• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Leif's All-Eladrin DweomerFall Saga, [4E] [OOC 01] [full]



I'm trying something different with this game now, and not only am I unsure whether it will work, I'm also presently unable to describe what it is that I'm trying/experimenting with. If anyone has any questions or gripes (Dare I hope for a positive comment? -- I have yet to understand how to mention positive comments without seeming like I'm fishing for compliments so feel free to disregard that last), please express them here in the OOC so we can keep the IC for the actual game.

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I'd say something, but any attempt I made to be positive would undoubtedly come out as something smart-ass instead as you know all too well. But I will say this game is working for me.


Thanks, Scotty! Just wasn't too sure, what with it being kinda weird, and Shayuri quitting and all. Sorry for my crappy insecurity. :]
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Ummmm, yeah, that's two, that I guess I can count as still interested. One for sure. But there are two others who remain so far silent. 0.500 is only good in baseball. :-S

And I suppose the 0.500 might be overly generous, which puts us at a confidence vote of 0.250.
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So. Are we going forward with this game or not? Going on now? Or perhaps putting it on a hiatus temporarily with the intention to pick it back up with renewed vigor later? Or just .. ahhh ... not so much , no thanks?


Sorry, I've been in the midst of annual review by the state at work and plan to be on vacation with limited Internet access next week, so I've not been able to participate much. I will be back in business after October 6th.


Hang in there during annual review, and thoroughly enjoy your vacation! :D

BTW, I'm taking this as confirmation of your desire to continue this game. Will NPC Quarion as needed during your absence.

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