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Why is prose not art?

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I'm a wannabe author. Having only just found the storm which mythusmage stirred up in a now closed thread I feel lead to write a few words.

1. While I don't like all of the art in this forum, I can't draw at all and so admire the skill and passion with which every artist here approaches their work. Also, I thank you for making your work available to me. I've found some inspiration in more than one picture.

2. Piratecat, I don't understand why fiction is not art. I'm not trolling and I have no counter argument, I just am puzzled by your statement.

3. Mythusmage - you fell victim to a classic blunder. The first is never get involved in a land war in Asia. Somewhat less well known is this - never start a fight that you can't win.

I hope I haven't violated any rules by referrencing a closed thread.

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I didn't see the statement that you're referring to, but prose is DEFINITELY art. This just isn't the forum for that particular type of art. That's more for the Story Hour. While I haven't written much on my own Story Hour recently, I still head over there to read quite a bit. I'd love to see what you've got.


NoOneofConsequence said:
I hope I haven't violated any rules by referrencing a closed thread.

You have, I'm afraid. Next time please shoot me an email instead of posting about a closed thread. But I'll gladly comment before I close this one. :)

Cthuluftaghn got it in one. Prose is art; this is just the wrong forum for it. My apologies for being less specific than I should have been! And as CF mentioned, the story hour forum is the right place for fiction, short stories, and the like.
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