Looking for a monster card solution


I am in dire need of a solution to put monsters on a card. I'd kill for the ability to export from the Monster Builder or Compendium to a nice stat card. Anyone know of anything like this?

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David Jose
I don't have a good way to transfer the information onto cards, but I built something into my Excel DM program that imports monsters from Adventure Tools and stuffs them into a comment box. Basically it makes it so that you can hover your mouse over a monster in the initiative program and it'll show you the monster's full stats.

You might be able to figure out a way to hammer that into a format that makes you happy, but there are a lot of monsters, at every level of play, that are going to feel really really crowded on a 2.5 x 3.5 inch card.

the Jester

The formatting might be slightly tricky, but you could arrange them on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of cardstock and then cut to whatever size worked for each monster.


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I use Monster Maker, Asmor's Monster Maker, which exports to individual HTML files.

Being fairly good with HTML, I drop those into some side-by-side tables, and print them out so that I tend to get 4 monsters on a single 8.5"x11", which I could print onto cardstock if I wanted, but instead just tend to keep on a big sheet.

As I rarely have more than four monster types in a single combat, I just go with "one sheet per combat", and squeeze in environmental effects if I can spare the space.

I even use MM to print up RAW monsters, if I'm using them.


I really want a card solution. With those collectible card holders for folders I can use a couple of them to put each monster in initiative order with cards for the PC's as well. Having all that information organised like that would go a long way towards making combat smooth and easy to run.

Double-sided is fine as that just requires a quick flip of the page.


First Post
This should work.

The Maptool Vitual Table Top. Download the Vegiesamma 4e rule framework. I think this allows you to paste from The DDI Compendium. It then "parses" this into a monster stat block, with macros and stuff.

If all you are interested are the pics, you an take screenshots of the pretty pics the framework generates.

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