Mayan Heiroglyphs tell of "Great War"! Great Campaign Idea!

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I love it, it's gotta be at least a part of the background of my campaign now(mayhaps the PCs discover ruins with hieroglyphs like that, might help explain why a seemingly friendly kingdom is being viciously attacked by hordes of undead?).

If you are looking for an interesting book of ideas in that part of the world, you may want to take a look at some sections in the Book of Mormon. All religious questions aside (please, or PM me), it contains a history of two groups of people -- the Nephites and the Lamanites -- in that part of the world. Great game ideas including huge wars and political manuvering eventually leading to the downfall of the Nephite nation.

It is divided into books, but the last half of the book of Alma, the first half of the book of Heleman, the book of Ether, the book of Mormon (he was the compiler of the records that went into the Book of Mormon) all contain some great ideas for campaigns.

Hand of Evil

My question is what took them so long to look at those bottom eighteen step to read about it! I mean a tree is up rooted to expose the history but one one realized there was anything there until then.

It is Indian Jones, when the Germans did not think that there was anything on the back of the head piece of the staff of Ra!

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