land back in Mohawk as well as a plot in the cemetery there for my final internment."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance as well General Spinner." replies George. "You have found Jackson an amenable place to retire then?" Spinner smiles and says, "I think that we New Yorkers will find the winters here much easier, I know that my bones and muscles do. As for the rest of the place, it's changed dramatically since I first arrived two years ago, largely due to the arrival of the railroads. The year-round population of the city has doubled in just that short time, and the wintertime population mushrooms to five-times that of the current year-round.

And with the tourist trade rapidly becoming the primary employment for the region, those with deep-rooted 'Southern' ideas are learning to adapt and be tolerant of us 'Yankees' who think otherwise. I suspect that is also partially due to the fact that the Spanish only left sixty-years back, with most Americans arriving after that, so there hasn't been as much time for long-held traditions to set it. This Jacksonville Fraternal Order is one of the last institutions to consider undergoing such changes, having been chartered fifty-years back based upon a similar organization from Virginia, but with me as its new President that will happen in short order."

"Well, that is welcome news, both of the city and the Order. I think the country needs a bit of homogenization to ensure we never attempt to divide this country again. And I am very pleased to hear you are bringing changes to the Fraternal Order. You know I am considered a progressive, even back in New York General Spinner and would not abandon those ideals because of a warmer latitude." says George.

He replies, "I am pleased to hear that, I have always been considered progressive myself. Back during the war I was Treasurer of the United States, which meant that most hiring for Government jobs went through me. I saw no reason why able-bodied soldiers needed to be kept behind for clerical and secretary work and went about hiring women for the first time into Government positions. Doing so put me in opposition with all of the other Cabinet members, but President Lincoln agreed with my logic and backed my efforts."

Ruby exclaims, "Treasurer of the United States? My goodness, that is really important! And you got to meet the President and everything! I'm glad you are all about letting the lesser sex help out too. Sounds like you'll be a little less busy with this Fraternal organization thing. What do they do?" Spinner replies, "They've had a number of different objectives over the years, but currently the main task is to help make Governor Bloxham's vision a reality. He anticipates turning Florida into a haven for northerners to spend the winter months, as well as a place for people to permanently retire to. So our goal is to promote businesses into establishing the infrastructure for such a vision, as well as making the visitors to our State feel welcome."

She says, "I can see how that would be appealing, if you didn't mind the traveling. While it's hot now, it is probably much nicer here in the winter than up in the bitter Rochester snow. So may I be nosy General Spinner, are you here with a date?" He smiles and says, "No, I am currently unattached. Please be sure to save me a dance for later, that is, if Mr. Eastman does not mind." "Lucky for us Mr. Eastman is not the jealous sort. I look forward to that dance General."

Ruby grinned at the memory, actually memories, of a jealous George. She thought that just proved how much he loved her. "I wonder when the music will start, I am itching to dance. I haven't been to a real ball in forever! I think I've forgotten the proper protocol." Spinner says, "Well then, I think that the dancing should begin soon then, I will go speak to this ball's host William Ledwith about starting the music."
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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-five, “People at the Ball", September 4th, 1882, 9:30 P.M.

Nanuet and Mina join Count Ladislas with the count commenting "Based upon the quantity on that plate you must be quite hungry." Nanuet nods and then says, “You are correct that I do not know who you are. Do you know who I am?" The Count states, "I do indeed, we have had some mutual acquaintances. First is Professor Alsoomse da Rosa. A little over forty years ago she and some of her students from Dartmouth College traveled to my native Lithuania to investigate the origin of the elvan blood among Lithuanian noble families. It is a fascinating story some seven-century old and her timing was fortunate as a few surviving members of the original journey were still alive at that time. Her linguistic expertise was able to fill in some of the pieces of the story that were missing."

He pauses to drink from the goblet of red wine before him and then continues, "Our other mutual acquaintance was a man by the name of Nolan Edwards. I was his financier, providing him with income and materials for his work here in America. I understand that you were with him when he perished and that you have helped to continue Mr. Edwards his efforts. That is why I thought that you may have come here to the Jacksonville area seeking to meet with me."

Nanuet stops in mid-swallow, pauses and then coughs. "Excuse me" Nanuet says as he grabs a napkin and covers his mouth and lowers his head for a moment. "No, I am here on other business, I did not realize that there was more of his um... work to be done. That is unsettling news." Ladislas replies, "This region of the United States is totally free of the creatures due to the efforts of myself and my associates in the Brotherhood of Rudolpho. My understanding is that remainder of the country is also rid of them due to your efforts.

I have been here for nearly twenty years. The American War of Succession had acted as a magnet for the creatures of the night, providing a ready supply of fresh victims where dead bodies would not raise concerns. Sherman's march of his Union army from Atlanta to Savannah resulted in hundreds of them infesting the State of Georgia. That is when the Brotherhood helped me to establish a farm and ranch in this region, to establish a headquarters near the Georgian border, from which we had diligently worked to destroy them. The last of those regional creatures perished little more than a year back."

"So then the work is completed?" Nanuet asked, his mood lighted. The Count replies, "I believe that it is. The Brotherhood of Rudolpho will continue to be diligent. I appreciate your efforts in ridding the world of those creatures. Should you learn of any other I would appreciate it if you would inform us. My ranch is situated approximately six-miles northeast of where we are now." Nanuet says, "I too will be diligent and will certainly inform you should I find any evidence that our work is not completed. I thank you for the work that you have done to this point as well. Hopefully for everyone's sake it is done."

The Count replies, "You are most welcome. It is an honor to meet you as well." Gesturing to one of the elvan waitresses he adds, "And it is also good to see another of us with elvan blood as a guest at this function rather than a servant. Until today I have been the only one, and they made an exception to their bylaws for that. Had I not been of European royalty I am certain that they would not have done so. As it was, I barely won a majority and that was with the most prejudicial members away fighting the war."

Nanuet states, "I wasn't aware it was that much of an issue. Are they aware of what you have done to keep the community safe? They should have you as a guest of honor rather than having to vote just to let you through the doors." The Count replies, "I agree, but you also need to take into account that here in Florida the humans fought with the Siminole for nearly four decades earlier in this century, and at the cost of over a thousand human lives.

With the information that your colleague Professor da Rosa had provided I was able to reassure them that my own elvan heritage was seven centuries removed from the Americas, and that my elvan ancestors originated not from this region but from northern Canada, so I had no Siminole connections. As to being a guest of honor, or letting them know of my work, I sincerely doubt that anyone of my Brotherhood would ever be welcomed as a guest at any gathering. We generally keep Father Rudolpo's history a secret for that very reason."

Nanuet says, "Well, the people of this area owe you more than they realize then. Is there anything we can do to help prevent this from occurring again? You know, keep things in check." He replies, "I, and my fellow brotherhood members, will continue to monitor the region and make sure that those vile creatures do not return."

Spinner heads away from Ruby and George and goes over to talk to the man who had dealt with the earlier problem at the doorway. The man, apparently Ledwith, heads up on the area near the musicians and announces that the dancing will begin soon and for people to clear the center of the front to rooms to allow for dancing.

The orchestra begins playing a classical piece at a very opportune moment, as the doorman announces the arrival of "Charles and Edwina Oxnard". This couple is known to Ruby and George, the Oxnards being an 'old money' family who were friends with Ruby's parents. They own several mill buildings in Rochester and have been active in the Rochester social scene, but have always snubbed George due to his fortune being recently earned rather than inherited.

"Oh no, what are THEY doing here??" Ruby frowned, "My mother's friends the Oxnards are here. We managed to avoid them at our picnic that day, I'd like to keep it that way. Quick George, take me dancing before they come over." "I have no idea who you are referring to my dear. No one of consequence has entered, now let us dance" say George taking Ruby by the arm and leading her to the floor.

Midway through the dance, George whispers into Ruby's ear "Your dress is the most beautiful here my dear. But I think that has more to do with what and whom it adorns" Ruby smiled yet George could detect the slightest pink spread across her cheeks. "Thank you darling, I knew you would love it. And I made sure to choose something that wouldn't embarrass you," she teased. "Though, I imagine you'll enjoy what's underneath even better..."

After the ball's host announced that the music would begin for dancing, what immediately follows is an exchange of glances between Jean-Francois, Gerread and Lawrence, an unspoken challenge as to which one of them will be the first to ask Abigail for this dance. Protocol dictates that Lawrence should as her escort, Gerread clearly wishes to ask, but Jean-Francois stares him down enough to keep his request to himself for the moment.

Abby pretends to be oblivious to the by-play, saying, "I didn't expect the dancing to begin quite so soon. It's been some time since I had a proper dance. Historians get invited to plenty of dinners, but not so many dances." Losing his patience with the visual duel between the two other men, Jean-Francois steps in front of his son and asks Abby for the first dance. "Sir, how generous of you. I'll have the most distinguished partner in the room," Abby said, taking his arm.

Lawrence nods slightly at Jean-Francois for his breaking of the impasse. While sitting out the first dance, Lawrence tries to make peace with Gerread. Don't worry, son. I'm just her escort to the dance. If she takes a fancy to you, then that's her choice." "Merci, that is very generous of you. She is a fine young woman. If I may be so forward, how is it that the two of you have become acquainted?" Gerread replies.

Lawrence sips his drink. "Not a problem, sir. We work together. Just started the job too. And let me ask you a question. Are your intentions toward her honorable?" Gerrard replies, "But of course sir, she appears to be a fine and well-educated woman. I will treat her like a lady should be treated."

Jean-Francois proves to be an excellent dancer. Near the end of the dance he says, "Do not let my children bother you my dear, if either of them become a problem tonight or in the future please be sure to let me know." She replies, "Are they likely to? I do not take myself too seriously and love to have fun. I can't imagine either of them causing me real concern." He says, "More a case of them causing trouble for the other, they've both always had a significant amount of sibling rivalry."

She replies, "So I perhaps shouldn't believe everything one might have to say about the other. It seems strange to me, but I don't have any brothers or sisters so I have no frame of reference.” Rouyen Elise said Gerrard tries to enrapture every lady he meets. Was that the kind of thing you're talking about?" Jean-Francois replies, "Well, he has always been a ladies man, so that comment isn't that far off. I was thinking more about Royen's comment to you about friendship. She may be serious about that, or she may just be trying to deprive her brother of your friendship. I guess it's too soon to tell."

Abby says, "Well, I have room for friendships with both, so there should be no deprivation on either side. Of course, I'll also be very busy with my work. That more than anything else would deprive me of time to spend with new friends." The dance ends and Jean-Francois thanks Abigail. Gerread does not hesitate to ask her for the next dance while Lawrence stands there still silent.

Abby comments to Gerread, "Your father is an excellent dancer. We'll see if you can do as well. And you need have no worries over Mr. Cantrell. He is a work associate who was kind of enough to escort me around the ball this evening. I'm sure he was trying to decide if he ought to follow the usual rules, or go ahead and send me off to enjoy myself."

Fish enjoys a continuos rotation of dances from the six young ladies who are seeking the attention of the good doctor. Thomas looks on with detached interest. Mina and Nanuet continue their discussion with Count Ladislas out on the back deck as Nanuet consumes his mountain of food. Alsoomse and James continue to converse with General Spinner. Luiz is dancing with a young lady with a loud and continuous high-pitched laugh.

Ruby and George's dance bring them over near where Percival Brown is dancing with an attractive young women who resembles the ball's host, possibly his daughter. Ruby nodded as they danced by. "I wonder who that girl is?" Ruby pondered out loud. "George, I suppose we should introduce ourselves around tonight, for business reasons, for you and the work we’re doing down here. But it seems you have quite the fan club here and I'm a little jealous. After all, you're not usually the center of attention..." she teased him.

Ruby also kept one eye on the Oxnards, knowing they would approach her, but really it didn't bother her all that much. She had partially repaired the relationship with her mother who was the main reason of avoiding the old fashioned couple in the first place and besides, she was here to have fun anyway. Dancing with her future husband always made her feel better so she concentrated on that but was interrupted by the ruckus at the door. "My, they are picky about who they let in here, huh?"

The commotion is from a pair of individuals are attempting to enter and being denied admittance. Both are well-dressed men and while both have human features one stands nearly seven-feet in height with a darker skin tone. The doorman has stepped back while an older man with a southern accent is refusing to let them in. The orchestra's playing drowns out the conversation at the door but it still catches the attention of several of those inside, include the host and two other men who had helped calm down Mr. Flagler earlier in the evening. General Spinner also catches the commotion and heads in that direction.

The human who had arrived continues to argue with the older man who had prevented his entrance as the four other men reach the doorway. The discussion appears to be rather animated although the men make an effort to not raise their voices. The man then points across the room, the older gentleman yelling loudly for him to stop. The man continues forward towards where Fish and Thomas are standing and then makes a beeline march in that direction, with his ogre companion and the other four following in his trail." Across the room James and Alsoomse also both head in that direction.

Ruby comments, "Oh George, I think someone is looking for Fish or Thomas. We should go over and help." Ruby drags George in that direction to get closer and hear what is going on. Now noticing come commotion in the next room, which Alsoomse and James are heading over towards, Count Ladislas says "Ah, there is your elvan associate and she appears in somewhat of a hurry. Shall we go see what is taking place?"

The older human and younger part-ogre continue to head towards Fish and Thomas. The older man chasing them manages to catch the human and grab him by the shoulder exclaiming "Mr. Kingsley, you are making a scene." The man stops and turns replying "No Judge Settle, you are." General Spinner arrives and says "What transpires here?" Judge Settle states, "An old difference of opinion. Mr. Kingsley wishes for his nephew to be admitted and I have told him on several occasions that will never happen. He will not take 'No' for an answer." Kingsley says to Spinner, "I was under the impression that you are now the President of this organization, not Judge Settle, so I fail to see why he gets to dictate policy." The other trio of men arrive behind Spinner, just as James and Alsoomse also reach that part of the room, but stay around ten feet back.

John Hardin continues to rotate around the room, doing his best to avoid those who had earlier sought him out. Hardin, pleased that his erstwhile band of sycophants has found another target, watches the newly unfolding drama with a wry smirk. "Longstanding disagreements like that are best settled with a hogleg in the street at noon..." he says under his breath.

Ruby just stood back and watched the fireworks ensue before stepping forward. "What's going on? Is someone not allowed in to the party?" Judge Settle turns, with a look of annoyance at being interrupted until he notices that the lady who spoke is accompanied by George Eastman. He says, "Mr. Eastman, Miss. West, this is merely an internal matter with the Fraternal Order and does not concern you." Ruby, just a tad annoyed at being put down, said, "Oh I would disagree, Judge Settle is it? Whomever attends the ball affects the atmosphere of the ball and the attendees certainly add to the mood of any gathering. So I say it does affect me AND my fiancée."

The three other gentlemen move forward and one approaches George and Ruby, shaking George's hand and saying, "Hello Mr. Eastman, you have a lovely fiancée. I am Morris Dzialynski, Jacksonville's Mayor. I welcome you to our fair city." Another steps forward and say, "As do I, J. Ramsey Day at your service, Jacksonville's previous Mayor." The third says, "And I am William Ledwith, the host of tonight's ball, and also the man who should have been elected Mayor last April." General Spinner laughs out loud saying, "Yes, and them welcoming you is probably about the only thing you'll ever find these three agreeing upon." Then she flashed them a warm smile and extended her hand, even though she had been overlooked in the introductions. "Pleasure to meet you all."

Each greets her. Judge Settle turns back towards Kingsley and says, "Sir, I will ask you just one more time, will you please escort your nephew off the premises?" Ledwith interrupts, "Judge, I believe that is my decision to make as host, not yours." The judge is visibly annoyed at that comment, but it becomes clear that Ledwith is not taking sides when he turns to Kingsley and states, "And why is it that you thought this....associate of yours....would ever be welcomed here?" Kingsley gestures to Fish and Thomas and says, "Because you just admitted him as a member, that's why!"

Ruby exclaims, "Am I to understand that you don't want to admit his associate because he is of ogrish descent?" Judge Settle turns to Ruby and says, "That is according to the bylaws of our organization, only humans may be admitted for membership." A distinguished looking middle-aged half-elf wearing a dark suit, white silk shirt, thin tie and cloak walks forward accompanied by Nanuet and Mina. He states in a east European accent, "That is not true, I have been a member for almost two decades." Settle turns and states, "They made an exception in your case Count Ladislas." James interjects and says, "And mine as well?" Settle pivots around and says, "What do you mean?" James says, "I am one-quarter elvan." He then gestures to Alsoomse and states, "Professor da Rosa is my maternal Grandmother."

Kingsley then points back to Fish and Thomas, who are still fifteen feet away watching the altercation while doing their best to suppress their grins. Mr. Kingsley states, and says, "And what about him? He has more ogrish blood in him than my nephew does. You admitted him as a member and he's only been here a week! My nephew has lived here as a productive citizen of Jacksonville for his entire life." Mr. Ledwith states, "Jerome, that individual who you refer to is not a member, he is merely Doctor Crane's servant."

As Thomas and Fish make their way over to join the conversation James looks to the men and says, "Am I to understand that you have admitted me to an organization that would not have me for a member?" Still spinning around the room with Gerrard, Abigail noticed the group forming around Dr. Crane and Fish. "Lead me over that way please," she said with a little grin. "I'd like to see how those gentleman take some news."

He extends his arm to her as they make their way across the room. Gerread comments, "I believe those men are community leaders here in Jacksonville, three of them ran for Mayor in the last election. It was a rather heated campaign, the main issue being whether liquor establishments and saloons should be open on Sundays. I am pleased to say that the temperance society was on the loosing side." "I'm pleased to hear it. Why do some people insist on taking all the fun out of life? Being boring doesn't make you moral after all. My friends over there are certainly not boring. In fact I imagine that little gathering is about my friend Dr. Crane."

Judge Settle says, "We obviously did not do a thorough enough background check." General Spinner interjects, "And do you know what that background check would have revealed? That Mr. Parker is a former United States Naval Officer and war hero. He served on the U.S.S. Constitution during the War of 1812. He is an Ivy League college graduate and was an instructor at the United States Naval Academy. He has also served directly under four United States Presidents including both Lincoln and Grant. I for one am proud to have him as a member."

Settle says, "Be that as it may, there appear to be some irregularities here that cannot be overlooked." While they are speaking Fish and Thomas move into the circle of individuals and wait to be recognized. "Are you going to ask James to leave?" Ruby asks curiously. "Because I imagine if he goes, we all go." Her eyes dart over to George knowing how they were fawning over him just a moment ago.

"Irregularities?" interjects George finally. "Irregularities? I dare say Judge Settle the only thing that is irregular are your antebellum and antediluvian attitudes regarding a few quirks of inheritance and ancestry. Did you gain your position on the bench solely due to the chance matings of your ancestors? I doubt it. Not that you could prove your humanity in any case. But did General Spinner achieve the dignified rank of General due to the fact that he lacked pointed ears or protruding lower canine teeth? I dare say he did not. Not one man here achieved anything due to his accident of birth. Even if he inherited his money and did nothing to earn it, his forebearers who did actually earn the money did so not because of their ancestry.

No Judge Settle, you and General Spinner and myself and every other man in here who is not merely riding on his father or grandfather's coattails, had to earn his place in society. He had to work and show talent. He had to be better than most others. Have better ideas, better work ethics, and see opportunities others didn't. THAT is what we need to be honoring here. Not the accident of your birth, but what it is you have accomplished with your life, what improvements have you made to society as a whole. And if any person, regardless of his so-called race, can contribute to this nation and the betterment of mankind, I say you should allow him to be a member. In the past, men excluded one another based on what gods they worshiped, or what country they were born in. All accidents of birth Judge.

How can you hate a man simply because he was born in Poland? Or Norway? Or Spain? Did he choose to be born there? No he most certainly did not. You would I hope not exclude him because of the accident of his birth location, then why are you so quick to bar those who look different from you based upon their parentage? It is the same accident of birth as the other. So your background check should be asking what talents does this man have, what has he done in his life? Men of talent, men of success, men of character, that is what builds a commonality here. And since I will be spending a good deal of time down here in Jacksonville, I would not dream of joining a social order that did not recognize a man based on his own achievements and not the vagaries of shadowy biology and eugenics. I would hope that I could find a group of like-minded men who would enjoy having me join them. Gentlemen, do you know of such an organization? I would hate to report back to my friends in Rochester that I could not find one here" says George looking pointedly at Dzialynski, Day and Ledwith.

Dzailynski interjects "We are a very accepting group Mr. Eastman, the issue pertains to the Fraternal Order's bylaws. I am certain that you understand the importance of an organization following its charter." George replies, "Absolutely Mr. Dzailynski. Assuming of course that the by laws were written well in the first place of course. However, you cannot be so presumptuous as to think that your by-laws are written in stone and immutable merely because they are written down. Every thing changes Mr. Dzailynski, it must change or die out."

Ruby interjects, "Perhaps it's time to change your antiquated by laws then. If you want to have the best people in your organization you need to open it up to a larger selection of people." Judge Settle states, "We have, during the last two years we have been willing to admit into our ranks a great many of you northerners despite you.....Peculularites. I believe that we have been quite flexible. That doesn't give you Yankees carte blache to come in and try to uproot our long-established organization."

"Your long-established organization Judge? So does mere history and tradition trump civility and honor? Does hiding behind a documented by-laws validate a reactionary, repressive, retrograde and reprehensible social stance? If you are right, and your long standing organization is sacrosanct then I fear General Sherman should have marched further south." retorts George. Ruby tried not to scrunch her nose trying to understand what George was saying but she was pretty sure she got his meaning.

She says, "Well, I believe you will find that US YANKEES and our peculiarities may have had something to offer you and your organization, if you would have put your prejudices aside to see that. I hope this isn't the way you try to recruit all the people you'd like for your little group. I doubt now there is anything you can do to get George to join you, or any of our other friends for that matter. We have better things to do than waste time with this kind of discrimination."

Ledwith says, "Gentlemen, Ladies, there is no reason for any disagreements here. This is neither the time or place for a heated political discussion, nor is it a business meeting of our executive board." First he turns towards Settle and says, "This is my home and I will not have my guests insulted Sir. If you cannot be civil I would suggest that you leave right now." He then turns towards George and states, "And you are certainly welcome in both my home and with this organization Mr. Eastman." He turns towards Ruby and adds, "As is your charming fiancée."

She says, "Thank you Mr. Ledwith. Perhaps we just misunderstood. A little dancing and perhaps another drink should cure all. Or maybe a tour of your beautiful home would cool everyone off?" "Thank you very much for your kind hospitality and graciousness Mr. Ledwith. With men like you within the ranks, perhaps there is some merit to this organization after all. My apologies for making a scene in your home" says George shaking his hand.

Mr. Ledwith then pivots towards Fish and extending his hand says, "And you as well Doctor Crane." Fish grins broadly and turning toward Thomas remarks (with a measured tone of deference), "Congratulations, Dr. Crane! May I get you a glass of champagne to toast the occasion?" He opens his arms broadly and bows from the waist ever so slightly, as though inviting Thomas to step up and close the gap between them to clasp Ledwith's hand. Thomas reaches out and firmly grasps his hands stating in his cultured British accent, "Hello Good Sir, I am Doctor Thomas Imamu Sapathwa-Crane. I am delighted to make your acquaintance. You have a wonderful house here Sir and I am honored to attend your ball!"
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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-six, “You’re Doctor Crane?", September 4th, 1882, 9:45 P.M.

Following Thomas’s introduction Judge Settle's mouth falls open and his eyes are nearly popping out of his head. Jerome Kingsley has a smug grin on his face. Kingsley's quarter-ogre nephew eyes are also sparkling and he is doing his best to suppress a smile.

Mr. Day loudly interjects "You're Doctor Crane? Thomas replies, "Indeed I am, Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University." Judge Settle turns to James Parker and interjects, "Fraud, you've committed fraud! You lied about this.....individual." James replies, "I did no such thing. I was asked the names and backgrounds of my Timucuan Conservatory colleagues and provided you with that information, nothing was ever stated about race. I obviously must not have known of your bigoted regulations, or as a part-elf myself, why would I have agreed to join?"

Settle turns towards the current and former Mayor and firmly says, "This ogre will not be a member!" Jerome Kingsley states "He already is, and according to bylaws can only be removed for cause. It appears to me he's been acting as the finest of gentlemen this evening, he has done nothing that would warrant his expulsion from the organization." Settle glares and Kingsley then points to General Spinner and says, "I demand that we convene a meeting of the Executive Board right now to deal with this matter!"

Spinner replies, "Do you really think that wise? Mr. Flagler is the Board's current Chairman, and given his current mood that would probably not be the best course of action." The Mayor comments, "That's a very good point." Settle turns back and gesturing to both Thomas and Kingsley's nephew states, "And you're saying that we're just supposed to carry on at this ball with them here!"

"We'll dance again later," Abby whispered to Gerrard. Then, louder, "I'd suggest you do exactly that. In fact, I'd suggest my colleague Dr. Crane ought to give me dance about now." Thomas extends his hand to Abigail and the two of them take to the dance floor. Without hesitation Mina walks over to Jerome Kingsley's nephew and says, "You must be Erasmus Kingsley Garnett, I have heard much about you from my friend Jemima. Would you care to dance?" The part-ogre replies, "As I have heard of your good work at the Timucuan Conservatory," as he takes her arm and heads out towards the dance floor.

"I won't stand for this!" Settle exclaims. Ledwith turns towards him and says, "And I won't stand for you distrupting my ball any further, either be civil or leave." "This isn't over," Settle angrily replies as he stomps off towards the doorway. "My, this certainly is an exciting ball!" Ruby commented as The Judge stomped out. "Mr. Ledwith, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders over all this drama. I will again thank you for inviting us to your home. Once the dance floor fills up this will all be forgotten."

"Speaking of which, may I have this dance Miss West" says George extending his arm to Ruby. "Please excuse me Mr. Ledwith but I must keep my priorities in order" he says as he leads Ruby to the dance floor. "Always," Ruby replied with a warm loving smile. She danced with George as much as he liked but she also made time to dance with their host and any of her new friends who asked. She whirled and twirled around the dance floor light as a feather, loving to be doing one of her favorite things in the world. Lawrence says to Jean-Francois, "Excuse me for a moment. There's some trouble brewing." As the judge storms off, Lawrence makes his way towards the others, "Is everything alright? What was that about?" He is briefly updated.

Following Judge Settle's departure there the drama appears to cease. There is a lot of whispering around the room, and a few nasty stares at both Doctor Thomas Crane and Erasmus Kingsley Garnett, but no negative comments are spoken aloud. Alsoomse garners no small amount of attention herself, attired in her lovely tan formal gown. She has a continuous stream of dance partners that include Luiz, Lawrence, George, Thomas, Count Ladislas and finally Nanuet.

Fish, oozing charm and no less handsome than before the big reveal, approaches the most buxom of those young women who were earlier competing for his attention (since it was she whose eyes struck him as the most lascivious), "Miss Fairfield, may I have this dance?" He offers her his arm. She gives him a cold state and says with contempt, "I do not dance with the hired help." His grin breaking into a broad smile, Fish says under his breath, "Yeah, well your teeth were kinda crooked anyway..." He goes in search of a tall flute of champagne for the magnificent and magnanimous Dr. Thomas Crane.

A short while late when dancing with Ruby Mr. Ledwith makes it a point to apologize once again for Judge Settle's behavior and sincerely pleads for George to join and be active in the Fraternal Order. "And I also apologize again for causing a ruckus at your lovely party, it was unnecessary. As for George, whatever makes you think I would have any influence on his decision to join your organization, Mr. Ledwith?" she grinned mischievously.

He replies, "I was married once myself and know of the influence that women have on their men." Ruby quirked a smile as they continued to dance. "Well, I suppose I can not argue that. I can't say for sure if George is interested or not but I can say that you have impressed me with your manners and willingness to be more open minded. That is very important to George and myself. I am sure you've heard he is quite progressive. I guess I am part of that," she laughed. "May I ask why you are no longer married?"

He replies, "She abandoned me back during the war, ran off with my best friend while I was away. But I happen to think that the Fates have their own sense of justice, I am now a very wealthy man while the two of them are penniless." Ruby answers, "Well, that wasn't very nice of her, was it? Fate is a very fickle thing, I have no doubt she will one day regret how she treated you. But you, however, seem like a very eligible bachelor now and that can be fun. I hope you are enjoying it."

He smiles and says, "It has it's moments, ever since the War with the number of southern widows left behind the number of eligible women have outnumbered eligible men three-to-one in these parts." "Ah, yes, a sad side effect of the war. Well, sounds as if you have plenty of women to choose from, if you ever decide to remarry. And a fine catch you would make. Though since you are already aware of my gender's ability to influence their men, you may just prefer to stay single." She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked.

"I may not get the chance, my sister-in-laws prides herself as a matchmaker." He nods his head towards another couple stating, "My brother Thomas and his wife Mary." As the song ends he walks her over and introduces them. Thomas Ledwith explains that he just finished his apprenticeship period at another law firm and will not be starting his own practice in Jacksonville.

Ruby shakes hands with both of them. "Pleasure to meet you both. Mary, you'll have to tell me all the fun things for ladies to do around here. Good luck with your new venture Mr. Ledwith! That is very exciting. I am a business owner myself and I just love it." She looks around the room, "Where is George? I'd love for you to meet him too."

George had had a full dance card as well. He had been ushered around, and introduced to various young women through out the room whom he had been bound by ettiqutte to dance with. This included many of the young ladies whom Fish had been trying to woo. For some they relished the chance to attempt to rival Ruby, but most merely for the opportunity to dance with some one so famous here in Jacksonville. As if on cue though, George extracts himself from his latest partner and winds his way across the floor towards Ruby.

Nanuet watched the "fireworks" from a distance knowing his new friends could handle themselves but was glad when they were over. He kept to himself while the others danced, observing the people, their mannerisms and finding unique things about each of them. After some time he found himself dancing with Alsoomse. Nanuet surprised the elf woman with his dancing ability having learned a few proper dances from Ruby. "I still have a few surprises. By the way, if I haven't mentioned it yet tonight, you look lovely. The dress is elegant, as is the woman who wears it."

As they finish their dance she replies, "Why thank you Nanuet, that is most kind. I appear to have no small amount of dance partners this evening. I saw you speaking earlier to my old acquaintence Count Ladislas. I trust that your conversation was rather enlightening. Given what you, Ruby and Mina recently went through I assume that he spoke to you about his 'Brotherhood'.” Nanuet answers, "Yes, he did mention it. Seems to be very dedicated to that situation, and because of that the issue seems to be in check right now and I for one am very glad to hear that."

Alsoomse replies, "That is good to hear. And yes, he and the other members of his Brotherhood have good reason to be dedicated. A fastinating story, his Brotherhood was founded by an Italian Priest named Rudolpho, from a town near Milan. A family of gypsy vampires had moved into the area and started killing his parishioners. He in turn sought to destroy them, but they killed him first, seeking to turn him into one of them.

Rudolpho was a Priest of Nike, the Goddess of Victory. In his dying breath he begged forgiveness to his Goddess for his defeat. During the three days while his body was being transformed into the undead she spoke to his unconscious mind, letting him know that a path to victory still remained. She informed him that the transformation itself does not turn one evil, it is the first meal of humanoid blood that causes one to loose his eternal soul and complete the transformation. So when he arose he mustered the will to resist the bound human that had been laid before him to be feasted upon and fled.

Rudolpho shunned humanoids and instead drew sustence from the blood of livestock. He then returned and destroyed the vampires, dedicating himself to ridding the world of the creatures. His fellow Brotherhood members are also undead, essentially half-vampires, whose lips have never tasted humanoid blood. That is why Count Ladislas manages a livestock farm." An uneasy look came across Nanuet's face. "Oh, erm... he didn't mention that. I had no idea. Isn't that potentially dangerous, I mean what if one of the members of the order became weak in the mind, or corrupted by something. That while very interesting is very unsettling for me."

Alsoomse says, "They look out for one another and the Count provides them with enough fresh blood from non-humanoid sources that the Brotherhood don't ever become hungry. I can see why it is unsettling, it took me a while to get past that when I first met him. Mina had come over to them and caught the end of the conversation. She interjected, "So the Count is a half vampire?"

Alsoomse replies, "Yes. The Count Ladislas has held his curse in check for over a half-century now, so I doubt he will relapse and become that which he most hates. And as a half-vampire he lacks several of the more frightening things that are common to the monsters. The ability to drain a life-force from another, the ability to hypnotize and control another, the exceptional strength, those things are derived by being stolen from the humanoid victims. Things like holy water or holy symbols also do no harm to him or those in his Brotherhood, as they still have their souls and the blessings of their gods."

Mina states, "You have peaked my interest with this new information Alsoomse. If he is lacking all those things, what attributes of a vampire does he have?" She replies, "The positives of being able to transform into mist, bat or canine form. The negatives of perishing by sunlight, silver as well as having to sleep on his home soil. Half-vampires also have no reflection, although Count Ladislas wears a magic ring that creates one for him, which is why you can see him in the mansion's mirrors.

Lawrence bows to Rouyn Elise and says, "Mlle de Montgomerie, do you want to dance? My dance card is empty." She replies, "Why yes, Mr Cantrell. It would be a pleasure. It would be a shame to attend a ball and not dance." He says, "Well, then. We wouldn't want to disappoint. let's go."

Fish approaches the nearest ogre serving drinks. As he removes a goblet of champagne from his tray, the fingers of his other hand trace the lapel of his jacket. "Your people have excellent taste in clothes: Dr. Crane picked this out for me!" he says quietly. He then slips a generous tip across the serving tray. Leaning in, he whispers, "Who among that gaggle of pretties might deign to dance with me?" he asks, tilting his head toward the debutantes. "Do you have any suggestions? I am hung like a horse, after all...or an ogre!" He winks.

The ogre servant had clearly been paying attention to the happenings as he says, "Now that they know you are not a wealthy doctor? None, they have their reputations to think of. See, they've already found another target." Across the room the six ladies have now surrounded the young man from Belgium named Gerread who Abigail had spent time with earlier. The man seems to delight in the personal attention.

The ogre says, "If your employer will allow it please feel free to stop by the basement of the building two-hundred feet to the northwest some time after 1:00 AM or so. That is the servants quarters and we will be throwing our own party down in the basement once all of the guests have all left and we have finished cleaning up." He gestures to the various elvan servants and says, "After that amusing confrontation you helped to orchestrate you'll be the guest of honor. I dare say that you should have no difficulties then finding partners for dancing...or other activities."

"Oh, I'm confident that the good doctor will release me!" says Fish under his breath, with another wink. "May I come wearing something other than these fancy duds? Are you short a bartender? Believe me, friend, I know how to mix a good cocktail!" He replies, "We will all be changed out of our formal attire, Mr. Ledwith would never let us leave the premises with these fine clothes. As for bartending, there isn't much need, as our party's beverages are far less fancy than those being served here. Home brewed keg beer and moonshine."

Laughing amiably, Fish adds, "Ah, moonshine. You've not truly enjoyed its charms until you've sipped from a batch distilled above the elephant cage!" He continues. "That tall drink of firewater over there?" says Fish, nodding toward Ruby with her gorgeous toss of red hair, "If I can drag her away from her adoring fiancée or convince Mr. Eastman to tag along, that woman has pipes that'll make you weep! errr...and a voice like a songbird, too!" Benjamin can barely disguise his leer. "May I invite her too, sir?"

The orge stiffens up and he says, "Mr. Eastman is a member of the Fraternal Order, I'm afraid that the rest of us would not be comfortable with any member of the Fraternal Order in attendance. Our party is a chance for us to unwind away from the employers. As for the woman, a good singer is always welcome, but if she were just there to spy on us and report back to her fiance that could have negative consequences for us all." He gestures over towards Nanuet, who is dancing with Alsoomse, and states, "Your elvan companions would be welcome."

"Well, Dr. Crane may soon be a member of that very same Fraternal Order, but I'll honor your wishes, of course. Miss West seems to have a nose for hijinks in the back room, but I'll do my best to slip away unnoticed. I'm honored to have been invited!"

As their dance ended Abby said to Dr. Crane, "I see Fish has lost all his admirers. I think I'll go ask if he wants to dance. And thank you for the fine dance, you're a very graceful man, Doctor." She gave him an elegant curtsey before she went to find Fish. "Fish, if you don't give me a dance I'll never forgive you," Abby said lightly, having waited for a break in his conversation with the Ogre servant. Fish bows his head as he withdraws and joins Abigail on the dance floor. She tells him, "Well, those girls are a pack of fools to leave you alone and unattended. And their new quarry isn't interested in anything serious, but then neither were you I'd bet."

"Oh, I take my horizontal calisthenics very seriously!" jokes Fish. "I believe you," Abby laughed. "But those girls take what happens after very seriously. So seriously that they want the after before. You never know what kind of girl is lurking behind the elegant exterior though, do you?" Abby finished with a wink. Tickled and surprised by Abby's innuendo, Fish does his best to suppress a delighted if lusty chortle.

Abby shook her head and laughed with him. "Fish, I'm not a rich society girl, just an only child with an education. Some women who get as far as I have try to be paragons of virtue in society so they don't scare men off. I figure I've already broken enough rules, I might as well break a few more. I might get married someday, I might not; I'm not worried about scaring off potential husbands. I'm not going to pretend I could keep up with Ruby, or at least what I imagine Ruby could get up to, but I'm no hothouse flower either."

Ruby wraps her arm around George and introduces him, "And here he is now, the most famous photographer in the world, Mr. George Eastman. I'm sure he will be just as pleased to meet you as I am." George smiled "Of course I shall, and to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?" he asked. The young man extends his hand and says, "Thomas Ledwith, and this is my wife Mary. My brother is this ball's host." "A pleasure to make your acquantince Mr. Ledwith. And despite my finacee's hyperbole, I am merely a photographer. I believe though that I heard you were a lawyer, was that correct sir?" asked George.

Thomas Ledwith states "That is correct, and I have just recently established my own practice. I would attempt to get you as a client except I am informed that Mr. Hardin has already been retained to perform that service for you here in Florida." "You can never have too many laywers Mr. Ledwith, especially if they are very familiar with the loval government regulations. I may yet have need of more legal advice, be sure to leave me your card before the evening." replied George.

Ruby laughed. "He failed to mention that we may end up in so much trouble we need more than one lawyer!" She pinched his arm lightly. "And don't let him be too modest, he IS the best photographer in the world, or at least the most innovative and inventive. And cute, can't forget that." She tried not to burst out in laughter again. George raises an eyebrow at Ruby "We huh?" he asks. "Yes, well, I stand guilty of the last charge, at least int he view of my betrothed." "Yes we," she giggled, "Didn't you know when you put the ring on my finger it meant my trouble is your trouble too?" She laughed again then cleared her throat.

Another couple wander over to them, with Thomas saying, "And this is my little sister Elizabeth." She introduces her companion as "My date, Mr. Percival Brown, he's a professional dancer." Ruby says, "So Mr. Brown, you are a dancer? What kind may I ask? I'm a dancer too." He replies, "I am trained in many forms of dance but my expertise is with ballet. My sister and I danced for several years with the Paris Ballet, one of the finest dance companies in the world."

She asks, "Do you still perform? I imagine ballet is one of the hardest dances to learn and keep up with." He replies, "I have tried to keep my skills up, but I am not at the same level as I was in France. I'm afraid my professional days are behind me, it is not uncommon in that profession to be considered too old at my age of twenty-six."
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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-seven, “Guest of Honor", September 4th, 1882, 10:00 P.M.

General Spinner takes to the stage and makes a short speech as the new President of the Jacksonville Fraternal Order. He talks about Mr. Flaggler's plans to expand the railroad system along the entire Florida Atlantic coast and how that will bring more business and prosperity to Jacksonville. He welcomes the newly inducted members into the organization, naming twelve men which including Mr. Solomon Star, Mr. George Eastman, Doctor Thomas Crane, Commander James A. Parker, Attorney John Wesley Hardin and Doctor Pedro Luiz Napoleao Chernoviz.

He says that the ball will last for one more hour and announces the arrival of the dessert carts. A dozen-elvan waitress wheel out an extravagant array of cakes, pies, pastries, an Italian style of ice cream, and an elaborate chocolate fountain surrounded by fruits and cookies for dipping. Once the dessert trays are rolled out the waitresses begin to remove the other food. The bartenders empty the remaining champagne bottles into glasses and send them out with the waitresses to circulate, then begin to pack away the remaining alcohol. The orchestra changes their arrangements to slower softer chamber music, in keeping with the party winding down. Ruby's eyes lit up at the sight of the dessert tray, now here was a way to impress her. She overindulged, even with George's teasing of wondering where all that went.

Abby continued to dance with a number of different partners, and when the music slowed she looked to see what had become of Gerrard. She does not see Gerrard anywhere but she does see his father and sister. Walking over and inquiring she is informed that he left fifteen minutes earlier in the company of one of his young lady admirers. Abby laughed lightly. "I'm not surprised. I hope you'll tell him what a pleasure it was to meet him. And it was a great pleasure to meet the both of you. I hope we'll meet again."

Lawrence enjoys the dessert table and says his good-byes to Jean-Francoise and Rouyn Elise. He finds Thomas and says, "I heard that the judge was not happy to see you. Good for you."

Suddenly it was the end of the night and Ruby was saying her polite good-byes. Truthfully she was ready to leave. With the exception of some snobby upper crust made up dramas, the party was boring. She had expected the ball to be slightly more exciting, though she was happy to have had the chance to dance, she sorely missed it. She wanted to take the boat home and as usual, George obliged. The night was warm and clear and the stars were bright. They found a secluded spot on deck up near the front of the boat. Ruby melted into George to get a good view of the stars and she enjoyed the salt scented breeze as it threw her hair around her face.

"What did you think of the ball George? They certainly loved you in there, you have quite the fan club. I'm a bit jealous, actually." "Well, they loved my prestige, my money, my notoriety at least. But that isn't me. They wanted my name, my fame, not me. But so it goes, this ball was really not different than many others I have attended, well, with the exception of arguing down a antebellum racist." replies George.

Ruby laughed. "Are you complaining dearest? I would love to be loved for my fame and money," she teased, though at heart she knew what he meant, after all, that was exactly why she was with him, her confidence knowing he loved her for her and not her looks. "The most famous actress and singer in the world, Ruby West, beloved by all..." She snuggled in even closer with a huge smile on her face. "The stars are really clear tonight, they are so bright and seem so close down here. I love it. Though it is quite humid to be dressing like this," she pushed her hand into a big puff of fabric from her huge skirt.

On his way out, Fish mentions to Alsoomse the invitation he received to attend the after-hours party, and then ducks back to the carriage long enough to change. He rubs off the polish he'd used to disguise his boots, buckles on the "girdle" that stores his tools and a length of rope over the small of his back, straps a shiv under his left forearm, pockets a handful of coins, fills his hip flask with fine bourbon, and slips into the second set of clothes he bought earlier that day: a black cotton outfit tailored for an acrobat. Over this, he dons a lightweight leather longcoat. The one item from the ball he does take with him is the hollow cane. Grinning from ear to ear as he recalls both Abby's delightful banter and Miss Fairfield's outrage, Fish trundles off to the servants' bash.

The ride back is with the river current and goes faster than the journey into the city. Shortly after midnight they round the bend in the river heading east for the final mile to the Timucuan Conservatory. Anchored near the water's edge facing toward the east is a massive ship. The vessel has five furled sails and the ship measures a good 250 feet from the ship's figurehead to the taffrail (uppermost part of the stern). It is slightly narrower in width than the standard warship or merchant ship of this length, with more of a schooner's design to the keel. Lanterns have been hung fore and aft to alert other river vessels to presence of the large stationary ship that is taking up approximately one-third of the channel.

While the sailboat had previously seen rather large with its thirty-two foot length, as it nears the anchored vessel it appears miniscule by comparison. As they near the ship's stern Ruby and George see the rear of the ship is also illuminated with an American flag flying and the ship's name of "The Magnificence" brightly lit up. Mina moves forward to join Ruby and George and exclaims, "It is wonderful to see her again. James's ship is appropriately named, is it not?"

Ruby attempted to keep her jaw from dropping open and catching flies. "Wow, it's huge!" she exclaimed. "This is the boat for transporting stuff? Can people travel on there too? It looks really nice." Mina replies, "It is the fastest sailing ship ever to travel the oceans, I sincerely doubt that James plans to use it as a freighter. He has owned it for over forty years and has been the ship's Captain for most of that time, only hiring on another Captain around six or seven years back. I think that his wanting to be a Caption was to make up for the fact that he never attained that rank when he was in the service.

He has sailed every ocean, including three or four trips to the Orient. I first sailed aboard her around a third of a century ago, during the second Opium War between Britain and China. More recently, James, Thomas and I sailed on her a decade back when investigating the ghost ship Mary Celeste, then seven years ago along with Lawrence and Roy when we chased New York politician and crime boss Tweed to Cuba and then Spain, and the last time was two years ago for a trip to Scotland to assist with Ogrish admittance to British athletics."

Ruby exclaims, "Oh, I hadn't realized! So should I ask why it's here now then Nana? Why it's returned here to Florida where we happen to be?" She grinned widely, hoping a little trip would soon be on the itinerary. "What do you think George, are you ready to take a sail?" Mina says, "James wanted her available in case we decide to sail to Australia in search of the Timucuan people."

They make their way up to the house. Roy is on guard duty on the front porch and welcomes them back stating, "Quiet night here." Mina replies, "I'm not surprised, the 'trouble twins' were at the ball with us. When they first arrived they appeared to be momentarily surprised to see James and myself. They then avoided us for the rest of the evening." Roy says, "The Magnificence arrived shortly after you left. Most of the crew is sleeping on board, but I set Captain Winslow up in one of the empty bedrooms on the fourth floor." "Very good, thank you Roy, James and the others in the carriage should be along in around a half-hour or so." The gnome replies, "Very good, I'll wait for them, goodnight all."

Abby dozed on the way back in the carriage. Some of the others were chatting, but it was rather a relief to be quiet for a while. She never lacked for partners at a dance and was rarely sorry to move from one to the next. She did hope to be friends with Gerrard and his sister... and to hear the story of what trouble Gerrard got into after she left him to dance with Dr. Crane. Fish had gone off to somewhere that was probably a lot more fun than the party they had just been to, and that was another story she wanted to hear. She actually fell asleep after a couple miles, not bothered by the moonlight shining in and lighting up her hair.

James nudges Abigail awake. She sees the carriage is parked in front of the mansion. He whispers over "I could have Thomas carry you up to your room if you'd like." She blinked and suppressed a chuckle. "Would that be for my benefit or his?" He chuckles back and says, "I wouldn't touch that comment with a ten foot pole. You now appear awake enough to walk yourself." Abby whispered a bit more seriously, careful to keep her voice low enough that Dr. Crane would not hear, "If he ever works up the nerve to say anything, we'll see. Until then, my life marches on and I'm not going to miss it." She shrugged. "And I'll have to carry my own sorry self up to bed."

They enter the building with Roy welcoming them back and says, "Mina indicates that the Grand Nez Twins were at your ball." James replies, "Yes, she and I did our best to avoid them for the evening." Roy adds, "Our old friend has arrived." James says, "Yes, as the carriage came by the shore I saw her silhouette on the river. I am very tempted to row out there and see her right now." Roy replies, "Ah, torn between your two loves. Well, if you ask me I would say that 'Magnificence' is an apt description of both. If you decide to spend the evening with the one made of the enchanted wood and sails I would be more than happy to substitute for you with the enchanting human." James laughs and says, "Thank you my friend, but the one along the river won't be angry with me for snubbing her, and if I were to allow you to substitute with my bride, then she might decide to make that permanent given your overall irresistibility." Roy smiles and says, "True, how true."

Later on, Several of the men spend the night emptying the wheelbarrows into the ditches dug by the workmen, being ever so quiet as they work.

Meanwhile, upon arrival at the Servant’s Party, Fish is stopped at the door to the building by an ogre who he does not recognize, wearing clean but casual clothing. Another ogre is dispatched and the one who invited him soon arrives, being addressed by the other as Phillipus. He is attired in tan cotton pants with a collared white sleeveless shirt, and sandals on his feet. He brings Fish through the upper floor, which appears to be a dormitory with quad bedrooms. Several ogres and half-ogres are in the rooms in the process of changing. Others are in a shower room at the end of the hallway bathing.

Phillipus leads him to another door, which has a half-ogre standing guard. Fish's companion states, "This is the man I told you about Marcus." The half-ogre extends his hand and says, "I heard what you did. How is it that you are employed by a half-ogre Doctor?" Fish grasps the man's hand and speaks plainly, "I beg your pardon. While I count myself fortunate to be among his associates, the truth is that I work for Dr. Crane's company, and not the good doctor himself. He and James Parker are partners in an enterprise known as the AGELESS Corporation. Perhaps you've heard of it? They're the chaps sponsoring the archaeological digs out at the Timucuan Conservancy.

"Well, the old boys here in Jacksonville have been angling to snag Parker for years, but the man cannot stomach their bigotry. The charade y'all saw take place earlier tonight was his way of rubbing their faces in it. I apologize if you feel as though I've deceived you and I'd certainly understand if I'm shown the door as a result...but I was really looking forward to sharing a spot of bourbon here with Phillipus!" Fish winks, extracts the bottle, and awaits a response.

Marcus lets out a deep and robust laugh, saying "The deception was for the bigots, not us, and we are all amused by the result. You are more than welcome to join us this evening Benjamin." Phillipus leads Fish though the doors and down the stairs. Fish is surprised to find the staircase covered in a magical 'Silence' spell as they travel down first to a level with various pantry and storage rooms and then down another staircase to a lower level, which is even more surprising as they would now be below sea level and still not far from the river.

Once they emerge on the other side of the spell they are in a brightly lit room some 100 by 120 feet in size, with concrete walls and support pillars except for two large glass windows on the far wall bordering the river which give it an 'aquarium' look, with fish swimming by. His ears fill with the loud sounds from a five-person band consisting of a trumpeter, two drummers, a banjo player and a fiddle player. Tables are overflowing with all of the leftover food from the earlier event in the main mansion. A makeshift bar is set up near the band with moonshine kegs and tapped barrels from which patrons are getting ale or beer. Shelves with ceramic tankards are along the wall near the beverages.

Phillipus says, "This house was built by a Spaniard eighty years ago whose hobby was marine biology and oceanography. He used this room as his scientific laboratory. Mr. Ledwith allows us to use it for social functions, as the remoteness allows us to carry on however we wish without the neighbors ever knowing." The room has approximately eighty people in it and there appears to be an even racial mix of male orges, male half-ogres, male humans, female elves, female half-elves and female humans. The people are all dressed in causal attire except for a lone older human male who is still attired in a formal Tuxedo.

He approaches and Phillipus introduces Fish to the man saying, "Mr. Maxwell, this is Benjamin, the man who helped maintain Doctor Crane's identity until the proper time." Maxwell speaks in a deep voice with an accent that hints of both British and Boston origins saying "Hello sir, welcome to the Worker's Promenade. I am the Manor House Manager for Mr. Ledwith and will be the supervisor of this affair. Please feel free to make yourself at home."

Fish decides that has three goals in mind for the party which are, in no particular order, booze, broads and • bawdy laughter. At some point early in the party and before he's had more than two drinks, he shows off his acrobatic mojo. He begins by standing on a chairback, then does so standing on one foot, and then having drawn a small crowd of onlookers, backflips to another chairback! He asks for a tankard and, balancing his cane on his nose, quaffs the ale! Froth still coating his lip, Fish throws his arms into a 'V' and trumpets, "Ta da!"

Fish turns out to be both the guest of honor and life of the party, with lots of attention from both the men and women. He finds that the Jazz-style music played for much of the evening resembles a mix styles that he's heard before in both carnival parties and at small New Orleans clubs. He discovers that the majority of the party patrons are not regular employees of the Ledwith family, but rather friends and family of full-time employees who were hired to work the ball, which not only provided some extra money but allowed them to attend the Worker's Promenade afterwards.

Everyone at the party seems relaxed and is enjoying himself or herself except for the Manor House Manager who spends the evening sternly watching the goings on with a neutral expression on his face. In the wee hours of the morning Fish finds himself to be the 'prize' in a competition between two cousins, an elf and a half-elf, each equally lovely. While most of their conversation takes places in what should be out-of-earshot he is able to hear that both wish to 'take him home' at the exclusion of the other.

The winner is Erene Dancing-Wolf, and she takes him back to a building behind the Astor Hotel, where the hotel servants reside. She explains that she works as a housekeeper there and that it is her cousin who works for the Ledwith family. A short while later horizontal calisthenics ensue.

The sun has long since passed its zenith when Fish finally hires a cab and rides back to AGELESS, disheveled and sore but also sated and delighted. Before leaving the city, he stops at a flower stand and arranges for a ridiculously large bouquet to be delivered to his paramour later that same day. He nibbles on a fresh, plump, Floridian orange to re-hydrate as he rides.
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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-eight, “Captains Winslow and Wilkinson", September 5th, 1882, 8:00 A.M.

Dawn arrives on the morning of Tuesday, September Fifth, and the house remains relatively quiet given how late everyone was out the night before. The ditch diggers and line installers arrive at around 9:00 AM with Alan MacKinnon taking up the supervisory chores. Luiz surprises everybody by cooking up a large breakfast of eggs, bacon, French toast, tea and scones. People begin to wander down for the meal, with Ruby and George apparently sleeping in. Roy says that he does not believe that Benjamin Trout has returned from Jacksonville yet.

As people arrive for breakfast they see a heavyset balding man with a beard who looks to be around sixty years of age sitting at the table chatting with James and Alsoomse. He is introduced as John A. Winslow, the Captain of the ship Magnificence. Some recognize the name from the war, as the Captain of the USS Kearsarge, which was victorious in a well publicized naval battle duel against the CSS Alabama towards the end of the war.

The heavenly scent of bacon reached Abby's nose. She dressed simply in slim blue slacks and a white blouse. She appeared in the kitchen to hear Roy mention that Fish hadn't returned yet. She comments, "I wouldn't worry too much about Fish, he seems like one who can take care of himself." She then turns to the new arrival and says, "How do you do, Captain? It seems a fine ship you're skipper of." He replies, "One of the two finest ever to sail the seas, and I have now been fortunate to be the Captain of both."

Alsoomse enters the room and says, "And I trust that you are taking very good care of my ship John?" Winslow looks up and says, "Absolutely Mrs. da Rosa, I will be happy to take you on an inspection tour later." Abby states, "I hope you wouldn't mind if I tagged along. I love sailing but I don't know a thing about ships. And of course, there's the sailing culture that must have developed over the centuries."

Lawrence comes down to breakfast in his work clothes. He sniffs the air. "Good morning everyone. Smells delicious. Oh hello, there." He shakes hands with Captain Winslow. "It's an honor to meet you Captain Winslow. I'm Lawrence. I remember reading about your service in the war from the newspaper."

James says, "Lawrence, this man is in my opinion the American Civil War's finest naval officer. He's too humble to tell you about himself so I'll do the honors. He was born eighty years ago and descends directly from Mary Chilton, John Winslow and Edward Winslow, Pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower who Alsoomse knew when she was a child. John attened the Naval Academy back in the 1820's when I was an instructor there so we've known each other for the last fifty-five years. He has also always been a strong voice for the abolitionist cause.

He served under Commodore Matthew Perry during the Mexican-American war and was decorated for his gallantry. Ironically, his cabinmate on that ship was Raphael Semmes, the man who would later command the Confederate ship Alabama during their famous duel. During the Civil War he initially served as the Executive Officer and the Captain on ships patrolling the Mississippi River. He was badly injurred on his ship the USS Benton and was forced to spend the next year recovering in Boston. His next command patrolled the Carribean where he contracted Malaria and was forced to recover again back in New England, frustrated with having to sit out a good part of the war for a second time.

Then in December 1863 he was named as Captain of the USS Kearsage, which was currently in the Azore Islands, and left immediately for that assignment. When he arrived he found that his ship had sailed to Spain for repairs and he was to wait another four months at the Azores until it could return for him." Winslow says, "Yes, what I thought was another turn of bad luck but turned out to be quite the opposite, as I spent my time there in the company of the da Rosa family."

Alsoomse says, "Indeed he did, and it was quite necessary. The USS Kearsarge was a special ship, only the second to ever have been built from the trees from New Hampshire's Mount Kearsarge, the first being The Magnificence. The Native American deity Hoturu, the God of Wind and Weather once resided there and blessed the land and trees. I had received special permission from the Shamen who spoke to the diety directly to give me permission to harvest the wood. The Kearsarge was built at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and I had planned on it being the ship Captained by my Grandson James, but he opted instead to run his espionage team. So the Kearsarge became Captained by John here, and during his four months or so in the Azores we taught him how to use magics to take full advantage of the special secrets of his ship. The Kearsarge is still in active service in the Navy.”

Abigail states, "It's still strange to me, the easy way you all talk about magic here. I'm surprised permission was given to harvest such precious lumber." Alsoomse replies, "The Shaman said that our Gods recognize the works that I have done for our people."

Lawrence perks up. "What kind of 'special secrets' does the Kearsarge have? And does the Navy know about them?" Captain Winslow replies, "The Kearsarge is similar to the Magnificence, which James told me you have been on before Mr. Cantrell. The magic affords it extra protection to the hull, is blessed with good fortune, and most importantly, sails gracefully at a fast speed, and travels through weather conditions that would stop or slow other vessels." Lawrence whistles. "I'd always wondered why I never got seasick on the Magnificence. Very impressive."

Winslow concludes, "I am happy to now Captain her sister ship." Lawrence asks, "Does she live up to her sister? Winslow replies, "And more so, the Kearsarge is a bit shorter but a heavier vessel due the military design, 1550-ton Mohican-class sloop-of-war powered by both steam and sail. The Magnificence is sleeker and sail only, but much lighter and therefore also much faster. There is no faster ship on the seas under either steam or sail." Lawrence says, "Steam may be the wave of the future but, those boilers seem awfully heavy. But you're not at the mercy of the winds. Still she must handle well."

Lawrence says, “You have a mighty impressive record, captain. I spent some time serving the Union during the war, but much more low-key than you." Winslow replies, "The problem with an impressive record is that it got me promoted to Admiral and then higher commands. My last command was from 1770 until 1772, in charge of the entire United States Pacific Fleet. I still kept Kearsarge as my flagship then, but most of my time was spent behind a desk instead of at sea. That is why I retired almost a decade ago. I am thankful that James and I ran into one another in Lisbon six years ago, and he then offered me the Magnificence." Lawrence says, "That's a funny thing about the military. They promote their most skilled people out of the place they can do the most good. I'm glad you're here. Magnificence needs a good captain."

At the conclusion of the breakfast several of the men head down to the basement to resume the digging operation. Alsoomse and Captain Winslow head outside to talk to Alan MacKinnon.

Ruby enjoyed getting to sleep in. Her eyes had blinked open as the smell of a delicious breakfast called to her but it wasn't enough to drag herself away from a comfortable bed and her lover beside her. It was near lunch time when she finally dragged herself out of bed. Even George, who was normally a much earlier riser than herself was still resting. She dressed for the day in a new pale peach sundress she had bought in town the day before before her and George headed downstairs. She looked around for her grandmother, finding her on the porch. "Good morning Nana, well, I guess it is afternoon now. How did you enjoy the ball last night?"

Outside, Fish has just climbed down from his coach. He tips the driver handsomely, retrieves his cap, and marches up the walk, cane firmly in hand, grinning from ear to ear. Hearing Ruby’s question he chirps, "The ball was a ball!" Mina smiles at Fish then replies to Ruby, "I absolutely enjoyed myself, I hadn't worn that Turkish dress since the day that James and I were wed."

Fish states, "Miss West, you look lovely, as always," he says solicitously, almost slaphappily. "Lady Wilamina, you've not formally taken delivery of 'your package' yet. May I bring it down?" "Please do" she replies. Ruby says, "Thank you Ben. You look... happy. Seems you found just the right spot last night. To have fun that is."

After Ben walked away with a bounce in his step Ruby turned back to her grandmother. "Oh, I suppose now that I am all high society I won't get invited to the fun parties anymore," she pouted. "I used to BE the party." Her face was dour but she continued quickly, "I'm not complaining, of course, I love my George and look forward to all the fun we'll have together. It's just a different sort of fun." She cleared her throat and tried to change the subject so her grandmother wouldn't dwell on her unhappiness. "What package does Ben have for you Nana?"

She smiles and innocently says, "Just a little something that he saw and thought that I might like." Ruby replies, "Oh really? Now you've got me curious, though that isn't hard to do. Whatever could it be... oh hey, did you mention your gown from last night was also your wedding gown?" Mina replies, "Well yes, the wedding was on rather short notice and that was the nicest dress in the hotel's clothing store. And it actually was a Turkish wedding dress! Personally, I prefer the gold over plum color to the more traditional American white."

"Yes, it is a very beautiful color, especially with our hair color. White is hard to wear and not very practical. Though I am fairly certain George would like to see me wear white." Ruby paused in thought. "I can't believe I'm getting married! Why did you have to rush to get married?" Mina states, "It wasn't that we had to rush, it was just very spontaneous. We had just completed our mission in Istanbul when James proposed and Roy then rounded up a minister to perform the ceremony. I told you about that last week on the train ride here. "Awww, that was nice of Roy. But perhaps he did it just so he wouldn't be tempted by you Nana!" Ruby laughed heartily. "We redheads are hard to resist."

Mina says, As for your marriage, of course you'll wear white. I think that you and George make for an adorable couple. Unlike James and myself, you and George are both quite different, but your differences seem to compliment one another." Ruby’s smile diminished somewhat. "I am happy to hear you think we are a good match Nana. Sometimes I worry and have my doubts... not that we are a good match but that I am doing the right thing. For George that is. He has such an important life ahead of him and I wonder if I am just a distraction."

Abby was on her way back downstairs when Fish came bounding up. "I think you went to a better party than I did," she laughed. "Nice neck decorations you have there." He blushes and continues on upstairs without commenting. Fish returns from his room with Wilamina's prize, wrapped in a black cloth. He sets it down before her and takes a seat across the table, running his fingers through his tangled hair. It is a smallish shallow box, measuring 10" long x 4" wide x 2" deep, with a broad sliding lid. The sides are carved with cresting waves, either end with leaping fish, and the lid is etched with a large abstract design of intersecting knots. In the heart of each of three knots is embedded a fat black pearl.

Mina attempts a few spell in an attempt to open it, without success. She then goes and finds Luiz, the group's most powerful spellcaster but he too is upable to get it to open. Alsoomse examines the box and says, "Not just Atlantian, but early Atlantian, at least 4,000 years old. This may take some research to try to get it opened. I would suggest that we be very careful with it." "May I see it?" Ruby asks as she takes a closer look at the box. "Any chance you think I could open it?"

"You're welcome to try as long as you don't break it," Luiz states as he enters the room. Ruby smiled as she took the box. How would she know if she was going to break it until it was broken? She looked the box over carefully, turning it around and around in her hands as she searched for any kind of opening or crack she could manipulate. She used her skill to detect magic on it as she searched it thoroughly. She manages to locate what she believes to be a small keyhole, but after twenty minutes of manipulating lock-picks is still unsuccessful at getting it to open.

"Well, there must be something great inside or why go through such trouble of locking it? And if it's really old... Maybe it's the secret to Atlantis," Ruby teased. "I am certain one of our scholars will enjoy researching this," she said, handing it back to her Nana. She then asks, "Ben, where did you find that?" "Oh, I know some people who know some people back in New Orleans..." says Fish, throttling his own smirk. "That certainly is mysterious Ben. I wonder if we know any of the same people," Ruby smiled.

At around a quarter after eleven the men take a break from the digging and come upstairs to clean up before lunch. Jemima arrives shortly thereafter with a meal of breaded fried fish, corn on the cob, long-grain rice, orange-lemon bread and peach pie. Ruby says to Ben and Mina, "Well, let's have some lunch while we ponder what's inside the box." As he wipes his hands on a towel, Lawrence says, "Mmm. Miss Jemima, that smells heavenly. How do you do it?"

Once again they enjoy a delicious meal delivered by Jemima. Feeling more than a little guilty at having left the men to do the digging when she was perfectly capable of helping, Abby made herself useful during the lunch, keeping plates and glasses full. Despite her strength, she had never been particularly hardy, usually suffering at night for her labors during the day. Abby asks, "How goes the work? Do you need me to come down and lend a hand? I certainly can." Sol states, "We're really making a lot of headway today, the wheelbarrows are two-thirds full already. Feel free to lend a hand if you wish."

Afterwards Ruby asks, "So now that the ball is over, do we have anything to look forward to, aside from digging and digging?" Mina says, "Aren't you and George dining tonight with those actors?" "Oh right! I had forgotten. I'm so absentminded these days. I wonder why that is..." She shrugged. "Oh well. Thanks for reminding me Nana. Anything we should know about them before we join them for a meal?" Mina replies, "From what I hear, if you play to her ego you'll do just fine." Ruby states, "Well, I can do that... although I don't particularly enjoy doing that. Should be an interesting night out anyway."

Before the diggers return to work a large dual paddlewheel freighter is spotted on the river, turning around to the west and coming back to dock alongside the Magnificence. "It looks like our ship The Frolic has arrived," James states. James leads several of the group down to the water. They look out at the ship that is anchoring nearby. The 230-foot long schooner steamship has two center funnels, two rigging masts with sails and large paddlewheels on both sides. James gestures to it and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you 'The Frolic'."

Roy exclaims, "Yeah, right, call her whatever you want, but given all the trouble it took us to catch it I'd recognize the Confederate Naval Ship Advance anywhere." Thomas says, "Indeed, I do believe that Huggins is correct James. September of '64 I think it was. Is our past coming back to haunt us?" With a smile James says, "Absolutely, wait and see what comes next."

Once the ship is anchored a smaller boat is lowered and eight people row to shore. As it nears the land two men are clearly visible watching but not rowing with the other six crew. One is a large man in his early sixties with a round face with full beard and mustache. His hair is mostly dark but with some gray strands. The other is a rotund swarthy man with a long dark scraggly beard. Thomas exclaims, "As I live and breathe, John Wilkinson!"

James replies, "Sure, I figured that if I was hiring the Union's best Naval officer for one of our ships why not hire the Confederate's best for the other." Roy says, "I'll agree with that, after the chase he put us through with his ship Robert E. Lee back in late '63." Mina asks James, "The other man, isn't that your cousin Paolo?" James replies, "Yes, Paolo Vitalio is the ship's Executive Officer. The ship requires a wizard to execute many of its tricks. But the surprising thing is that I wasn't the one responsible for installing those or hiring Paolo, Wilkinson did all of that himself before the AGELESS Corporation was even an idea."

Ruby asks, "James, what do you use the Frolic for?” He says, He replies, "That is the freighter that carries all of the AGELESS Corporation's legitimate cargo from the indigenous people from our ports to the various other ports of trade." She then asks, “And aren't you concerned as to what will happen with these two Captains who were on opposing sides of the war come together?" James says, "Oh no, they've both put that behind them, and I wasn't the one who introduced them to one another anyway. My cousin Paolo did that close to two years ago."
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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-nine, “The Doorway", September 5th, 1882, 3:00 P.M.

The crew of the Magnificence return, having taken the smaller vessel 'Ageless Journey' into the city on a supply run. Once the supplies are unloaded the crew of the 'Frolic' sail off west to the city, to enjoy a night on the town. While James is careful not to mention any of the AGELESS secrets within earshot the crews of the two ship, it becomes apparent that there are no secrets from the officers, as Captains Winslow and Wilkinson as well as James's cousin Paolo all join the digging crew downstairs in the tunnel. Digging resumes with the tunnel now 140 feet long and an estimated 80 feet below the hilltop.

A short while later, as the diggers are filling the final of the wheelbarrows, when a loud 'Thunk' is heard when Thomas's shovel strikes a vertical surface before them. The “Thunk!” resonates through the cave. "I think that is what we might be looking for! Lets see what we've got here." Nanuet says rushing over near Thomas to get a closer look at what made the "thunk". "Ho ho. What do we have here?" Lawrence drops his shovel and begins to clear dirt from the hard surface. "Shovels won't help now. We'll have to use our hands. Someone get James."

Captain Wilkinson heads upstairs to fetch James. The swarthy Portuguese wizard Paolo asks the others to step back, and the casts a spell. As people are watching, all of the dirt before them begins to turn to a brownish liquid and drip downward into a muddy heap on the ground. What is revealed is a stone wall with a set of stone double doors, each four-feet wide and eight feet tall. There are no hinges or keyholes on the door. To the left of the doorway mounted to the stone wall is a bronze plaque, eight inches square, with an octagonal indentation in the center.

George had spent the morning finishing getting the photography lab set up. He had everything put away and set up, ready for developing. He was making a list of photographs the corporation should have, people, the house, the ships. The commotion downstairs draws him out and he hears the muttering claims. On a hunch he grabs his camera and heads downstairs.

Ruby was in the lounge area when the Captain came up to fetch James. Being the curious sort, she overheard the commotion. "Have you found the doors??" She asked excitedly, jumping up from her chair. She went to tell George but he was already in motion gathering up his camera and equipment. They excitedly hurried down the tunnel to see what the fuss was about.

"Oh my," Ruby said as she checked over the door. "We're obviously not getting in by any normal means." She stood in front of the door and used a detect magic to determine where, if any, magic was concentrated. The entire door lights up as magical, as does the bronze plaque. "Whoa! There is a lot of magic here. Does anyone have any sort of key? Didn't someone find something that might fit here?" she exclaims as she points to the plaque. Alsoomse arrives and examines the doorway and plaque. She says, "Interesting but odd, there's no writing. I've never known of the Atlantians to create something without Altantian runes on it."

"May I?" Abigail asked and moved to the front. She had learned long ago not to just touch something like this, so she studied it with her eyes, racking her brain for anything familiar about it. Abby moves forward and examines the plaque. She casts a spell, a special variation of Detect Magic specifically made for ancient runes that she learned from a Romanian woman while on the Archeaological dig in England. "There is writing here, Alsoomse, it's magically hidden. Two lines of runes above, just here," she pointed above the octagon, "And another two just below. I only saw them very briefly."

Fish barks excitedly, "Alsoomse! My coin! You said that its runes meant 'door' in Atlantian!" He retrieves from his left sleeve the large gold eight-sided sovereign that he 'liberated' from Sir Guilleault's flat in New Orleans. Alsoomse examines both sides of the coin to determine which one has markings that that excactly match the indentations in the plaque. She then places the coin inside. The plaque begins to cast light, but not from either the coin or bronze rectangle, but instead from the magical script that Abigail had seen, which now glow a reddish-gold color that all can read.

Alsoomse says, "The top lines are easy, they are in the more common Atlantean language. They read: The gateway to the world awaits those who are worthy to enter. The lower lines appear to be an incantation. That will take me a while longer as they are in a rare dialect of the language reserved only for the Emperor and senior Elders of Altantean Society. I'm guessing that we will not want to have me accidentally mispronounce any of the words. I'll go and get my textbooks and notes to work out the exact phrasing." James says, "Yes, best to exercise caution, we're too close to get this wrong now. I think I'll go wash up and change clothes while you complete your research."

Ruby hopped up and down in excitement a few times, squeezing George's hand as she did. "This is SO exciting! I'm DYING to know what it's like on the other side! James, is there anything we should do while we wait?" George squeezes Ruby's hand back and then lets go, "Ok, everybody back, I want to get a picture while the runes are glowing." as everyone backs away George gets a couple of plates exposed.

Alsoomse arrives carrying a number of textbooks and hand written notes. Some planks are placed across a wheelbarrow, making a temporary table for her. She spends the next half-hour cross-referencing the books and writing down various words on paper in both Atlantian script and English. Nanuet assists Alsoomse with the books, helping to carry those that she needs and sorting them and handing her the ones she needs as she asks while watching closely over her shoulder.

James returns, having cleaned up and changed into more formal clothes. "A bit overdressed aren't you?" Sol asks. He replies, "I don't know, you never know who you're going to meet." "Always the optimist," Roy interjects. Lawrence snorts, "Yeah, James learned that when he met the Brazilian ambassador. Answered the door without a shirt on. He turned red as a beet." James laughs, "Don't remind me! But at least in that case he was rather forgiving of my lack of attire, given that he desperately needed our help stop a war."

Lawrence allows, "There was that. Ah, those were the days." He adds wistfully. "When did we get old? This is the most excitement I've had in a while." James says, "What do you mean 'we'? I'm only one-hundred-and-two, still young enough for this adventuring life!" Lawrence says, "Then I just might have to take the anti-aging treatment. I can't wait to see what's behind this door."

Alsoomse holds up her hand and says, "Give me just a few more minutes, I almost have it. It appears to be a sung incantation, as there are hints to the musical inflections. I want to be able to get it exactly right." Fish looks at Alsoomse, and then glances at Ruby. "They both sing. Wow. Just wow!" he thinks to himself. "Can I help?" Ruby asks Alsoomse. Alsoomse nods yes.

George took the opportunity while Alsoomse translated to head back upstairs and store the plates he just took in the dark and grabbed his travel bag he had been packing. He brought his experimental camera that uses film. That would be a much lighter camera to bring. He grabbed his gun and other gear as well as a light weight tripod for the camera.

"I'll be right back, mes amis!" says Fish, as he heads upstairs to collect his gear. "I should do the same," Abby said quietly, but didn't move right away. She had put on her spectacles and was closely watching Alsoomse and trying not to disturb her at the same time. She finally did go upstairs and grab her tool-kit as well as her gun and spellpouch, then hurried back down.

Alsoomse says, "Okay I think I have it. Please pay attention to the words and notes Ruby, you may need to use this at some point in the future. The incantation is in the elite Altantian dialect and the best English translation that I can give is 'Help us now to enter the Doorway to the World, to share our culture for the betterment of all humanoid life'.
Ruby listened closely to the words and tone Alsoosme spoke; this was easy for her to pick up being naturally gifted in the musical arts. She looked on curiously to see if anything would happen.

Alsoomse sings, "Sat-is Key-leb tem Ad-lan-tis-ay, Kom-tbe pak Bash-e-be Kwet-ipe Tine-mosh-ep Dow-er". Nothing happens. She says, "Don't dispair, there was one word I was uncertain of, Key-leb means 'Doorway', Key-lob means the phrase 'Chamber beyond the Doorway', I'll try that variation." She then sings: "Sat-is Key-lob tem Ad-lan-tis-ay, Kom-tbe pak Bash-e-be Kwet-ipe Tine-mosh-ep Dow-er".

The metal plaque then begins to glow brightly, following by a faint glow from the doorway as the doors part in the center sliding into the walls on either side. Beyond the doors is a large darkened room. A light begins to glow in the room's center, soon illuminating the entire chamber. The room is octagonal in size, forty-feet from each wall to the opposite, and twenty-feet in height, made entirely of polished stone.

There is a stone doorway on each of the eight walls that appears to be identical in size to the one that just opened. To the left of each interior door is a bronze plaque with an octagonal 'keyhole' indentation identical in size to the one they used on the outside of this door. In the center of the room is an octagonal stone altar, three feet in diameter at its base and half that width at it's top four feet above the floor. The top of the alter has its own bronze octagonal plaque, with three octagonal indentations of different sizes, two larger than the indentations on the other doorways and one smaller. On the ceiling above the alter is a sealed octagonal stone door fifteen-feet in diameter and cut so that the stones are in eight equal-sized triangular pieces.

George headed back downstairs in time to see the door open up. As the room illuminates, George takes a picture. With a grin mirroring Ruby's, he takes her by the hand and heads into the chamber, keen to see what is on the altar. James, Mina and Alsoomse enter the octagonal chamber while Luiz continues to examine the plaque on the wall outside. James comments "We're no longer in Florida, I believe that this room itself is actually in another dimension." "Yes, you can feel the difference, can't you?" Abby said distractedly. She moved to the center of the room and began to examine the altar.

Nanuet hung back and watched the others carefully. They seem OK he thought to himself. Once Abby had entered he slowly moved forward, practically tiptoeing into the chamber. James looks at the altar and comments "Hmmm, it appears that this one may require three keys instead of one, none of which we happen to have." Abby says, "Mmmhmm. Any reason to think it's unsafe to cast a spell in this room? I'd like to go up and get a closer look at this ceiling." Alsoomse says, "I would imagine that this chamber would be receptive to spell casting."

Ruby says, "Oh. So we got in but we can't go anywhere. That's a bummer." She wandered around the chamber, she could feel the oldness of it in the air. George wanted to look at the altar so she went with him. Then she looked at the doors. "Oh wait, so maybe only the altar needs three keys but the doors need only one? That must be it! So I wonder where this one goes, maybe it goes to Atlantis!"

Alsoomse looks at the octagonal indentation on the door that Ruby is beside and says, "It does appear to be exactly the same size as the one in the plaque outside." Ruby says, "Well, let's put the key in the door and find out where it goes!" Luiz removes the key from the outside keyhole and enters the chamber. They look around at the other seven inside doorways, deciding which to place the key into when the doorway to Florida abruptly closes, sealing them all inside.

Lawrence had waited outside while the others entered. He chews some beef jerky as he watches them discuss the chamber's purpose. Then the door slams shut. He gets to his feet and calls out, "James, Alsoomse? Is every thing OK?" Those inside do not her Lawrence. Fish speaks up, "My friends, I'm not claustrophobic, but I've found myself on the wrong side of a locked chamber once or twice in my life. If this place is airtight, we have only a few minutes before we choke to death!"

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